$this->make_hook('default', AUTH_COOKIE), 'admin/geoloc' => $this->make_hook('admin', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/geoloc/dynamap' => $this->make_hook('admin_dynamap', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/geoloc/country' => $this->make_hook('admin_country', AUTH_MDP, 'admin') ); } function handler_default(&$page, $action = null, $subaction = null) { global $globals; $set = new UserSet(); $set->addMod('geoloc', 'Geolocalisation', true); $set->apply('geoloc', $page, $action, $subaction); } function handler_admin(&$page, $action = false) { $page->changeTpl('geoloc/admin.tpl'); require_once("geoloc.inc.php"); $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Geolocalisation'); $nb_synchro = 0; if (Env::has('id') && is_numeric(Env::v('id'))) { if (synchro_city(Env::v('id'))) $nb_synchro ++; } if ($action == 'missinglat') { $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT id FROM geoloc_city WHERE lat = 0 AND lon = 0"); while ($a = $res->next()) if (synchro_city($a[0])) $nb_synchro++; } if ($nb_synchro) $page->trigSuccess(($nb_synchro > 1)?($nb_synchro." villes ont été synchronisées"):"Une ville a été synchronisée"); $res = XDB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM geoloc_city WHERE lat = 0 AND lon = 0"); $page->assign("nb_missinglat", $res->fetchOneCell()); } function handler_admin_dynamap(&$page, $action = false) { $page->changeTpl('geoloc/admin_dynamap.tpl'); if ($action == 'cities_not_on_map') { require_once('geoloc.inc.php'); if (!fix_cities_not_on_map(20)) $page->trigError("Impossible d'accéder au webservice"); else $refresh = true; } if ($action == 'smallest_maps') { require_once('geoloc.inc.php'); set_smallest_levels(); } if ($action == 'precise_coordinates') { XDB::execute("UPDATE adresses AS a INNER JOIN geoloc_city AS c ON(a.cityid = c.id) SET a.glat = c.lat / 100000, a.glng = c.lon / 100000"); } if ($action == 'newmaps') { require_once('geoloc.inc.php'); if (!get_new_maps(Env::v('url'))) $page->trigError("Impossible d'accéder aux nouvelles cartes"); } $countMissing = XDB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM geoloc_city AS c LEFT JOIN geoloc_city_in_maps AS m ON(c.id = m.city_id) WHERE m.city_id IS NULL"); $missing = $countMissing->fetchOneCell(); $countNoSmallest = XDB::query("SELECT SUM(IF(infos = 'smallest',1,0)) AS n FROM geoloc_city_in_maps GROUP BY city_id ORDER BY n"); $noSmallest = $countNoSmallest->fetchOneCell() == 0; $countNoCoordinates = XDB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM adresses WHERE cityid IS NOT NULL AND glat = 0 AND glng = 0"); $noCoordinates = $countNoCoordinates->fetchOneCell(); if (isset($refresh) && $missing) { $page->assign("xorg_extra_header", ""); } $page->assign("nb_cities_not_on_map", $missing); $page->assign("no_smallest", $noSmallest); $page->assign("no_coordinates", $noCoordinates); } function handler_admin_country(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) { $page->assign('xorg_title', 'Polytechnique.org - Administration - Pays'); $page->assign('title', 'Gestion des pays'); $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/geoloc/country', 'geoloc_pays', 'a2', true); $table_editor->describe('a2', 'alpha-2', true); $table_editor->describe('a3', 'alpha-3', false); $table_editor->describe('n3', 'ISO numeric', false); $table_editor->describe('num', 'num', false); $table_editor->describe('worldrgn', 'Continent', false); $table_editor->describe('subd', 'Subdivisions territoriales', false); $table_editor->describe('post', 'post', false); $table_editor->describe('pays', 'Nom (fr)', true); $table_editor->describe('country', 'Nom (en)', true); $table_editor->describe('phoneprf', 'Préfixe téléphonique', true); $table_editor->describe('phoneformat', 'Format du téléphone (ex: (+p) ### ## ## ##)', false); $table_editor->describe('capital', 'Capitale', true); $table_editor->describe('nat', 'Nationalité', true); $table_editor->describe('display', 'Format des adresses', false); if ($action == 'update') { if (Post::has('a2') && (Post::v('a2') == $id) && Post::has('phoneprf') && (Post::v('phoneprf') != '')) { if (Post::has('phoneformat')) { $new_format = Post::v('phoneformat'); } else { $new_format = ''; } $res = XDB::query("SELECT phoneformat FROM geoloc_pays WHERE phoneprf = {?} LIMIT 1", Post::v('phoneprf')); $old_format = $res->fetchOneCell(); if ($new_format != $old_format) { require_once("profil.func.inc.php"); XDB::execute("UPDATE geoloc_pays SET phoneformat = {?} WHERE phoneprf = {?}", $new_format, Post::v('phoneprf')); } } } $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id); } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>