{**************************************************************************} {* *} {* Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Polytechnique.org *} {* http://opensource.polytechnique.org/ *} {* *} {* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *} {* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *} {* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *} {* (at your option) any later version. *} {* *} {* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *} {* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *} {* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *} {* GNU General Public License for more details. *} {* *} {* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *} {* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *} {* Foundation, Inc., *} {* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *} {* *} {**************************************************************************} {literal} {/literal}
{assign var=photo value=$profile->getPhoto(false)} {if $photo}Photo de {$profile->fullName()}{/if} {if $logged && $view->isVisible(#Visibility::EXPORT_AX#) && ( $profile->section|smarty:nodefaults || $profile->getBinets()|smarty:nodefaults || ($owner && $owner->groups(true,true)|smarty:nodefaults))}

À l'X…

{if $profile->section}
Section : {$profile->section}
{/if} {assign var=binets value=$profile->getBinets()} {if $binets|@count}
Binet{if count($binets) > 1}s{/if} : {', '|implode:$profile->getBinetsNames()}
{/if} {if $owner && $view->isVisible(#Visibility::EXPORT_AX#)} {assign var=groups value=$owner->groups(true,true)} {if $groups|@count}
Groupe{if count($groups) > 1}s{/if} et institution{if count($groups) > 1}s{/if} X :
{foreach from=$groups item=group name=groups} {if !$smarty.foreach.groups.first}, {/if} {$group.nom} {/foreach}
{/if} {/if} {/if} {assign var=networking value=$profile->getNetworking(#Profile::NETWORKING_ALL#)} {if count($networking) > 0}

Sur le web...

{foreach from=$networking item=network} {$network.name} {if $network.link} {$network.address} {else} {$network.address} {/if}
{/foreach} {/if} {if $profile->freetext}

Commentaires :

{$profile->freetext|miniwiki|smarty:nodefaults} {/if}
{if $profile->isFemale()}•{/if} {if $view->isVisible(#Visibility::EXPORT_PRIVATE#)}{$profile->private_name}{else}{$profile->public_name}{/if} {if $logged}  {if !$profile->isDead()}{* *}{icon name=vcard title="Afficher la carte de visite"}{/if} {if !$smarty.session.user->isContact($profile)} {icon name=add title="Ajouter à mes contacts"} {else} {icon name=cross title="Retirer de mes contacts"} {/if} {if hasPerm('admin')} {icon name=wrench title="administrer user"} {/if} {if $smarty.session.user->isMyProfile($profile)} {icon name="user_edit" title="Modifier ma fiche"} {elseif hasPerm('admin') || $smarty.session.user->canEdit($profile)} {icon name=user_edit title="modifier la fiche"} {/if} {/if}
{if $logged && $view->isVisible(#Visibility::EXPORT_AX#) && $owner && $owner->state eq 'active'}
Fiche mise à jour
le {$profile->last_change|date_format}
{/if} {* 121634816 is Profile::PHONE_LINK_PROFILE | Profile::PHONE_TYPE_ANY = 0x7400000 *} {assign var=phones value=$profile->getPhones(121634816)} {if ($logged && $view->isVisible(#Visibility::EXPORT_AX#)) || count($phones) > 0}
{if $logged && $view->isVisible(#Visibility::EXPORT_AX#)} {/if} {if count($phones) > 0}
{display_phones tels=$phones dcd=$profile->isDead()}
{foreach from=$profile->nationalities() item=country key=code} {$code}  {/foreach} {$profile->promo('details')} {if $logged && $view->isVisible(#Visibility::EXPORT_AX#) && $profile->mentor_expertise} [Ma fiche référent] {/if} {assign var=educations value=$profile->getEducations(32)} {if count($educations) > 0}
    {foreach from=$educations item=edu}
  • {display_education edu=$edu profile=$profile full=true}
  • {/foreach}
{/if} {assign var=corps value=$profile->getCorps()} {if $corps && ($corps->current || $corps->original)}
    {if $corps->current}
  • Corps actuel : {$corps->current_name} {if $corps->current_rank}({$corps->current_rank}){/if}
  • {/if} {if $corps->current != $corps->original && $corps->original}
  • Corps d'origine : {$corps->original_name}
  • {/if}
{assign var=addr value=$profile->getAddresses(3)} {if count($addr) > 0}

Contact :

{if $profile->isDead()} {assign var=address_name value="Dernière adresse"} {else} {assign var=address_name value="Adresse"} {/if} {foreach from=$addr item="address" name=addresses} {if $smarty.foreach.addresses.iteration is even} {assign var=pos value="right"} {else} {assign var=pos value="left"} {/if} {if $address->hasFlag('current')} {include file="geoloc/address.tpl" address=$address titre_div=true titre=$address_name|@cat:" actuelle :" for="`$profile->firstname` `$profile->lastname`" pos=$pos phones=null} {elseif $address->hasFlag('secondary')} {include file="geoloc/address.tpl" address=$address titre_div=true titre=$address_name|@cat:" secondaire :" for="`$profile->firstname` `$profile->lastname`" pos=$pos phones=null} {else} {include file="geoloc/address.tpl" address=$address titre_div=true titre=$address_name|@cat:" principale :" for="`$profile->firstname` `$profile->lastname`" pos=$pos phones=null} {/if} {if $smarty.foreach.addresses.iteration is even}
{/if} {/foreach}
{/if} {assign var=jobs value=$profile->getJobs(2)} {if count($jobs) > 0}

Informations professionnelles :

{foreach from=$jobs item="job" key="i"} {if $i neq 0}
{/if} {include file="include/emploi.tpl" job=$job} {assign var=jobPhones value=$job->phones()} {if $job->address()} {include file="geoloc/address.tpl" address=$job->address() titre="Adresse : " for=$job->company->name pos="left" phones=$jobPhones} {elseif $jobPhones|@count neq 0} {display_phones tels=$jobPhones} {/if}
{/if} {assign var=medals value=$profile->getMedals()} {if count($medals) > 0}

Distinctions :

{foreach from=$medals item=m}
{$m.text}{if $m.level} ({$m.level}){/if}
{/if} {if $logged && $profile->cv}

Curriculum Vitae :

{/if} {if $view->level() eq #Visibility::VIEW_PUBLIC#}
Cette fiche est publique et visible par tout internaute,
vous pouvez aussi voir celle réservée aux X.
{elseif $view->level() eq #Visibility::VIEW_AX#}
Cette fiche est privée et ne recense que les informations transmises à l'AX.
{* vim:set et sw=2 sts=2 sws=2 enc=utf-8: *}