{**************************************************************************} {* *} {* Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Polytechnique.org *} {* http://opensource.polytechnique.org/ *} {* *} {* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *} {* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *} {* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *} {* (at your option) any later version. *} {* *} {* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *} {* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *} {* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *} {* GNU General Public License for more details. *} {* *} {* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *} {* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *} {* Foundation, Inc., *} {* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *} {* *} {**************************************************************************}

Réconciliation - {$title}

{if $step eq 'list'}
{foreach from=$recongps item=recongp} {assign var='sum1' value='0'} {assign var='sum2' value='0'} {assign var='sum3' value='0'} {if $recongp.id} {/if} {foreach from=$recongp.recons item=recon} {assign var='sum1' value=`$sum1+$recon.payment_count`} {assign var='sum2' value=`$sum2+$recon.sum_amounts`} {assign var='sum3' value=`$sum3+$recon.sum_commissions`} {/foreach} {if $recongp.id} {/if} {/foreach}
 idmethodduaustatuttransactionstotal (€)coms (€)actions
  non régroupées
  Créer une nouvelle réconciliation {icon name=add title='nouvelle réconciliation'}
  groupe ID {$recongp.id} {icon name=delete title='supprimer'}
{if $recon.status eq 'transfering'} {else}   {/if} {$recon.id} {$recon.method} {$recon.period_start} {$recon.period_end} {$recon.status} {$recon.payment_count} {$recon.sum_amounts} {$recon.sum_commissions} {if $recongp.id} {else}{icon name=delete title='supprimer'}{/if}
  total : {$sum1} {$sum2|string_format:"%.2f"} {$sum3|string_format:"%.2f"}  
{assign var='sum' value='0'} {foreach from=$recongp.transfers item=transfer} {assign var='sum' value=`$sum+$transfer.amount`} {/foreach}
{$transfer.id} {if $transfer.date}{$transfer.date}{else}à virer{/if} {$transfer.message} {$transfer.owner} {$transfer.amount} {if !$transfer.date}{icon name=tick title='Confirmer la réalisation'}{/if} {icon name=page_edit title='Éditer'}
  total : {$sum|string_format:"%.2f"} - coms = {$sum-$sum3|string_format:"%.2f"}  

{elseif $step eq 'step1'} {foreach from=$methods item=method} {/foreach}
Choix de la méthode de paiement
{elseif $step eq 'step2'} {include core=csv-importer.tpl} {elseif $step eq 'step3'}
Récapitulatif des informations de réconciliation
ID de la méthode de paiement: {$recon.method_id}
Début de période : jj/mm/aaaa
Fin de période : jj/mm/aaaa
Nombre de transactions : {$recon.payment_count}
Total des paiements : {$recon.sum_amounts|string_format:"%.2f"|replace:'.':','}€ (environ {$recon.sum_amounts/$recon.payment_count|string_format:"%.2f"|replace:'.':','}€/paiement)
Total des commissions : {$recon.sum_commissions|string_format:"%.2f"|replace:'.':','}€ (environ {$recon.sum_commissions/$recon.sum_amounts*100|string_format:"%.2f"|replace:'.':','}%)

À l'étape suivante, une comparaison entre les transactions existantes et la liste importé va être réalisée.
Vérification à faire :

{elseif $step eq 'step4'}

ok : {$ok_count}
differ : {$differ_count}
onlydb : {$onlydb_count}
onlyim : {$onlyim_count}
total (excepted onlydb) : {$ok_count+$differ_count+$onlyim_count} (doit être égal à {$recon.payment_count})

Enregistrements avec champs qui diffèrent

{if $differ_count ne 0} {foreach from=$differs item=i} {/foreach}
Référencemethod_idDate MontantComStatut recon_idAction



Enregistrements uniquement dans la base

{if $onlydb_count ne 0} {assign var='headerstatus' value='doheader'} {foreach from=$only_database item=i} {if $headerstatus eq 'doheader'} {assign var='headerstatus' value='headerdone'} {foreach from=$i key=k item=v} {/foreach} {/if} {foreach from=$i key=k item=v} {/foreach} {/foreach}



Enregistrements uniquement dans l'import

{if $onlyim_count ne 0} {assign var='headerstatus' value='doheader'} {foreach from=$only_import item=i} {if $headerstatus eq 'doheader'} {assign var='headerstatus' value='headerdone'} {foreach from=$i key=k item=v} {/foreach} {/if} {foreach from=$i key=k item=v} {/foreach} {/foreach}




Les tableaux si dessus ne seront pas enregistrés, il convient donc de reprendre leur contenu dans le champ de commentaires si dessous, si nécesssaire.



{else} {* defaults to "list" *} {assign var='dontshowback' value='dontshowback'} TODO: listing {/if} {if $dontshowback}

