values[$field]) ? $page->values[$field] : S::v($field); } $value = trim($value); $success = empty($value) || preg_match("{^(https?|ftp)://[a-zA-Z0-9._%#+/?=&~-]+$}i", $value); if (!$success) { Platal::page()->trigError('URL Incorrecte : une url doit commencer par http:// ou https:// ou ftp://' . ' et ne pas contenir de caractères interdits'); } return $value; } } class ProfileEmail extends ProfileNoSave { public function value(ProfilePage &$page, $field, $value, &$success) { if (is_null($value)) { return isset($page->values[$field]) ? $page->values[$field] : S::v($field); } $value = trim($value); $success = empty($value) || isvalid_email($value); if (!$success) { Platal::page()->trigError('Adresse Email invalide'); } return $value; } } class ProfileNumber extends ProfileNoSave { public function value(ProfilePage &$page, $field, $value, &$success) { if (is_null($value)) { return isset($page->values[$field]) ? $page->values[$field] : S::v($field); } $value = trim($value); $success = empty($value) || is_numeric($value); if (!$success) { Platal::page()->trigError('Numéro invalide'); } return $value; } } class ProfileTel extends ProfileNoSave { public function value(ProfilePage &$page, $field, $value, &$success) { if (is_null($value)) { return isset($page->values[$field]) ? $page->values[$field] : S::v($field); } require_once(''); $value = format_phone_number($value); if($value == '') { $success = true; return $value; } $value = format_display_number($value,$error); $success = !$error; if (!$success) { Platal::page()->trigError('Le préfixe international du numéro de téléphone est inconnu. '); } return $value; } } class ProfilePhones implements ProfileSetting { private $tel; private $pub; protected $link_type; protected $link_id; public function __construct($type, $link_id) { $this->tel = new ProfileTel(); $this->pub = new ProfilePub(); $this->link_type = $type; $this->link_id = $link_id; } public function value(ProfilePage &$page, $field, $value, &$success) { $success = true; if (is_null($value) || !is_array($value)) { $value = array(); $res = XDB::iterator("SELECT t.display_tel AS tel, t.tel_type AS type,, t.comment FROM profile_phones AS t WHERE t.uid = {?} AND t.link_type = {?} ORDER BY t.tel_id", $page->pid(), $this->link_type); $value = $res->fetchAllAssoc(); } foreach ($value as $key=>&$phone) { if (@$phone['removed']) { unset($value[$key]); } else { unset($phone['removed']); $phone['pub'] = $this->pub->value($page, 'pub', $phone['pub'], $s); $phone['tel'] = $this->tel->value($page, 'tel', $phone['tel'], $s); if(!isset($phone['type']) || ($phone['type'] != 'fixed' && $phone['type'] != 'mobile' && $phone['type'] != 'fax')) { $phone['type'] = 'fixed'; $s = false; } if (!$s) { $phone['error'] = true; $success = false; } if (!isset($phone['comment'])) { $phone['comment'] = ''; } } } return $value; } private function saveTel($pid, $telid, array &$phone) { if ($phone['tel'] != '') { XDB::execute("INSERT INTO profile_phones (uid, link_type, link_id, tel_id, tel_type, search_tel, display_tel, pub, comment) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})", $pid, $this->link_type, $this->link_id, $telid, $phone['type'], format_phone_number($phone['tel']), $phone['tel'], $phone['pub'], $phone['comment']); } } public function save(ProfilePage &$page, $field, $value) { XDB::execute("DELETE FROM profile_phones WHERE uid = {?} AND link_type = {?} AND link_id = {?}", $page->pid(), $this->link_type, $this->link_id); $this->saveTels($page->pid(), $field, $value); } //Only saves phones without a delete operation public function saveTels($pid, $field, $value) { foreach ($value as $telid=>&$phone) { $this->saveTel($pid, $telid, $phone); } } } class ProfilePub extends ProfileNoSave { public function value(ProfilePage &$page, $field, $value, &$success) { $success = true; if (is_null($value)) { return isset($page->values[$field]) ? $page->values[$field] : S::v($field); } if (is_null($value) || !$value) { $value = 'private'; } else if ($value == 'on') { // Checkbox $value = 'public'; } return $value; } } class ProfileBool extends ProfileNoSave { public function value(ProfilePage &$page, $field, $value, &$success) { $success = true; if (is_null($value)) { $value = @$page->values[$field]; } return $value ? "1" : ""; } } class ProfileDate extends ProfileNoSave { public function value(ProfilePage &$page, $field, $value, &$success) { $success = true; if (is_null($value)) { $value = preg_replace('/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/', '\3/\2/\1', @$page->values[$field]); } else { $success = preg_match('@(\d{2})/(\d{2})/(\d{4})@', $value, $matches); if (!$success) { Platal::page()->trigError("Les dates doivent être au format jj/mm/aaaa"); } else { $day = (int)$matches[1]; $month = (int)$matches[2]; $year = (int)$matches[3]; $success = ($day > 0 && $day <= 31) && ($month > 0 && $month <= 12) && ($year > 1900 && $year <= 2020); if (!$success) { Platal::page()->trigError("La date n'a pas une valeur valide"); } } } return $value; } } abstract class ProfileGeoloc implements ProfileSetting { protected function geolocAddress(array &$address, &$success) { require_once ''; $success = true; unset($address['geoloc']); unset($address['geoloc_cityid']); if (@$address['parsevalid'] || (@$address['text'] && @$address['changed']) || (@$address['text'] && !@$address['cityid'])) { $address = array_merge($address, empty_address()); $new = get_address_infos(@$address['text']); if (compare_addresses_text(@$address['text'], $geotxt = get_address_text($new)) || (@$address['parsevalid'] && @$address['cityid'])) { $address = array_merge($address, $new); $address['checked'] = true; } else if (@$address['parsevalid']) { $address = array_merge($address, cut_address(@$address['text'])); $address['checked'] = true; $mailer = new PlMailer('geoloc/geoloc.mail.tpl'); $mailer->assign('text', get_address_text($address)); $mailer->assign('geoloc', $geotxt); $mailer->send(); } else if (@$address['changed'] || !@$address['checked']) { $success = false; $address = array_merge($address, cut_address(@$address['text'])); $address['checked'] = false; $address['geoloc'] = $geotxt; $address['geoloc_cityid'] = $new['cityid']; } else { $address = array_merge($address, cut_address(@$address['text'])); $address['checked'] = true; } } $address['precise_lat'] = rtrim($address['precise_lat'], '.0'); $address['precise_lon'] = rtrim($address['precise_lon'], '.0'); $address['text'] = get_address_text($address); } } abstract class ProfilePage implements PlWizardPage { protected $wizard; protected $pg_template; protected $settings = array(); // A set ProfileSetting objects protected $errors = array(); // A set of boolean with the value check errors protected $changed = array(); // A set of boolean indicating wether the value has been changed protected $watched = array(); // A set of boolean indicating the fields that are watched public $orig = array(); public $values = array(); public $profile = null; public $owner = null; public function __construct(PlWizard &$wiz) { $this->wizard =& $wiz; $this->profile = $this->wizard->getUserData('profile'); $this->owner = $this->wizard->getUserData('owner'); } protected function _fetchData() { } protected function fetchData() { if (count($this->orig) > 0) { $this->values = $this->orig; return; } $this->_fetchData(); foreach ($this->settings as $field=>&$setting) { $success = false; if (!is_null($setting)) { $this->values[$field] = $setting->value($this, $field, null, $success); } else if (!isset($this->values[$field])) { $this->values[$field] = S::v($field); } $this->errors[$field] = false; } $this->orig = $this->values; } protected function _saveData() { } protected function saveData() { require_once ''; foreach ($this->settings as $field=>&$setting) { if (!is_null($setting) && $this->changed[$field]) { $setting->save($this, $field, $this->values[$field]); } if ($this->changed[$field] && @$this->watched[$field]) { register_profile_update($this->pid(), $field); } } $this->_saveData(); // Update the last modification date XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO user_changes SET user_id = {?}', $this->pid()); if (!S::suid()) { register_watch_op($this->pid(), WATCH_FICHE); } global $platal; S::logger()->log('profil', $platal->pl_self(2)); } protected function checkChanges() { $newvalues = $this->values; $this->values = array(); $this->fetchData(); $this->values = $newvalues; $changes = false; foreach ($this->settings as $field=>&$setting) { if ($this->orig[$field] != $this->values[$field]) { $this->changed[$field] = true; $changes = true; } else { $this->changed[$field] = false; } } return $changes; } protected function markChange() { } public function template() { return 'profile/base.tpl'; } public function pid() { return $this->profile->id(); } public function hrpid() { return $this->profile->hrpid(); } protected function _prepare(PlPage &$page, $id) { } public function prepare(PlPage &$page, $id) { if (count($this->values) == 0) { $this->fetchData(); } foreach ($this->values as $field=>&$value) { $page->assign($field, $value); } $this->_prepare($page, $id); $page->assign('profile', $this->profile); $page->assign('owner', $this->owner); $page->assign('profile_page', $this->pg_template); $page->assign('errors', $this->errors); } public function process() { $global_success = true; $this->fetchData(); foreach ($this->settings as $field=>&$setting) { $success = false; if (!is_null($setting)) { $this->values[$field] = $setting->value($this, $field, Post::v($field, ''), $success); } else { $success = true; $this->values[$field] = Post::v($field, ''); } $this->errors[$field] = !$success; $global_success = $global_success && $success; } if ($global_success) { if ($this->checkChanges()) { $this->saveData(); $this->markChange(); } return Post::has('next_page') ? PlWizard::NEXT_PAGE : PlWizard::CURRENT_PAGE; } Platal::page()->trigError("Certains champs n'ont pas pu être validés, merci de corriger les informations " . "de ton profil et de revalider ta demande"); return PlWizard::CURRENT_PAGE; } } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/'; // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>