Database structure: ------------------- * plat/al uses a single database instead of 5. The new database is built from scratch and *must* not be x4dat. * most tables of the database are prefixed by the category of the table: - account -> related to user account (identifier master, password, permissions) - profile -> related to the directory - email, aliases, virtual -> related to email management - group -> related to - forum -> related to innd and banana - ... * some table does not follow this convention and may be renamed in the future. * account identifiers are called uid (hruid for a human readable identifier for display purpose) * profile identifiers are called pid (hrpid for a human readable identifier for display purpose) * most tables have been switched to innodb in order to use foreign keys in a future release. Configuration changes: ---------------------- * Core.dbdb must be set to the name of the new database. * Banana.table_prefix is deprecated Affected services: ------------------ News: * authentication must use account + account_types with weakpass. * forums base dropped and moved to forum_ namespace. Email: * auth_user_md5.smtppass -> accounts.weak_password. This password is NULL when empty, but a check must be added for empty passwords. * auth_user_md5.mail_storage -> * -> aliases.uid * virtual* and emails should be unchanged