$this->make_hook('lists', AUTH_MDP), 'lists/ajax' => $this->make_hook('ajax', AUTH_MDP, 'user', NO_AUTH), 'lists/create' => $this->make_hook('create', AUTH_MDP), 'lists/members' => $this->make_hook('members', AUTH_COOKIE), 'lists/trombi' => $this->make_hook('trombi', AUTH_COOKIE), 'lists/archives' => $this->make_hook('archives', AUTH_COOKIE), 'lists/archives/rss' => $this->make_hook('rss', AUTH_PUBLIC), 'lists/moderate' => $this->make_hook('moderate', AUTH_MDP), 'lists/admin' => $this->make_hook('admin', AUTH_MDP), 'lists/options' => $this->make_hook('options', AUTH_MDP), 'lists/delete' => $this->make_hook('delete', AUTH_MDP), 'lists/soptions' => $this->make_hook('soptions', AUTH_MDP), 'lists/check' => $this->make_hook('check', AUTH_MDP), 'admin/lists' => $this->make_hook('admin_all', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), ); } function on_subscribe($forlife, $uid, $promo, $password) { $this->prepare_client(null); $this->client->subscribe("promo$promo"); } function prepare_client(&$page) { global $globals; require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/lists/lists.inc.php'; $this->client = new MMList(S::v('uid'), S::v('password')); return $globals->mail->domain; } function handler_lists(&$page) { function filter_owner($list) { return $list['own']; } function filter_member($list) { return $list['sub']; } $this->prepare_client($page); $page->changeTpl('lists/index.tpl'); $page->addJsLink('ajax.js'); $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Listes de diffusion'); if (Get::has('del')) { $this->client->unsubscribe(Get::v('del')); pl_redirect('lists'); } if (Get::has('add')) { $this->client->subscribe(Get::v('add')); pl_redirect('lists'); } if (Post::has('promo_add')) { $promo = Post::i('promo_add'); if ($promo >= 1900 and $promo < 2100) { $this->client->subscribe("promo$promo"); } else { $page->trig("promo incorrecte, il faut une promo sur 4 chiffres."); } } $listes = $this->client->get_lists(); $owner = array_filter($listes, 'filter_owner'); $listes = array_diff_key($listes, $owner); $member = array_filter($listes, 'filter_member'); $listes = array_diff_key($listes, $member); foreach ($owner as $key=>$liste) { list($subs,$mails) = $this->client->get_pending_ops($liste['list']); $owner[$key]['subscriptions'] = $subs; $owner[$key]['mails'] = $mails; } $page->register_modifier('hdc', 'list_header_decode'); $page->assign_by_ref('owner', $owner); $page->assign_by_ref('member', $member); $page->assign_by_ref('public', $listes); } function handler_ajax(&$page, $list = null) { header('Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"'); $domain = $this->prepare_client($page); $page->changeTpl('lists/liste.inc.tpl', NO_SKIN); if (Get::has('unsubscribe')) { $this->client->unsubscribe($list); } if (Get::has('subscribe')) { $this->client->subscribe($list); } if (Get::has('sadd')) { /* 4 = SUBSCRIBE */ $this->client->handle_request($list, Get::v('sadd'), 4, ''); } if (Get::has('mid')) { $this->moderate_mail($domain, $list, Get::i('mid')); } list($liste, $members, $owners) = $this->client->get_members($list); if ($liste['own']) { list($subs,$mails) = $this->client->get_pending_ops($list); $liste['subscriptions'] = $subs; $liste['mails'] = $mails; } $page->register_modifier('hdc', 'list_header_decode'); $page->assign_by_ref('liste', $liste); } function handler_create(&$page) { $page->changeTpl('lists/create.tpl'); $owners = preg_split("/[\s]+/", Post::v('owners'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $members = preg_split("/[\s]+/", Post::v('members'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); // click on validate button 'add_owner_sub' or type if (Post::has('add_owner_sub') && Post::has('add_owner')) { require_once('user.func.inc.php'); // if we want to add an owner and then type , then both // add_owner_sub and add_owner are filled. $oforlifes = get_users_forlife_list(Post::v('add_owner'), true); $mforlifes = get_users_forlife_list(Post::v('add_member'), true); if (!is_null($oforlifes)) { $owners = array_merge($owners, $oforlifes); } // if we want to add a member and then type , then // add_owner_sub is filled, whereas add_owner is empty. if (!is_null($mforlifes)) { $members = array_merge($members, $mforlifes); } } // click on validate button 'add_member_sub' if (Post::has('add_member_sub') && Post::has('add_member')) { require_once('user.func.inc.php'); $forlifes = get_users_forlife_list(Post::v('add_member'), true); if (!is_null($forlifes)) { $members = array_merge($members, $forlifes); } } ksort($owners); $owners = array_unique($owners); ksort($members); $members = array_unique($members); $page->assign('owners', join(' ', $owners)); $page->assign('members', join(' ', $members)); if (!Post::has('submit')) { return; } $liste = Post::v('liste'); if (empty($liste)) { $page->trig('champs «addresse souhaitée» vide'); } if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9\-]*$/", $liste)) { $page->trig('le nom de la liste ne doit contenir que des lettres non accentuées, chiffres et tirets'); } $res = XDB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM aliases WHERE alias={?}", $liste); $n = $res->fetchOneCell(); if ($n) { $page->trig('cet alias est déjà pris'); } if (!Post::v(desc)) { $page->trig('le sujet est vide'); } if (!count($owners)) { $page->trig('pas de gestionnaire'); } if (count($members)<4) { $page->trig('pas assez de membres'); } if (!$page->nb_errs()) { $page->assign('created', true); require_once 'validations.inc.php'; $req = new ListeReq(S::v('uid'), $liste, Post::v('desc'), Post::i('advertise'), Post::i('modlevel'), Post::i('inslevel'), $owners, $members); $req->submit(); } } function changeTpl($tpl) { if (!empty($GLOBALS['IS_XNET_SITE'])) { new_group_open_page($tpl); } else { global $page; $page->changeTpl($tpl); } } function handler_members(&$page, $liste = null) { if (is_null($liste)) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } $this->prepare_client($page); $this->changeTpl('lists/members.tpl'); if (Get::has('del')) { $this->client->unsubscribe($liste); pl_redirect('lists/members/'.$liste); } if (Get::has('add')) { $this->client->subscribe($liste); pl_redirect('lists/members/'.$liste); } $members = $this->client->get_members($liste); $tri_promo = !Env::b('alpha'); if (list($det,$mem,$own) = $members) { $membres = list_sort_members($mem, $tri_promo); $moderos = list_sort_owners($own, $tri_promo); $page->assign_by_ref('details', $det); $page->assign_by_ref('members', $membres); $page->assign_by_ref('owners', $moderos); $page->assign('nb_m', count($mem)); } else { $page->kill("La liste n'existe pas ou tu n'as pas le droit d'en voir les détails"); } } function compare($a, $b) { if ($a['promo'] == $b['promo']) { if ($a['nom'] == $b['nom']) { return strcmp($a['prenom'], $b['prenom']); } return strcmp($a['nom'], $b['nom']); } return $a['promo'] - $b['promo']; } function _get_list($offset, $limit) { global $platal; list($total, $members) = $this->client->get_members_limit($platal->argv[1], $offset, $limit); $membres = Array(); foreach ($members as $member) { list($m) = explode('@',$member[1]); $res = XDB::query("SELECT prenom,if (nom_usage='', nom, nom_usage) AS nom, promo, a.alias AS forlife FROM auth_user_md5 AS u INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON u.user_id = a.id INNER JOIN photo AS p ON p.uid = u.user_id WHERE a.alias = {?}", $m); if ($tmp = $res->fetchOneAssoc()) { $membres[$tmp['nom']] = $tmp; } else { $total--; } } uasort($membres, array($this, 'compare')); return array($total, $membres); } function handler_trombi(&$page, $liste = null) { if (is_null($liste)) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } $this->prepare_client($page); $this->changeTpl('lists/trombi.tpl'); if (Get::has('del')) { $this->client->unsubscribe($liste); pl_redirect('lists/trombi/'.$liste); } if (Get::has('add')) { $this->client->subscribe($liste); pl_redirect('lists/trombi/'.$liste); } $owners = $this->client->get_owners($liste); if (is_array($owners)) { $moderos = list_sort_owners($owners[1]); $page->assign_by_ref('details', $owners[0]); $page->assign_by_ref('owners', $moderos); $trombi = new Trombi(array(&$this, '_get_list')); $page->assign('trombi', $trombi); } else { $page->kill("La liste n'existe pas ou tu n'as pas le droit d'en voir les détails"); } } function handler_archives(&$page, $liste = null, $action = null, $artid = null) { global $globals; if (is_null($liste)) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } $domain = $this->prepare_client($page); $this->changeTpl('lists/archives.tpl'); if (list($det) = $this->client->get_members($liste)) { if (substr($liste,0,5) != 'promo' && ($det['ins'] || $det['priv']) && !$det['own'] && ($det['sub'] < 2)) { $page->kill("La liste n'existe pas ou tu n'as pas le droit de la consulter"); } $get = Array('listname' => $liste, 'domain' => $domain); if (Post::has('updateall')) { $get['updateall'] = Post::v('updateall'); } require_once 'banana/ml.inc.php'; get_banana_params($get, null, $action, $artid); run_banana($page, 'MLBanana', $get); } else { $page->kill("La liste n'existe pas ou tu n'as pas le droit de la consulter"); } } function handler_rss(&$page, $liste = null, $alias = null, $hash = null) { require_once('rss.inc.php'); $uid = init_rss(null, $alias, $hash); if (!$uid || !$liste) { exit; } $res = XDB::query("SELECT user_id AS uid, password, alias AS forlife FROM auth_user_md5 AS u INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON (a.id = u.user_id AND a.type = 'a_vie') WHERE u.user_id = {?}", $uid); $row = $res->fetchOneAssoc(); $_SESSION = array_merge($row, $_SESSION); $domain = $this->prepare_client($page); if (list($det) = $this->client->get_members($liste)) { if (substr($liste,0,5) != 'promo' && ($det['ins'] || $det['priv']) && !$det['own'] && ($det['sub'] < 2)) { exit; } require_once('banana/ml.inc.php'); $banana = new MLBanana(Array('listname' => $liste, 'domain' => $domain, 'action' => 'rss2')); $banana->run(); } exit; } function moderate_mail($domain, $liste, $mid) { $mail = $this->client->get_pending_mail($liste, $mid); $reason = ''; $prenom = S::v('prenom'); $nom = S::v('nom'); if (Env::has('mok')) { $action = 1; /** 2 = ACCEPT **/ $subject = "Message accepté"; $append .= "a été accepté par $prenom $nom.\n"; } elseif (Env::has('mno')) { $action = 2; /** 2 = REJECT **/ $subject = "Message refusé"; $reason = Post::v('reason'); $append = "a été refusé par $prenom $nom avec la raison :\n\n" . $reason; } elseif (Env::has('mdel')) { $action = 3; /** 3 = DISCARD **/ $subject = "Message supprimé"; $append = "a été supprimé par $prenom $nom.\n\n" . "Rappel: il ne faut utiliser cette opération " . "que dans le cas de spams ou de virus !\n"; } if (isset($action) && $this->client->handle_request($liste, $mid, $action, $reason)) { $texte = "le message suivant :\n\n" ." Auteur: {$mail['sender']}\n" ." Sujet : « {$mail['subj']} »\n" ." Date : ".strftime("le %d %b %Y à %H:%M:%S", (int)$mail['stamp'])."\n\n" .$append; $mailer = new PlMailer(); $mailer->addTo("$liste-owner@{$domain}"); $mailer->setFrom("$liste-bounces@{$domain}"); $mailer->addHeader('Reply-To', "$liste-owner@{$domain}"); $mailer->setSubject($subject); $mailer->setTxtBody(wordwrap($texte,72)); $mailer->send(); Get::kill('mid'); } return $mail; } function handler_moderate(&$page, $liste = null) { if (is_null($liste)) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } $domain = $this->prepare_client($page); $this->changeTpl('lists/moderate.tpl'); $page->register_modifier('hdc', 'list_header_decode'); if (Env::has('sadd')) { /* 4 = SUBSCRIBE */ $this->client->handle_request($liste,Env::v('sadd'),4,''); pl_redirect('lists/moderate/'.$liste); } if (Post::has('sdel')) { /* 2 = REJECT */ $this->client->handle_request($liste,Post::v('sdel'),2,Post::v('reason')); } if (Post::has('moderate_mails') && Post::has('select_mails')) { $mails = array_keys(Post::v('select_mails')); foreach($mails as $mail) { $this->moderate_mail($domain, $liste, $mail); } } elseif (Env::has('mid')) { if (Get::has('mid') && !Env::has('mok') && !Env::has('mdel')) { $page->changeTpl('lists/moderate_mail.tpl'); require_once('banana/moderate.inc.php'); $params = array('listname' => $liste, 'domain' => $domain, 'artid' => Get::i('mid'), 'part' => Get::v('part'), 'action' => Get::v('action')); $params['client'] = $this->client; run_banana($page, 'ModerationBanana', $params); $msg = file_get_contents('/etc/mailman/fr/refuse.txt'); $msg = str_replace("%(adminaddr)s", "$liste-owner@{$domain}", $msg); $msg = str_replace("%(request)s", "<< SUJET DU MAIL >>", $msg); $msg = str_replace("%(reason)s", "<< TON EXPLICATION >>", $msg); $msg = str_replace("%(listname)s", $liste, $msg); $page->assign('msg', $msg); return; } $mail = $this->moderate_mail($domain, $liste, Env::i('mid')); } elseif (Env::has('sid')) { if (list($subs,$mails) = $this->client->get_pending_ops($liste)) { foreach($subs as $user) { if ($user['id'] == Env::v('sid')) { $this->changeTpl('lists/moderate_sub.tpl'); $page->assign('del_user', $user); return; } } } } if (list($subs,$mails) = $this->client->get_pending_ops($liste)) { foreach ($mails as $key=>$mail) { $mails[$key]['stamp'] = strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", $mail['stamp']); } $page->assign_by_ref('subs', $subs); $page->assign_by_ref('mails', $mails); } else { $page->kill("La liste n'existe pas ou tu n'as pas le droit de la modérer"); } } function handler_admin(&$page, $liste = null) { global $globals; if (is_null($liste)) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } $this->prepare_client($page); $this->changeTpl('lists/admin.tpl'); if (Env::has('add_member')) { require_once('user.func.inc.php'); $members = get_users_forlife_list(Env::v('add_member')); $arr = $this->client->mass_subscribe($liste, $members); if (is_array($arr)) { foreach($arr as $addr) { $page->trig("{$addr[0]} inscrit."); } } } if (Env::has('del_member')) { if (strpos(Env::v('del_member'), '@') === false) { $this->client->mass_unsubscribe( $liste, array(Env::v('del_member').'@'.$globals->mail->domain)); } else { $this->client->mass_unsubscribe($liste, array(Env::v('del_member'))); } pl_redirect('lists/admin/'.$liste); } if (Env::has('add_owner')) { require_once('user.func.inc.php'); $owners = get_users_forlife_list(Env::v('add_owner')); if ($owners) { foreach ($owners as $login) { if ($this->client->add_owner($liste, $login)) { $page->trig($alias." ajouté aux modérateurs."); } } } } if (Env::has('del_owner')) { if (strpos(Env::v('del_owner'), '@') === false) { $this->client->del_owner($liste, Env::v('del_owner').'@'.$globals->mail->domain); } else { $this->client->del_owner($liste, Env::v('del_owner')); } pl_redirect('lists/admin/'.$liste); } if (list($det,$mem,$own) = $this->client->get_members($liste)) { $membres = list_sort_members($mem, @$tri_promo); $moderos = list_sort_owners($own, @$tri_promo); $page->assign_by_ref('details', $det); $page->assign_by_ref('members', $membres); $page->assign_by_ref('owners', $moderos); $page->assign('np_m', count($mem)); } else { $page->kill("La liste n'existe pas ou tu n'as pas le droit de l'administrer.
" ." Si tu penses qu'il s'agit d'une erreur, " ."contact le support"); } } function handler_options(&$page, $liste = null) { if (is_null($liste)) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } $this->prepare_client($page); $this->changeTpl('lists/options.tpl'); if (Post::has('submit')) { $values = $_POST; $values = array_map('utf8_decode', $values); $this->client->set_bogo_level($liste, intval($values['bogo_level'])); switch($values['moderate']) { case '0': $values['generic_nonmember_action'] = 0; $values['default_member_moderation'] = 0; break; case '1': $values['generic_nonmember_action'] = 1; $values['default_member_moderation'] = 0; break; case '2': $values['generic_nonmember_action'] = 1; $values['default_member_moderation'] = 1; break; } unset($values['submit'], $values['bogo_level'], $values['moderate']); $values['send_goodbye_msg'] = !empty($values['send_goodbye_msg']); $values['admin_notify_mchanges'] = !empty($values['admin_notify_mchanges']); $values['subscribe_policy'] = empty($values['subscribe_policy']) ? 0 : 2; if (isset($values['subject_prefix'])) { $values['subject_prefix'] = trim($values['subject_prefix']).' '; } $this->client->set_owner_options($liste, $values); } elseif (isvalid_email(Post::v('atn_add'))) { $this->client->add_to_wl($liste, Post::v('atn_add')); } elseif (Get::has('atn_del')) { $this->client->del_from_wl($liste, Get::v('atn_del')); pl_redirect('lists/options/'.$liste); } if (list($details,$options) = $this->client->get_owner_options($liste)) { $page->assign_by_ref('details', $details); $page->assign_by_ref('options', $options); $page->assign('bogo_level', $this->client->get_bogo_level($liste)); } else { $page->kill("La liste n'existe pas ou tu n'as pas le droit de l'administrer"); } } function handler_delete(&$page, $liste = null) { global $globals; if (is_null($liste)) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } $domain = $this->prepare_client($page); if ($domain == $globals->mail->domain || $domain == $globals->mail->domain2) { $domain = ''; $table = 'aliases'; $type = 'liste'; } else { $domain = '@' . $domain; $table = 'virtual'; $type = 'list'; } $this->changeTpl('lists/delete.tpl'); if (Post::v('valid') == 'OUI') { if ($this->client->delete_list($liste, Post::b('del_archive'))) { foreach (array('', '-owner', '-admin', '-bounces') as $app) { XDB::execute("DELETE FROM $table WHERE type={?} AND alias={?}", $type, $liste.$app.$domain); } $page->assign('deleted', true); } else { $page->kill('Une erreur est survenue lors de la suppression de la liste.
' . 'Contact les administrateurs du site pour régler le problème : ' . 'support@polytechnique.org'); } } elseif (list($details,$options) = $this->client->get_owner_options($liste)) { $page->assign_by_ref('details', $details); $page->assign_by_ref('options', $options); $page->assign('bogo_level', $this->client->get_bogo_level($liste)); } else { $page->kill("La liste n'existe pas ou tu n'as pas le droit de l'administrer"); } } function handler_soptions(&$page, $liste = null) { if (is_null($liste)) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } $this->prepare_client($page); $this->changeTpl('lists/soptions.tpl'); if (Post::has('submit')) { $values = $_POST; $values = array_map('utf8_decode', $values); unset($values['submit']); $values['advertised'] = empty($values['advertised']) ? false : true; $values['archive'] = empty($values['archive']) ? false : true; $this->client->set_admin_options($liste, $values); } if (list($details,$options) = $this->client->get_admin_options($liste)) { $page->assign_by_ref('details', $details); $page->assign_by_ref('options', $options); } else { $page->kill("La liste n'existe pas"); } } function handler_check(&$page, $liste = null) { if (is_null($liste)) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } $this->prepare_client($page); $this->changeTpl('lists/check.tpl'); if (Post::has('correct')) { $this->client->check_options($liste, true); } if (list($details,$options) = $this->client->check_options($liste)) { $page->assign_by_ref('details', $details); $page->assign_by_ref('options', $options); } else { $page->kill("La liste n'existe pas"); } } function handler_admin_all(&$page) { $this->changeTpl('lists/admin_all.tpl'); $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Mailing lists'); $client = new MMList(S::v('uid'), S::v('password')); $listes = $client->get_all_lists(); $page->assign_by_ref('listes', $listes); } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>