report = error_reporting(0); parent::FPDF(); error_reporting($this->report); $this->AddFont('Vera Sans', '', 'Vera.php'); $this->AddFont('Vera Sans', 'I', 'VeraIt.php'); $this->AddFont('Vera Sans', 'B', 'VeraBd.php'); $this->AddFont('Vera Mono', '', 'VeraMono.php'); $this->SetTitle($this->title); $this->SetCreator('Site'); $this->AddPage(); } public function Output($name='mescontacts.pdf', $dest='I') { Header('Pragma: public'); error_reporting(0); parent::Output($name, $dest); error_reporting($this->report); } private function Rotate($angle, $x=-1, $y=-1) { if ($x==-1) { $x = $this->x; } if ($y==-1) { $y=$this->y; } if (!empty($this->angle)) { $this->_out('Q'); } $this->angle = $angle; if ($angle != 0) { $angle*=M_PI/180; $c = cos($angle); $s = sin($angle); $cx = $x*$this->k; $cy = ($this->h-$y)*$this->k; $this->_out(sprintf('q %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.2f %.2f cm 1 0 0 1 %.2f %.2f cm', $c, $s, -$s, $c, $cx, $cy, -$cx, -$cy)); } } public function Header() { $this->SetFont('Vera Sans', 'B', 20); $this->SetTextColor(230); $this->Rotate(45, 55, 190); $this->Text(55, 190, utf8_decode("informations limitées à un usage")); $this->Text(40, 210, utf8_decode("strictement personnel et non commercial")); $this->Rotate(0); $this->setLeftMargin(5); $this->setRightMargin(5); $this->SetFont('Vera Sans', 'B', 16); $this->SetY(5); $this->SetTextColor(51, 102, 153); $this->SetDrawColor(102, 153, 204); $this->SetLineWidth(0.2); $this->SetFillColor(245, 248, 252); $this->Cell(200, 10, $this->title, 1, 1, 'C', 1); $this->Image(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../htdocs/images/logo.png', 5, 5, 10, 10, 'png', ''); $this->Ln(10); $this->y0 = $this->GetY(); $this->ColSetup(false); } public function Footer() { $this->setLeftMargin(5); $this->setRightMargin(5); $this->SetY(-15); $this->SetFont('Vera Sans', 'I', 8); $this->SetTextColor(128); $this->Cell(0, 10, 'Page '.$this->PageNo(), 0, 0, 'C'); $this->Cell(0, 10, '(en date du '.strftime('%d %B %Y').')', 0, 0, 'R'); } private function ColSetup($col) { $this->col = $col; $x = 10 + $this->col * 100; $this->SetLeftMargin($x); $this->SetRightMargin(120 - $x); $this->SetX($x); $this->SetY($this->y0); } private function NextCol() { $this->ColSetup(1 - $this->col); if ($this->col == 0) { $this->AddPage(); } } public function AcceptPageBreak() { $this->broken = true; } private function Space($w=0.1, $h=0.5) { $x = $this->getX(); $y = $this->getY(); $this->SetLineWidth($w); $this->Line($x, $y, $x+90, $y); $this->Ln($h); } private function TableRow($l, $r, $font = 'Sans') { $this->SetFont('Vera Sans', 'B', 8); $y = $this->getY(); $x = $this->getX(); $this->MultiCell(25, 4, $l, '', 1); $y1 = $this->getY(); $this->SetFont('Vera '.$font, '', 8); $this->setY($y); $first = 1; $this->setX($x+25); $this->MultiCell(65, 4, $r, '', 1); $this->setY(max($y1, $this->getY())+0.5); $this->setX($x); } private function Address($a) { if (!$a['text']) { return; } $l = "adresse\n"; if ($a['current']) { $l .= 'actuelle'; } elseif ($a['secondary']) { $l .= 'secondaire'; } else { $l .= 'principale'; } $r = utf8_decode($a['text']); /* $r = trim("$r\n".$a['adr1']); $r = trim("$r\n".$a['adr2']); $r = trim("$r\n".$a['adr3']); $r = trim("$r\n".trim($a['postcode'].' '.$a['city'])); */ $this->TableRow($l, $r); /* if (!empty($a['tels'])) { foreach ($a['tels'] as $tel) { if (!empty($tel['tel'])) { $this->TableRow(utf8_decode($tel['tel_type']), $tel['tel'], 'Mono'); } } }*/ } private function AddressPro($a) { return; if ($a['entreprise']) { $this->TableRow('Entreprise', $a['entreprise']); } if ($a['adr1'] || $a['adr2'] || $a['adr3'] || $a['postcode'] || $a['city']) { $r = ''; $r = trim("$r\n".$a['adr1']); $r = trim("$r\n".$a['adr2']); $r = trim("$r\n".$a['adr3']); $r = trim("$r\n".trim($a['postcode'].' '.$a['city'])); $this->TableRow('adresse pro', $r); } if ($a['tel']) { $this->TableRow(utf8_decode('Téléphone'), $a['tel'], 'Mono'); } if ($a['fax']) { $this->TableRow('Fax', $a['fax'], 'Mono'); } } public function Error($msg) { $this->error = true; } private function wordwrap($text, $maxwidth = 90) { $text = trim($text); if ($text==='') { return 0; } $space = $this->GetStringWidth(' '); $lines = explode("\n", $text); $text = ''; $count = 0; foreach ($lines as $line) { $words = preg_split('/ +/', $line); $width = 0; foreach ($words as $word) { $wordwidth = $this->GetStringWidth($word); if ($width + $wordwidth <= $maxwidth) { $width += $wordwidth + $space; $text .= $word.' '; } else { $width = $wordwidth + $space; $text = rtrim($text)."\n".$word.' '; $count++; } } $text = rtrim($text)."\n"; $count++; } $text = rtrim($text); return $count; } public static function AddContact(ContactsPDF $self, Profile &$profile, $wp = true) { /* infamous hack : 1- we store the current state. 2- at the end, we find out if we triggered the page break, -> no ? ok -> yes ? then we have to create a col, and add the contact again. */ $old = clone $self; $self->SetFont('Vera Sans', '', 10); $self->SetDrawColor(0); $self->SetFillColor(245, 248, 252); $self->SetLineWidth(0.4); $nom = utf8_decode($profile->full_name); $ok = false; if ($wp) { $photo = $profile->getPhoto(false); if ($photo) { $old2 = clone $self; $width = $photo->width() * 20 / $photo->height(); $_x = $self->getX(); $_y = $self->getY(); $self->Cell(0, 20, '', '', 0, '', 1); error_reporting(0); $mime = explode('/', $photo->mimeType()); $self->Image($photo->path(), $_x, $_y, $width, 20, $mime[1]); error_reporting($self->report); if ($self->error) { $self = clone $old2; } else { $self->setX($_x); $self->Cell($width, 20, '', "T"); $h = 20 / $self->wordwrap($nom, 90 - $width); $self->MultiCell(0, $h, $nom, 'T', 'C'); $ok = true; } } } if (!$ok) { $self->MultiCell(0, 6, $nom, "T", 'C', 1); } if ($profile->mobile) { $self->Space(); $self->TableRow('mobile', utf8_decode($profile->mobile), 'Mono'); } $it = $profile->getAddresses(Profile::ADDRESS_ALL); while ($a = $it->next()) { foreach ($a as &$value) { $value = utf8_decode($value); } $self->Space(); $self->Address($a); } $it = $profile->getAddresses(Profile::ADDRESS_PRO); while ($a = $it->next()) { foreach ($a as &$value) { $value = utf8_decode($value); } $self->Space(); $self->AddressPro($a); } $self->Space(0.4, 5); if ($self->broken) { $old->NextCol(); $self = ContactsPDF::AddContact($old, $profile, $wp); } return $self; } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>