"sondage ouvert à tout le monde, anonyme", self::MODE_XANON => "sondage restreint aux polytechniciens, anonyme", self::MODE_XIDENT => "sondage restreint aux polytechniciens, non anonyme"); private static $shortModes = array(self::MODE_ALL => "tout le monde, anonyme", self::MODE_XANON => "polytechniciens, anonyme", self::MODE_XIDENT => "polytechniciens, non anonyme"); public static function getModes($long = true) { return ($long)? self::$longModes : self::$shortModes; } private static $types = array('text' => 'Texte court', 'textarea' => 'Texte long', 'num' => 'Numérique', 'radio' => 'Choix multiples (une rĂ©ponse)', 'checkbox' => 'Choix multiples (plusieurs rĂ©ponses)'); public static function getTypes() { return self::$types; } public static function isType($t) { return array_key_exists($t, self::$types); } // }}} // {{{ properties, constructor and basic methods private $id; private $title; private $description; private $end; private $mode; private $promos; private $valid; private $questions; public function __construct($args, $id = -1, $valid = false, $questions = null) { $this->update($args); $this->id = $id; $this->valid = $valid; $this->questions = ($questions == null)? array() : $questions; } public function update($args) { $this->title = $args['title']; $this->description = $args['description']; $this->end = $args['end']; $this->mode = (isset($args['mode']))? $args['mode'] : self::MODE_ALL; if ($this->mode == self::MODE_ALL) { $args['promos'] = ''; } $this->promos = ($args['promos'] == '' || preg_match('#^(\d{4}-?|(\d{4})?-\d{4})(,(\d{4}-?|(\d{4})?-\d{4}))*$#', $args['promos']))? $args['promos'] : '#'; } // }}} // {{{ functions to access general information public function isMode($mode) { return ($this->mode == $mode); } public function checkPromo($promo) { if ($this->promos == '') { return true; } $promos = explode(',', $this->promos); foreach ($promos as $p) { if ((preg_match('#^\d{4}$#', $p) && $p == $promo) || (preg_match('#^\d{4}-$#', $p) && intval(substr($p, 0, 4)) <= $promo) || (preg_match('#^-\d{4}$#', $p) && intval(substr($p, 1)) >= $promo) || (preg_match('#^\d{4}-\d{4}$#', $p) && intval(substr($p, 0, 4)) <= $promo && intval(substr($p, 5)) >= $promo)) { return true; } } return false; } public function isValid() { return $this->valid; } public function isEnded() { return (strtotime($this->end) - time() <= 0); } public function getTitle() { return $this->title; } // }}} // {{{ function toArray() : converts a question (or the whole survey) to array, with results if the survey is ended public function toArray($i = 'all') { if ($i != 'all' && $i != 'root') { // if a specific question is requested, then just returns this question converted to array $i = intval($i); if (array_key_exists($i, $this->questions)) { return $this->questions[$i]->toArray(); } else { return null; } } else { // else returns the root converted to array in any case $a = array('title' => $this->title, 'description' => $this->description, 'end' => $this->end, 'mode' => $this->mode, 'promos' => $this->promos, 'valid' => $this->valid, 'type' => 'root'); if ($this->id != -1) { $a['id'] = $this->id; } if ($this->isEnded()) { // if the survey is ended, then adds here the number of votes $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM survey_votes WHERE survey_id={?};'; $tot = XDB::query($sql, $this->id); $a['votes'] = $tot->fetchOneCell(); } if ($i == 'all' && count($this->questions) > 0) { // if the whole survey is requested, then returns all the questions converted to array $qArr = array(); for ($k = 0; $k < count($this->questions); $k++) { $q = $this->questions[$k]->toArray(); $q['id'] = $k; if ($this->isEnded()) { // if the survey is ended, then adds here the results of this question $sql = $this->questions[$k]->buildResultRequest(); if ($sql != '') { $q['result'] = XDB::iterator($sql, $this->id, $k); } } $qArr[$k] = $q; } $a['questions'] = $qArr; } return $a; } } // }}} // {{{ function toCSV() : builds a CSV file containing all the results of the survey public function toCSV($sep = ',', $enc = '"', $asep='|') { $nbq = count($this->questions); //require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../classes/varstream.php'; VarStream::init(); global $csv_output; $csv_output = ''; $csv = fopen('var://csv_output', 'w'); $line = ($this->isMode(self::MODE_XIDENT))? array('id', 'Nom', 'Prenom', 'Promo') : array('id'); for ($qid = 0; $qid < $nbq; $qid++) { $line[] = $this->questions[$qid]->getCSVColumn(); // the fist line contains the questions } $users = array(); if ($this->isMode(self::MODE_XIDENT)) { // if the mode is non anonymous $sql = 'SELECT v.id AS vid, a.nom, a.prenom, a.promo FROM survey_votes AS v INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS a ON a.user_id=v.user_id WHERE v.survey_id={?} ORDER BY vid ASC;'; $res = XDB::iterator($sql, $this->id); // retrieves all users data for ($u = $res->next(); $u != null; $u = $res->next()) { $users[$u['vid']] = array('nom' => $u['nom'], 'prenom' => $u['prenom'], 'promo' => $u['promo']); } } $sql = 'SELECT v.id AS vid, a.question_id AS qid, a.answer FROM survey_votes AS v LEFT JOIN survey_answers AS a ON a.vote_id=v.id WHERE v.survey_id={?} ORDER BY vid ASC, qid ASC;'; $res = XDB::iterator($sql, $this->id); // retrieves all answers from database $cur = $res->next(); $vid = -1; $vid_ = 0; $first = ($this->isMode(self::MODE_XIDENT))? 4 : 1; while ($cur != null) { if ($vid != $cur['vid']) { // if the vote id changes, then starts a new line fputcsv($csv, $line, $sep, $enc); // stores the former line into $csv_output $vid = $cur['vid']; $line = array_fill(0, $first + $nbq, ''); // creates an array full of empty string $line[0] = $vid_; // the first field is a 'clean' vote id (not the one stored in database) if ($this->isMode(self::MODE_XIDENT)) { // if the mode is non anonymous if (array_key_exists($vid, $users) && is_array($users[$vid])) { // and if the user data can be found $line[1] = $users[$vid]['nom']; // adds the user data (in the first fields of the line) $line[2] = $users[$vid]['prenom']; $line[3] = $users[$vid]['promo']; } } $vid_++; } $fid = $first + $cur['qid']; // computes the field id if ($line[$fid] != '') { // if this field already contains something $line[$fid] .= $asep; // then adds a separator before adding the new answer } $line[$fid] .= $cur['answer']; // adds the current answer to the correct field $cur = $res->next(); // gets next answer } fputcsv($csv, $line, $sep, $enc); // stores the last line into $csv_output return $csv_output; } // }}} // {{{ function factory($type, $args) : builds a question according to the given type public function factory($t, $args) { switch ($t) { case 'text': return new SurveyText($args); case 'textarea': return new SurveyTextarea($args); case 'num': return new SurveyNum($args); case 'radio': return new SurveyRadio($args); case 'checkbox': return new SurveyCheckbox($args); case 'personal': return new SurveyPersonal($args); default: return null; } } // }}} // {{{ questions manipulation functions public function addQuestion($i, $c) { $i = intval($i); if ($this->valid || $i > count($this->questions)) { return false; } else { array_splice($this->questions, $i, 0, array($c)); return true; } } public function delQuestion($i) { $i = intval($i); if ($this->valid || !array_key_exists($i, $this->questions)) { return false; } else { array_splice($this->questions, $i, 1); return true; } } public function editQuestion($i, $a) { if ($i == 'root') { $this->update($a); } else { $i = intval($i); if ($this->valid ||!array_key_exists($i, $this->questions)) { return false; } else { $this->questions[$i]->update($a); } } return true; } // }}} // {{{ function checkSyntax() : checks syntax of the questions (currently the root only) before storing the survey in database private static $errorMessages = array( "datepassed" => "la date de fin de sondage est déjà dépassée : vous devez préciser une date future", "promoformat" => "les restrictions à certaines promotions sont mal formattées" ); public function checkSyntax() { $rArr = array(); // checks that the end date given is not already passed // (unless the survey has already been validated : an admin can have a validated survey expired) if (!$this->valid && $this->isEnded()) { $rArr[] = array('question' => 'root', 'error' => self::$errorMessages["datepassed"]); } if ($this->promos != '' && !preg_match('#^(\d{4}-?|(\d{4})?-\d{4})(,(\d{4}-?|(\d{4})?-\d{4}))*$#', $this->promos)) { $rArr[] = array('question' => 'root', 'error' => self::$errorMessages["promoformat"]); } return (empty($rArr))? null : $rArr; } // }}} // {{{ functions that manipulate surveys in database // {{{ static function retrieveList() : gets the list of available survey (current, old and not validated surveys) public static function retrieveList($type, $tpl = true) { switch ($type) { case 'c': case 'current': $where = 'end > NOW()'; break; case 'o': case 'old': $where = 'end <= NOW()'; break; default: return null; } $sql = 'SELECT id, title, end, mode FROM survey_surveys WHERE '.$where.';'; if ($tpl) { return XDB::iterator($sql); } else { return XDB::iterRow($sql); } } // }}} // {{{ static function retrieveSurvey() : gets a survey in database (and unserialize the survey object structure) public static function retrieveSurvey($sid) { $sql = 'SELECT questions, title, description, end, mode, promos FROM survey_surveys WHERE id={?}'; $res = XDB::query($sql, $sid); $data = $res->fetchOneAssoc(); if (is_null($data) || !is_array($data)) { return null; } $survey = new Survey($data, $sid, true, unserialize($data['questions'])); return $survey; } // }}} // {{{ static function retrieveSurveyInfo() : gets information about a survey (title, description, end date, restrictions) but does not unserialize the survey object structure public static function retrieveSurveyInfo($sid) { $sql = 'SELECT title, description, end, mode, promos FROM survey_surveys WHERE id={?}'; $res = XDB::query($sql, $sid); return $res->fetchOneAssoc(); } // }}} // {{{ static function retrieveSurveyReq() : gets a survey request to validate public static function retrieveSurveyReq($id) { require_once 'validations.inc.php'; $surveyreq = Validate::get_request_by_id($id); if ($surveyreq == null) { return null; } $data = array('title' => $surveyreq->title, 'description' => $surveyreq->description, 'end' => $surveyreq->end, 'mode' => $surveyreq->mode, 'promos' => $surveyreq->promos); $survey = new Survey($data, $id, false, $surveyreq->questions); return $survey; } // }}} // {{{ function proposeSurvey() : stores a proposition of survey in database (before validation) public function proposeSurvey() { require_once 'validations.inc.php'; $surveyreq = new SurveyReq($this->title, $this->description, $this->end, $this->mode, $this->promos, $this->questions, S::v('uid')); return $surveyreq->submit(); } // }}} // {{{ function updateSurvey() : updates a survey in database (before validation) public function updateSurvey() { if ($this->valid) { $sql = 'UPDATE survey_surveys SET questions={?}, title={?}, description={?}, end={?}, mode={?}, promos={?} WHERE id={?};'; return XDB::execute($sql, serialize($this->questions), $this->title, $this->description, $this->end, $this->mode, $this->promos, $this->id); } else { require_once 'validations.inc.php'; $surveyreq = Validate::get_request_by_id($this->id); if ($surveyreq == null) { return false; } return $surveyreq->updateReq($this->title, $this->description, $this->end, $this->mode, $this->promos, $this->questions); } } // }}} // {{{ functions vote() and hasVoted() : handles vote to a survey public function vote($uid, $args) { XDB::execute('INSERT INTO survey_votes SET survey_id={?}, user_id={?};', $this->id, $uid); // notes the user as having voted $vid = XDB::insertId(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->questions); $i++) { $ans = $this->questions[$i]->checkAnswer($args[$i]); if (!is_null($ans) && is_array($ans)) { foreach ($ans as $a) { XDB::execute('INSERT INTO survey_answers SET vote_id = {?}, question_id = {?}, answer = {?}', $vid, $i, $a); } } } } public function hasVoted($uid) { $res = XDB::query('SELECT id FROM survey_votes WHERE survey_id={?} AND user_id={?};', $this->id, $uid); // checks whether the user has already voted return ($res->numRows() != 0); } // }}} // {{{ static function deleteSurvey() : deletes a survey (and all its votes) public static function deleteSurvey($sid) { $sql = 'DELETE s.*, v.*, a.* FROM survey_surveys AS s LEFT JOIN survey_votes AS v ON v.survey_id=s.id LEFT JOIN survey_answers AS a ON a.vote_id=v.id WHERE s.id={?};'; return XDB::execute($sql, $sid); } // }}} // {{{ static function purgeVotes() : clears all votes concerning a survey (I'm not sure whether it's really useful) public static function purgeVotes($sid) { $sql = 'DELETE v.*, a.* FROM survey_votes AS v LEFT JOIN survey_answers AS a ON a.vote_id=v.id WHERE v.survey_id={?};'; return XDB::execute($sql, $sid); } // }}} // }}} } // }}} // {{{ abstract class SurveyQuestion abstract class SurveyQuestion { // {{{ common properties, constructor, and basic methods private $question; private $comment; public function __construct($args) { $this->update($args); } public function update($a) { $this->question = $a['question']; $this->comment = $a['comment']; } abstract protected function getQuestionType(); // }}} // {{{ function toArray() : converts to array public function toArray() { return array('type' => $this->getQuestionType(), 'question' => $this->question, 'comment' => $this->comment); } // }}} // {{{ function checkSyntax() : checks question elements (before storing into database), not currently needed (with new structure) protected function checkSyntax() { return null; } // }}} // {{{ function checkAnswer : returns a correctly formatted answer (or nothing empty string if error) public function checkAnswer($ans) { return null; } // }}} // {{{ functions regarding the results of a survey public function buildResultRequest() { return ''; } public function getCSVColumn() { return $this->question; } // }}} } // }}} // {{{ abstract class SurveySimple and its derived classes : "open" questions // {{{ abstract class SurveySimple extends SurveyQuestion abstract class SurveySimple extends SurveyQuestion { public function checkAnswer($ans) { return array($ans); } public function buildResultRequest() { $sql = 'SELECT answer FROM survey_answers WHERE vote_id IN (SELECT id FROM survey_votes WHERE survey_id={?}) AND question_id={?} ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 5;'; return $sql; } } // }}} // {{{ class SurveyText extends SurveySimple : simple text field, allowing a few words class SurveyText extends SurveySimple { public function getQuestionType() { return "text"; } } // }}} // {{{ class SurveyTextarea extends SurveySimple : textarea field, allowing longer comments class SurveyTextarea extends SurveySimple { public function getQuestionType() { return "textarea"; } } // }}} // {{{ class SurveyNum extends SurveySimple : allows numerical answers class SurveyNum extends SurveySimple { public function checkAnswer($ans) { return array(intval($ans)); } protected function getQuestionType() { return "num"; } } // }}} // }}} // {{{ abstract class SurveyList and its derived classes : restricted questions that allows only a list of possible answers // {{{ abstract class SurveyList extends SurveyQuestion abstract class SurveyList extends SurveyQuestion { protected $choices; public function update($args) { parent::update($args); $this->choices = array(); foreach ($args['options'] as $val) { if (trim($val)) { $this->choices[] = $val; } } } public function toArray() { $rArr = parent::toArray(); $rArr['choices'] = $this->choices; return $rArr; } public function buildResultRequest() { $sql = 'SELECT answer, COUNT(id) AS count FROM survey_answers WHERE vote_id IN (SELECT id FROM survey_votes WHERE survey_id={?}) AND question_id={?} GROUP BY answer ASC'; return $sql; } public function getCSVColumn() { $r = parent::getCSVColumn(); if (empty($this->choices)) { return $r; } $r .= ' [0 => '.$this->choices[0]; for ($k = 1; $k < count($this->choices); $k++) { $r .= ', '.$k.' => '.$this->choices[$k]; } $r .= ']'; return $r; } } // }}} // {{{ class SurveyRadio extends SurveyList : radio question, allows one answer among the list offered class SurveyRadio extends SurveyList { public function checkAnswer($ans) { return (array_key_exists($ans, $this->choices))? array($ans) : null; } protected function getQuestionType() { return "radio"; } } // }}} // {{{ class SurveyCheckbox extends SurveyList : checkbox question, allows any number of answers among the list offered class SurveyCheckbox extends SurveyList { public function checkAnswer($ans) { $rep = array(); foreach ($ans as $a) { $a = intval($a); if (array_key_exists($a, $this->choices)) { $rep[] = $a; } } return (count($rep) == 0)? null : $rep; } protected function getQuestionType() { return "checkbox"; } } // }}} // }}} // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>