'site web', 'mail'=> 'redirection mail', 'smtp' => 'serveur sécurisé d\'envoi de mails', 'nntp' => 'serveur des forums de discussion'); $ret = Array(); foreach ($flags as $flag) { $ret[] = $trad[$flag]; } return implode(', ',$ret); } class StatsModule extends PLModule { function handlers() { return array( 'stats' => $this->make_hook('stats', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user'), 'stats/evolution' => $this->make_hook('evolution', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user'), 'stats/graph' => $this->make_hook('graph', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user'), 'stats/graph/evolution' => $this->make_hook('graph_evo', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user'), 'stats/promos' => $this->make_hook('promos', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user'), 'stats/coupures' => $this->make_hook('coupures', AUTH_PUBLIC), ); } function handler_stats($page) { $page->changeTpl('stats/index.tpl'); } function handler_evolution($page, $days = 365) { $page->changeTpl('stats/evolution_inscrits.tpl'); $page->assign('days', $days); } function handler_graph_evo($page, $days = 365) { $day_length = 24 * 3600; // Retrieve the registration count per days during the given date range. $res = XDB::iterRow('SELECT IF(registration_date > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL {?} DAY), TO_DAYS(registration_date) - TO_DAYS(NOW()), - {?}) AS day, COUNT(a.uid) AS nb FROM accounts AS a INNER JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (ap.uid = a.uid AND FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', ap.perms)) INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (ap.pid = p.pid) WHERE a.state = \'active\' AND p.deathdate IS NULL GROUP BY day', (int)$days, 1 + (int)$days); // The first contains the registration count before the starting date (J - $days) list(, $init_nb) = $res->next(); $total = $init_nb; $num_day = - $days - 1; $registered = ''; for ($i = -$days; $i <= 0; ++$i) { if ($num_day < $i) { if(!list($num_day, $nb) = $res->next()) { $num_day = 0; $nb = 0; } } if ($num_day == $i) { $total += $nb; } $registered .= date('d/m/y', $i * $day_length + time()) . ' ' . $total . "\n"; } //Genere le graphique à la volée avec GNUPLOT pl_cached_dynamic_content_headers("image/png"); $delt = ($total - $init_nb) / 10; $delt = $delt ? $delt : 5; $ymin = round($init_nb - $delt, 0); $ymax = round($total + $delt, 0); $gnuplot = <<next(); $first = $promo; $registered = $promo . ' ' . $count . "\n"; while ($next = $res->next()) { list($promo, $count) = $next; $registered .= $promo . ' ' . $count . "\n"; } $last = $promo + 2; // Generate drawing thanks to Gnuplot. $gnuplot = <<fetchOneCell(); // Retrieve the registration count per days during the given date range. $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT IF(a.registration_date > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL {?} DAY), TO_DAYS(a.registration_date) - TO_DAYS(NOW()), - {?}) AS day, COUNT(a.uid) AS nb FROM accounts AS a INNER JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (ap.uid = a.uid AND FIND_IN_SET('owner', ap.perms)) INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON (ap.pid = pd.pid) WHERE pd.promo = {?} AND a.state = 'active' GROUP BY day", (int)$days, 1 + (int)$days, $promo); // The first line contains the registration count before starting date (D - $days). list(, $init_nb) = $res->next(); $total = $init_nb; $registered = ''; list($num_day, $nb) = $res->next(); for ($i = -$days; $i <= 0; ++$i) { if ($num_day < $i) { if(!list($num_day, $nb) = $res->next()) { $num_day = 0; $nb = 0; } } if ($num_day == $i) { $total += $nb; } $registered .= date('d/m/y', $i * $day_length + time()) . ' ' . $total . "\n"; } // Generate drawing thanks to Gnuplot. $delt = ($total - $init_nb) / 10; $delt += ($delt < 1); $ymin = round($init_nb - $delt, 0); $ymax = round($total + $delt, 0); $gnuplot = <<changeTpl('stats/nb_by_promo.tpl'); $cycles = array('X' => 'Polytechniciens', 'M' => 'Masters', 'D' => 'Docteurs'); $res = XDB::iterRow('SELECT pd.promo, COUNT(*) FROM accounts AS a INNER JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (ap.uid = a.uid AND FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', ap.perms)) INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (p.pid = ap.pid) INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON (pd.pid = ap.pid) WHERE a.state = \'active\' AND p.deathdate IS NULL AND pd.promo != \'D (en cours)\' GROUP BY pd.promo ORDER BY pd.promo LIKE \'D%\', pd.promo LIKE \'M%\', pd.promo LIKE \'X%\', pd.promo'); $nbpromo = array(); while (list($promo, $count) = $res->next()) { $prefix = substr($promo, 0, 4) . '-'; $unit = substr($promo, -1); if(!isset($nbpromo[$cycles[$promo{0}]][$prefix])) { $nbpromo[$cycles[$promo{0}]][$prefix] = array('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); // Empty array containing 10 cells. } $nbpromo[$cycles[$promo{0}]][$prefix][$unit] = array('promo' => $promo, 'nb' => $count); } $count = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM accounts AS a INNER JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (ap.uid = a.uid AND FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', ap.perms)) INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (p.pid = ap.pid) INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON (pd.pid = ap.pid) WHERE a.state = \'active\' AND p.deathdate IS NULL AND pd.promo = \'D (en cours)\''); $nbpromo[$cycles['D']]['D (en cours)'][0] = array('promo' => 'D (en cours)', 'nb' => $count); $page->assign_by_ref('nbs', $nbpromo); $page->assign('promo', $required_promo); } function handler_coupures($page, $cp_id = null) { $page->changeTpl('stats/coupure.tpl'); if (!is_null($cp_id)) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT debut, TIME_FORMAT(duree,'%kh%i') AS duree, resume, description, services FROM downtimes WHERE id = {?}", $cp_id); $cp = $res->fetchOneAssoc(); } if(@$cp) { $cp['lg_services'] = serv_to_str($cp['services']); $page->assign_by_ref('cp',$cp); } else { $beginning_date = date("Ymd", time() - 3600*24*21) . "000000"; $sql = "SELECT id, debut, resume, services FROM downtimes where debut > '$beginning_date' order by debut desc"; $page->assign('coupures', XDB::iterator($sql)); $res = XDB::iterator("SELECT host, text FROM mx_watch WHERE state != 'ok'"); $page->assign('mxs', $res); } } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>