_head = ' ,'; if (!is_array($id)) { if ($id == 'last') { $res = XDB::query("SELECT * FROM axletter WHERE FIND_IN_SET('sent', bits) ORDER BY id DESC"); } else { $res = XDB::query("SELECT * FROM axletter WHERE id = {?} OR short_name = {?}", $id, $id); } if (!$res->numRows()) { throw new MailNotFound(); } $id = $res->fetchOneRow(); } list($this->_id, $this->_shortname, $this->_title_mail, $this->_title, $this->_body, $this->_signature, $this->_promo_min, $this->_promo_max, $this->_subset_to, $this->_subset_rm, $this->_echeance, $this->_date, $this->_bits) = $id; if ($this->_date == '0000-00-00') { $this->_date = 0; } $this->_subset_to = ($this->_subset_to ? explode("\n", $this->_subset_to) : null); $this->_subset = (count($this->_subset_to) > 0); } protected function assignData(&$smarty) { $smarty->assign_by_ref('am', $this); } public function body($format) { return format_text($this->_body, $format); } public function signature($format) { return format_text($this->_signature, $format, 10); } public function valid() { return XDB::execute("UPDATE axletter SET echeance = NOW() WHERE id = {?}", $this->_id); } public function invalid() { return XDB::execute("UPDATE axletter SET bits = 'invalid', date = CURDATE() WHERE id = {?}", $this->_id); } protected function setSent() { XDB::execute("UPDATE axletter SET bits='sent', date=CURDATE() WHERE id={?}", $this->_id); } static public function subscriptionState($uid = null) { $user = is_null($uid) ? S::v('uid') : $uid; $res = XDB::query("SELECT 1 FROM axletter_ins WHERE user_id={?}", $user); return $res->fetchOneCell(); } static public function unsubscribe($uid = null, $hash = false) { $user = is_null($uid) ? S::v('uid') : $uid; $field = !$hash ? 'user_id' : 'hash'; if (is_null($uid) && $hash) { return false; } $res = XDB::query("SELECT * FROM axletter_ins WHERE $field={?}", $user); if (!$res->numRows()) { return false; } XDB::execute("DELETE FROM axletter_ins WHERE $field = {?}", $user); return true; } static public function subscribe($uid = null) { $user = is_null($uid) ? S::v('uid') : $uid; XDB::execute("REPLACE INTO axletter_ins (user_id,last) VALUES ({?}, 0)", $user); } static public function hasPerms() { if (S::admin()) { return true; } $res = XDB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM axletter_rights WHERE user_id = {?}", S::i('uid')); return ($res->fetchOneCell() > 0); } static public function grantPerms($uid) { if (!is_numeric($uid)) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT uid FROM aliases WHERE alias = {?}", $uid); $uid = $res->fetchOneCell(); } if (!$uid) { return false; } return XDB::execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO axletter_rights SET user_id = {?}", $uid); } static public function revokePerms($uid) { if (!is_numeric($uid)) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT uid FROM aliases WHERE alias = {?}", $uid); $uid = $res->fetchOneCell(); } if (!$uid) { return false; } return XDB::execute("DELETE FROM axletter_rights WHERE user_id = {?}", $uid); } protected function subscriptionWhere() { if (!$this->_promo_min && !$this->_promo_max && !$this->_subset) { return '1'; } $where = array(); if ($this->_promo_min) { $where[] = "((ni.user_id = 0 AND ni.promo >= {$this->_promo_min}) OR (ni.user_id != 0 AND u.promo >= {$this->_promo_min}))"; } if ($this->_promo_max) { $where[] = "((ni.user_id = 0 AND ni.promo <= {$this->_promo_max}) OR (ni.user_id != 0 AND u.promo <= {$this->_promo_max}))"; } if ($this->_subset) { require_once("emails.inc.php"); $ids = ids_from_mails($this->_subset_to); $ids_list = implode(',', $ids); if(count($ids) > 0) { if ($this->_subset_rm) { $where[] = "ni.user_id NOT IN ($ids_list)"; } else { $where[] = "ni.user_id IN ($ids_list)"; } } else { // No valid email $where[] = "0"; } } return implode(' AND ', $where); } static public function awaiting() { $res = XDB::query("SELECT * FROM axletter WHERE FIND_IN_SET('new', bits)"); if ($res->numRows()) { return new AXLetter($res->fetchOneRow()); } return null; } static public function toSend() { $res = XDB::query("SELECT * FROM axletter WHERE FIND_IN_SET('new', bits) AND echeance <= NOW() AND echeance != 0"); if ($res->numRows()) { return new AXLetter($res->fetchOneRow()); } return null; } static public function listSent() { $res = XDB::query("SELECT IF(short_name IS NULL, id, short_name) as id, date, subject AS titre FROM axletter WHERE NOT FIND_IN_SET('new', bits) AND NOT FIND_IN_SET('invalid', bits) ORDER BY date DESC"); return $res->fetchAllAssoc(); } static public function listAll() { $res = XDB::query("SELECT IF(short_name IS NULL, id, short_name) as id, date, subject AS titre FROM axletter ORDER BY date DESC"); return $res->fetchAllAssoc(); } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 enc=utf-8: ?>