$this->make_hook('marketing', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'marketing/promo' => $this->make_hook('promo', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'marketing/relance' => $this->make_hook('relance', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'marketing/this_week' => $this->make_hook('week', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'marketing/volontaire' => $this->make_hook('volontaire', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'marketing/private' => $this->make_hook('private', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'marketing/public' => $this->make_hook('public', AUTH_COOKIE), 'marketing/broken' => $this->make_hook('broken', AUTH_COOKIE), ); } function handler_marketing(&$page) { $page->changeTpl('marketing/index.tpl'); $page->setTitle('Marketing'); $page->trigWarning("Les statistiques sont momentanéement désactivées"); } function handler_private(&$page, $hruid = null, $action = null, $value = null) { global $globals; $page->changeTpl('marketing/private.tpl'); $user = User::getSilent($hruid); if (!$user) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } // Retrieves marketed user details. if ($user->state != 'pending') { $page->kill('Cet utilisateur est déjà inscrit'); } if (!$user->hasProfile()) { $page->kill('Cet utilisateur n\'est pas concerné par le marketing'); } $matricule = $user->profile()->xorg_id; $matricule_X = Profile::getSchoolId($matricule); $page->assign('full_name', $user->fullName()); $page->assign('promo', $user->promo()); $page->assign('matricule', $matricule); $page->assign('matricule_X',$matricule_X); // Applies in-parameter action to the user. if ($action == 'del') { S::assert_xsrf_token(); Marketing::clear($user->id(), $value); } if ($action == 'rel') { $market = Marketing::get($user->id(), $value); if ($market == null) { $page->trigWarning("Aucun marketing n'a été effectué vers $value"); } else { $to = $market->user['to']; $title = $market->getTitle(); $text = $market->getText(); $from = $market->sender_mail; $page->assign('rel_from_user', $from); $page->assign('rel_from_staff', '"Equipe Polytechnique.org" mail->domain . '>'); $page->assign('rel_to', $to); $page->assign('rel_title', $title); $page->assign('rel_text', $text); $page->assign('rel_email', $value); } } if ($action == 'relforce') { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $market = Marketing::get($user->id(), Post::v('to')); if (is_null($market)) { $market = new Marketing($user->id(), Post::v('to'), 'default', null, 'staff'); } $market->send(Post::v('title'), Post::v('message')); $page->trigSuccess("Email envoyé"); } if ($action == 'insrel') { S::assert_xsrf_token(); if (Marketing::relance($user->id())) { $page->trigSuccess('relance faite'); } } if ($action == 'add' && Post::has('email') && Post::has('type')) { $market = new Marketing($user->id(), Post::v('email'), 'default', null, Post::v('type'), S::v('uid')); $market->add(false); } // Retrieves and display the existing marketing attempts. $res = XDB::iterator( "SELECT r.*, a.alias FROM register_marketing AS r LEFT JOIN aliases AS a ON (r.sender=a.id AND a.type = 'a_vie') WHERE uid={?} ORDER BY date", $user->id()); $page->assign('addr', $res); $res = XDB::query("SELECT date, relance FROM register_pending WHERE uid = {?}", $user->id()); if (list($pending, $relance) = $res->fetchOneRow()) { $page->assign('pending', $pending); $page->assign('relance', $relance); } $page->assign('path', 'marketing/private/' . $user->login()); } function handler_broken(&$page, $uid = null) { $page->changeTpl('marketing/broken.tpl'); if (is_null($uid)) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } $user = User::get($uid); if (!$user) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } elseif ($user->login() == S::user()->login()) { pl_redirect('emails/redirect'); } $res = XDB::query('SELECT p.deathdate IS NULL AS alive, e.last, IF(e.email IS NOT NULL, e.email, IF(FIND_IN_SET(\'googleapps\', eo.storage), \'googleapps\', NULL)) AS email FROM email_options AS eo LEFT JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (ap.uid = eo.uid AND FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', ap.perms)) LEFT JOIN profiles AS p ON (p.pid = ap.pid) LEFT JOIN emails AS e ON (e.flags = \'active\' AND e.uid = eo.uid) WHERE eo.uid = {?} ORDER BY e.panne_level, e.last', $user->id()); if (!$res->numRows()) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } $user->addProperties($res->fetchOneAssoc()); $page->assign('user', $user); $email = null; require_once 'emails.inc.php'; if (Post::has('mail')) { $email = valide_email(Post::v('mail')); } if (Post::has('valide') && isvalid_email_redirection($email)) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); // security stuff check_email($email, "Proposition d'une adresse surveillee pour " . $user->login() . " par " . S::user()->login()); $res = XDB::query("SELECT flags FROM emails WHERE email = {?} AND uid = {?}", $email, $user->id()); $state = $res->numRows() ? $res->fetchOneCell() : null; if ($state == 'panne') { $page->trigWarning("L'adresse que tu as fournie est l'adresse actuelle de {$user->fullName()} et est en panne."); } elseif ($state == 'active') { $page->trigWarning("L'adresse que tu as fournie est l'adresse actuelle de {$user->fullName()}"); } elseif ($user->email && !trim(Post::v('comment'))) { $page->trigError("Il faut que tu ajoutes un commentaire à ta proposition pour justifier le " . "besoin de changer la redirection de {$user->fullName()}."); } else { require_once 'validations.inc.php'; $valid = new BrokenReq(S::user(), $user, $email, trim(Post::v('comment'))); $valid->submit(); $page->assign('sent', true); } } elseif ($email) { $page->trigError("L'adresse proposée n'est pas une adresse acceptable pour une redirection"); } } function handler_promo(&$page, $promo = null) { $page->changeTpl('marketing/promo.tpl'); if (is_null($promo)) { $promo = S::v('promo'); } $page->assign('promo', $promo); $uf = new UserFilter(new UFC_And(new UFC_Promo('=', UserFilter::DISPLAY, $promo), new UFC_Not(new UFC_Registered())), array(new UFO_Name(Profile::LASTNAME), new UFO_Name(Profile::FIRSTNAME))); $users = $uf->getUsers(); $page->assign('nonins', $users); } function handler_public(&$page, $hruid = null) { $page->changeTpl('marketing/public.tpl'); // Retrieves the user info, and checks the user is not yet registered. $user = User::getSilent($hruid); if (!$user || !$user->hasProfile()) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } if ($user->state != 'pending') { $page->kill('Cet utilisateur est déjà inscrit'); } // Displays the page, and handles the eventual user actions. $page->assign('full_name', $user->fullName()); $page->assign('promo', $user->promo()); if (Post::has('valide')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $email = trim(Post::v('mail')); require_once 'emails.inc.php'; if (!isvalid_email_redirection($email)) { $page->trigError('Email invalide !'); } else { // On cherche les marketings précédents sur cette adresse // email, en se restreignant au dernier mois if (Marketing::get($user->id(), $email, true)) { $page->assign('already', true); } else { $page->assign('ok', true); check_email($email, "Une adresse surveillée est proposée au marketing par " . S::user()->login()); $market = new Marketing($user->id(), $email, 'default', null, Post::v('origine'), S::v('uid'), Post::v('origine') == 'user' ? Post::v('personal_notes') : null); $market->add(); } } } else { global $globals; require_once 'marketing.inc.php'; $sender = User::getSilent(S::v('uid')); $market = new AnnuaireMarketing(null, true); $text = $market->getText(array( 'sexe' => $user->isFemale(), 'forlife_email' => $user->login() . '@' . $globals->mail->domain, 'forlife_email2' => $user->login() . '@' . $globals->mail->domain2 )); $text = str_replace('%%hash%%', '', $text); $text = str_replace('%%personal_notes%%', '', $text); $text = str_replace('%%sender%%', "" . $sender->fullName() . '', $text); $page->assign('text', nl2br($text)); // TODO (JAC): define a unique Xorg signature for all the emails we send. $page->assign('xorg_signature', "L'équipe de Polytechnique.org,
Le portail des élèves & anciens élèves de l'École polytechnique"); $page->assign('perso_signature', $sender->fullName()); } } function handler_week(&$page, $sorting = 'per_promo') { $page->changeTpl('marketing/this_week.tpl'); $sort = $sorting == 'per_promo' ? new UFO_Promo() : new UFO_Registration(); $uf = new UserFilter(new UFC_Registered(false, '>', strtotime('1 week ago')), $sort); $page->assign('users', $uf->getUsers()); } function handler_volontaire(&$page, $promo = null) { $page->changeTpl('marketing/volontaire.tpl'); $res = XDB::query( 'SELECT DISTINCT pd.promo FROM register_marketing AS m INNER JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (m.uid = ap.uid AND FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', ap.perms)) INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON (pd.pid = ap.pid) ORDER BY pd.promo'); $page->assign('promos', $res->fetchColumn()); if (!is_null($promo)) { $it = XDB::iterator('SELECT m.uid, m.email FROM register_marketing AS m INNER JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (m.uid = ap.uid AND FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', ap.perms)) INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON (pd.pid = ap.pid) WHERE pd.promo = {?}', $promo); $page->assign('addr', $it); } } function handler_relance(&$page) { $page->changeTpl('marketing/relance.tpl'); if (Post::has('relancer')) { $nbdix = Marketing::getAliveUsersCount(); $sent = Array(); $users = User::getBulkUsersWithUIDs($_POST['relance']); foreach ($users as $user) { if ($tmp = Marketing::relance($user, $nbdix)) { $sent[] = $tmp . ' a été relancé.'; } } $page->assign('sent', $sent); } $page->assign('relance', XDB::iterator('SELECT r.date, r.relance, r.uid FROM register_pending AS r WHERE hash != \'INSCRIT\' ORDER BY date DESC')); } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>