$this->make_hook('index', AUTH_COOKIE, 'directory_private'), 'carnet/panel' => $this->make_hook('panel', AUTH_COOKIE, 'directory_private'), 'carnet/notifs' => $this->make_hook('notifs', AUTH_COOKIE, 'directory_private'), 'carnet/contacts' => $this->make_hook('contacts', AUTH_COOKIE, 'directory_private'), 'carnet/contacts/pdf' => $this->make_hook('pdf', AUTH_COOKIE, 'directory_private'), 'carnet/contacts/vcard' => $this->make_hook('vcard', AUTH_COOKIE, 'directory_private'), 'carnet/contacts/ical' => $this->make_token_hook('ical', AUTH_COOKIE, 'directory_private'), 'carnet/contacts/csv' => $this->make_token_hook('csv', AUTH_COOKIE, 'directory_private'), 'carnet/contacts/csv/birthday' => $this->make_token_hook('csv_birthday', AUTH_COOKIE, 'directory_private'), 'carnet/batch' => $this->make_hook('batch', AUTH_COOKIE, 'directory_private'), 'carnet/rss' => $this->make_token_hook('rss', AUTH_COOKIE, 'directory_private'), ); } function _add_rss_link($page) { if (!S::hasAuthToken()) { return; } $page->setRssLink('Polytechnique.org :: Carnet', '/carnet/rss/' . S::v('hruid') . '/' . S::user()->token . '/rss.xml'); } function handler_index($page) { $page->changeTpl('carnet/index.tpl'); $page->setTitle('Mon carnet'); $this->_add_rss_link($page); } function handler_panel($page) { $page->changeTpl('carnet/panel.tpl'); if (Get::has('read')) { XDB::execute('UPDATE watch SET last = FROM_UNIXTIME({?}) WHERE uid = {?}', Get::i('read'), S::i('uid')); S::user()->invalidWatchCache(); Platal::session()->updateNbNotifs(); pl_redirect('carnet/panel'); } require_once 'notifs.inc.php'; $page->assign('now', time()); $user = S::user(); $notifs = Watch::getEvents($user, time() - (7 * 86400)); $page->assign('notifs', $notifs); $page->assign('today', date('Y-m-d')); $this->_add_rss_link($page); } private function getSinglePromotion(PlPage $page, $promo) { if (!(is_int($promo) || ctype_digit($promo)) || $promo < 1920 || $promo > date('Y')) { $page->trigError('Promotion invalide : ' . $promo . '.'); return null; } return (int)$promo; } private function getPromo(PlPage $page, $promo) { if (strpos($promo, '-') === false) { $promo = $this->getSinglePromotion($page, $promo); if (!$promo) { return null; } else { return array($promo); } } list($promo1, $promo2) = explode('-', $promo); $promo1 = $this->getSinglePromotion($page, $promo1); if (!$promo1) { return null; } $promo2 = $this->getSinglePromotion($page, $promo2); if (!$promo2) { return null; } if ($promo1 > $promo2) { $page->trigError('Intervalle non valide : ' . $promo . '.'); return null; } $array = array(); for ($i = $promo1 ; $i <= $promo2 ; ++$i) { $array[] = $i; } return $array; } private function addPromo(PlPage $page, $promo) { $promos = $this->getPromo($page, $promo); if (!$promos || count($promos) == 0) { return; } $to_add = array(); foreach ($promos as $promo) { $to_add[] = XDB::format('({?}, {?})', S::i('uid'), $promo); } XDB::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO watch_promo (uid, promo) VALUES ' . implode(', ', $to_add)); S::user()->invalidWatchCache(); Platal::session()->updateNbNotifs(); } private function delPromo(PlPage $page, $promo) { $promos = $this->getPromo($page, $promo); if (!$promos || count($promos) == 0) { return; } $to_delete = array(); foreach ($promos as $promo) { $to_delete[] = XDB::format('{?}', $promo); } XDB::execute('DELETE FROM watch_promo WHERE ' . XDB::format('uid = {?}', S::i('uid')) . ' AND promo IN (' . implode(', ', $to_delete) . ')'); S::user()->invalidWatchCache(); Platal::session()->updateNbNotifs(); } private function getGroup(PlPage $page, $group) { $groupid = XDB::fetchOneCell("SELECT id FROM groups WHERE (nom = {?} OR diminutif = {?}) AND NOT FIND_IN_SET('private', pub)", $group, $group); if (is_null($groupid)) { $search = XDB::formatWildcards(XDB::WILDCARD_CONTAINS, $group); $res = XDB::query('SELECT id FROM groups WHERE (nom ' . $search . ' OR diminutif ' . $search . ") AND NOT FIND_IN_SET('private', pub)", $search, $search); if ($res->numRows() == 1) { $groupid = $res->fetchOneCell(); } } return $groupid; } private function addGroup(PlPage $page, $group) { $groupid = $this->getGroup($page, $group); if (is_null($groupid)) { return; } XDB::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO watch_group (uid, groupid) VALUES ({?}, {?})', S::i('uid'), $groupid); S::user()->invalidWatchCache(); Platal::session()->updateNbNotifs(); } private function delGroup(PlPage $page, $group) { $groupid = $this->getGroup($page, $group); if (is_null($groupid)) { return; } XDB::execute('DELETE FROM watch_group WHERE uid = {?} AND groupid = {?}', S::i('uid'), $groupid); S::user()->invalidWatchCache(); Platal::session()->updateNbNotifs(); } public function addNonRegistered(PlPage $page, PlUser $user) { XDB::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO watch_nonins (uid, ni_id) VALUES ({?}, {?})', S::i('uid'), $user->id()); if (XDB::affectedRows() > 0) { S::user()->invalidWatchCache(); Platal::session()->updateNbNotifs(); $page->trigSuccess('Contact ajouté : ' . $user->fullName(true)); } else { $page->trigWarning('Contact déjà dans la liste : ' . $user->fullName(true)); } } public function delNonRegistered(PlPage $page, PlUser $user) { XDB::execute('DELETE FROM watch_nonins WHERE uid = {?} AND ni_id = {?}', S::i('uid'), $user->id()); S::user()->invalidWatchCache(); Platal::session()->updateNbNotifs(); } public function addRegistered(PlPage $page, Profile $profile) { XDB::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO contacts (uid, contact) VALUES ({?}, {?})', S::i('uid'), $profile->id()); if (XDB::affectedRows() > 0) { S::user()->invalidWatchCache(); Platal::session()->updateNbNotifs(); $page->trigSuccess('Contact ajouté : ' . $profile->fullName(true)); } else { $page->trigWarning('Contact déjà dans la liste : ' . $profile->fullName(true)); } } public function delRegistered(PlPage $page, Profile $profile) { XDB::execute('DELETE FROM contacts WHERE uid = {?} AND contact = {?}', S::i('uid'), $profile->id()); if (XDB::affectedRows() > 0) { S::user()->invalidWatchCache(); Platal::session()->updateNbNotifs(); $page->trigSuccess("Contact retiré !"); } } public function handler_notifs($page, $action = null, $arg = null) { $page->changeTpl('carnet/notifs.tpl'); if ($action) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); switch ($action) { case 'add_promo': $this->addPromo($page, $arg); break; case 'del_promo': $this->delPromo($page, $arg); break; case 'add_group': $this->addGroup($page, $arg); break; case 'del_group': $this->delGroup($page, $arg); break; case 'del_nonins': $user = User::get($arg); if ($user) { $this->delNonRegistered($page, $user); } break; case 'add_nonins': $user = User::get($arg); if ($user) { $this->addNonRegistered($page, $user); } break; } } if (Env::has('subs')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $flags = new PlFlagSet(); foreach (Env::v('sub') as $key=>$value) { $flags->addFlag($key, $value); } XDB::execute('UPDATE watch SET actions = {?} WHERE uid = {?}', $flags, S::i('uid')); S::user()->invalidWatchCache(); Platal::session()->updateNbNotifs(); } if (Env::has('flags_contacts')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); XDB::execute('UPDATE watch SET ' . XDB::changeFlag('flags', 'contacts', Env::b('contacts')) . ' WHERE uid = {?}', S::i('uid')); S::user()->invalidWatchCache(); Platal::session()->updateNbNotifs(); } if (Env::has('flags_mail')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); XDB::execute('UPDATE watch SET ' . XDB::changeFlag('flags', 'mail', Env::b('mail')) . ' WHERE uid = {?}', S::i('uid')); S::user()->invalidWatchCache(); Platal::session()->updateNbNotifs(); } $user = S::user(); $nonins = new UserFilter(new UFC_WatchRegistration($user)); $promo = XDB::fetchColumn('SELECT promo FROM watch_promo WHERE uid = {?} ORDER BY promo', S::i('uid')); $page->assign('promo_count', count($promo)); $ranges = array(); $range_start = null; $range_end = null; foreach ($promo as $p) { if (is_null($range_start)) { $range_start = $range_end = $p; } else if ($p != $range_end + 1) { $ranges[] = array($range_start, $range_end); $range_start = $range_end = $p; } else { $range_end = $p; } } $ranges[] = array($range_start, $range_end); $page->assign('promo_ranges', $ranges); $page->assign('nonins', $nonins->getUsers()); $groups = XDB::fetchColumn('SELECT g.nom FROM watch_group AS w INNER JOIN groups AS g ON (g.id = w.groupid) WHERE w.uid = {?} ORDER BY g.nom', S::i('uid')); $page->assign('groups', $groups); $page->assign('groups_count', count($groups)); list($flags, $actions) = XDB::fetchOneRow('SELECT flags, actions FROM watch WHERE uid = {?}', S::i('uid')); $flags = new PlFlagSet($flags); $actions = new PlFlagSet($actions); $page->assign('flags', $flags); $page->assign('actions', $actions); } function handler_contacts($page, $action = null, $subaction = null, $ssaction = null) { $page->setTitle('Mes contacts'); $this->_add_rss_link($page); // For XSRF protection, checks both the normal xsrf token, and the special RSS token. // It allows direct linking to contact adding in the RSS feed. if (Env::v('action') && Env::v('token') !== S::user()->token) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); } switch (Env::v('action')) { case 'retirer': if (($contact = Profile::get(Env::v('user')))) { $this->delRegistered($page, $contact); } break; case 'ajouter': if (($contact = Profile::get(Env::v('user')))) { $this->addRegistered($page, $contact); } break; } $search = false; require_once 'userset.inc.php'; if ($action == 'search') { $action = $subaction; $subaction = $ssaction; $search = true; } if ($search && trim(Env::v('quick'))) { $base = 'carnet/contacts/search'; $view = new QuickSearchSet(new UFC_Contact($user)); } else { $base = 'carnet/contacts'; $view = new ProfileSet(new UFC_Contact($user)); } $view->addMod('minifiche', 'Mini-fiches', true); $view->addMod('trombi', 'Trombinoscope', false, array('with_admin' => false, 'with_promo' => true)); $view->addMod('map', 'Planisphère'); $view->apply('carnet/contacts', $page, $action, $subaction); $page->changeTpl('carnet/mescontacts.tpl'); } function handler_pdf($page, $arg0 = null, $arg1 = null) { $this->load('contacts.pdf.inc.php'); $user = S::user(); Platal::session()->close(); $order = array(new UFO_Name()); if ($arg0 == 'promo') { $order = array_unshift($order, new UFO_Promo()); } else { $order[] = new UFO_Promo(); } $filter = new UserFilter(new UFC_Contact($user), $order); $pdf = new ContactsPDF(); $it = $filter->iterProfiles(); while ($p = $it->next()) { $pdf = ContactsPDF::addContact($pdf, $p, $arg0 == 'photos' || $arg1 == 'photos'); } $pdf->Output(); exit; } function handler_rss(PlPage $page, PlUser $user) { $this->load('feed.inc.php'); $feed = new CarnetFeed(); return $feed->run($page, $user); } function buildBirthRef(Profile $profile) { $date = strtotime($profile->birthdate); $tomorrow = $date + 86400; return array( 'timestamp' => $date, 'date' => date('Ymd', $date), 'tomorrow' => date('Ymd', $tomorrow), 'email' => $profile->owner()->bestEmail(), 'summary' => 'Anniversaire de ' . $profile->fullName(true) ); } function handler_csv_birthday(PlPage $page, PlUser $user) { $page->changeTpl('carnet/calendar.outlook.tpl', NO_SKIN); $filter = new UserFilter(new UFC_Contact($user)); $profiles = $filter->iterProfiles(); $page->assign('events', PlIteratorUtils::map($profiles, array($this, 'buildBirthRef'))); $years = array(date("Y")); for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; ++$i) { $years[] = $years[0] + $i; } $page->assign('years', $years); $lang = 'fr'; if (preg_match('/([a-zA-Z]{2,8})($|[^a-zA-Z])/', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], $matches)) { $lang = strtolower($matches[1]); } $page->assign('lang', $lang); if ($lang == 'fr') { $encoding = 'iso8859-15'; } else { $encoding = 'utf-8'; } pl_cached_content_headers('text/comma-separated-values; charset=' . $encoding, 1); } function handler_ical(PlPage $page, PlUser $user) { require_once 'ical.inc.php'; $page->changeTpl('carnet/calendar.tpl', NO_SKIN); $page->register_function('display_ical', 'display_ical'); $filter = new UserFilter(new UFC_Contact($user)); $profiles = $filter->iterProfiles(); $page->assign('events', PlIteratorUtils::map($profiles, array($this, 'buildBirthRef'))); pl_cached_content_headers('text/calendar', 1); } function handler_vcard($page, $photos = null) { $pf = new ProfileFilter(new UFC_Contact(S::user())); $vcard = new VCard($photos == 'photos'); $vcard->addProfiles($pf->getProfiles(null, Profile::FETCH_ALL)); $vcard->show(); } function handler_csv(PlPage $page, PlUser $user) { $page->changeTpl('carnet/mescontacts.outlook.tpl', NO_SKIN); $pf = new ProfileFilter(new UFC_Contact($user)); require_once 'carnet/outlook.inc.php'; Outlook::output_profiles($pf->getProfiles(), 'fr'); } function handler_batch($page) { $page->changeTpl('carnet/batch.tpl'); $errors = false; $incomplete = array(); if (Post::has('add')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); require_once 'userset.inc.php'; require_once 'emails.inc.php'; require_once 'marketing.inc.php'; $list = explode("\n", Post::v('list')); $origin = Post::v('origin'); foreach ($list as $item) { if ($item = trim($item)) { $elements = preg_split("/\s/", $item); $email = array_pop($elements); if (!isvalid_email($email)) { $page->trigError('Email invalide : ' . $email); $incomplete[] = $item; $errors = true; continue; } $user = User::getSilent($email); if (is_null($user)) { $details = implode(' ', $elements); $promo = trim(array_pop($elements)); $cond = new PFC_And(); if (preg_match('/^[MDX]\d{4}$/', $promo)) { $cond->addChild(new UFC_Promo('=', UserFilter::DISPLAY, $promo)); } else { $cond->addChild(new UFC_NameTokens($promo)); } foreach ($elements as $element) { $cond->addChild(new UFC_NameTokens($element)); } $uf = new UserFilter($cond); $count = $uf->getTotalCount(); if ($count == 0) { $page->trigError('Les informations : « ' . $item . ' » ne correspondent à aucun camarade.'); $incomplete[] = $item; $errors = true; continue; } elseif ($count > 1) { $page->trigError('Les informations : « ' . $item . ' » sont ambigues et correspondent à plusieurs camarades.'); $incomplete[] = $item; $errors = true; continue; } else { $user = $uf->getUser(); } } if ($user->state == 'active') { $this->addRegistered($page, $user->profile()); } else { if (!User::isForeignEmailAddress($email)) { $page->trigError('Email pas encore attribué : ' . $email); $incomplete[] = $item; $errors = true; } else { $this->addNonRegistered($page, $user); if (!Marketing::get($user->id(), $email, true)) { check_email($email, "Une adresse surveillée est proposée au marketing par " . S::user()->login()); $market = new Marketing($user->id(), $email, 'default', null, $origin, S::v('uid'), null); $market->add(); } } } } } } $page->assign('errors', $errors); $page->assign('incomplete', $incomplete); } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>