$this->make_hook('chall', AUTH_PUBLIC), 'groupex/export-econfiance.php' => $this->make_hook('econf', AUTH_PUBLIC, 'user', NO_HTTPS), 'webservices/manageurs.php' => $this->make_hook('manageurs', AUTH_PUBLIC, 'user', NO_HTTPS), 'auth-redirect.php' => $this->make_hook('redirect', AUTH_COOKIE), 'auth-groupex.php' => $this->make_hook('groupex_old', AUTH_COOKIE), 'auth-groupex' => $this->make_hook('groupex', AUTH_COOKIE), 'admin/auth-groupes-x' => $this->make_hook('admin_authgroupesx', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), ); } function handler_chall(&$page) { $_SESSION["chall"] = uniqid(rand(), 1); echo $_SESSION["chall"] . "\n" . session_id(); exit; } function handler_econf(&$page) { global $globals; $cle = $globals->core->econfiance; if (S::v('chall') && $_GET['PASS'] == md5(S::v('chall').$cle)) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT password FROM auth_user_md5 WHERE user_id=10154"); $pass = $res->fetchOneCell(); $list = new MMList(10154, $pass, "x-econfiance.polytechnique.org"); $members = $list->get_members('membres'); if (is_array($members)) { $membres = Array(); foreach($members[1] as $member) { if (preg_match('/^([^.]*.[^.]*.(\d\d\d\d))@polytechnique.org$/', $member[1], $matches)) { $membres[] = "a.alias='{$matches[1]}'"; } } } $where = join(' OR ',$membres); $all = XDB::iterRow( "SELECT u.prenom,u.nom,a.alias FROM auth_user_md5 AS u INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON ( u.user_id = a.id AND a.type!='homonyme' ) WHERE $where ORDER BY nom"); $res = "\n\n\n\n"; while (list ($prenom1,$nom1,$email1) = $all->next()) { $res .= "\n"; $res .= "\t$nom1\n"; $res .= "\t$prenom1\n"; $res .= "\t$email1\n"; $res .= "\n\n"; } $res .= "\n\n"; pl_content_headers("text/xml"); echo $res; } exit; } function handler_manageurs(&$page) { global $globals; require_once 'webservices/manageurs.server.inc.php'; $ips = array_flip(explode(' ', $globals->manageurs->authorized_ips)); if ($ips && isset($ips[$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']])) { $server = xmlrpc_server_create(); xmlrpc_server_register_method($server, 'get_annuaire_infos', 'get_annuaire_infos'); xmlrpc_server_register_method($server, 'get_nouveau_infos', 'get_nouveau_infos'); $request = @$GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA']; $response = xmlrpc_server_call_method($server, $request, null); pl_content_headers("text/xml"); print $response; xmlrpc_server_destroy($server); } exit; } function handler_redirect(&$page) { http_redirect(Env::v('dest', '/')); } function handler_groupex_old(&$page) { return $this->handler_groupex($page, 'iso-8859-1'); } function handler_groupex(&$page, $charset = 'utf8') { $this->load('auth.inc.php'); $page->assign('referer', true); $gpex_pass = $_GET["pass"]; $gpex_url = urldecode($_GET["url"]); if (strpos($gpex_url, '?') === false) { $gpex_url .= "?PHPSESSID=" . $_GET["session"]; } else { $gpex_url .= "&PHPSESSID=" . $_GET["session"]; } // Normalize the return URL. if (!preg_match("/^(http|https):\/\/.*/",$gpex_url)) { $gpex_url = "http://$gpex_url"; } $gpex_challenge = $_GET["challenge"]; // Update the last login information (unless the user is in SUID). $uid = S::i('uid'); if (!isset($_SESSION['suid'])) { global $platal; S::logger($uid)->log('connexion_auth_ext', $platal->path); } // Iterate over the auth token to find which one did sign the request. $res = XDB::iterRow('SELECT privkey, name, datafields, returnurls FROM groupesx_auth'); while (list($privkey,$name,$datafields,$returnurls) = $res->next()) { if (md5($gpex_challenge.$privkey) == $gpex_pass) { $returnurls = trim($returnurls); // We check that the return url matches a per-key regexp to prevent // replay attacks (more exactly to force replay attacks to redirect // the user to the real GroupeX website, which defeats the attack). if (empty($returnurls) || @preg_match($returnurls, $gpex_url)) { $returl = $gpex_url . gpex_make_params($gpex_challenge, $privkey, $datafields, $charset); http_redirect($returl); } else if (S::admin()) { $page->kill("La requête d'authentification a échouée (url de retour invalide)."); } } } // Otherwise (if no valid request was found, or if the return URL is not // acceptable), the user is redirected back to our homepage. pl_redirect('/'); } function handler_admin_authgroupesx(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) { $page->setTitle('Administration - Auth groupes X'); $page->assign('title', 'Gestion de l\'authentification centralisée'); $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/auth-groupes-x','groupesx_auth','id'); $table_editor->describe('name','nom',true); $table_editor->describe('privkey','clé privée',false); $table_editor->describe('datafields','champs renvoyés',true); $table_editor->describe('returnurls','urls de retour',true); $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id); } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>