$this->make_hook('403', AUTH_PUBLIC), '404' => $this->make_hook('404', AUTH_PUBLIC), 'login' => $this->make_hook('login', AUTH_COOKIE), 'send_bug' => $this->make_hook('bug', AUTH_COOKIE), 'purge_cache' => $this->make_hook('purge_cache', AUTH_COOKIE, 'admin'), 'kill_sessions' => $this->make_hook('kill_sessions', AUTH_COOKIE, 'admin'), 'sql_errors' => $this->make_hook('sqlerror', AUTH_COOKIE, 'admin'), 'wiki_help' => $this->make_hook('wiki_help', AUTH_PUBLIC), 'wiki_preview' => $this->make_hook('wiki_preview', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH), 'valid.html' => $this->make_hook('valid', AUTH_PUBLIC), 'favicon.ico' => $this->make_hook('favicon', AUTH_PUBLIC), 'robots.txt' => $this->make_hook('robotstxt', AUTH_PUBLIC, 'user', NO_HTTPS), ); } function handler_valid(&$page) { readfile($page->compile_dir.'/valid.html'); exit; } function handler_403(&$page) { global $globals; header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 403 Forbidden'); $page->trigError('Tu n\'as pas les permissions nécessaires pour accéder à cette page.'); $page->coreTpl('403.tpl'); } function handler_404(&$page) { global $globals, $platal; header($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] . ' 404 Not Found'); $page->coreTpl('404.tpl'); $page->assign('near', $platal->near_hook()); $page->trigError('Cette page n\'existe pas !!!'); } function handler_login(&$page) { $allkeys = func_get_args(); unset($allkeys[0]); $url = join('/',$allkeys); pl_redirect($url); } function handler_favicon(&$page) { $data = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__).'/../htdocs/images/favicon.ico'); header('Content-Type: image/x-icon'); echo $data; exit; } function handler_robotstxt(&$page) { global $globals; $disallowed_uris = array(); if ($globals->core->restricted_platal) { $disallowed_uris[] = '/'; } else if (!empty($globals->core->robotstxt_disallowed_uris)) { $disallowed_uris = preg_split('/[\s,]+/', $globals->core->robotstxt_disallowed_uris, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); } if (count($disallowed_uris) > 0) { header('Content-Type: text/plain'); echo "User-agent: *\n"; foreach ($disallowed_uris as $uri) { echo "Disallow: $uri\n"; } exit; } return PL_NOT_FOUND; } function handler_purge_cache(&$page) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $page->clear_compiled_tpl(); PlWikiPage::clearCache(); http_redirect(empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? './' : $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); } function handler_kill_sessions(&$page) { kill_sessions(); } function handler_bug(&$page) { global $globals; if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) { // We don't have a valid referer, we need to use the url list($currentPage, $location) = explode('//', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 2); $location = 'http'.(empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? '' : 's').'://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].'/'.$location; } else { $location = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; } $page->coreTpl('bug.tpl', SIMPLE); $page->assign('location', $location); $page->addJsLink('close_on_esc.js'); if (Env::has('send') && trim(Env::v('detailed_desc'))) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $body = wordwrap(Env::v('detailed_desc'), 78) . "\n\n" . "----------------------------\n" . "Page : " . Env::v('page') . "\n\n" . "Utilisateur : " . S::user()->login() . "\n" . "Navigateur : " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . "\n" . "Skin : " . S::v('skin') . "\n"; $page->assign('bug_sent', 1); $page->trigSuccess('Ton message a bien été envoyé au support de ' . $globals->core->sitename . ', tu devrais en recevoir une copie d\'ici quelques minutes. Nous allons ' . 'le traiter et y répondre dans les plus brefs délais.'); $mymail = new PlMailer(); $mymail->setFrom(sprintf('"%s" <%s>', S::user()->fullName(), S::user()->bestEmail())); $mymail->addCc(sprintf('"%s" <%s>', S::user()->fullName(), S::user()->bestEmail())); $mymail->addTo('support+platal@' . $globals->mail->domain); $mymail->setSubject('Plat/al '.Env::v('task_type').' : '.Env::v('item_summary')); $mymail->setTxtBody($body); $mymail->send(); } elseif (Env::has('send')) { $page->trigError("Merci de remplir une explication du problème rencontré."); } } function handler_wiki_help(&$page, $action = 'title') { $page->coreTpl('wiki.help.tpl', SIMPLE); $page->assign('wiki_help', MiniWiki::help($action == 'title')); } /// Shared handler for wiki syntax result preview function handler_wiki_preview(&$page, $action = 'title') { header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); $text = Env::v('text'); echo MiniWiki::wikiToHtml($text, $action == 'title'); exit; } function handler_sqlerror(&$page) { global $globals; $page->coreTpl('sql_errors.tpl'); $file = @fopen($globals->spoolroot . '/spool/tmp/query_errors', 'r'); if ($file !== false) { $page->assign('errors', fpassthru($file)); fclose($file); } if (Post::has('clear')) { @unlink($globals->spoolroot . '/spool/tmp/query_errors'); $page->trigSuccess("Erreurs MySQL effacées."); } } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>