in skin $PubDirUrl = './wiki'; #/ $WorkDir = '../spool/wiki.d'; $WikiDir = new PageStore('$FarmD/'.$WorkDir.'/$FullName'); $InterMapFiles[] = $globals->spoolroot.'plugins/pmwiki.intermap.txt'; $Skin = 'empty'; XLSDV('en', array('EnterAttributes' => "Entre ici les différents droit pour la page. Les champs laissés en blanc ne seront pas modifiés. Pour enlever une restriction ou une autorisation entre clear. Les différentes restrictions possibles sont : Le : à la fin de chaque mot clef est important. Tu peux également combiner plusieurs mots clefs avec and: ou des espaces (qui remplace le ou logique)
")); @include_once("$FarmD/cookbook/e-protect.php"); $DefaultPasswords['read'] = 'logged:'; $DefaultPasswords['edit'] = 'has_perms:'; $DefaultPasswords['attr'] = 'has_perms: and: identified:'; $DefaultPasswords['admin'] = 'has_perms: and: identified:'; $DefaultPasswords['upload'] = 'has_perms: and: identified:'; // Theme-ing {{{ ## The following lines make additional editing buttons appear in the ## edit page for subheadings, lists, tables, etc. $GUIButtons['h2'] = array(400, '\\n!! ', '\\n', '$[Heading]', '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/h2.gif"$[Heading]"'); $GUIButtons['h3'] = array(402, '\\n!!! ', '\\n', '$[Subheading]', '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/h3.gif"$[Subheading]"'); $GUIButtons['indent'] = array(500, '\\n->', '\\n', '$[Indented text]', '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/indent.gif"$[Indented text]"'); $GUIButtons['outdent'] = array(510, '\\n-<', '\\n', '$[Hanging indent]', '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/outdent.gif"$[Hanging indent]"'); $GUIButtons['ol'] = array(520, '\\n# ', '\\n', '$[Ordered list]', '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/ol.gif"$[Ordered (numbered) list]"'); $GUIButtons['ul'] = array(530, '\\n* ', '\\n', '$[Unordered list]', '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/ul.gif"$[Unordered (bullet) list]"'); $GUIButtons['hr'] = array(540, '\\n----\\n', '', '', '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/hr.gif"$[Horizontal rule]"'); $GUIButtons['table'] = array(600, '||border=1 width=80%\\n||!Hdr ||!Hdr ||!Hdr ||\\n|| || || ||\\n|| || || ||\\n', '', '', '$GUIButtonDirUrlFmt/table.gif"$[Table]"'); // set default author $Author = $_SESSION['forlife'].'|'.$_SESSION['prenom'].' '.$_SESSION['nom']; $InputTags['e_form'] = array( ':html' => "
"); // set profiles to point to plat/al fiche Markup('[[~platal', '<[[~', '/\[\[~([^|\]]*)\|([^\]]*)\]\]/e', 'PreserveText("=", \'$2\', "")'); // prevent restorelinks before block apply (otherwise [[Sécurité]] will give // .../Se9'>Sécurité Markup('restorelinks','<%%',"//", ''); ## [[#anchor]] in standard XHTML Markup('[[#','<[[','/(?>\\[\\[#([A-Za-z][-.:\\w]*))\\]\\]/e', "Keep(\"\",'L')"); Markup('tablebicol', '$2'); function doBicol($column=false) { global $TableRowIndexMax, $TableRowAttrFmt, $TableCellAttrFmt; $TableRowAttrFmt = "class='pair_pmwiki_\$TableRowCount'"; if ($column) { $TableCellAttrFmt = "class='$column'"; } } // }}} // {{{ Auth $AuthFunction = 'AuthPlatal'; $HandleAuth['diff'] = 'edit'; $HandleAuth['source'] = 'edit'; // impossible to see the diff without the source because of the smarty tags $DiffShow['source'] = 'y'; $DiffSourceFmt = ''; // for read pages: will come only once so we have to be careful // and translate any auth from the wiki to smarty auth function AuthPlatal($pagename, $level, $authprompt) { global $page; $page_read = ReadPage($pagename); $levels = array('read', 'attr', 'edit', 'upload'); if (S::identified() && S::has_perms()) { $page_read['=passwd'] = $passwds; $page_read['=pwsource'] = $pwsources; return $page_read; } // if we arrive here, the user doesn't have enough permission to access page // maybe it is because he is not identified if ($authprompt && !S::identified()) { require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../classes/Platal.php'; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../classes/PLModule.php'; $platal = new Platal(); $platal->force_login($page); } if (S::has_perms()) { $page->trig('Erreur : page Wiki inutilisable sur plat/al'); } $page->run(); } // }}} ?>