$this->make_hook('quick', AUTH_PUBLIC), 'search/adv' => $this->make_hook('advanced', AUTH_COOKIE), 'advanced_search.php' => $this->make_hook('redir_advanced', AUTH_PUBLIC), 'search/autocomplete' => $this->make_hook('autocomplete', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH), 'search/list' => $this->make_hook('list', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH), ); } function handler_redir_advanced(&$page, $mode = null) { pl_redirect('search/adv'); exit; } function form_prepare() { Platal::page()->assign('formulaire',1); } function get_diplomas($school = null) { if (is_null($school) && Env::has('school')) { $school = Env::i('school'); } if ((!is_null($school)) && ($school != '')) { $sql = 'SELECT degreeid FROM profile_education_degree WHERE eduid=' . $school; } else { $sql = 'SELECT id FROM profile_education_degree_enum ORDER BY id'; } $res = XDB::query($sql); Platal::page()->assign('choix_diplomas', $res->fetchColumn()); $sql = 'SELECT degree FROM profile_education_degree_enum ORDER BY id'; $res = XDB::query($sql); Platal::page()->assign('name_diplomas', $res->fetchColumn()); } function handler_quick(&$page, $action = null, $subaction = null) { global $globals; $res = XDB::query("SELECT MIN(diminutif), MAX(diminutif) FROM #groupex#.asso WHERE cat = 'Promotions'"); list($min, $max) = $res->fetchOneRow(); $page->assign('promo_min', $min); $page->assign('promo_max', $max); if (Env::has('quick') || $action == 'geoloc') { $quick = trim(Env::v('quick')); if (S::logged() && !Env::has('page')) { S::logger()->log('search', 'quick=' . $quick); } $list = 'profile|prf|fiche|fic|referent|ref|mentor'; if (S::admin()) { $list .= '|admin|adm|ax'; } if (preg_match('/^(' . $list . '):([-a-z]+(\.[-a-z]+(\.\d{2,4})?)?)$/', replace_accent($quick), $matches)) { $login = $matches[2]; switch($matches[1]) { case 'admin': case 'adm': $base = 'admin/user/'; break; case 'ax': $base = 'profile/ax/'; break; case 'profile': case 'prf': case 'fiche': case 'fic': $base = 'profile/'; break; case 'referent': case 'ref': case 'mentor': $base = 'referent/'; break; } $user = User::getSilent($login); if ($user) { pl_redirect($base . $user->login()); } $_REQUEST['quick'] = $login; $_GET['quick'] = $login; } elseif (strpos($quick, 'doc:') === 0) { $url = 'Docs/Recherche?'; $url .= 'action=search&q=' . urlencode(substr($quick, 4)); $url .= '&group=' . urlencode('-Equipe,-Main,-PmWiki,-Site,-Review'); pl_redirect($url); } $page->assign('formulaire', 0); require_once 'userset.inc.php'; $view = new SearchSet(true, $action == 'geoloc' && substr($subaction, -3) == 'swf'); $view->addMod('minifiche', 'Mini-fiches', true, array('with_score' => true)); if (S::logged() && !Env::i('nonins')) { $view->addMod('trombi', 'Trombinoscope', false, array('with_promo' => true, 'with_score' => true)); // TODO: Reactivate when the new map is completed. // $view->addMod('geoloc', 'Planisphère', false, array('with_annu' => 'search/adv')); } $view->apply('search', $page, $action, $subaction); $nb_tot = $view->count(); $page->assign('search_results_nb', $nb_tot); if ($subaction) { return; } if (!S::logged() && $nb_tot > $globals->search->public_max) { new ThrowError('Votre recherche a généré trop de résultats pour un affichage public.'); } elseif ($nb_tot > $globals->search->private_max) { new ThrowError('Recherche trop générale. Une recherche avancée permet de préciser la recherche.'); } elseif (empty($nb_tot)) { new ThrowError('Il n\'existe personne correspondant à ces critères dans la base !'); } } else { $page->assign('formulaire',1); $page->addJsLink('ajax.js'); } $this->load('search.inc.php'); $page->changeTpl('search/index.tpl'); $page->setTitle('Annuaire'); } function handler_advanced(&$page, $action = null, $subaction = null) { global $globals; require_once 'geocoding.inc.php'; $this->load('search.inc.php'); $page->assign('advanced',1); $page->addJsLink('jquery.autocomplete.js'); if (!Env::has('rechercher') && $action != 'geoloc') { $this->form_prepare(); } else { $textFields = array( 'country' => array('field' => 'iso_3166_1_a2', 'table' => 'geoloc_countries', 'text' => 'countryFR', 'exact' => false), 'fonction' => array('field' => 'id', 'table' => 'fonctions_def', 'text' => 'fonction_fr', 'exact' => true), 'secteur' => array('field' => 'id', 'table' => 'profile_job_sector_enum', 'text' => 'name', 'exact' => false), 'nationalite' => array('field' => 'iso_3166_1_a2', 'table' => 'geoloc_countries', 'text' => 'nationalityFR', 'exact' => 'false'), 'binet' => array('field' => 'id', 'table' => 'binets_def', 'text' => 'text', 'exact' => false), 'networking_type' => array('field' => 'network_type', 'table' => 'profile_networking_enum', 'text' => 'name', 'exact' => false), 'groupex' => array('field' => 'id', 'table' => '#groupex#.asso', 'text' => "(cat = 'GroupesX' OR cat = 'Institutions') AND pub = 'public' AND nom", 'exact' => false), 'section' => array('field' => 'id', 'table' => 'sections', 'text' => 'text', 'exact' => false), 'school' => array('field' => 'id', 'table' => 'profile_education_enum', 'text' => 'name', 'exact' => false), 'city' => array('table' => 'geoloc_localities', 'text' => 'name', 'exact' => false) ); if (!Env::has('page')) { S::logger()->log('search', 'adv=' . var_export($_GET, true)); } foreach ($textFields as $field=>&$query) { if (!Env::v($field) && Env::v($field . 'Txt')) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT {$query['field']} FROM {$query['table']} WHERE {$query['text']} " . ($query['exact'] ? " = {?}" : " LIKE CONCAT('%', {?}, '%')"), Env::v($field . 'Txt')); $_REQUEST[$field] = $res->fetchOneCell(); } } require_once 'userset.inc.php'; $view = new SearchSet(false, $action == 'geoloc' && substr($subaction, -3) == 'swf'); $view->addMod('minifiche', 'Mini-fiches', true); $view->addMod('trombi', 'Trombinoscope', false, array('with_promo' => true)); // TODO: Reactivate when the new map is completed. // $view->addMod('geoloc', 'Planisphère', false, array('with_annu' => 'search/adv')); $view->apply('search/adv', $page, $action, $subaction); if ($subaction) { return; } $nb_tot = $view->count(); if ($nb_tot > $globals->search->private_max) { $this->form_prepare(); new ThrowError('Recherche trop générale.'); } } $page->changeTpl('search/index.tpl', $action == 'mini' ? SIMPLE : SKINNED); $page->addJsLink('ajax.js'); $page->assign('public_directory',0); } function handler_autocomplete(&$page, $type = null) { // Autocompletion : according to type required, return // a list of results matching with the number of matches. // The output format is : // result1|nb1 // result2|nb2 // ... pl_content_headers("text/plain"); $q = preg_replace(array('/\*+$/', // always look for $q* '/([\^\$\[\]])/', // escape special regexp char '/\*/'), // replace joker by regexp joker array('', '\\\\\1', '.*'), Env::s('q')); if (!$q) exit(); // try to look in cached results $cache = XDB::query('SELECT result FROM search_autocomplete WHERE name = {?} AND query = {?} AND generated > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 DAY', $type, $q); if ($res = $cache->fetchOneCell()) { echo $res; die(); } // default search $unique = 'pid'; $db = 'profiles'; $realid = false; $beginwith = true; $field2 = false; $qsearch = str_replace(array('%', '_'), '', $q); $distinct = true; switch ($type) { case 'binetTxt': $db = 'binets_def INNER JOIN binets_ins ON(binets_def.id = binets_ins.binet_id)'; $field = 'binets_def.text'; if (strlen($q) > 2) $beginwith = false; $realid = 'binets_def.id'; break; case 'networking_typeTxt': $db = 'profile_networking_enum INNER JOIN profile_networking ON(profile_networking.network_type = profile_networking_enum.network_type)'; $field = 'profile_networking_enum.name'; $unique = 'uid'; $realid = 'profile_networking_enum.network_type'; break; case 'city': $db = 'geoloc_localities INNER JOIN profile_addresses ON (geoloc_localities.id = profile_addresses.localityId)'; $unique = 'uid'; $field ='geoloc_localities.name'; break; case 'countryTxt': $db = 'geoloc_countries INNER JOIN profile_addresses ON (geoloc_countries.iso_3166_1_a2 = profile_addresses.countryId)'; $unique = 'pid'; $field = 'geoloc_countries.countryFR'; $realid = 'geoloc_countries.iso_3166_1_a2'; break; case 'entreprise': $db = 'profile_job_enum INNER JOIN profile_job ON (profile_job.jobid = profile_job_enum.id)'; $field = 'profile_job_enum.name'; $unique = 'profile_job.uid'; break; case 'fonctionTxt': $db = 'fonctions_def INNER JOIN profile_job ON (profile_job.fonctionid = fonctions_def.id)'; $field = 'fonction_fr'; $unique = 'uid'; $realid = 'fonctions_def.id'; $beginwith = false; break; case 'groupexTxt': $db = "#groupex#.asso AS a INNER JOIN #groupex#.membres AS m ON(a.id = m.asso_id AND (a.cat = 'GroupesX' OR a.cat = 'Institutions') AND a.pub = 'public')"; $field='a.nom'; $field2 = 'a.diminutif'; if (strlen($q) > 2) $beginwith = false; $realid = 'a.id'; $unique = 'm.uid'; break; case 'nationaliteTxt': $db = 'geoloc_countries INNER JOIN profile ON (geoloc_countries.a2 IN (profile.nationality1, profile.nationality2, profile.nationality3))'; $field = 'geoloc_countries.nationalityFR'; $realid = 'geoloc_countries.iso_3166_1_a2'; break; case 'description': $db = 'profile_job'; $field = 'description'; $unique = 'uid'; break; case 'schoolTxt': $db = 'profile_education_enum INNER JOIN profile_education ON (profile_education_enum.id = profile_education.eduid)'; $field = 'profile_education_enum.name'; $unique = 'uid'; $realid = 'profile_education_enum.id'; if (strlen($q) > 2) $beginwith = false; break; case 'secteurTxt': $db = 'profile_job_sector_enum INNER JOIN profile_job ON (profile_job.sectorid = profile_job_sector_enum.id)'; $field = 'profile_job_sector_enum.name'; $realid = 'profile_job_sector_enum.id'; $unique = 'uid'; $beginwith = false; break; case 'subSubSector': $db = 'profile_job_subsubsector_enum'; $field = 'name'; $beginwith = false; $unique = 'name'; $distinct = false; break; case 'sectionTxt': $db = 'sections AS acs INNER JOIN profiles AS acp ON (acp.section = acs.id)'; $field = 'acs.text'; $realid = 'acs.id'; $beginwith = false; break; default: exit(); } function make_field_test($fields, $beginwith) { $tests = array(); $tests[] = $fields . ' LIKE CONCAT({?}, \'%\')'; if (!$beginwith) { $tests[] = $fields . ' LIKE CONCAT(\'% \', {?}, \'%\')'; $tests[] = $fields . ' LIKE CONCAT(\'%-\', {?}, \'%\')'; } return '(' . implode(' OR ', $tests) . ')'; } $field_select = $field; $field_t = make_field_test($field, $beginwith); if ($field2) { $field2_t = make_field_test($field2, $beginwith); $field_select = 'IF(' . $field_t . ', ' . $field . ', ' . $field2. ')'; } $list = XDB::iterator('SELECT ' . $field_select . ' AS field' . ($distinct ? (', COUNT(DISTINCT ' . $unique . ') AS nb') : '') . ($realid ? (', ' . $realid . ' AS id') : '') . ' FROM ' . $db . ' WHERE ' . $field_t . ($field2 ? (' OR ' . $field2_t) : '') . ' GROUP BY ' . $field_select . ' ORDER BY ' . ($distinct ? 'nb DESC' : $field_select) . ' LIMIT 11', $qsearch, $qsearch, $qsearch, $qsearch, $qsearch, $qsearch, $qsearch, $qsearch, $qsearch, $qsearch, $qsearch, $qsearch, $qsearch, $qsearch, $qsearch, $qsearch); $nbResults = 0; $res = ""; while ($result = $list->next()) { $nbResults++; if ($nbResults == 11) { $res .= $q."|-1\n"; } else { $res .= $result['field'].'|'; if (isset($result['nb'])) { $res .= $result['nb']; } if (isset($result['id'])) { $res .= '|'.$result['id']; } $res .= "\n"; } } XDB::query('REPLACE INTO search_autocomplete VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, NOW())', $type, $q, $res); echo $res; exit(); } function handler_list(&$page, $type = null, $idVal = null) { // Give the list of all values possible of type and builds a select input for it $field = 'text'; $id = 'id'; $where = ''; switch ($type) { case 'binet': $db = 'binets_def'; break; case 'networking_type': $db = 'profile_networking_enum'; $field = 'name'; $id = 'network_type'; break; case 'country': $db = 'geoloc_countries'; $field = 'countryFR'; $id = 'iso_3166_1_a2'; $page->assign('onchange', 'changeCountry(this.value)'); break; case 'fonction': $db = 'fonctions_def'; $field = 'fonction_fr'; break; case 'diploma': pl_content_headers("text/xml"); $this->get_diplomas(); $page->changeTpl('search/adv.grade.form.tpl', NO_SKIN); return; case 'groupex': $db = '#groupex#.asso'; $where = " WHERE (cat = 'GroupesX' OR cat = 'Institutions') AND pub = 'public'"; $field = 'nom'; break; case 'nationalite': $db = 'geoloc_countries INNER JOIN profiles AS acp ON (acgp.a2 IN (acp.nationality1, acp.nationality2, acp.nationality3))'; $field = 'nationalityFR'; $id = 'iso_3166_1_a2'; break; case 'region': $db = 'geoloc_administrativeareas'; $field = 'name'; $id = 'id'; if (isset($_REQUEST['country'])) { $where .= ' WHERE country = "' . $_REQUEST['country'] . '"'; } break; case 'school': $db = 'profile_education_enum'; $field = 'name'; $id = 'id'; $page->assign('onchange', 'changeSchool(this.value)'); break; case 'section': $db = 'sections'; break; case 'secteur': $db = 'profile_job_sector_enum INNER JOIN profile_job ON (profile_job.sectorid = profile_job_sector_enum.id)'; $field = 'profile_job_sector_enum.name'; $id = 'profile_job_sector_enum.id'; break; default: exit(); } if (isset($idVal)) { pl_content_headers("text/plain"); $result = XDB::query('SELECT '.$field.' AS field FROM '.$db.' WHERE '.$id.' = {?} LIMIT 1',$idVal); echo $result->fetchOneCell(); exit(); } pl_content_headers("text/xml"); $page->changeTpl('include/field.select.tpl', NO_SKIN); $page->assign('name', $type); $page->assign('list', XDB::iterator('SELECT '.$field.' AS field, '.$id.' AS id FROM '.$db.$where.' GROUP BY '.$field.' ORDER BY '.$field)); $page->assign('with_text_value', true); $page->assign('onchange', "document.forms.recherche.{$type}Txt.value = this.options[this.selectedIndex].text"); } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>