$this->make_hook('emails', AUTH_COOKIE, 'mail'), 'emails/alias' => $this->make_hook('alias', AUTH_PASSWD, 'mail'), 'emails/antispam' => $this->make_hook('antispam', AUTH_PASSWD, 'mail'), 'emails/broken' => $this->make_hook('broken', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user'), 'emails/redirect' => $this->make_hook('redirect', AUTH_PASSWD, 'mail'), 'emails/send' => $this->make_hook('send', AUTH_PASSWD, 'mail'), 'emails/antispam/submit' => $this->make_hook('submit', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user'), 'emails/test' => $this->make_hook('test', AUTH_COOKIE, 'mail', NO_AUTH), 'emails/rewrite/in' => $this->make_hook('rewrite_in', AUTH_PUBLIC), 'emails/rewrite/out' => $this->make_hook('rewrite_out', AUTH_PUBLIC), 'emails/imap/in' => $this->make_hook('imap_in', AUTH_PUBLIC), 'admin/emails/duplicated' => $this->make_hook('duplicated', AUTH_PASSWD, 'admin'), 'admin/emails/watch' => $this->make_hook('duplicated', AUTH_PASSWD, 'admin'), 'admin/emails/lost' => $this->make_hook('lost', AUTH_PASSWD, 'admin'), 'admin/emails/broken' => $this->make_hook('broken_addr', AUTH_PASSWD, 'admin,edit_directory'), ); } function handler_emails($page, $action = null, $email = null) { global $globals; require_once 'emails.inc.php'; $page->changeTpl('emails/index.tpl'); $page->setTitle('Mes emails'); $user = S::user(); // Apply the bestalias change request. if ($action == 'best' && $email) { if (!S::has_xsrf_token()) { return PL_FORBIDDEN; } // First delete the bestalias flag from all this user's emails. XDB::execute("UPDATE email_source_account SET flags = TRIM(BOTH ',' FROM REPLACE(CONCAT(',', flags, ','), ',bestalias,', ',')) WHERE uid = {?}", $user->id()); // Then gives the bestalias flag to the given email. list($email, $domain) = explode('@', $email); XDB::execute("UPDATE email_source_account AS s INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS m ON (m.id = s.domain) INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS d ON (d.aliasing = m.id) SET flags = CONCAT_WS(',', IF(flags = '', NULL, flags), 'bestalias') WHERE s.uid = {?} AND s.email = {?} AND d.name = {?}", $user->id(), $email, $domain); XDB::execute('UPDATE accounts AS a INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS d ON (d.name = {?}) INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS m ON (d.aliasing = m.id) SET a.best_domain = d.id WHERE a.uid = {?} AND m.name = {?}', $domain, $user->id(), $user->mainEmailDomain()); // As having a non-null bestalias value is critical in // plat/al's code, we do an a posteriori check on the // validity of the bestalias. fix_bestalias($user); // Then refetch the user to update its bestalias. S::set('user', User::getWithUID(S::user()->id())); } // Fetch and display aliases. $aliases = XDB::iterator("SELECT CONCAT(s.email, '@', d.name) AS email, (s.type = 'forlife') AS forlife, (s.email REGEXP '\\\\.[0-9]{2}$') AS hundred_year, s.expire, (FIND_IN_SET('bestalias', s.flags) AND a.best_domain = d.id) AS bestalias, ((s.type = 'alias_aux') AND d.aliasing = d.id) AS alias FROM email_source_account AS s INNER JOIN accounts AS a ON (s.uid = a.uid) INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS m ON (s.domain = m.id) INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS d ON (d.aliasing = m.id) WHERE s.uid = {?} ORDER BY !alias, s.email, d.name", $user->id()); $aliases_forlife = array(); $aliases_hundred = array(); $aliases_other = array(); while ($a = $aliases->next()) { if ($a['forlife']) { $aliases_forlife[] = $a; } elseif ($a['hundred_year']) { $aliases_hundred[] = $a; } else { $aliases_other[] = $a; } } $page->assign('aliases_forlife', $aliases_forlife); $page->assign('aliases_hundred', $aliases_hundred); $page->assign('aliases_other', $aliases_other); $alias = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT COUNT(email) FROM email_source_account WHERE uid = {?} AND type = \'alias_aux\'', $user->id()); $page->assign('alias', $alias); // Check for homonyms. $page->assign('homonyme', $user->homonyme); // Display active redirections. $redirect = new Redirect($user); $page->assign('mails', $redirect->active_emails()); // User's mail domains. $mail_domains = array($user->alternateEmailDomain()); $mail_domains[] = User::$sub_mail_domains['all'] . $globals->mail->domain; $mail_domains[] = User::$sub_mail_domains['all'] . $globals->mail->domain2; $page->assign('main_email_domain', $user->mainEmailDomain()); $page->assign('mail_domains', $mail_domains); } function handler_alias($page, $action = null, $value = null) { global $globals; $page->changeTpl('emails/alias.tpl'); $page->setTitle('Alias melix.net'); $user = S::user(); $page->assign('request', AliasReq::get_request($user->id())); // Remove the email alias. if ($action == 'delete') { S::assert_xsrf_token(); XDB::execute('DELETE FROM email_source_account WHERE uid = {?} AND type = \'alias_aux\'', $user->id()); require_once 'emails.inc.php'; fix_bestalias($user); } // Fetch existing auxiliary aliases. list($alias, $old_alias) = XDB::fetchOneRow('SELECT CONCAT(s.email, \'@\', d.name), s.email FROM email_source_account AS s INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS d ON (s.domain = d.id) WHERE s.uid = {?} AND s.type = \'alias_aux\'', $user->id()); $visibility = $user->hasProfile() && $user->profile()->isVisible($user->profile()->alias_pub); $page->assign('current', $alias); $page->assign('user', $user); $page->assign('mail_public', $visibility); if ($action == 'ask' && Env::has('alias') && Env::has('reason')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); // Retrieves user request. $new_alias = Env::v('alias'); $reason = Env::v('reason'); $public = (Env::v('public', 'off') == 'on') ? 'private' : 'hidden'; $page->assign('r_alias', $new_alias); $page->assign('r_reason', $reason); if ($public == 'private') { $page->assign('r_public', true); } // Checks special charaters in alias. if (!preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9\-.]{2,19}[a-zA-Z0-9\-]$/", $new_alias)) { $page->trigError("L'adresse demandée n'est pas valide." . " Vérifie qu'elle comporte entre 3 et 20 caractères" . " et qu'elle ne contient que des lettres non accentuées," . " des chiffres ou les caractères '-' et '.'. De plus, elle ne" . " peut pas se terminer par un point."); return; } else { // Checks if the alias has already been given. $res = XDB::query('SELECT COUNT(email) FROM email_source_account WHERE email = {?} AND type = \'alias_aux\'', $new_alias); if ($res->fetchOneCell() > 0) { $page->trigError("L'alias $new_alias a déja été attribué. Tu ne peux donc pas l'obtenir."); return; } // Checks if the alias has already been asked for. $it = Validate::iterate('alias'); while($req = $it->next()) { if ($req->alias == $new_alias) { $page->trigError("L'alias $new_alias a déja été demandé. Tu ne peux donc pas l'obtenir pour l'instant."); return; } } // Sends requests. This will erase any previous alias pending request. $myalias = new AliasReq($user, $new_alias, $reason, $public, $old_alias); $myalias->submit(); $page->assign('success', $new_alias); return; } } elseif ($action == 'set' && ($value == 'public' || $value == 'private')) { if (!S::has_xsrf_token()) { return PL_FORBIDDEN; } if ($user->hasProfile()) { XDB::execute('UPDATE profiles SET alias_pub = {?} WHERE pid = {?}', $value, $user->profile()->id()); } exit; } } function handler_redirect($page, $action = null, $email = null, $rewrite = null) { global $globals; require_once 'emails.inc.php'; $page->changeTpl('emails/redirect.tpl'); $user = S::user(); $page->assign_by_ref('user', $user); $page->assign('eleve', $user->promo() >= date("Y") - 5); $redirect = new Redirect($user); // FS#703 : $_GET is urldecoded twice, hence // + (the data) => %2B (in the url) => + (first decoding) => ' ' (second decoding) // Since there can be no spaces in emails, we can fix this with : $email = str_replace(' ', '+', $email); // Apply email redirection change requests. $result = SUCCESS; if ($action == 'remove' && $email) { $result = $redirect->delete_email($email); } if ($action == 'active' && $email) { $redirect->modify_one_email($email, true); } if ($action == 'inactive' && $email) { $redirect->modify_one_email($email, false); } if ($action == 'rewrite' && $email) { $redirect->modify_one_email_redirect($email, $rewrite); } if (Env::has('emailop')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $actifs = Env::v('emails_actifs', array()); if (Env::v('emailop') == "ajouter" && Env::has('email')) { $error_email = false; $new_email = Env::v('email'); if ($new_email == "new@example.org") { $new_email = Env::v('email_new'); } $result = $redirect->add_email($new_email); if ($result == ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL) { $error_email = true; $page->assign('email', $new_email); } $page->assign('retour', $result); $page->assign('error_email', $error_email); } elseif (empty($actifs)) { $result = ERROR_INACTIVE_REDIRECTION; } elseif (is_array($actifs)) { $result = $redirect->modify_email($actifs, Env::v('emails_rewrite', array())); } } switch ($result) { case ERROR_INACTIVE_REDIRECTION: $page->trigError('Tu ne peux pas avoir aucune adresse de redirection active, sinon ton adresse ' . $user->forlifeEmail() . ' ne fonctionnerait plus.'); break; case ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL: $page->trigError('Erreur : l\'email n\'est pas valide.'); break; case ERROR_LOOP_EMAIL: $page->trigError('Erreur : ' . $user->forlifeEmail() . ' ne doit pas être renvoyé vers lui-même, ni vers son équivalent en ' . $globals->mail->domain2 . ' ni vers polytechnique.edu.'); break; } // Fetch existing email aliases. $alias = XDB::query('SELECT CONCAT(s.email, \'@\', d.name) AS email, s.expire FROM email_source_account AS s INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS m ON (s.domain = m.id) INNER JOIN email_virtual_domains AS d ON (m.id = d.aliasing) WHERE s.uid = {?} ORDER BY NOT(s.type = \'alias_aux\'), s.email, d.name', $user->id()); $page->assign('alias', $alias->fetchAllAssoc()); $page->assign('best_email', $user->bestEmail()); $page->assign('emails', $redirect->emails); // Display GoogleApps acount information. require_once 'googleapps.inc.php'; $page->assign('googleapps', GoogleAppsAccount::account_status($user->id())); require_once 'emails.combobox.inc.php'; fill_email_combobox($page, array('job', 'stripped_directory')); } function handler_antispam($page, $filter_status = null, $redirection = null) { require_once 'emails.inc.php'; $wp = new PlWikiPage('Xorg.Antispam'); $wp->buildCache(); $page->changeTpl('emails/antispam.tpl'); $user = S::user(); $bogo = new Bogo($user); if (!is_null($filter_status)) { if (is_null($redirection)) { $bogo->changeAll($filter_status); } else { $bogo->change($redirection, $filter_status); } } $page->assign('filter', $bogo->state); $page->assign('single_state', $bogo->single_state); $page->assign('single_redirection', $bogo->single_redirection); $page->assign('redirections', $bogo->redirections); } function handler_submit($page) { $wp = new PlWikiPage('Xorg.Mails'); $wp->buildCache(); $page->changeTpl('emails/submit_spam.tpl'); if (Post::has('send_email')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $upload = PlUpload::get($_FILES['mail'], S::user()->login(), 'spam.submit', true); if (!$upload) { $page->trigError('Une erreur a été rencontrée lors du transfert du fichier'); return; } $mime = $upload->contentType(); if ($mime != 'text/x-mail' && $mime != 'message/rfc822') { $upload->clear(); $page->trigError('Le fichier ne contient pas un email complet'); return; } $type = (Post::v('type') == 'spam' ? 'spam' : 'nonspam'); global $globals; $box = $type . '@' . $globals->mail->domain; $mailer = new PlMailer(); $mailer->addTo($box); $mailer->setFrom('"' . S::user()->fullName() . '" mail->domain . '>'); $mailer->setTxtBody($type . ' soumis par ' . S::user()->login() . ' via le web'); $mailer->addUploadAttachment($upload, $type . '.mail'); $mailer->send(); $page->trigSuccess('Le message a été transmis à ' . $box); $upload->clear(); } } function handler_send($page) { $page->changeTpl('emails/send.tpl'); $page->setTitle('Envoyer un email'); // action si on recoit un formulaire if (Post::has('save')) { if (!S::has_xsrf_token()) { return PL_FORBIDDEN; } unset($_POST['save']); if (trim(preg_replace('/-- .*/', '', Post::v('contenu'))) != "") { Post::set('to_contacts', explode(';', Post::s('to_contacts'))); Post::set('cc_contacts', explode(';', Post::s('cc_contacts'))); $data = serialize($_POST); XDB::execute('INSERT INTO email_send_save (uid, data) VALUES ({?}, {?}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE data = VALUES(data)', S::user()->id('uid'), $data); } exit; } else if (Env::v('submit') == 'Envoyer') { S::assert_xsrf_token(); function getEmails($aliases) { if (!is_array($aliases)) { return null; } $uf = new UserFilter(new UFC_Hrpid($aliases)); $users = $uf->iterUsers(); $ret = array(); while ($user = $users->next()) { $ret[] = $user->forlife; } return join(', ', $ret); } $error = false; foreach ($_FILES as &$file) { if ($file['name'] && !PlUpload::get($file, S::user()->login(), 'emails.send', false)) { $page->trigError(PlUpload::$lastError); $error = true; break; } } if (!$error) { XDB::execute("DELETE FROM email_send_save WHERE uid = {?}", S::user()->id()); $to2 = getEmails(Env::v('to_contacts')); $cc2 = getEmails(Env::v('cc_contacts')); $txt = str_replace('^M', '', Env::v('contenu')); $to = str_replace(';', ',', Env::t('to')); $subj = Env::t('sujet'); $from = Env::t('from'); $cc = str_replace(';', ',', Env::t('cc')); $bcc = str_replace(';', ',', Env::t('bcc')); $email_regex = '/^[a-z0-9.\-+_\$]+@([\-.+_]?[a-z0-9])+$/i'; foreach (explode(',', $to . ',' . $cc . ',' . $bcc) as $email) { $email = trim($email); if ($email != '' && !preg_match($email_regex, $email)) { $page->trigError("L'adresse email " . $email . ' est erronée.'); $error = true; } } if (empty($to) && empty($cc) && empty($to2) && empty($bcc) && empty($cc2)) { $page->trigError("Indique au moins un destinataire."); $error = true; } if ($error) { $page->assign('uploaded_f', PlUpload::listFilenames(S::user()->login(), 'emails.send')); } else { $mymail = new PlMailer(); $mymail->setFrom($from); $mymail->setSubject($subj); if (!empty($to)) { $mymail->addTo($to); } if (!empty($cc)) { $mymail->addCc($cc); } if (!empty($bcc)) { $mymail->addBcc($bcc); } if (!empty($to2)) { $mymail->addTo($to2); } if (!empty($cc2)) { $mymail->addCc($cc2); } $files =& PlUpload::listFiles(S::user()->login(), 'emails.send'); foreach ($files as $name=>&$upload) { $mymail->addUploadAttachment($upload, $name); } if (Env::v('wiki') == 'text') { $mymail->setTxtBody(wordwrap($txt, 78, "\n")); } else { $mymail->setWikiBody($txt); } if ($mymail->send()) { $page->trigSuccess("Ton email a bien été envoyé."); $_REQUEST = array('bcc' => S::user()->bestEmail()); PlUpload::clear(S::user()->login(), 'emails.send'); } else { $page->trigError("Erreur lors de l'envoi du courriel, réessaye."); $page->assign('uploaded_f', PlUpload::listFilenames(S::user()->login(), 'emails.send')); } } } } else { $res = XDB::query("SELECT data FROM email_send_save WHERE uid = {?}", S::i('uid')); if ($res->numRows() == 0) { PlUpload::clear(S::user()->login(), 'emails.send'); $_REQUEST['bcc'] = S::user()->bestEmail(); } else { $data = unserialize($res->fetchOneCell()); $_REQUEST = array_merge($_REQUEST, $data); } } $uf = new UserFilter(new PFC_And(new UFC_Contact(S::user()), new UFC_Registered()), UserFilter::sortByName()); $contacts = $uf->getProfiles(); $page->assign('contacts', $contacts); $page->assign('maxsize', ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . 'o'); $page->assign('user', S::user()); $preferences = XDB::fetchOneAssoc('SELECT from_email, from_format FROM accounts WHERE uid = {?}', S::user()->id()); if ($preferences['from_email'] == '') { $preferences['from_email'] = '"' . S::user()->fullName() . '" <' . S::user()->bestEmail() . '>'; } $page->assign('preferences', $preferences); } function handler_test($page, $hruid = null) { require_once 'emails.inc.php'; if (!S::has_xsrf_token()) { return PL_FORBIDDEN; } // Retrieves the User object for the test email recipient. if (S::admin() && $hruid) { $user = User::getSilent($hruid); } else { $user = S::user(); } if (!$user) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } // Sends the test email. $redirect = new Redirect($user); $mailer = new PlMailer('emails/test.mail.tpl'); $mailer->assign('email', $user->bestEmail()); $mailer->assign('redirects', $redirect->active_emails()); $mailer->assign('display_name', $user->displayName()); $mailer->assign('sexe', $user->isFemale()); $mailer->send($user->isEmailFormatHtml()); exit; } function handler_rewrite_in($page, $mail, $hash) { $page->changeTpl('emails/rewrite.tpl'); $page->assign('option', 'in'); if (empty($mail) || empty($hash)) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } $pos = strrpos($mail, '_'); if ($pos === false) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } $mail{$pos} = '@'; $res = XDB::query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM email_redirect_account WHERE redirect = {?} AND hash = {?} AND type = \'smtp\'', $mail, $hash); $count = intval($res->fetchOneCell()); if ($count > 0) { XDB::query('UPDATE email_redirect_account SET allow_rewrite = true, hash = NULL WHERE redirect = {?} AND hash = {?} AND type = \'smtp\'', $mail, $hash); $page->trigSuccess("Réécriture activée pour l'adresse " . $mail); return; } return PL_NOT_FOUND; } function handler_rewrite_out($page, $mail, $hash) { $page->changeTpl('emails/rewrite.tpl'); $page->assign('option', 'out'); if (empty($mail) || empty($hash)) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } $pos = strrpos($mail, '_'); if ($pos === false) { return PL_NOT_FOUND; } $mail{$pos} = '@'; $res = XDB::query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM email_redirect_account WHERE redirect = {?} AND hash = {?} AND type = \'smtp\'', $mail, $hash); $count = intval($res->fetchOneCell()); if ($count > 0) { global $globals; $res = XDB::query('SELECT e.redirect, e.rewrite, a.hruid FROM email_redirect_account AS e INNER JOIN accounts AS a ON (e.uid = a.uid) WHERE e.redirect = {?} AND e.hash = {?}', $mail, $hash); XDB::query('UPDATE email_redirect_account SET allow_rewrite = false, hash = NULL WHERE redirect = {?} AND hash = {?}', $mail, $hash); list($mail, $rewrite, $hruid) = $res->fetchOneRow(); $mail = new PlMailer(); $mail->setFrom("webmaster@" . $globals->mail->domain); $mail->addTo("support@" . $globals->mail->domain); $mail->setSubject("Tentative de détournement de correspondance via le rewrite"); $mail->setTxtBody("$hruid a tenté un rewrite de $mail vers $rewrite. Cette demande a été rejetée via le web"); $mail->send(); $page->trigWarning("Un mail d'alerte a été envoyé à l'équipe de " . $globals->core->sitename); return; } return PL_NOT_FOUND; } function handler_imap_in($page, $hash = null, $login = null) { $page->changeTpl('emails/imap_register.tpl'); $user = null; if (!empty($hash) || !empty($login)) { $user = User::getSilent($login); if ($user) { $req = XDB::query('SELECT 1 FROM newsletter_ins WHERE uid = {?} AND hash = {?}', $user->id(), $hash); if ($req->numRows() == 0) { $user = null; } } } require_once 'emails.inc.php'; $page->assign('ok', false); if (S::logged() && (is_null($user) || $user->id() == S::i('uid'))) { Email::activate_storage(S::user(), 'imap', Bogo::IMAP_DEFAULT); $page->assign('ok', true); $page->assign('yourself', S::user()->displayName()); $page->assign('sexe', S::user()->isFemale()); } else if (!S::logged() && $user) { Email::activate_storage($user, 'imap', Bogo::IMAP_DEFAULT); $page->assign('ok', true); $page->assign('yourself', $user->displayName()); $page->assign('sexe', $user->isFemale()); } } function handler_broken($page, $warn = null, $email = null) { require_once 'emails.inc.php'; $wp = new PlWikiPage('Xorg.PatteCassée'); $wp->buildCache(); global $globals; $page->changeTpl('emails/broken.tpl'); if ($warn == 'warn' && $email) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); // Usual verifications. $email = valide_email($email); $uid = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT uid FROM email_redirect_account WHERE redirect = {?}', $email); if ($uid) { $dest = User::getWithUID($uid); $active = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT flags FROM email_redirect_account WHERE redirect = {?} AND uid = {?}', $email, $uid) == 'active'; $mail = new PlMailer('emails/broken-web.mail.tpl'); $mail->assign('email', $email); $mail->assign('request', S::user()); $mail->sendTo($dest); $page->trigSuccess('Email envoyé !'); } } elseif (Post::has('email')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $email = Post::t('email'); if (!User::isForeignEmailAddress($email)) { $page->assign('neuneu', true); } else { $user = mark_broken_email($email); $page->assign('user', $user); $page->assign('email', $email); } } } function handler_duplicated($page, $action = 'list', $email = null) { $page->changeTpl('emails/duplicated.tpl'); $states = array('pending' => 'En attente...', 'safe' => 'Pas d\'inquiétude', 'unsafe' => 'Recherches en cours', 'dangerous' => 'Usurpations par cette adresse'); $page->assign('states', $states); if (Post::has('action')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); } switch (Post::v('action')) { case 'create': if (trim(Post::v('emailN')) != '') { Xdb::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO email_watch (email, state, detection, last, uid, description) VALUES ({?}, {?}, CURDATE(), NOW(), {?}, {?})', trim(Post::v('emailN')), Post::v('stateN'), S::i('uid'), Post::v('descriptionN')); }; break; case 'edit': Xdb::execute('UPDATE email_watch SET state = {?}, last = NOW(), uid = {?}, description = {?} WHERE email = {?}', Post::v('stateN'), S::i('uid'), Post::v('descriptionN'), Post::v('emailN')); break; default: if ($action == 'delete' && !is_null($email)) { Xdb::execute('DELETE FROM email_watch WHERE email = {?}', $email); } } if ($action != 'create' && $action != 'edit') { $action = 'list'; } $page->assign('action', $action); if ($action == 'list') { $it = XDB::iterRow('SELECT w.email, w.detection, w.state, s.email AS forlife FROM email_watch AS w INNER JOIN email_redirect_account AS r ON (w.email = r.redirect) INNER JOIN email_source_account AS s ON (s.uid = r.uid AND s.type = \'forlife\') ORDER BY w.state, w.email, s.email'); $table = array(); $props = array(); while (list($email, $date, $state, $forlife) = $it->next()) { if (count($props) == 0 || $props['mail'] != $email) { if (count($props) > 0) { $table[] = $props; } $props = array('mail' => $email, 'detection' => $date, 'state' => $state, 'users' => array($forlife)); } else { $props['users'][] = $forlife; } } if (count($props) > 0) { $table[] = $props; } $page->assign('table', $table); } elseif ($action == 'edit') { $it = XDB::iterRow('SELECT w.detection, w.state, w.last, w.description, a.hruid AS edit, s.email AS forlife FROM email_watch AS w INNER JOIN email_redirect_account AS r ON (w.email = r.redirect) INNER JOIN email_source_account AS s ON (s.uid = r.uid AND s.type = \'forlife\') LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON (w.uid = a.uid) WHERE w.email = {?} ORDER BY s.email', $email); $props = array(); while (list($detection, $state, $last, $description, $edit, $forlife) = $it->next()) { if (count($props) == 0) { $props = array('mail' => $email, 'detection' => $detection, 'state' => $state, 'last' => $last, 'description' => $description, 'edit' => $edit, 'users' => array($forlife)); } else { $props['users'][] = $forlife; } } $page->assign('doublon', $props); } } function handler_lost($page, $action = 'list', $email = null) { $page->changeTpl('emails/lost.tpl'); $page->assign('lost_emails', XDB::iterator('SELECT a.uid, a.hruid, pd.promo FROM accounts AS a INNER JOIN account_types AS at ON (a.type = at.type) LEFT JOIN email_redirect_account AS er ON (er.uid = a.uid AND er.flags = \'active\' AND er.broken_level < 3 AND er.type != \'imap\' AND er.type != \'homonym\') LEFT JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (ap.uid = a.uid AND FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', ap.perms)) LEFT JOIN profile_display AS pd ON (ap.pid = pd.pid) LEFT JOIN profiles AS p ON (ap.pid = p.pid) WHERE a.state = \'active\' AND er.redirect IS NULL AND FIND_IN_SET(\'mail\', at.perms) AND p.deathdate IS NULL GROUP BY a.uid ORDER BY pd.promo, a.hruid')); } function handler_broken_addr($page) { require_once 'emails.inc.php'; $page->changeTpl('emails/broken_addr.tpl'); if (Env::has('sort_broken')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $list = trim(Env::v('list')); if ($list == '') { $page->trigError('La liste est vide.'); } else { $valid_emails = array(); $invalid_emails = array(); $broken_list = explode("\n", $list); sort($broken_list); foreach ($broken_list as $orig_email) { $orig_email = trim($orig_email); if ($orig_email != '') { $email = valide_email($orig_email); if (empty($email) || $email == '@') { $invalid_emails[] = trim($orig_email) . ': invalid email'; } elseif (!in_array($email, $valid_emails)) { $nb = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM email_redirect_account WHERE redirect = {?}', $email); if ($nb > 0) { $valid_emails[] = $email; } else { $invalid_emails[] = $orig_email . ': no such redirection'; } } } } $page->assign('valid_emails', $valid_emails); $page->assign('invalid_emails', $invalid_emails); } } if (Env::has('process_broken')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $list = trim(Env::v('list')); if ($list == '') { $page->trigError('La liste est vide.'); } else { require_once 'notifs.inc.php'; $broken_user_list = array(); $broken_user_email_count = array(); $broken_user_profiles = array(); $broken_list = explode("\n", $list); sort($broken_list); foreach ($broken_list as $email) { $userobj = null; if ($user = mark_broken_email($email, true)) { $userobj = User::getSilentWithUID($user['uid']); } if (is_null($userobj)) { continue; } $profile = $userobj->profile(); if (is_null($profile)) { continue; } if ($user['nb_mails'] > 0 && $user['notify']) { $mail = new PlMailer('emails/broken.mail.tpl'); $mail->setTo($userobj); $mail->assign('user', $user); $mail->assign('email', $email); $mail->send(); } else { WatchProfileUpdate::register($profile, 'broken'); } $pid = $profile->id(); if (!isset($broken_user_list[$pid])) { $broken_user_list[$pid] = array($email); } else { $broken_user_list[$pid][] = $email; } $broken_user_email_count[$pid] = $user['nb_mails']; $broken_user_profiles[$pid] = $profile; } XDB::execute('UPDATE email_redirect_account SET broken_level = broken_level - 1 WHERE flags = \'active\' AND broken_level > 1 AND DATE_ADD(last, INTERVAL 1 MONTH) < CURDATE()'); XDB::execute('UPDATE email_redirect_account SET broken_level = 0 WHERE flags = \'active\' AND broken_level = 1 AND DATE_ADD(last, INTERVAL 1 YEAR) < CURDATE()'); // Sort $broken_user_list with (promo, sortname, pid) $sortable_array = array(); foreach ($broken_user_list as $pid => $mails) { $profile = $broken_user_profiles[$pid]; $sortable_array[$pid] = array($profile->promo(), $profile->sortName(), $pid); } asort($sortable_array); // Output the list of users with recently broken addresses, // along with the count of valid redirections. pl_cached_content_headers('text/x-csv', 1); $csv = fopen('php://output', 'w'); fputcsv($csv, array('nom', 'promo', 'bounces', 'nbmails', 'url', 'corps', 'job', 'networking'), ';'); $corpsList = DirEnum::getOptions(DirEnum::CURRENTCORPS); foreach (array_keys($sortable_array) as $pid) { $mails = $broken_user_list[$pid]; $profile = $broken_user_profiles[$pid]; $current_corps = $profile->getCorpsName(); $jobs = $profile->getJobs(); $companies = array(); foreach ($jobs as $job) { $companies[] = $job->company->name; } $networkings = $profile->getNetworking(Profile::NETWORKING_ALL); $networking_list = array(); foreach ($networkings as $networking) { $networking_list[] = $networking['address']; } fputcsv($csv, array($profile->fullName(), $profile->promo(), join(',', $mails), $broken_user_email_count[$pid], 'https://www.polytechnique.org/marketing/broken/' . $profile->hrid(), $current_corps, implode(',', $companies), implode(',', $networking_list)), ';'); } fclose($csv); exit; } } } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker fenc=utf-8: ?>