$this->make_hook('ev', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user'), 'events/preview' => $this->make_hook('preview', AUTH_PUBLIC, 'user', NO_AUTH), 'events/photo' => $this->make_hook('photo', AUTH_PUBLIC), 'events/submit' => $this->make_hook('ev_submit', AUTH_MDP, 'user'), 'admin/events' => $this->make_hook('admin_events', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'rss' => $this->make_token_hook('rss', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user'), 'ajax/tips' => $this->make_hook('tips', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH), 'admin/tips' => $this->make_hook('admin_tips', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), ); } private function get_tips($exclude = null) { global $globals; // Add a new special tip when changing plat/al version if ($globals->version != S::user()->last_version && is_null($exclude)) { XDB::execute('UPDATE accounts SET last_version = {?} WHERE uid = {?}', $globals->version, S::i('uid')); return array('id' => 0, 'titre' => 'Bienvenue sur la nouvelle version du site !', 'text' => 'Le site a été mis à jour depuis ta dernière visite vers la version ' . $globals->version . '.
Nous t\'invitons à faire un tour d\'horizon des ' . 'nouveautés.

' . 'Tu peux également retrouver ces informations sur ' . 'les forums, ou sur la liste exhaustive des modifications.', 'priorite' => 255, 'promo_min' => 0, 'promo_max' => 0, 'state' => 'active', 'special' => true); } $exclude = is_null($exclude) ? '' : ' AND id != ' . intval($exclude) . ' '; $priority = rand(0, 510); do { $priority = (int)($priority/2); $res = XDB::query("SELECT * FROM reminder_tips WHERE (expiration = '0000-00-00' OR expiration > CURDATE()) AND (promo_min = 0 OR promo_min <= {?}) AND (promo_max = 0 OR promo_max >= {?}) AND (priority >= {?}) AND (state = 'active') $exclude ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1", S::i('promo'), S::i('promo'), $priority); } while ($priority && !$res->numRows()); if (!$res->numRows()) { return null; } return $res->fetchOneAssoc(); } private function upload_image(PlPage $page, PlUpload $upload) { if (@!$_FILES['image']['tmp_name'] && !Env::v('image_url')) { return true; } if (!$upload->upload($_FILES['image']) && !$upload->download(Env::v('image_url'))) { $page->trigError('Impossible de télécharger l\'image'); return false; } elseif (!$upload->isType('image')) { $page->trigError('Le fichier n\'est pas une image valide au format JPEG, GIF ou PNG.'); $upload->rm(); return false; } elseif (!$upload->resizeImage(200, 300, 100, 100, 32284)) { $page->trigError('Impossible de retraiter l\'image'); return false; } return true; } function handler_ev($page, $action = 'list', $eid = null, $pound = null) { $page->changeTpl('events/index.tpl'); $user = S::user(); /** XXX: Tips and reminder only for user with 'email' permission. * We can do better in the future by storing a userfilter * with the tip/reminder. */ if ($user->checkPerms(User::PERM_MAIL)) { $page->assign('tips', $this->get_tips()); } // Adds a reminder onebox to the page. require_once 'reminder.inc.php'; if (($reminder = Reminder::GetCandidateReminder($user))) { $reminder->Prepare($page); } // Wishes "Happy birthday" when required $profile = $user->profile(); if (!is_null($profile)) { if ($profile->next_birthday == date('Y-m-d')) { $birthyear = (int)date('Y', strtotime($profile->birthdate)); $curyear = (int)date('Y'); $page->assign('birthday', $curyear - $birthyear); } } // Direct link to the RSS feed, when available. if (S::hasAuthToken()) { $page->setRssLink('Polytechnique.org :: News', '/rss/' . S::v('hruid') . '/' . S::user()->token . '/rss.xml'); } // Hide the read event, and reload the page to get to the next event. if ($action == 'read' && $eid) { XDB::execute('DELETE ev.* FROM announce_read AS ev INNER JOIN announces AS e ON e.id = ev.evt_id WHERE expiration < NOW()'); XDB::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO announce_read (evt_id, uid) VALUES ({?}, {?})', $eid, S::v('uid')); pl_redirect('events#'.$pound); } // Unhide the requested event, and reload the page to display it. if ($action == 'unread' && $eid) { XDB::execute('DELETE FROM announce_read WHERE evt_id = {?} AND uid = {?}', $eid, S::v('uid')); pl_redirect('events#newsid'.$eid); } // Fetch the events to display, along with their metadata. $array = array(); $it = XDB::iterator("SELECT e.id, e.titre, e.texte, e.post_id, e.uid, p.x, p.y, p.attach IS NOT NULL AS img, FIND_IN_SET('wiki', e.flags) AS wiki, FIND_IN_SET('important', e.flags) AS important, e.creation_date > DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 2 DAY) AS news, e.expiration < DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 2 DAY) AS end, ev.uid IS NULL AS nonlu, e.promo_min, e.promo_max FROM announces AS e LEFT JOIN announce_photos AS p ON (e.id = p.eid) LEFT JOIN announce_read AS ev ON (e.id = ev.evt_id AND ev.uid = {?}) WHERE FIND_IN_SET('valide', e.flags) AND expiration >= NOW() ORDER BY important DESC, news DESC, end DESC, e.expiration, e.creation_date DESC", S::i('uid')); $cats = array('important', 'news', 'end', 'body'); $this->load('feed.inc.php'); $user = S::user(); $body = EventFeed::nextEvent($it, $user); foreach ($cats as $cat) { $data = array(); if (!$body) { continue; } do { if ($cat == 'body' || $body[$cat]) { $data[] = $body; } else { break; } $body = EventFeed::nextEvent($it, $user); } while ($body); if (!empty($data)) { $array[$cat] = $data; } } $page->assign_by_ref('events', $array); } function handler_photo($page, $eid = null, $valid = null) { if ($eid && $eid != 'valid') { $res = XDB::query("SELECT * FROM announce_photos WHERE eid = {?}", $eid); if ($res->numRows()) { $photo = $res->fetchOneAssoc(); pl_cached_dynamic_content_headers("image/" . $photo['attachmime']); echo $photo['attach']; exit; } } elseif ($eid == 'valid') { $valid = Validate::get_request_by_id($valid); if ($valid && $valid->img) { pl_cached_dynamic_content_headers("image/" . $valid->imgtype); echo $valid->img; exit; } } else { $upload = new PlUpload(S::user()->login(), 'event'); if ($upload->exists() && $upload->isType('image')) { pl_cached_dynamic_content_headers($upload->contentType()); echo $upload->getContents(); exit; } } global $globals; pl_cached_dynamic_content_headers("image/png"); echo file_get_contents($globals->spoolroot . '/htdocs/images/logo.png'); exit; } function handler_rss(PlPage $page, PlUser $user) { $this->load('feed.inc.php'); $feed = new EventFeed(); return $feed->run($page, $user); } function handler_preview($page) { $page->changeTpl('events/preview.tpl', NO_SKIN); $texte = Get::v('texte'); if (!is_utf8($texte)) { $texte = utf8_encode($texte); } $titre = Get::v('titre'); if (!is_utf8($titre)) { $titre = utf8_encode($titre); } $page->assign('texte', $texte); $page->assign('titre', $titre); pl_content_headers("text/html"); } function handler_ev_submit($page) { $page->changeTpl('events/submit.tpl'); $wp = new PlWikiPage('Xorg.Annonce'); $wp->buildCache(); $titre = Post::v('titre'); $texte = Post::v('texte'); $promo_min = Post::i('promo_min'); $promo_max = Post::i('promo_max'); $expiration = Post::i('expiration'); $valid_mesg = Post::v('valid_mesg'); $action = Post::v('action'); $upload = new PlUpload(S::user()->login(), 'event'); $this->upload_image($page, $upload); if (($promo_min > $promo_max && $promo_max != 0)|| ($promo_min != 0 && ($promo_min <= 1900 || $promo_min >= 2020)) || ($promo_max != 0 && ($promo_max <= 1900 || $promo_max >= 2020))) { $page->trigError("L'intervalle de promotions n'est pas valide"); $action = null; } $page->assign('titre', $titre); $page->assign('texte', $texte); $page->assign('promo_min', $promo_min); $page->assign('promo_max', $promo_max); $page->assign('expiration', $expiration); $page->assign('valid_mesg', $valid_mesg); $page->assign('action', strtolower($action)); $page->assign_by_ref('upload', $upload); if ($action == 'Supprimer l\'image') { $upload->rm(); $page->assign('action', false); } elseif ($action && (!trim($texte) || !trim($titre))) { $page->trigError("L'article doit avoir un titre et un contenu"); } elseif ($action) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $evtreq = new EvtReq($titre, $texte, $promo_min, $promo_max, $expiration, $valid_mesg, S::user(), $upload); $evtreq->submit(); $page->assign('ok', true); } elseif (!Env::v('preview')) { $upload->rm(); } } function handler_tips($page, $tips = null) { pl_content_headers("text/html"); $page->changeTpl('include/tips.tpl', NO_SKIN); $page->assign('tips', $this->get_tips($tips)); } function handler_admin_tips($page, $action = 'list', $id = null) { $page->setTitle('Administration - Astuces'); $page->assign('title', 'Gestion des Astuces'); $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/tips', 'reminder_tips', 'id'); $table_editor->describe('expiration', 'date de péremption', true); $table_editor->describe('promo_min', 'promo. min (0 aucune)', false, true); $table_editor->describe('promo_max', 'promo. max (0 aucune)', false, true); $table_editor->describe('title', 'titre', true); $table_editor->describe('state', 'actif', true); $table_editor->describe('text', 'texte (html) de l\'astuce', false, true); $table_editor->describe('priority', '0<=priorité<=255', true); $table_editor->list_on_edit(false); $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id); if (($action == 'edit' && !is_null($id)) || $action == 'update') { $page->changeTpl('events/admin_tips.tpl'); } } function handler_admin_events($page, $action = 'list', $eid = null) { $page->changeTpl('events/admin.tpl'); $page->setTitle('Administration - Evenements'); $page->register_modifier('hde', 'html_entity_decode'); $arch = $action == 'archives'; $page->assign('action', $action); $upload = new PlUpload(S::user()->login(), 'event'); if ((Env::has('preview') || Post::v('action') == "Proposer") && $eid) { $action = 'edit'; $this->upload_image($page, $upload); } if (Post::v('action') == 'Pas d\'image' && $eid) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $upload->rm(); XDB::execute("DELETE FROM announce_photos WHERE eid = {?}", $eid); $action = 'edit'; } elseif (Post::v('action') == 'Supprimer l\'image' && $eid) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $upload->rm(); $action = 'edit'; } elseif (Post::v('action') == "Proposer" && $eid) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $promo_min = Post::i('promo_min'); $promo_max = Post::i('promo_max'); if (($promo_min != 0 && ($promo_min <= 1900 || $promo_min >= 2020)) || ($promo_max != 0 && ($promo_max <= 1900 || $promo_max >= 2020 || $promo_max < $promo_min))) { $page->trigError("L'intervalle de promotions $promo_min -> $promo_max n'est pas valide"); $action = 'edit'; } else { $res = XDB::query('SELECT flags FROM announces WHERE id = {?}', $eid); $flags = new PlFlagSet($res->fetchOneCell()); $flags->addFlag('wiki'); if (Post::v('important')) { $flags->addFlag('important'); } else { $flags->rmFlag('important'); } XDB::execute('UPDATE announces SET creation_date = creation_date, titre={?}, texte={?}, expiration={?}, promo_min={?}, promo_max={?}, flags = {?} WHERE id = {?}', Post::v('titre'), Post::v('texte'), Post::v('expiration'), Post::v('promo_min'), Post::v('promo_max'), $flags, $eid); if ($upload->exists() && list($x, $y, $type) = $upload->imageInfo()) { XDB::execute('INSERT INTO announce_photos (eid, attachmime, attach, x, y) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE attachmime = VALUES(attachmime), attach = VALUES(attach), x = VALUES(x), y = VALUES(y)', $eid, $type, $upload->getContents(), $x, $y); $upload->rm(); } } } if ($action == 'edit') { $res = XDB::query('SELECT titre, texte, expiration, promo_min, promo_max, FIND_IN_SET(\'important\', flags), attach IS NOT NULL FROM announces AS e LEFT JOIN announce_photos AS p ON(e.id = p.eid) WHERE id={?}', $eid); list($titre, $texte, $expiration, $promo_min, $promo_max, $important, $img) = $res->fetchOneRow(); $page->assign('titre',$titre); $page->assign('texte',$texte); $page->assign('promo_min',$promo_min); $page->assign('promo_max',$promo_max); $page->assign('expiration',$expiration); $page->assign('important', $important); $page->assign('eid', $eid); $page->assign('img', $img); $page->assign_by_ref('upload', $upload); $select = ""; for ($i = 1 ; $i < 30 ; $i++) { $p_stamp=date("Ymd",time()+3600*24*$i); $year=substr($p_stamp,0,4); $month=substr($p_stamp,4,2); $day=substr($p_stamp,6,2); $select .= "\n"; } $page->assign('select',$select); } else { switch ($action) { case 'delete': S::assert_xsrf_token(); XDB::execute('DELETE from announces WHERE id = {?}', $eid); break; case "archive": S::assert_xsrf_token(); XDB::execute('UPDATE announces SET creation_date = creation_date, flags = CONCAT(flags,",archive") WHERE id = {?}', $eid); break; case "unarchive": S::assert_xsrf_token(); XDB::execute('UPDATE announces SET creation_date = creation_date, flags = REPLACE(flags,"archive","") WHERE id = {?}', $eid); $action = 'archives'; $arch = true; break; case "valid": S::assert_xsrf_token(); XDB::execute('UPDATE announces SET creation_date = creation_date, flags = CONCAT(flags,",valide") WHERE id = {?}', $eid); break; case "unvalid": S::assert_xsrf_token(); XDB::execute('UPDATE announces SET creation_date = creation_date, flags = REPLACE(flags,"valide", "") WHERE id = {?}', $eid); break; } $pid = ($eid && $action == 'preview') ? $eid : -1; $sql = "SELECT e.id, e.titre, e.texte,e.id = $pid AS preview, e.uid, DATE_FORMAT(e.creation_date,'%d/%m/%Y %T') AS creation_date, DATE_FORMAT(e.expiration,'%d/%m/%Y') AS expiration, e.promo_min, e.promo_max, FIND_IN_SET('valide', e.flags) AS fvalide, FIND_IN_SET('archive', e.flags) AS farch, FIND_IN_SET('wiki', e.flags) AS wiki FROM announces AS e WHERE ".($arch ? "" : "!")."FIND_IN_SET('archive',e.flags) ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET('valide',e.flags), e.expiration DESC"; $page->assign('evs', XDB::iterator($sql)); } $page->assign('arch', $arch); $page->assign('admin_evts', true); } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>