name_types = DirEnum::getOptions(DirEnum::NAMES); } private function matchWord($old, $new, $newLen) { return ($i = strpos($old, $new)) !== false && ($i == 0 || $old{$i-1} == ' ') && ($i + $newLen == strlen($old) || $old{$i + $newLen} == ' '); } private function prepareField($value) { return name_to_basename($value); } private function prepare(ProfilePage &$page, $field, $value, $init, &$success) { $success = true; $ini = $this->prepareField($init); $new = $this->prepareField($value); $newLen = strlen($new); $success = $this->matchWord($ini, $new, $newLen) || ($field == 'lastname' && $new == 'DE ' . $ini); if (!$success) { $field = strtolower($field); Platal::page()->trigError("Le " . $this->name_types[$field] . " que tu as choisi (" . $value . ") est trop loin de ton " . $this->name_types[$field] . " initial (" . $init . ")."); } return $success ? $value : $init; } /* Removes duplicated entries for the fields that do not allow them. */ private function clean($value) { $single_types = XDB::fetchAllAssoc('id', 'SELECT id, 0 FROM profile_name_enum WHERE NOT FIND_IN_SET(\'allow_duplicates\', flags)'); foreach ($value as $key => $item) { if (isset($single_types[$item['typeid']])) { if ($single_types[$item['typeid']] === true) { unset($value[$key]); } else { $single_types[$item['typeid']] = true; } } } return $value; } public function value(ProfilePage &$page, $field, $value, &$success) { $success = true; $success_tmp = true; if (is_null($value)) { $sn_all = XDB::iterator("SELECT CONCAT(sn.particle, AS name, sn.particle, sn.typeid, e.type, AS type_name, FIND_IN_SET('has_particle', e.flags) AS has_particle, FIND_IN_SET('always_displayed', e.flags) AS always_displayed, FIND_IN_SET('public', e.flags) AS pub FROM profile_name AS sn INNER JOIN profile_name_enum AS e ON ( = sn.typeid) WHERE = {?} AND NOT FIND_IN_SET('not_displayed', e.flags) ORDER BY NOT FIND_IN_SET('always_displayed', e.flags),,", $page->pid()); $sn_types = XDB::iterator("SELECT id, type, name, FIND_IN_SET('has_particle', flags) AS has_particle FROM profile_name_enum WHERE NOT FIND_IN_SET('not_displayed', flags) AND FIND_IN_SET('always_displayed', flags) ORDER BY id"); $value = array(); $sn = $sn_all->next(); while ($sn_type = $sn_types->next()) { if ($sn_type['id'] == $sn['typeid']) { $value[] = $sn; if ($sn) { $sn = $sn_all->next(); } } else { $value[] = array('name' => '', 'particle' => '', 'typeid' => $sn_type['id'], 'type' => $sn_type['type'], 'type_name' => $sn_type['name'], 'has_particle' => $sn_type['has_particle'], 'always_displayed' => 1, 'pub' => 1); } } if ($sn) { do { $value[] = $sn; } while ($sn = $sn_all->next()); } $value = $this->clean($value); } else { require_once ''; $value = $this->clean($value); $res = XDB::query("SELECT s.particle, FROM profile_name AS s INNER JOIN profile_name_enum AS e ON ( = s.typeid) WHERE = {?} AND e.type LIKE '%ini' ORDER BY e.type = 'firstname_ini'", $page->pid()); $res = $res->fetchAllAssoc(); $initial = array(); $initial['lastname'] = $res[0]['particle'] . $res[0]['name']; $initial['firstname'] = $res[1]['name']; $sn_types = build_types(); $this->search_names = array(); foreach ($value as &$sn) { $sn['name'] = trim($sn['name']); if ($sn['type'] == 'firstname' || $sn['type'] == 'lastname') { $sn['name'] = $this->prepare($page, $sn['type'], $sn['name'], $initial[$sn['type']], $success_tmp); $success = $success && $success_tmp; } if ($sn['pub']) { if (isset($sn['particle']) && ($sn['particle'] != '')) { // particle is before first blank list($particle, $name) = explode(' ', $sn['name'], 2); $particle = trim($particle) . ' '; if (!$name) { // particle is before first quote list($particle, $name) = explode('\'', $sn['name'], 2); $particle = trim($particle); if (!$name) { // actually there is no particle $particle = ''; $name = $sn['name']; } } } else { $particle = ''; $name = $sn['name']; } } if ($sn['name'] != '') { if ($sn['pub']) { $this->search_names[$sn['typeid']] = array('fullname' => $sn['name'], 'name' => $name, 'particle' => $particle, 'pub' => $sn['pub']); } else { if (isset($this->search_names[$sn['typeid']])) { $this->search_names[$sn['typeid']][] = $sn['name']; } else { $this->search_names[$sn['typeid']] = array('fullname' => $sn['name']); } $sn['type_name'] = $sn_types[$sn['typeid']]; } } } $res = XDB::query("SELECT public_name, private_name FROM profile_display WHERE pid = {?}", S::v('uid')); list($public_name, $private_name) = $res->fetchOneRow(); if ($success) { $sn_types_private = build_types('private'); $this->private_name_end = build_private_name($this->search_names, $sn_types_private); $private_name = $public_name . $this->private_name_end; } Platal::page()->assign('public_name', $public_name); Platal::page()->assign('private_name', $private_name); } return $value; } public function save(ProfilePage &$page, $field, $value) { require_once ''; $sn_old = build_sn_pub($page->pid()); XDB::execute("DELETE FROM s USING profile_name AS s INNER JOIN profile_name_enum AS e ON (s.typeid = WHERE = {?} AND NOT FIND_IN_SET('not_displayed', e.flags)", $page->pid()); $has_new = set_alias_names($this->search_names, $sn_old, $page->pid(), $page->owner->id()); // Only requires validation if modification in public names if ($has_new) { $new_names = new NamesReq(S::user(), $this->search_names, $this->private_name_end); $new_names->submit(); Platal::page()->trigWarning('La demande de modification de tes noms a bien été prise en compte.' . ' Tu recevras un email dès que ces changements auront été effectués.'); } else { $display_names = array(); build_display_names($display_names, $this->search_names, $page->profile->isFemale(), $this->private_name_end); set_profile_display($display_names, $page->pid()); } } } class ProfileSettingEdu implements ProfileSetting { public function __construct() { } static function sortByGradYear($line1, $line2) { $a = (int) $line1['grad_year']; $b = (int) $line2['grad_year']; if ($a == $b) { return 0; } return ($a < $b) ? -1 : 1; } public function value(ProfilePage &$page, $field, $value, &$success) { $success = true; if (is_null($value) || !is_array($value)) { $value = array(); $value = XDB::fetchAllAssoc("SELECT eduid, degreeid, fieldid, grad_year, program FROM profile_education WHERE pid = {?} AND !FIND_IN_SET('primary', flags) ORDER BY id", $page->pid()); } else { $i = 0; foreach ($value as $key=>&$edu) { if (($edu['grad_year'] < 1921) || ($edu['grad_year'] > (date('Y') + 4))) { Platal::page()->trigError('L\'année d\'obtention du diplôme est mal renseignée, elle doit être du type : 2004.'); $edu['error'] = true; $success = false; } if ($key != $i) { $value[$i] = $edu; unset($value[$key]); } $i++; } usort($value, array("ProfileSettingEdu", "sortByGradYear")); } return $value; } public function save(ProfilePage &$page, $field, $value) { XDB::execute("DELETE FROM profile_education WHERE pid = {?} AND !FIND_IN_SET('primary', flags)", $page->pid()); foreach ($value as $eduid=>&$edu) { if ($edu['eduid'] != '') { XDB::execute("INSERT INTO profile_education SET id = {?}, pid = {?}, eduid = {?}, degreeid = {?}, fieldid = {?}, grad_year = {?}, program = {?}", $eduid, $page->pid(), $edu['eduid'], $edu['degreeid'], $edu['fieldid'], $edu['grad_year'], $edu['program']); } } } } class ProfileSettingEmailDirectory implements ProfileSetting { public function __construct(){} public function save(ProfilePage &$page, $field, $value){} public function value(ProfilePage &$page, $field, $value, &$success) { $p = Platal::page(); $success = true; if (!is_null($value)) { $email_stripped = strtolower(trim($value)); if ((!isvalid_email($email_stripped)) && ($email_stripped) && ($page->values['email_directory'] == "")) { $p->assign('email_error', '1'); $p->assign('email_directory_error', $email_stripped); $p->trigError('Adresse Email invalide'); $success = false; } else { $p->assign('email_error', '0'); } } return $value; } } class ProfileSettingNetworking implements ProfileSetting { private $email; private $pub; private $web; private $number; public function __construct() { $this->email = new ProfileSettingEmail(); $this->pub = new ProfileSettingPub(); $this->web = new ProfileSettingWeb(); $this->number = new ProfileSettingNumber(); } public function value(ProfilePage &$page, $field, $value, &$success) { if (is_null($value)) { $value = XDB::fetchAllAssoc("SELECT n.address, n.network_type AS type,, FROM profile_networking AS n INNER JOIN profile_networking_enum AS m ON (n.network_type = m.network_type) WHERE = {?}", $page->pid()); } if (!is_array($value)) { $value = array(); } $filters = XDB::fetchAllAssoc('type', 'SELECT filter, network_type AS type FROM profile_networking_enum;'); $success = true; foreach($value as $i=>&$network) { if (!trim($network['address'])) { unset($value[$i]); } else { if (!isset($network['pub'])) { $network['pub'] = 'private'; } $network['error'] = false; $network['pub'] = $this->pub->value($page, 'pub', $network['pub'], $s); $s = true; if ($filters[$network['type']] == 'web') { $network['address'] = $this->web->value($page, 'address', $network['address'], $s); } elseif ($filters[$network['type']] == 'email') { $network['address'] = $this->email->value($page, 'address', $network['address'], $s); } elseif ($filters[$network['type']] == 'number') { $network['address'] = $this->number->value($page, 'address', $network['address'], $s); } if (!$s) { $success = false; $network['error'] = true; } } } return $value; } public function save(ProfilePage &$page, $field, $value) { XDB::execute("DELETE FROM profile_networking WHERE pid = {?}", $page->pid()); if (!count($value)) { return; } $insert = array(); foreach ($value as $id=>$network) { XDB::execute("INSERT INTO profile_networking (pid, nwid, network_type, address, pub) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})", $page->pid(), $id, $network['type'], $network['address'], $network['pub']); } } } class ProfileSettingPromo implements ProfileSetting { public function __construct(){} public function save(ProfilePage &$page, $field, $value) { $gradYearNew = $value; if ($page->profile->mainEducation() == 'X') { $gradYearNew += $page->profile->mainEducationDuration(); } if ($value == $page->profile->entry_year + $page->profile->mainEducationDuration()) { XDB::execute('UPDATE profile_display SET promo = {?} WHERE pid = {?}', $page->profile->mainEducation() . strval($value), $page->profile->id()); XDB::execute('UPDATE profile_education SET grad_year = {?} WHERE pid = {?} AND FIND_IN_SET(\'primary\', flags)', $gradYearNew, $page->profile->id()); $page->trigSuccess('Ton statut "orange" a été supprimé.'); } else { require_once ''; $myorange = new OrangeReq(S::user(), $gradYearNew); $myorange->submit(); Platal::page()->trigSuccess('Tu pourras changer l\'affichage de ta promotion dès que ta nouvelle promotion aura été validée.'); } } public function value(ProfilePage &$page, $field, $value, &$success) { $entryYear = $page->profile->entry_year; $gradYear = $page->profile->grad_year; $success = true; if (is_null($value) || $value == $page->profile->yearpromo()) { if ($gradYear != $entryYear + $page->profile->mainEducationDuration()) { $promoChoice = array(); for ($i = $entryYear + $page->profile->mainEducationDuration(); $i <= $gradYear; ++$i) { $promoChoice[] = $page->profile->mainEducation() . strval($i); } Platal::page()->assign('promo_choice', $promoChoice); } if ($page->profile->mainEducation() == 'X') { return $page->profile->grad_year - $page->profile->mainEducationDuration(); } return $page->profile->yearpromo(); } // If this profile belongs to an X, $promoNew needs to be changed to // the graduation year. $gradYearNew = $value; if ($page->profile->mainEducation() == 'X') { $gradYearNew += $page->profile->mainEducationDuration(); } if ($value < 1000 || $value > 9999) { Platal::page()->trigError('L\'année de sortie doit être un nombre de quatre chiffres.'); $success = false; } elseif ($gradYearNew < $entryYear + $page->profile->mainEducationDuration()) { Platal::page()->trigError('Trop tôt !'); $success = false; } return intval($value); } } class ProfileSettingGeneral extends ProfilePage { protected $pg_template = 'profile/general.tpl'; public function __construct(PlWizard &$wiz) { parent::__construct($wiz); $this->settings['search_names'] = new ProfileSettingSearchNames(); $this->settings['birthdate'] = new ProfileSettingDate(); $this->settings['freetext_pub'] = $this->settings['photo_pub'] = new ProfileSettingPub(); $this->settings['freetext'] = $this->settings['nationality1'] = $this->settings['nationality2'] = $this->settings['nationality3'] = $this->settings['yourself'] = $this->settings['promo_display'] = null; $this->settings['email_directory'] = new ProfileSettingEmail(); $this->settings['email_directory_new'] = new ProfileSettingEmailDirectory(); $this->settings['networking'] = new ProfileSettingNetworking(); $this->settings['tels'] = new ProfileSettingPhones('user', 0); $this->settings['edus'] = new ProfileSettingEdu(); $this->settings['promo'] = new ProfileSettingPromo(); $this->watched= array('freetext' => true, 'tels' => true, 'networking' => true, 'edus' => true, 'nationality1' => true, 'nationality2' => true, 'nationality3' => true, 'search_names' => true); } protected function _fetchData() { // Checkout all data... $res = XDB::query("SELECT p.nationality1, p.nationality2, p.nationality3, p.birthdate, pp.display_tel as mobile, as mobile_pub, p.email_directory as email_directory, AS promo_display, p.freetext, p.freetext_pub, p.ax_id AS matricule_ax, pd.yourself FROM profiles AS p INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON ( = LEFT JOIN profile_phones AS pp ON ( = AND link_type = 'user') WHERE = {?}", $this->pid()); $this->values = $res->fetchOneAssoc(); if ($this->owner) { $this->values['yourself'] = $this->owner->displayName(); } // Retreive photo informations $res = XDB::query("SELECT pub FROM profile_photos WHERE pid = {?}", $this->pid()); $this->values['photo_pub'] = $res->fetchOneCell(); if ($this->owner) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM requests WHERE type = 'photo' AND uid = {?}", $this->owner->id()); $this->values['nouvellephoto'] = $res->fetchOneCell(); } else { $this->values['nouvellephoto'] = 0; } } protected function _saveData() { if ($this->changed['nationality1'] || $this->changed['nationality2'] || $this->changed['nationality3'] || $this->changed['birthdate'] || $this->changed['freetext'] || $this->changed['freetext_pub'] || $this->changed['email_directory']) { if ($this->values['nationality3'] == "") { $this->values['nationality3'] = NULL; } if ($this->values['nationality2'] == "") { $this->values['nationality2'] = $this->values['nationality3']; $this->values['nationality3'] = NULL; } if ($this->values['nationality1'] == "") { $this->values['nationality1'] = $this->values['nationality2']; $this->values['nationality2'] = $this->values['nationality3']; $this->values['nationality3'] = NULL; } $new_email = ($this->values['email_directory'] == "") ? $this->values['email_directory_new'] : $this->values['email_directory']; if ($new_email == "") { $new_email = NULL; } XDB::execute("UPDATE profiles SET nationality1 = {?}, nationality2 = {?}, nationality3 = {?}, birthdate = {?}, freetext = {?}, freetext_pub = {?}, email_directory = {?} WHERE pid = {?}", $this->values['nationality1'], $this->values['nationality2'], $this->values['nationality3'], preg_replace('@(\d{2})/(\d{2})/(\d{4})@', '\3-\2-\1', $this->values['birthdate']), $this->values['freetext'], $this->values['freetext_pub'], $new_email, $this->pid()); } if ($this->changed['photo_pub']) { XDB::execute("UPDATE profile_photos SET pub = {?} WHERE pid = {?}", $this->values['photo_pub'], $this->pid()); } if ($this->changed['yourself']) { XDB::execute('UPDATE accounts SET display_name = {?} WHERE uid = {?}', $this->values['yourself'], $this->owner->id()); } if ($this->changed['promo_display']) { if ($this->values['promo_display']{0} == $this->profile->mainEducation() && intval(substr($this->values['promo_display'], 1, 4)) >= $this->profile->entry_year + $this->profile->mainEducationDuration()) { XDB::execute('UPDATE profile_display SET promo = {?} WHERE pid = {?}', $this->values['promo_display'], $this->pid()); } } } public function _prepare(PlPage &$page, $id) { require_once ""; $res = XDB::query("SELECT id, field FROM profile_education_field_enum ORDER BY field"); $page->assign('edu_fields', $res->fetchAllAssoc()); require_once ""; fill_email_combobox($page, $this->owner, $this->profile); $res = XDB::query("SELECT nw.network_type AS type, FROM profile_networking_enum AS nw ORDER BY name"); $page->assign('network_list', $res->fetchAllAssoc()); $res = XDB::query("SELECT public_name, private_name FROM profile_display WHERE pid = {?}", $this->pid()); $res = $res->fetchOneRow(); $page->assign('public_name', $res[0]); $page->assign('private_name', $res[1]); $page->assign('isFemale', $this->profile->isFemale() ? 1 : 0); } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>