$this->make_hook('nl', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user'), 'nl/show' => $this->make_hook('nl_show', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user'), 'nl/search' => $this->make_hook('nl_search', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user'), 'nl/submit' => $this->make_hook('nl_submit', AUTH_PASSWD, 'user'), 'nl/remaining' => $this->make_hook('nl_remaining', AUTH_PASSWD, 'user'), 'admin/nls' => $this->make_hook('admin_nl_groups', AUTH_PASSWD, 'admin'), 'admin/newsletter' => $this->make_hook('admin_nl', AUTH_PASSWD, 'admin'), 'admin/newsletter/categories' => $this->make_hook('admin_nl_cat', AUTH_PASSWD, 'admin'), 'admin/newsletter/edit' => $this->make_hook('admin_nl_edit', AUTH_PASSWD, 'admin'), 'admin/newsletter/edit/delete' => $this->make_hook('admin_nl_delete', AUTH_PASSWD, 'admin'), 'stat/newsletter' => $this->make_hook('stat_nl', AUTH_PASSWD, 'admin') // Automatic mailing is disabled for X.org NL // 'admin/newsletter/edit/cancel' => $this->make_hook('cancel', AUTH_PASSWD, 'admin'), // 'admin/newsletter/edit/valid' => $this->make_hook('valid', AUTH_PASSWD, 'admin'), ); } /** This function should return the adequate NewsLetter object for the current module. */ protected function getNl() { require_once 'newsletter.inc.php'; return NewsLetter::forGroup(NewsLetter::GROUP_XORG); } function handler_nl($page, $action = null, $hash = null, $issue_id = null) { $nl = $this->getNl(); if (!$nl) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } $hash = ($hash == 'nohash') ? null : $hash; switch ($action) { case 'out': $success = $nl->unsubscribe($issue_id, $hash, $hash != null); if (!is_null($hash)) { if ($success) { $page->trigSuccess('La désinscription a été effectuée avec succès.'); } else { $page->trigError("La désinscription n'a été pas pu être effectuée."); } return; } break; case 'in': $nl->subscribe(); break; default: ; } $page->changeTpl('newsletter/index.tpl'); $page->setTitle('Lettres mensuelles'); $page->assign_by_ref('nl', $nl); $page->assign('nls', $nl->subscriptionState()); $page->assign('nl_list', $nl->listSentIssues(true)); } function handler_nl_show($page, $nid = 'last') { $page->changeTpl('newsletter/show.tpl'); $nl = $this->getNl(); if (!$nl) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } try { $issue = $nl->getIssue($nid); $user =& S::user(); if (Get::has('text')) { $issue->toText($page, $user); } else { $issue->toHtml($page, $user); } if (Post::has('send')) { $issue->sendTo($user); } } catch (MailNotFound $e) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } } function handler_nl_search($page) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $nl = $this->getNl(); if (!$nl) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } if (!Post::has('nl_search')) { pl_redirect($nl->prefix(true, false)); } $nl_search = Post::t('nl_search'); $nl_search_type = Post::t('nl_search_type'); if (!$nl_search || !($nl_search_type > 0 && $nl_search_type < 10)) { $page->trigErrorRedirect('La recherche est vide ou erronée.', $nl->prefix()); } $page->changeTpl('newsletter/search.tpl'); $user = S::user(); $fields = array(1 => 'all', 2 => 'all', 3 => 'title', 4 => 'body', 5 => 'append', 6 => 'all', 7 => 'title', 8 => 'head', 9 => 'signature'); $res_articles = $res_issues = array(); if ($nl_search_type < 6) { $res_articles = $nl->articleSearch($nl_search, $fields[$nl_search_type], $user); } if ($nl_search_type > 5 || $nl_search_type == 1) { $res_issues = $nl->issueSearch($nl_search, $fields[$nl_search_type], $user); } $articles_count = count($res_articles); $issues_count = count($res_issues); $results_count = $articles_count + $issues_count; if ($results_count > 200) { $page->trigError('Recherche trop générale.'); } elseif ($results_count == 0) { $page->trigWarning('Aucun résultat pour cette recherche.'); } else { $page->assign('res_articles', $res_articles); $page->assign('res_issues', $res_issues); $page->assign('articles_count', $articles_count); $page->assign('issues_count', $issues_count); } $page->assign_by_ref('nl', $nl); $page->assign('nl_search', $nl_search); $page->assign('nl_search_type', $nl_search_type); $page->assign('results_count', $results_count); } function handler_nl_submit($page) { $page->changeTpl('newsletter/submit.tpl'); $nl = $this->getNl(); if (!$nl) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } $wp = new PlWikiPage('Xorg.LettreMensuelle'); $wp->buildCache(); if (Post::has('see') || (Post::has('valid') && (!trim(Post::v('title')) || !trim(Post::v('body'))))) { if (!Post::has('see')) { $page->trigError("L'article doit avoir un titre et un contenu"); } $art = new NLArticle(Post::v('title'), Post::v('body'), Post::v('append')); $page->assign('art', $art); } elseif (Post::has('valid')) { $art = new NLReq(S::user(), Post::v('title'), Post::v('body'), Post::v('append')); $art->submit(); $page->assign('submited', true); } $page->addCssLink($nl->cssFile()); } function handler_nl_remaining($page) { require_once 'newsletter.inc.php'; pl_content_headers('text/html'); $page->changeTpl('newsletter/remaining.tpl', NO_SKIN); $article = new NLArticle('', Post::t('body'), ''); $rest = $article->remain(); $page->assign('too_long', $rest['remaining_lines'] < 0); $page->assign('last_line', ($rest['remaining_lines'] == 0)); $page->assign('remaining', ($rest['remaining_lines'] == 0) ? $rest['remaining_characters_for_last_line'] : $rest['remaining_lines']); } function handler_admin_nl($page, $new = false) { $page->changeTpl('newsletter/admin.tpl'); $page->setTitle('Administration - Newsletter : liste'); $nl = $this->getNl(); if (!$nl) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } if ($new == 'new') { // Logs NL creation. S::logger()->log('nl_issue_create', $nid); $id = $nl->createPending(); pl_redirect($nl->adminPrefix(true, false) . '/edit/' . $id); } $page->assign_by_ref('nl', $nl); $page->assign('nl_list', $nl->listAllIssues()); } function handler_admin_nl_groups($page, $sort = 'id', $order = 'ASC') { require_once 'newsletter.inc.php'; static $titles = array( 'id' => 'Id', 'group_name' => 'Groupe', 'name' => 'Titre', 'custom_css' => 'CSS spécifique', 'criteria' => 'Critères actifs' ); static $next_orders = array( 'ASC' => 'DESC', 'DESC' => 'ASC' ); if (!array_key_exists($sort, $titles)) { $sort = 'id'; } if (!in_array($order, array('ASC', 'DESC'))) { $order = 'ASC'; } $page->changeTpl('newsletter/admin_all.tpl'); $page->setTitle('Administration - Newsletters : Liste des Newsletters'); $page->assign('nls', Newsletter::getAll($sort, $order)); $page->assign('sort', $sort); $page->assign('order', $order); $page->assign('next_order', $next_orders[$order]); $page->assign('titles', $titles); } function handler_admin_nl_edit($page, $nid = 'last', $aid = null, $action = 'edit') { $page->changeTpl('newsletter/edit.tpl'); $page->addCssLink('nl.Polytechnique.org.css'); $page->setTitle('Administration - Newsletter : Édition'); $nl = $this->getNl(); if (!$nl) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } try { $issue = $nl->getIssue($nid, false); } catch (MailNotFound $e) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } $ufb = $nl->getSubscribersUFB(); $ufb_keepenv = false; // Will be set to True if there were invalid modification to the UFB. // Convert NLIssue error messages to human-readable errors $error_msgs = array( NLIssue::ERROR_INVALID_REPLY_TO => "L'adresse de réponse est invalide.", NLIssue::ERROR_INVALID_SHORTNAME => "Le nom court est invalide ou vide.", NLIssue::ERROR_INVALID_UFC => "Le filtre des destinataires est invalide.", NLIssue::ERROR_TOO_LONG_UFC => "Le nombre de matricules AX renseigné est trop élevé.", NLIssue::ERROR_SQL_SAVE => "Une erreur est survenue en tentant de sauvegarder la lettre, merci de réessayer.", ); // Update the current issue if($aid == 'update' && Post::has('submit')) { // Save common fields $issue->title = Post::s('title'); $issue->title_mail = Post::s('title_mail'); $issue->head = Post::s('head'); $issue->signature = Post::s('signature'); $issue->reply_to = Post::s('reply_to'); if ($issue->isEditable()) { // Date and shortname may only be modified for pending NLs, otherwise all links get broken. $issue->date = Post::s('date'); $issue->shortname = strlen(Post::blank('shortname')) ? null : Post::s('shortname'); $issue->sufb->updateFromEnv($ufb->getEnv()); if ($nl->automaticMailingEnabled()) { $issue->send_before = preg_replace('/^(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)$/', '\1-\2-\3', Post::v('send_before_date')) . ' ' . Post::i('send_before_time_Hour') . ':00:00'; } } $errors = $issue->save(); if (count($errors)) { foreach ($errors as $error_code) { $page->trigError($error_msgs[$error_code]); } } } // Delete an article if($action == 'delete') { $issue->delArticle($aid); pl_redirect($nl->adminPrefix(true, false) . "/edit/$nid"); } // Save an article if(Post::v('save')) { $art = new NLArticle(Post::v('title'), Post::v('body'), Post::v('append'), $aid, Post::v('cid'), Post::v('pos')); $issue->saveArticle($art); pl_redirect($nl->adminPrefix(true, false) . "/edit/$nid"); } // Edit an article if ($action == 'edit' && $aid != 'update') { $eaid = $aid; if (Post::has('title')) { $art = new NLArticle(Post::v('title'), Post::v('body'), Post::v('append'), $eaid, Post::v('cid'), Post::v('pos')); } else { $art = ($eaid == 'new') ? new NLArticle() : $issue->getArt($eaid); } if ($art && !$art->check()) { $page->trigError("Cet article est trop long."); } $page->assign('art', $art); } // Check blacklisted IPs if ($aid == 'blacklist_check') { global $globals; $ips_to_check = array(); $blacklist_host_resolution_count = 0; foreach ($issue->arts as $key => $articles) { foreach ($articles as $article) { $article_ips = $article->getLinkIps($blacklist_host_resolution_count); if (!empty($article_ips)) { $ips_to_check[$article->title()] = $article_ips; } } } $page->assign('ips_to_check', $ips_to_check); if ($blacklist_host_resolution_count >= $globals->mail->blacklist_host_resolution_limit) { $page->trigError("Toutes les url et adresses emails de la lettre" . " n'ont pas été prises en compte car la" . " limite du nombre de résolutions DNS" . " autorisée a été atteinte."); } } if ($issue->state == NLIssue::STATE_SENT) { $page->trigWarning("Cette lettre a déjà été envoyée ; il est recommandé de limiter les modifications au maximum (orthographe, adresses web et mail)."); } $ufb->setEnv($issue->sufb->getEnv()); $page->assign_by_ref('nl', $nl); $page->assign_by_ref('issue', $issue); } /** This handler will cancel the sending of the currently pending issue * It is disabled for X.org mailings. */ function handler_admin_nl_cancel($page, $nid, $force = null) { $nl = $this->getNl(); if (!$nl) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } if (!$nl->mayEdit() || !S::has_xsrf_token()) { return PL_FORBIDDEN; } if (!$nid) { $page->kill("La lettre n'a pas été spécifiée"); } $issue = $nl->getIssue($nid); if (!$issue) { $page->kill("La lettre {$nid} n'existe pas."); } if (!$issue->cancelMailing()) { $page->trigErrorRedirect("Une erreur est survenue lors de l'annulation de l'envoi.", $nl->adminPrefix()); } // Logs NL cancelling. S::logger()->log('nl_mailing_cancel', $nid); $page->trigSuccessRedirect("L'envoi de l'annonce {$issue->title()} est annulé.", $nl->adminPrefix()); } /** This handler will enable the sending of the currently pending issue * It is disabled for X.org mailings. */ function handler_admin_nl_valid($page, $nid, $force = null) { $nl = $this->getNl(); if (!$nl) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } if (!$nl->mayEdit() || !S::has_xsrf_token()) { return PL_FORBIDDEN; } if (!$nid) { $page->kill("La lettre n'a pas été spécifiée."); } $issue = $nl->getIssue($nid); if (!$issue) { $page->kill("La lettre {$nid} n'existe pas."); } if (!$issue->scheduleMailing()) { $page->trigErrorRedirect("Une erreur est survenue lors de la validation de l'envoi.", $nl->adminPrefix()); } // Logs NL validation. S::logger()->log('nl_mailing_valid', $nid); $page->trigSuccessRedirect("L'envoi de la newsletter {$issue->title()} a été validé.", $nl->adminPrefix()); } /** This handler will remove the given issue. */ function handler_admin_nl_delete($page, $nid, $force = null) { $nl = $this->getNl(); if (!$nl) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } if (!$nl->mayEdit() || !S::has_xsrf_token()) { return PL_FORBIDDEN; } if (!$nid) { $page->kill("La lettre n'a pas été spécifiée."); } $issue = $nl->getIssue($nid); if (!$issue) { $page->kill("La lettre {$nid} n'existe pas"); } if (!$issue->isEditable()) { $page->trigErrorRedirect("La lette a été envoyée ou est en cours d'envoi, elle ne peut être supprimée.", $nl->adminPrefix()); } if (!$issue->delete()) { $page->trigErrorRedirect("Une erreur est survenue lors de la suppression de la lettre.", $nl->adminPrefix()); } // Logs NL deletion. S::logger()->log('nl_issue_delete', $nid); $page->trigSuccessRedirect("La lettre a bien été supprimée.", $nl->adminPrefix()); } function handler_admin_nl_cat($page, $action = 'list', $id = null) { $nl = $this->getNl(); if (!$nl) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } if (!$nl->mayEdit()) { return PL_FORBIDDEN; } $page->setTitle('Administration - Newsletter : Catégories'); $page->assign('title', 'Gestion des catégories de la newsletter'); $table_editor = new PLTableEditor($nl->adminPrefix() . '/categories', 'newsletter_cat','cid'); $table_editor->describe('title','intitulé',true); $table_editor->describe('pos','position',true); if ($nl->group == Newsletter::GROUP_XORG) { $table_editor->add_option_table('newsletters', 'newsletters.id = t.nlid'); $table_editor->add_option_field('newsletters.name', 'newsletter_name', 'Newsletter', null, 'nlid'); $table_editor->describe('nlid', 'ID NL', true); } else { $table_editor->force_field_value('nlid', $nl->id); $table_editor->describe('nlid', 'nlid', false, false); } // Prevent deletion. $table_editor->on_delete(null, null); $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id); } function handler_stat_nl($page) { $nl = $this->getNl(); if (!$nl) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } if (!$nl->mayEdit()) { return PL_FORBIDDEN; } $page->setTitle('Statistiques - Newsletter'); $page->changeTpl('newsletter/statistics.tpl'); $page->assign_by_ref('nl', $nl); } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>