$this->make_hook('register', AUTH_PUBLIC), 'register/end' => $this->make_hook('end', AUTH_PUBLIC), ); } function handler_register(&$page, $hash = null) { $alert = null; $sub_state = S::v('sub_state', Array()); if (!isset($sub_state['step'])) { $sub_state['step'] = 0; } if (!isset($sub_state['backs'])) { $sub_state['backs'] = array(); } if (Get::has('back') && Get::i('back') < $sub_state['step']) { $sub_state['step'] = max(0,Get::i('back')); $state = $sub_state; unset($state['backs']); $sub_state['backs'][] = $state; if (count($sub_state['backs']) == 3) { $alert .= "Tentative d'inscription très hésitante - "; } } if ($hash) { $res = XDB::query( "SELECT m.uid, u.promo, u.nom, u.prenom, u.matricule, u.naissance_ini, FIND_IN_SET('watch', u.flags) FROM register_marketing AS m INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON u.user_id = m.uid WHERE m.hash={?}", $hash); if (list($uid, $promo, $nom, $prenom, $ourmat, $naiss, $watch) = $res->fetchOneRow()) { $sub_state['uid'] = $uid; $sub_state['hash'] = $hash; $sub_state['promo'] = $promo; $sub_state['nom'] = $nom; $sub_state['prenom'] = $prenom; $sub_state['ourmat'] = $ourmat; $sub_state['watch'] = $watch; $sub_state['naissance_ini'] = $naiss; XDB::execute( "REPLACE INTO register_mstats (uid,sender,success) SELECT m.uid, m.sender, 0 FROM register_marketing AS m WHERE m.hash", $sub_state['hash']); } } switch ($sub_state['step']) { case 0: $wp = new PlWikiPage('Reference.Charte'); $wp->buildCache(); if (Post::has('step1')) { $sub_state['step'] = 1; if (isset($sub_state['hash'])) { $sub_state['step'] = 3; $this->load('register.inc.php'); create_aliases($sub_state); } } break; case 1: if (Post::has('promo')) { $promo = Post::i('promo'); $res = XDB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM auth_user_md5 WHERE perms='pending' AND deces = '0000-00-00' AND promo = {?}", $promo); if (!$res->fetchOneCell()) { $err = "La promotion saisie est incorrecte ou tous les camarades de cette promotion sont inscrits !"; } else { $sub_state['step'] = 2; $sub_state['promo'] = $promo; if ($promo >= 1996 && $promo<2000) { $sub_state['mat'] = ($promo % 100)*10 . '???'; } elseif($promo >= 2000) { $sub_state['mat'] = 100 + ($promo % 100) . '???'; } } } break; case 2: if (count($_POST)) { $this->load('register.inc.php'); $sub_state['prenom'] = Post::v('prenom'); $sub_state['nom'] = Post::v('nom'); $sub_state['mat'] = Post::v('mat'); $err = check_new_user($sub_state); if ($err !== true) { break; } $err = create_aliases($sub_state); if ($err === true) { unset($err); $sub_state['step'] = 3; } } break; case 3: if (count($_POST)) { $this->load('register.inc.php'); // Validate the email address format and domain. require_once 'emails.inc.php'; if (!isvalid_email(Post::v('email'))) { $err[] = "Le champ 'Email' n'est pas valide."; } elseif (!isvalid_email_redirection(Post::v('email'))) { $err[] = $sub_state['forlife']." doit renvoyer vers un email existant ". "valide, en particulier, il ne peut pas être renvoyé vers lui-même."; } // Validate the birthday format and range. $birth = trim(Env::v('naissance')); if (!preg_match('@^[0-3]?\d/[01]?\d/(19|20)?\d{2}$@', $birth)) { $err[] = "La 'Date de naissance' n'est pas correcte."; } else { $birth = explode('/', $birth, 3); for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) $birth[$i] = intval($birth[$i]); if ($birth[2] < 100) $birth[2] += 1900; $year = $birth[2]; $promo = (int)$sub_state['promo']; if ($year > $promo - 15 || $year < $promo - 30) { $err[] = "La 'Date de naissance' n'est pas correcte."; $alert = "Date de naissance incorrecte à l'inscription - "; $sub_state['wrong_naissance'] = $birth; } } // Validate the password. if (!Post::v('response2', false)) { $err[] = "Le mot de passe n'est pas valide."; } // Check if the given email is known as dangerous. $res = XDB::query("SELECT w.state, w.description FROM emails_watch AS w WHERE w.email = {?} AND w.state != 'safe'", Post::v('email')); $email_banned = false; if ($res->numRows()) { list($state, $description) = $res->fetchOneRow(); $alert .= "Email surveillé proposé à l'inscription - "; $sub_state['email_desc'] = $description; if ($state == 'dangerous') { $email_banned = true; } } if ($sub_state['watch']) { $alert .= "Inscription d'un utilisateur surveillé - "; } if (($ip_banned = check_ip('unsafe'))) { unset($err); } if (isset($err)) { $err = join('
', $err); } else { $sub_state['naissance'] = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", intval($birth[2]), intval($birth[1]), intval($birth[0])); $sub_state['email'] = Post::v('email'); $sub_state['password'] = Post::v('response2'); // Update the current alert if the birthdate is incorrect, // or if the IP address of the user has been banned. if ($sub_state['naissance_ini'] != '0000-00-00' && $sub_state['naissance'] != $sub_state['naissance_ini']) { $alert .= "Date de naissance incorrecte à l'inscription - "; } if ($ip_banned) { $alert .= "Tentative d'inscription depuis une IP surveillée"; } // Prevent banned user from actually registering; save the current state for others. if ($email_banned || $ip_banned) { global $globals; $err = "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'inscription." . " Merci de contacter = 3) { $alert .= "Fin d'une inscription hésitante"; } finish_ins($sub_state); } } } break; } $_SESSION['sub_state'] = $sub_state; if (!empty($alert)) { send_warning_mail($alert); } $page->changeTpl('register/step'.intval($sub_state['step']).'.tpl'); $page->addJsLink('motdepasse.js'); if (isset($err)) { $page->trigError($err); } } function handler_end(&$page, $hash = null) { global $globals; $_SESSION['sub_state'] = array('step' => 5); // Reject registration requests from unsafe IP addresses (and remove the // registration information from the database, to prevent IP changes). if (check_ip('unsafe')) { send_warning_mail('Une IP surveillée a tenté de finaliser son inscription'); XDB::execute("DELETE FROM register_pending WHERE hash = {?} AND hash != 'INSCRIT'", $hash); return PL_FORBIDDEN; } require_once('user.func.inc.php'); // Retrieve the pre-registration information using the url-provided // authentication token. if ($hash) { $res = XDB::query( "SELECT r.uid, r.forlife, r.bestalias, r.mailorg2, r.password, r.email, r.naissance, u.nom, u.prenom, u.promo, FIND_IN_SET('femme', u.flags), u.naissance_ini FROM register_pending AS r INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON r.uid = u.user_id WHERE hash = {?} AND hash != 'INSCRIT'", $hash); } if (!$hash || $res->numRows() == 0) { $page->kill("

Cette adresse n'existe pas, ou plus, sur le serveur.

Causes probables :

  1. Vérifie que tu visites l'adresse du dernier email reçu s'il y en a eu plusieurs.
  2. Tu as peut-être mal copié l'adresse reçue par email, vérifie-la à la main.
  3. Tu as peut-être attendu trop longtemps pour confirmer. Les pré-inscriptions sont annulées tous les 30 jours.
  4. Tu es en fait déjà inscrit.
"); } list($uid, $forlife, $bestalias, $mailorg2, $password, $email, $naissance, $nom, $prenom, $promo, $femme, $naiss_ini) = $res->fetchOneRow(); // Prepare the template for display. $page->changeTpl('register/end.tpl'); $page->addJsLink('do_challenge_response_logged.js'); $page->assign('forlife', $forlife); $page->assign('prenom', $prenom); $page->assign('femme', $femme); // Check if the user did enter a valid password; if not (or if none is found), // get her an information page. if (Env::has('response')) { require_once 'secure_hash.inc.php'; $expected_response = hash_encrypt("$forlife:$password:" . S::v('challenge')); if (Env::v('response') != $expected_response) { $page->trigError("Mot de passe invalide."); S::logger($uid)->log('auth_fail', 'bad password (register/end)'); return; } } else { return; } // // Create the user account. // XDB::execute("UPDATE auth_user_md5 SET password = {?}, perms = 'user', date = NOW(), naissance = {?}, date_ins = NOW() WHERE user_id = {?}", $password, $naissance, $uid); XDB::execute("REPLACE INTO auth_user_quick (user_id) VALUES ({?})", $uid); XDB::execute("INSERT INTO aliases (id, alias, type) VALUES ({?}, {?}, 'a_vie')", $uid, $forlife); XDB::execute("INSERT INTO aliases (id, alias, type, flags) VALUES ({?}, {?}, 'alias', 'bestalias')", $uid, $bestalias); if ($mailorg2) { XDB::execute("INSERT INTO aliases (id, alias, type) VALUES ({?}, {?}, 'alias')", $uid, $mailorg2); } // Add the registration email address as first and only redirection. require_once('emails.inc.php'); $user = User::getSilent($uid); $redirect = new Redirect($user); $redirect->add_email($email); // Log the registration in the user session. S::logger($uid)->log('inscription', $email); XDB::execute("UPDATE register_pending SET hash = 'INSCRIT' WHERE uid = {?}", $uid); // Congratulate our newly registered user by email. $mymail = new PlMailer('register/inscription.reussie.tpl'); $mymail->assign('forlife', $forlife); $mymail->assign('prenom', $prenom); $mymail->send(); // Index the user, to allow her to appear in searches. require_once('user.func.inc.php'); user_reindex($uid); // Notify other users which were watching for her arrival. require_once 'notifs.inc.php'; register_watch_op($uid, WATCH_INSCR); inscription_notifs_base($uid); // Forcibly register the new user on default forums. $promo_forum = 'xorg.promo.x' . $promo; $registered_forums = array('xorg.general', 'xorg.pa.divers', 'xorg.pa.logements', $promo_forum); foreach ($registered_forums as $forum) { XDB::execute("INSERT INTO forums.abos (fid,uid) SELECT fid, {?} FROM forums.list WHERE nom = {?}", $uid, $val); // Notify the newsgroup admin of the promotion forum needs be created. if (XDB::affectedRows() == 0 && $forum == $promo_forum) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT SUM(perms IN ('admin','user') AND deces = 0), COUNT(*) FROM auth_user_md5 WHERE promo = {?}", $promo); list($promo_registered_count, $promo_count) = $res->fetchOneRow(); if ($promo_registered_count > 0.2 * $promo_count) { $mymail = new PlMailer('admin/forums-promo.mail.tpl'); $mymail->assign('promo', $promo); $mymail->send(); } } } // Update the global registration count stats. $globals->updateNbIns(); // Try to start a session (so the user don't have to log in); we will use // the password available in Post:: to authenticate the user. Platal::session()->start(AUTH_MDP); // // Update collateral data sources, and inform watchers by email. // // Email the referrer(s) of this new user. $res = XDB::iterRow( "SELECT sa.alias, IF(s.nom_usage,s.nom_usage,s.nom) AS nom, s.prenom, FIND_IN_SET('femme', s.flags) AS femme, GROUP_CONCAT(m.email SEPARATOR ', ') AS mails, MAX(m.last) AS dateDernier FROM register_marketing AS m INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS s ON (m.sender = s.user_id) INNER JOIN aliases AS sa ON (sa.id = m.sender AND FIND_IN_SET('bestalias', sa.flags)) WHERE m.uid = {?} GROUP BY m.sender ORDER BY dateDernier DESC", $uid); XDB::execute("UPDATE register_mstats SET success = NOW() WHERE uid = {?}", $uid); $market = array(); while (list($salias, $snom, $sprenom, $sfemme, $mails, $dateDernier) = $res->next()) { $market[] = " - par $snom $sprenom sur $mails (le plus récemment le $dateDernier)"; $mymail = new PlMailer(); $mymail->setSubject("$prenom $nom s'est inscrit à Polytechnique.org !"); $mymail->setFrom('"Marketing Polytechnique.org" mail->domain . '>'); $mymail->addTo("\"$sprenom $snom\" <$salias@{$globals->mail->domain}>"); $msg = ($sfemme?'Chère':'Cher')." $sprenom,\n\n" . "Nous t'écrivons pour t'informer que $prenom $nom (X$promo), " . "que tu avais incité".($femme?'e':'')." à s'inscrire à Polytechnique.org, " . "vient à l'instant de terminer son inscription.\n\n" . "Merci de ta participation active à la reconnaissance de ce site !!!\n\n" . "Bien cordialement,\n" . "-- \n" . "L'équipe Polytechnique.org"; $mymail->setTxtBody(wordwrap($msg, 72)); $mymail->send(); } // Email the plat/al administrators about the registration. if ($globals->register->notif) { $mymail = new PlMailer(); $mymail->setSubject("Inscription de $prenom $nom (X$promo)"); $mymail->setFrom('"Webmaster Polytechnique.org" mail->domain . '>'); $mymail->addTo($globals->register->notif); $mymail->addHeader('Reply-To', $globals->register->notif); $msg = "$prenom $nom (X$promo) a terminé son inscription avec les données suivantes :\n" . " - nom : $nom\n" . " - prenom : $prenom\n" . " - promo : $promo\n" . " - naissance : $naissance (date connue : $naiss_ini)\n" . " - forlife : $forlife\n" . " - email : $email\n" . " - sexe : $femme\n" . " - ip : " . S::logger()->ip . " (" . S::logger()->host . ")\n" . (S::logger()->proxy_ip ? " - proxy : " . S::logger()->proxy_ip . " (" . S::logger()->proxy_host . ")\n" : "") . "\n\n"; if (count($market) > 0) { $msg .= "Les marketings suivants avaient été effectués :\n" . implode("\n", $market); } else { $msg .= "$prenom $nom n'a jamais reçu d'email de marketing."; } $mymail->setTxtBody($msg); $mymail->send(); } // Remove old pending marketing requests for the new user. Marketing::clear($uid); pl_redirect('profile/edit'); } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>