set('xorgid', Profile::getXorgId($subState->i('schoolid'))); if (!$subState->v('xorgid')) { return 'Le matricule est incorrect.'; } $uf = new UserFilter(new PFC_And( new UFC_SchoolId('xorg', $subState->i('xorgid')), new PFC_Not(new UFC_Dead()), new PFC_Not(new UFC_Registered(true)) )); $profile = $uf->getProfile(); if (is_null($profile)) { return "Tu es déjà inscrit ou ton matricule est incorrect !"; } if ($profile->promo() != $subState->s('promo')) { return 'Le matricule est incorrect.'; } if (!$profile->compareNames($subState->s('firstname'), $subState->s('lastname'))) { return "Erreur dans l'identification. Réessaie, il y a une erreur quelque part !"; } $subState->set('lastname', $profile->lastName()); $subState->set('firstname', $profile->firstName()); $subState->set('uid', $profile->owner()->id()); $subState->set('watch', $profile->owner()->watch); $subState->set('birthdateRef', $profile->__get('birthdate_ref')); return true; } // }}} // {{{ function checkOldId function checkOldId(&$subState) { $uf = new UserFilter(new PFC_And( new PFC_Not(new UFC_Dead()), new UFC_Promo('=', UserFilter::DISPLAY, $subState->s('promo')), new PFC_Not(new UFC_Registered(true)) )); $it = $uf->iterProfiles(); while ($profile = $it->next()) { if ($profile->compareNames($subState->s('firstname'), $subState->s('lastname'))) { $subState->set('lastname', $profile->lastName()); $subState->set('firstname', $profile->firstName()); $subState->set('uid', $profile->owner()->id()); $subState->set('watch', $profile->owner()->watch); $subState->set('birthdateRef', $profile->__get('birthdate_ref')); $subState->set('xorgid', $profile->__get('xorg_id')); return true; } } $uf = new UserFilter(new PFC_And( new PFC_Not(new UFC_Dead()), new UFC_Promo('=', UserFilter::DISPLAY, $subState->s('promo')), new UFC_Registered(true) )); $it = $uf->iterProfiles(); while ($profile = $it->next()) { if ($profile->compareNames($subState->s('firstname'), $subState->s('lastname'))) { $subState->set('uid', $profile->owner()->id()); $subState->set('watch', $profile->owner()->watch); $subState->set('birthdateRef', $profile->__get('birthdate_ref')); $subState->set('xorgid', $profile->__get('xorg_id')); return 'Tu es vraisemblablement déjà inscrit !'; } } return 'Erreur : vérifie que tu as bien orthographié ton nom !'; } // }}} // {{{ function checkNewUser function checkNewUser(&$subState) { $firstname = preg_replace("/[ \t]+/", ' ', $subState->t('firstname')); $firstname = preg_replace("/--+/", '-', $firstname); $firstname = preg_replace("/''+/", '\'', $firstname); $subState->set('firstname', PlUser::fixFirstnameCase($firstname)); $lastname = preg_replace("/[ \t]+/", ' ', $subState->t('lastname')); $lastname = preg_replace("/--+/", '-', $lastname); $lastname = preg_replace("/''+/", '\'', $lastname); $subState->set('lastname', mb_strtoupper($lastname)); if ($subState->i('yearpromo') >= 1996) { $res = checkId($subState); } else { $res = checkOldId($subState); } if ($res !== true) { return $res; } return true; } // }}} // {{{ function createAliases function createAliases(&$subState) { global $globals; $emailXorg = PlUser::makeUserName($subState->t('firstname'), $subState->t('lastname')); $emailXorg2 = $emailXorg . sprintf(".%02u", ($subState->i('yearpromo') % 100)); $res = XDB::query("SELECT hruid, state FROM accounts WHERE uid = {?} AND hruid != ''", $subState->i('uid')); if ($res->numRows() == 0) { return "Tu n'as pas d'adresse à vie pré-attribuée.
" . "Envoie un mail à mail->domain}\">" . "support@{$globals->mail->domain} en expliquant ta situation."; } else { list($forlife, $state) = $res->fetchOneRow(); } if ($state == 'active') { return "Tu es déjà inscrit, si tu ne te souviens plus de ton mot de passe d'accès au site, " . "tu peux suivre la procédure de récupération de mot de passe."; } else if ($state == 'disabled') { return "Ton compte a été désactivé par les administrateurs du site suite à des abus. " . "Pour plus d'information ou pour demander la réactivation du compte, tu peux t'adresser à " . "mail->domain}\">support@{$globals->mail->domain}."; } $res = XDB::query('SELECT uid, type, expire FROM aliases WHERE alias = {?}', $emailXorg); if ($res->numRows()) { list($h_id, $h_type, $expire) = $res->fetchOneRow(); if ($h_type != 'homonyme' and empty($expire)) { XDB::execute('UPDATE aliases SET expire = ADDDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 MONTH) WHERE alias = {?}', $emailXorg); XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO homonyms (homonyme_id, uid) VALUES ({?}, {?})', $subState->i('uid'), $h_id); XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO homonyms (homonyme_id, uid) VALUES ({?}, {?})', $h_id, $subState->i('uid')); $res = XDB::query('SELECT alias FROM aliases WHERE uid = {?} AND expire IS NULL', $h_id); $als = $res->fetchColumn(); $mailer = new PlMailer('register/lostalias.mail.tpl'); $mailer->addTo($emailXorg . '@' . $globals->mail->domain); $mailer->setSubject("Perte de ton alias $emailXorg dans un mois !"); $mailer->assign('emailXorg', $emailXorg); $mailer->assign('als', join(', ', $als)); $mailer->SetTxtBody(wordwrap($msg,72)); $mailer->send(); } $subState->set('forlife', $forlife); $subState->set('bestalias', $emailXorg2); $subState->set('emailXorg2', null); } else { $subState->set('forlife', $forlife); $subState->set('bestalias', $emailXorg); $subState->set('emailXorg2', $emailXorg2); } return true; } // }}} // {{{ function finishRegistration function finishRegistration($subState) { global $globals; $hash = rand_url_id(12); XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO register_pending (uid, forlife, bestalias, mailorg2, password, email, date, relance, naissance, hash, services) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, NOW(), 0, {?}, {?}, {?})', $subState->i('uid'), $subState->s('forlife'), $subState->s('bestalias'), $subState->s('emailXorg2'), $subState->s('password'), $subState->s('email'), $subState->s('birthdate'), $hash, implode(',', $subState->v('services'))); $mymail = new PlMailer('register/end.mail.tpl'); $mymail->assign('emailXorg', $subState->s('bestalias')); $mymail->assign('to', $subState->s('email')); $mymail->assign('baseurl', $globals->baseurl); $mymail->assign('hash', $hash); $mymail->assign('subject', $subState->s('bestalias') . '@' . $globals->mail->domain); $mymail->send(); } // }}} // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>