base_url = $globals->baseurl . '/openid'; $this->spool_store = $globals->spoolroot . '/spool/openid/store'; } // Initializes an OpenId Server object; it will use a defined spool-based // directory to store OpenID secrets. Returns true on success. public function Initialize() { require_once 'Auth/OpenID/FileStore.php'; require_once 'Auth/OpenID/Server.php'; $store = new Auth_OpenID_FileStore($this->spool_store); $this->server = new Auth_OpenID_Server($store, $this->base_url); $this->request = $this->server->decodeRequest(); return !is_a($this->request, 'Auth_OpenID_ServerError'); } // Authorization logic helpers --------------------------------------------- // Returns true iff the current request is a valid openid request. public function IsOpenIdRequest() { return Env::has('openid_mode'); } // Returns true iff the request needs to be handled directly by the calling // code (ie. the current user needs to be authorized). public function IsAuthorizationRequest() { return $this->request->mode == 'checkid_immediate' || $this->request->mode == 'checkid_setup'; } // Returns true iff the request requires an immediate answer (no user // interaction is allowed). public function IsImmediateRequest() { return $this->request->mode == 'checkid_immediate'; } // Returns true iff the logged-in user is authorized for the current request. // It checks that the user is logged in, and has the authorization to use // that identity. public function IsUserAuthorized(User $user) { return $user && ($user->login() == $this->request->identity || $this->request->idSelect()); } // SimpleRegistration helpers ---------------------------------------------- // Determines which SREG data are requested by the endpoint, and returns them. public function GetSRegDataForRequest(User &$user) { require_once 'Auth/OpenID/SReg.php'; // Other common SReg fields we could fill are: // dob, country, language, timezone. $sreg_request = Auth_OpenID_SRegRequest::fromOpenIDRequest($this->request); return Auth_OpenID_SRegResponse::extractResponse($sreg_request, array( 'fullname' => $user->fullName(), 'nickname' => $user->displayName(), 'email' => $user->bestEmail(), 'gender' => $user->isFemale() ? 'F' : 'M', )); } // Handling and answering helpers ------------------------------------------ // Answers the current request, and renders the response. Appends the |sreg| // data when not null. public function AnswerRequest($is_authorized, $sreg_data = null) { // Creates the response. if ($is_authorized && $this->request->idSelect()) { $user = S::user(); $response = $this->request->answer( $is_authorized, null, $user->login(), $this->GetUserUrl($user)); } else { $response = $this->request->answer($is_authorized); } // Clobbers response, and get it back to the Relaying Party. if ($sreg_data) { $sreg_data->toMessage($response->fields); } $this->RenderResponse($response); } // Automatically handles the request without any user interaction. public function HandleRequest() { $response = $this->server->handleRequest($this->request); $this->RenderResponse($response); } // Trust management helpers ------------------------------------------------ // Returns true iff the current endpoint is currently trusted by |user|. public function IsEndpointTrusted(User $user) { $res = XDB::query( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM account_auth_openid WHERE (uid = {?} OR uid IS NULL) AND url = {?}", $user->id(), $this->request->trust_root); return ($res->fetchOneCell() > 0); } // Updates the trust level for the given endpoint, based on the value pf // |trusted| and |permanent_trust| (the latter is ignored when the former // value is false). Returns true iff the current endpoint is trusted. public function UpdateEndpointTrust(User &$user, $trusted, $permanent_trust) { $initial_trust = $this->IsEndpointTrusted($user); if (!$initial_trust && $trusted && $permanent_trust) { XDB::execute( "INSERT IGNORE INTO account_auth_openid SET uid = {?}, url = {?}", $user->id(), $this->request->trust_root); } return ($initial_trust || $trusted); } // Page renderers ---------------------------------------------------------- // Renders the OpenId discovery page for |user|. public function RenderDiscoveryPage(&$page, User &$user) { $page->changeTpl('openid/openid.tpl'); $page->setTitle($user->fullName()); $page->addLink('openid.server openid2.provider', $this->base_url); $page->addLink('openid.delegate openid2.local_id', $user->login()); $page->assign_by_ref('user', $user); // Include the X-XRDS-Location header for Yadis discovery. header('X-XRDS-Location: ' . $this->GetUserXrdsUrl($user)); } // Renders the main XRDS page. public function RenderMainXrdsPage(&$page) { pl_content_headers("application/xrds+xml"); $page->changeTpl('openid/idp_xrds.tpl', NO_SKIN); $page->assign('type2', Auth_OpenID_TYPE_2_0_IDP); $page->assign('sreg', Auth_OpenID_SREG_URI); $page->assign('provider', $this->base_url); } // Renders the XRDS page of |user|. public function RenderUserXrdsPage(&$page, User &$user) { pl_content_headers("application/xrds+xml"); $page->changeTpl('openid/user_xrds.tpl', NO_SKIN); $page->assign('type2', Auth_OpenID_TYPE_2_0); $page->assign('type1', Auth_OpenID_TYPE_1_1); $page->assign('sreg', Auth_OpenID_SREG_URI); $page->assign('provider', $this->base_url); $page->assign('local_id', $user->login()); } // Renders the OpenId response for the HTTP client. public function RenderResponse($response) { if ($response) { $web_response = $this->server->encodeResponse($response); header(sprintf('%s %d', $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'], $web_response->code), true, $web_response->code); if (is_a($response, 'Auth_OpenID_ServerError')) { print "Erreur lors de l'authentification OpenId: " . $response->toString(); } else { foreach ($web_response->headers as $key => $value) { header(sprintf('%s: %s', $key, $value)); } header('Connection: close'); print $web_response->body; } } exit; } // URL providers ----------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the OpenId identity URL of the requested user. private function GetUserUrl(User &$user) { return $this->base_url . '/' . $user->login(); } // Returns the private XRDS page of a user. private function GetUserXrdsUrl(User &$user) { return $this->base_url . '/xrds/' . $user->login(); } // Returns the endpoint in the current request. public function GetEndpoint() { return $this->request->trust_root; } // Extracts the OpenId arguments available in the current request, and // builds a query string with them. public function GetQueryStringForRequest() { foreach (Auth_OpenID::getQuery() as $key => $value) { if (strpos($key, 'openid.') === 0) { $args[$key] = $value; } } return http_build_query($args); } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>