$this->make_hook('phpinfo', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'get_rights' => $this->make_hook('get_rights', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin' => $this->make_hook('default', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/dead-but-active' => $this->make_hook('dead_but_active', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/deaths' => $this->make_hook('deaths', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/downtime' => $this->make_hook('downtime', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/homonyms' => $this->make_hook('homonyms', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/logger' => $this->make_hook('logger', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/logger/actions' => $this->make_hook('logger_actions', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/postfix/blacklist' => $this->make_hook('postfix_blacklist', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/postfix/delayed' => $this->make_hook('postfix_delayed', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/postfix/regexp_bounces' => $this->make_hook('postfix_regexpsbounces', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/postfix/whitelist' => $this->make_hook('postfix_whitelist', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/mx/broken' => $this->make_hook('mx_broken', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/skins' => $this->make_hook('skins', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/user' => $this->make_hook('user', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/add_accounts' => $this->make_hook('add_accounts', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/validate' => $this->make_hook('validate', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/validate/answers' => $this->make_hook('validate_answers', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/wiki' => $this->make_hook('wiki', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/ipwatch' => $this->make_hook('ipwatch', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/icons' => $this->make_hook('icons', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/accounts' => $this->make_hook('accounts', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/account/watch' => $this->make_hook('account_watch', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/account/types' => $this->make_hook('account_types', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/jobs' => $this->make_hook('jobs', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), ); } function handler_phpinfo(&$page) { phpinfo(); exit; } function handler_get_rights(&$page, $level) { if (S::suid()) { $page->kill('Déjà en SUID'); } $user =& S::user(); Platal::session()->startSUID($user, $level); pl_redirect('/'); } function handler_default(&$page) { $page->changeTpl('admin/index.tpl'); $page->setTitle('Administration'); } function handler_postfix_delayed(&$page) { $page->changeTpl('admin/postfix_delayed.tpl'); $page->setTitle('Administration - Postfix : Retardés'); if (Env::has('del')) { $crc = Env::v('crc'); XDB::execute("UPDATE postfix_mailseen SET release = 'del' WHERE crc = {?}", $crc); $page->trigSuccess($crc . " verra tous ses emails supprimés !"); } elseif (Env::has('ok')) { $crc = Env::v('crc'); XDB::execute("UPDATE postfix_mailseen SET release = 'ok' WHERE crc = {?}", $crc); $page->trigSuccess($crc . " a le droit de passer !"); } $sql = XDB::iterator( "SELECT crc, nb, update_time, create_time, FIND_IN_SET('del', p.release) AS del, FIND_IN_SET('ok', p.release) AS ok FROM postfix_mailseen AS p WHERE nb >= 30 ORDER BY p.release != ''"); $page->assign_by_ref('mails', $sql); } function handler_postfix_regexpsbounces(&$page, $new = null) { $page->changeTpl('admin/emails_bounces_re.tpl'); $page->setTitle('Administration - Postfix : Regexps Bounces'); $page->assign('new', $new); if (Post::has('submit')) { foreach (Env::v('lvl') as $id=>$val) { XDB::query( "REPLACE INTO emails_bounces_re (id,pos,lvl,re,text) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})", $id, $_POST['pos'][$id], $_POST['lvl'][$id], $_POST['re'][$id], $_POST['text'][$id] ); } } $page->assign('bre', XDB::iterator("SELECT * FROM emails_bounces_re ORDER BY pos")); } // {{{ logger view /** Retrieves the available days for a given year and month. * Obtain a list of days of the given month in the given year * that are within the range of dates that we have log entries for. * * @param integer year * @param integer month * @return array days in that month we have log entries covering. * @private */ function _getDays($year, $month) { // give a 'no filter' option $days = array(); $days[0] = "----"; if ($year && $month) { $day_max = Array(-1, 31, checkdate(2, 29, $year) ? 29 : 28 , 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); $res = XDB::query("SELECT YEAR (MAX(start)), YEAR (MIN(start)), MONTH(MAX(start)), MONTH(MIN(start)), DAYOFMONTH(MAX(start)), DAYOFMONTH(MIN(start)) FROM log_sessions"); list($ymax, $ymin, $mmax, $mmin, $dmax, $dmin) = $res->fetchOneRow(); if (($year < $ymin) || ($year == $ymin && $month < $mmin)) { return array(); } if (($year > $ymax) || ($year == $ymax && $month > $mmax)) { return array(); } $min = ($year==$ymin && $month==$mmin) ? intval($dmin) : 1; $max = ($year==$ymax && $month==$mmax) ? intval($dmax) : $day_max[$month]; for($i = $min; $i<=$max; $i++) { $days[$i] = $i; } } return $days; } /** Retrieves the available months for a given year. * Obtains a list of month numbers that are within the timeframe that * we have log entries for. * * @param integer year * @return array List of month numbers we have log info for. * @private */ function _getMonths($year) { // give a 'no filter' option $months = array(); $months[0] = "----"; if ($year) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT YEAR (MAX(start)), YEAR (MIN(start)), MONTH(MAX(start)), MONTH(MIN(start)) FROM log_sessions"); list($ymax, $ymin, $mmax, $mmin) = $res->fetchOneRow(); if (($year < $ymin) || ($year > $ymax)) { return array(); } $min = $year == $ymin ? intval($mmin) : 1; $max = $year == $ymax ? intval($mmax) : 12; for($i = $min; $i<=$max; $i++) { $months[$i] = $i; } } return $months; } /** Retrieves the available years. * Obtains a list of years that we have log entries covering. * * @return array years we have log entries for. * @private */ function _getYears() { // give a 'no filter' option $years = array(); $years[0] = "----"; // retrieve available years $res = XDB::query("select YEAR(MAX(start)), YEAR(MIN(start)) FROM log_sessions"); list($max, $min) = $res->fetchOneRow(); for($i = intval($min); $i<=$max; $i++) { $years[$i] = $i; } return $years; } /** Make a where clause to get a user's sessions. * Prepare the where clause request that will retrieve the sessions. * * @param $year INTEGER Only get log entries made during the given year. * @param $month INTEGER Only get log entries made during the given month. * @param $day INTEGER Only get log entries made during the given day. * @param $uid INTEGER Only get log entries referring to the given user ID. * * @return STRING the WHERE clause of a query, including the 'WHERE' keyword * @private */ function _makeWhere($year, $month, $day, $uid) { // start constructing the "where" clause $where = array(); if ($uid) array_push($where, "s.uid='$uid'"); // we were given at least a year if ($year) { if ($day) { $dmin = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year); $dmax = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day+1, $year); } elseif ($month) { $dmin = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year); $dmax = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month+1, 1, $year); } else { $dmin = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year); $dmax = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year+1); } $where[] = "start >= " . date("Ymd000000", $dmin); $where[] = "start < " . date("Ymd000000", $dmax); } if (!empty($where)) { return ' WHERE ' . implode($where, " AND "); } else { return ''; } // WE know it's totally reversed, so better use array_reverse than a SORT BY start DESC } // }}} function handler_logger(&$page, $action = null, $arg = null) { if ($action == 'session') { // we are viewing a session $res = XDB::query("SELECT ls.*, a.alias AS username, sa.alias AS suer FROM log_sessions AS ls LEFT JOIN aliases AS a ON (a.uid = ls.uid AND a.type='a_vie') LEFT JOIN aliases AS sa ON (sa.uid = ls.suid AND sa.type='a_vie') WHERE ls.id = {?}", $arg); $page->assign('session', $a = $res->fetchOneAssoc()); $res = XDB::iterator('SELECT a.text, e.data, e.stamp FROM log_events AS e LEFT JOIN log_actions AS a ON e.action=a.id WHERE e.session={?}', $arg); while ($myarr = $res->next()) { $page->append('events', $myarr); } } else { $loguser = $action == 'user' ? $arg : Env::v('loguser'); $res = XDB::query('SELECT uid FROM aliases WHERE alias={?}', $loguser); $loguid = $res->fetchOneCell(); if ($loguid) { $year = Env::i('year'); $month = Env::i('month'); $day = Env::i('day'); } else { $year = Env::i('year', intval(date('Y'))); $month = Env::i('month', intval(date('m'))); $day = Env::i('day', intval(date('d'))); } if (!$year) $month = 0; if (!$month) $day = 0; // smarty assignments // retrieve available years $page->assign('years', $this->_getYears()); $page->assign('year', $year); // retrieve available months for the current year $page->assign('months', $this->_getMonths($year)); $page->assign('month', $month); // retrieve available days for the current year and month $page->assign('days', $this->_getDays($year, $month)); $page->assign('day', $day); $page->assign('loguser', $loguser); // smarty assignments if ($loguid || $year) { // get the requested sessions $where = $this->_makeWhere($year, $month, $day, $loguid); $select = "SELECT s.id, s.start, s.uid, a.alias as username FROM log_sessions AS s LEFT JOIN aliases AS a ON (a.uid = s.uid AND a.type='a_vie') $where ORDER BY start DESC"; $res = XDB::iterator($select); $sessions = array(); while ($mysess = $res->next()) { $mysess['events'] = array(); $sessions[$mysess['id']] = $mysess; } array_reverse($sessions); // attach events $sql = "SELECT s.id, a.text FROM log_sessions AS s LEFT JOIN log_events AS e ON(e.session=s.id) INNER JOIN log_actions AS a ON(a.id=e.action) $where"; $res = XDB::iterator($sql); while ($event = $res->next()) { array_push($sessions[$event['id']]['events'], $event['text']); } $page->assign_by_ref('sessions', $sessions); } else { $page->assign('msg_nofilters', "Sélectionner une annuée et/ou un utilisateur"); } } $page->changeTpl('admin/logger-view.tpl'); $page->setTitle('Administration - Logs des sessions'); } function handler_user(&$page, $login = false) { global $globals; $page->changeTpl('admin/user.tpl'); $page->setTitle('Administration - Compte'); if (S::suid()) { $page->kill("Déjà en SUID !!!"); } // Loads the user identity using the environment. if ($login) { $user = User::get($login); } if (empty($user)) { pl_redirect('admin/accounts'); } $listClient = new MMList(S::user()); $login = $user->login(); $registered = ($user->state != 'pending'); // Form processing if (!empty($_POST)) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); if (Post::has('uid') && Post::i('uid') != $user->id()) { $page->kill('Une erreur s\'est produite'); } } // Handles specific requests (AX sync, su, ...). if(Post::has('log_account')) { pl_redirect("admin/logger?loguser=$login&year=".date('Y')."&month=".date('m')); } if(Post::has('su_account') && $registered) { if (!Platal::session()->startSUID($user)) { $page->trigError('Impossible d\'effectuer un SUID sur ' . $user->login()); } else { pl_redirect(""); } } // Handles account deletion. if (Post::has('account_deletion_confirmation')) { $uid = $user->id(); $name = $user->fullName(); $profile = $user->profile(); if ($profile && Post::b('clear_profile')) { $user->profile()->clear(); } $user->clear(true); $page->trigSuccess("L'utilisateur $name ($uid) a bien été désinscrit."); if (Post::b('erase_account')) { XDB::execute('DELETE FROM accounts WHERE uid = {?}', $uid); $page->trigSuccess("L'utilisateur $name ($uid) a été supprimé de la base de données"); } } // Account Form {{{ $to_update = array(); if (Post::has('disable_weak_access')) { $to_update['weak_password'] = null; } else if (Post::has('update_account')) { if (!$user->hasProfile()) { if (Post::s('full_name') != $user->fullName()) { $to_update['full_name'] = Post::s('full_name'); } if (Post::s('display_name') != $user->displayName()) { $to_update['display_name'] = Post::s('display_name'); } if (Post::s('directory_name') != $user->directoryName()) { $to_update['directory_name'] = Post::s('directory_name'); } } if (Post::s('sex') != ($user->isFemale() ? 'female' : 'male')) { $to_update['sex'] = Post::s('sex'); if ($user->hasProfile()) { XDB::execute('UPDATE profiles SET sex = {?} WHERE pid = {?}', Post::s('sex'), $user->profile()->id()); } } if (!Post::blank('pwhash')) { $to_update['password'] = Post::s('pwhash'); require_once 'googleapps.inc.php'; $account = new GoogleAppsAccount($user); if ($account->active() && $account->sync_password) { $account->set_password(Post::s('pwhash')); } } if (!Post::blank('weak_password')) { $to_update['weak_password'] = Post::s('weak_password'); } if (Post::i('token_access', 0) != ($user->token_access ? 1 : 0)) { $to_update['token'] = Post::i('token_access') ? rand_url_id(16) : null; } if (Post::i('skin') != $user->skin) { $to_update['skin'] = Post::i('skin'); if ($to_update['skin'] == 0) { $to_update['skin'] = null; } } if (Post::s('state') != $user->state) { $to_update['state'] = Post::s('state'); } if (Post::i('is_admin', 0) != ($user->is_admin ? 1 : 0)) { $to_update['is_admin'] = Post::b('is_admin'); } if (Post::s('type') != $user->type) { $to_update['type'] = Post::s('type'); } if (Post::i('watch', 0) != ($user->watch ? 1 : 0)) { $to_update['flags'] = new PlFlagset(); $to_update['flags']->addFlag('watch', Post::i('watch')); } if (Post::t('comment') != $user->comment) { $to_update['comment'] = Post::blank('comment') ? null : Post::t('comment'); } if (!$user->checkPerms(User::PERM_MAIL) && Post::t('email') != $user->forlifeEmail()) { $to_update['email'] = Post::t('email'); $listClient->change_user_email($user->forlifeEmail(), Post::t('email')); } } if (!empty($to_update)) { $res = XDB::query('SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE uid = {?}', $user->id()); $oldValues = $res->fetchAllAssoc(); $oldValues = $oldValues[0]; $set = array(); $diff = array(); foreach ($to_update as $k => $value) { $value = XDB::format('{?}', $value); $set[] = $k . ' = ' . $value; $diff[$k] = array($oldValues[$k], trim($value, "'")); unset($oldValues[$k]); } XDB::rawExecute('UPDATE accounts SET ' . implode(', ', $set) . ' WHERE uid = ' . XDB::format('{?}', $user->id())); $page->trigSuccess('Données du compte mise à jour avec succès'); $user = User::getWithUID($user->id()); /* Formats the $diff and send it to the site administrators. The rules are the folowing: * -formats: password, token, weak_password */ foreach (array('password', 'token', 'weak_password') as $key) { if (isset($diff[$key])) { $diff[$key] = array('old value', 'new value'); } else { $oldValues[$key] = 'old value'; } } $mail = new PlMailer('admin/useredit.mail.tpl'); $mail->assign('admin', S::user()->hruid); $mail->assign('hruid', $user->hruid); $mail->assign('diff', $diff); $mail->assign('oldValues', $oldValues); $mail->send(); } // }}} // Profile form {{{ if (Post::has('add_profile') || Post::has('del_profile') || Post::has('owner')) { if (Post::i('del_profile', 0) != 0) { XDB::execute('DELETE FROM account_profiles WHERE uid = {?} AND pid = {?}', $user->id(), Post::i('del_profile')); } else if (!Post::blank('new_profile')) { $profile = Profile::get(Post::t('new_profile')); if (!$profile) { $page->trigError('Le profil ' . Post::t('new_profile') . ' n\'existe pas'); } else { XDB::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO account_profiles (uid, pid) VALUES ({?}, {?})', $user->id(), $profile->id()); } } XDB::execute('UPDATE account_profiles SET perms = IF(pid = {?}, CONCAT(perms, \',owner\'), REPLACE(perms, \'owner\', \'\')) WHERE uid = {?}', Post::i('owner'), $user->id()); } // }}} // Email forwards form {{{ require_once("emails.inc.php"); $redirect = ($registered ? new Redirect($user) : null); if (Post::has('add_fwd')) { $email = Post::t('email'); if (!isvalid_email_redirection($email)) { $page->trigError("Email non valide: $email"); } else { $redirect->add_email($email); $page->trigSuccess("Ajout de $email effectué"); } } else if (!Post::blank('del_fwd')) { $redirect->delete_email(Post::t('del_fwd')); } else if (!Post::blank('activate_fwd')) { $redirect->modify_one_email(Post::t('activate_fwd', true)); } else if (!Post::blank('deactivate_fwd')) { $redirect->modify_one_email(Post::t('deactivate_fwd', false)); } else if (Post::has('disable_fwd')) { $redirect->disable(); } else if (Post::has('enable_fwd')) { $redirect->enable(); } else if (!Post::blank('clean_fwd')) { $redirect->clean_errors(Post::t('clean_fwd')); } // }}} // Email alias form {{{ if (Post::has('add_alias')) { // Splits new alias in user and fqdn. $alias = Env::t('email'); if (strpos($alias, '@') !== false) { list($alias, $domain) = explode('@', $alias); } else { $domain = $globals->mail->domain; } // Checks for alias' user validity. if (!preg_match('/[-a-z0-9\.]+/s', $alias)) { $page->trigError("'$alias' n'est pas un alias valide"); } // Eventually adds the alias to the right domain. if ($domain == $globals->mail->alias_dom || $domain == $globals->mail->alias_dom2) { $req = new AliasReq($user, $alias, 'Admin request', false); if ($req->commit()) { $page->trigSuccess("Nouvel alias '$alias@$domain' attribué"); } else { $page->trigError("Impossible d'ajouter l'alias '$alias@$domain', il est probablement déjà attribué"); } } elseif ($domain == $globals->mail->domain || $domain == $globals->mail->domain2) { $res = XDB::execute("INSERT INTO aliases (uid, alias, type) VALUES ({?}, {?}, 'alias')", $user->id(), $alias); $page->trigSuccess("Nouvel alias '$alias' ajouté"); } else { $page->trigError("Le domaine '$domain' n'est pas valide"); } } else if (!Post::blank('del_alias')) { XDB::execute("DELETE FROM aliases WHERE uid = {?} AND alias = {?} AND type NOT IN ('a_vie', 'homonyme')", $user->id(), $val); XDB::execute("UPDATE emails SET rewrite = '' WHERE uid = {?} AND rewrite LIKE CONCAT({?}, '@%')", $user->id(), $val); fix_bestalias($user); $page->trigSuccess("L'alias '$val' a été supprimé"); } else if (!Post::blank('best')) { XDB::execute("UPDATE aliases SET flags = TRIM(BOTH ',' FROM REPLACE(CONCAT(',', flags, ','), ',bestalias,', ',')) WHERE uid = {?}", $user->id()); XDB::execute("UPDATE aliases SET flags = CONCAT_WS(',', IF(flags = '', NULL, flags), 'bestalias') WHERE uid = {?} AND alias = {?}", $user->id(), $val); // As having a non-null bestalias value is critical in // plat/al's code, we do an a posteriori check on the // validity of the bestalias. fix_bestalias($user); } // }}} // OpenId form {{{ if (Post::has('del_openid')) { XDB::execute('DELETE FROM account_auth_openid WHERE id = {?}', Post::i('del_openid')); } // }}} // Forum form {{{ if (Post::has('b_edit')) { XDB::execute("DELETE FROM forum_innd WHERE uid = {?}", $user->id()); if (Env::v('write_perm') != "" || Env::v('read_perm') != "" || Env::v('commentaire') != "" ) { XDB::execute("INSERT INTO forum_innd SET ipmin = '0', ipmax = '4294967295', write_perm = {?}, read_perm = {?}, comment = {?}, priority = '200', uid = {?}", Env::v('write_perm'), Env::v('read_perm'), Env::v('comment'), $user->id()); } } // }}} $page->addJsLink('jquery.ui.core.js'); $page->addJsLink('jquery.ui.tabs.js'); $page->addJsLink('password.js'); // Displays last login and last host information. $res = XDB::query("SELECT start, host FROM log_sessions WHERE uid = {?} AND suid = 0 ORDER BY start DESC LIMIT 1", $user->id()); list($lastlogin,$host) = $res->fetchOneRow(); $page->assign('lastlogin', $lastlogin); $page->assign('host', $host); // Display mailing lists $page->assign('mlists', $listClient->get_all_user_lists($user->forlifeEmail())); // Display active aliases. $page->assign('virtuals', $user->emailAliases()); $page->assign('aliases', XDB::iterator("SELECT alias, type='a_vie' AS for_life, FIND_IN_SET('bestalias',flags) AS best, expire FROM aliases WHERE uid = {?} AND type != 'homonyme' ORDER BY type != 'a_vie'", $user->id())); $page->assign('account_types', XDB::iterator('SELECT * FROM account_types ORDER BY type')); $page->assign('skins', XDB::iterator('SELECT id, name FROM skins ORDER BY name')); $page->assign('profiles', XDB::iterator('SELECT p.pid, p.hrpid, FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', ap.perms) AS owner FROM account_profiles AS ap INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (ap.pid = p.pid) WHERE ap.uid = {?}', $user->id())); $page->assign('openid', XDB::iterator('SELECT id, url FROM account_auth_openid WHERE uid = {?}', $user->id())); // Displays email redirection and the general profile. if ($registered && $redirect) { $page->assign('emails', $redirect->emails); } $page->assign('user', $user); $page->assign('hasProfile', $user->hasProfile()); // Displays forum bans. $res = XDB::query("SELECT write_perm, read_perm, comment FROM forum_innd WHERE uid = {?}", $user->id()); $bans = $res->fetchOneAssoc(); $page->assign('bans', $bans); } private static function getHrid($firstname, $lastname, $promo) { if ($firstname != null && $lastname != null && $promo != null) { return User::makeHrid($firstname, $lastname, $promo); } return null; } private static function formatNewUser(&$page, $infosLine, $separator, $promo, $size) { $infos = explode($separator, $infosLine); if (sizeof($infos) > $size || sizeof($infos) < 2) { $page->trigError("La ligne $infosLine n'a pas été ajoutée."); return false; } array_map('trim', $infos); $hrid = self::getHrid($infos[1], $infos[0], $promo); $res1 = XDB::query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM accounts WHERE hruid = {?}', $hrid); $res2 = XDB::query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM profiles WHERE hrpid = {?}', $hrid); if (is_null($hrid) || $res1->fetchOneCell() > 0 || $res2->fetchOneCell() > 0) { $page->trigError("La ligne $infosLine n'a pas été ajoutée."); return false; } $infos['hrid'] = $hrid; return $infos; } private static function formatSex(&$page, $sex, $line) { switch ($sex) { case 'F': return PlUser::GENDER_FEMALE; case 'M': return PlUser::GENDER_MALE; default: $page->trigError("La ligne $line n'a pas été ajoutée car le sexe $sex n'est pas pris en compte."); return null; } } private static function formatBirthDate($birthDate) { return date("Y-m-d", strtotime($birthDate)); } function handler_add_accounts(&$page, $action = null, $promo = null) { $page->changeTpl('admin/add_accounts.tpl'); if (Env::has('add_type') && Env::has('people')) { $lines = explode("\n", Env::t('people')); $separator = Env::t('separator'); $promotion = Env::i('promotion'); $nameTypes = DirEnum::getOptions(DirEnum::NAMETYPES); $nameTypes = array_flip($nameTypes); if (Env::t('add_type') == 'promo') { $type = 'x'; $eduSchools = DirEnum::getOptions(DirEnum::EDUSCHOOLS); $eduSchools = array_flip($eduSchools); $eduDegrees = DirEnum::getOptions(DirEnum::EDUDEGREES); $eduDegrees = array_flip($eduDegrees); switch (Env::t('edu_type')) { case 'X': $degreeid = $eduDegrees[Profile::DEGREE_X]; $entry_year = $promotion; $grad_year = $promotion + 3; $promo = 'X' . $promotion; break; case 'M': $degreeid = $eduDegrees[Profile::DEGREE_M]; $grad_year = $promotion; $entry_year = $promotion - 2; $promo = 'M' . $promotion; break; case 'D': $degreeid = $eduDegrees[Profile::DEGREE_D]; $grad_year = $promotion; $entry_year = $promotion - 3; $promo = 'D' . $promotion; break; default: $page->killError("La formation n'est pas reconnue:" . Env::t('edu_type') . '.'); } foreach ($lines as $line) { if ($infos = self::formatNewUser($page, $line, $separator, $promotion, 6)) { $sex = self::formatSex($page, $infos[3], $line); if (!is_null($sex)) { $fullName = $infos[1] . ' ' . $infos[0]; $directoryName = $infos[0] . ' ' . $infos[1]; $birthDate = self::formatBirthDate($infos[2]); $xorgId = Profile::getXorgId($infos[4]); if (is_null($xorgId)) { $page->trigError("La ligne $line n'a pas été ajoutée car le matricule École est mal renseigné."); continue; } XDB::execute('INSERT INTO profiles (hrpid, xorg_id, ax_id, birthdate_ref, sex) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $infos['hrid'], $xorgId, $infos[5], $birthDate, $sex); $pid = XDB::insertId(); XDB::execute('INSERT INTO profile_name (pid, name, typeid) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?})', $pid, $infos[0], $nameTypes['name_ini']); XDB::execute('INSERT INTO profile_name (pid, name, typeid) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?})', $pid, $infos[1], $nameTypes['firstname_ini']); XDB::execute('INSERT INTO profile_display (pid, yourself, public_name, private_name, directory_name, short_name, sort_name, promo) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $pid, $infos[1], $fullName, $fullName, $directoryName, $fullName, $directoryName, $promo); XDB::execute('INSERT INTO profile_education (pid, eduid, degreeid, entry_year, grad_year, flags) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $pid, $eduSchools[Profile::EDU_X], $degreeid, $entry_year, $grad_year, 'primary'); XDB::execute('INSERT INTO accounts (hruid, type, is_admin, state, full_name, directory_name, display_name, sex) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $infos['hrid'], $type, 0, 'active', $fullName, $directoryName, $infos[1], $sex); $uid = XDB::insertId(); XDB::execute('INSERT INTO account_profiles (uid, pid, perms) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?})', $uid, $pid, 'owner'); } } } } else if (Env::t('add_type') == 'account') { $type = Env::t('type'); $newAccounts = array(); foreach ($lines as $line) { if ($infos = self::formatNewUser($page, $line, $separator, $type, 4)) { $sex = self::formatSex($page, $infos[3], $line); if (!is_null($sex)) { $fullName = $infos[1] . ' ' . $infos[0]; $directoryName = $infos[0] . ' ' . $infos[1]; XDB::execute('INSERT INTO accounts (hruid, type, is_admin, state, email, full_name, directory_name, display_name, sex) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $infos['hrid'], $type, 0, 'active', $infos[2], $fullName, $directoryName, $infos[1], $sex); $newAccounts[$infos['hrid']] = $infos[1] . ' ' . $infos[0]; } } } if (!empty($newAccounts)) { $page->assign('newAccounts', $newAccounts); } } else if (Env::t('add_type') == 'ax_id') { $type = 'x'; foreach ($lines as $line) { if ($infos = self::formatNewUser($page, $line, $separator, $promotion, 3)) { XDB::execute('UPDATE profiles SET ax_id = {?} WHERE hrpid = {?}', $infos[2], $infos['hrid']); } } } $errors = $page->nb_errs(); if ($errors == 0) { $page->trigSuccess("L'opération a été effectuée avec succès."); } else { $page->trigSuccess('L\'opération a été effectuée avec succès, sauf pour ' . (($errors == 1) ? 'l\'erreur signalée' : "les $errors erreurs signalées") . ' ci-dessus.'); } } else if (Env::has('add_type')) { $res = XDB::query('SELECT type FROM account_types'); $page->assign('account_types', $res->fetchColumn()); $page->assign('add_type', Env::s('add_type')); } } function handler_homonyms(&$page, $op = 'list', $target = null) { $page->changeTpl('admin/homonymes.tpl'); $page->setTitle('Administration - Homonymes'); $this->load("homonyms.inc.php"); if ($target) { $user = User::getSilent($target); if (!$user || !($loginbis = select_if_homonyme($user))) { $target = 0; } else { $page->assign('user', $user); $page->assign('loginbis',$loginbis); } } $page->assign('op', $op); $page->assign('target', $target); // on a un $target valide, on prepare les mails if ($target) { // on examine l'op a effectuer switch ($op) { case 'mail': S::assert_xsrf_token(); send_warning_homonyme($user, $loginbis); switch_bestalias($user, $loginbis); $op = 'list'; $page->trigSuccess('Email envoyé à ' . $user->forlifeEmail() . '.'); break; case 'correct': S::assert_xsrf_token(); switch_bestalias($user, $loginbis); XDB::execute("UPDATE aliases SET type = 'homonyme', expire=NOW() WHERE alias = {?}", $loginbis); XDB::execute("REPLACE INTO homonyms (homonyme_id, uid) VALUES ({?}, {?})", $target, $target); send_robot_homonyme($user, $loginbis); $op = 'list'; $page->trigSuccess('Email envoyé à ' . $user->forlifeEmail() . ', alias supprimé.'); break; } } if ($op == 'list') { $res = XDB::iterator( "SELECT a.alias AS homonyme, s.alias AS forlife, IF(h.homonyme_id = s.uid, a.expire, NULL) AS expire, IF(h.homonyme_id = s.uid, a.type, NULL) AS type, ac.uid FROM aliases AS a LEFT JOIN homonyms AS h ON (h.homonyme_id = a.uid) INNER JOIN aliases AS s ON (s.uid = h.uid AND s.type = 'a_vie') INNER JOIN accounts AS ac ON (ac.uid = a.uid) WHERE a.type = 'homonyme' OR a.expire != '' ORDER BY a.alias, forlife"); $hnymes = Array(); while ($tab = $res->next()) { $hnymes[$tab['homonyme']][] = $tab; } $page->assign_by_ref('hnymes', $hnymes); } } function handler_deaths(&$page, $promo = 0, $validate = false) { $page->changeTpl('admin/deces_promo.tpl'); $page->setTitle('Administration - Deces'); if (!$promo) { $promo = Env::t('promo', 'X1923'); } $page->assign('promo', $promo); if (!$promo) { return; } if ($validate) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $res = XDB::iterRow('SELECT p.pid, pd.directory_name, p.deathdate FROM profiles AS p INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON (p.pid = pd.pid) WHERE pd.promo = {?}', $promo); while (list($pid, $name, $death) = $res->next()) { $val = Env::v('death_' . $pid); if ($val == $death) { continue; } if (empty($val)) { $val = null; } XDB::execute('UPDATE profiles SET deathdate = {?}, deathdate_rec = NOW() WHERE pid = {?}', $val, $pid); $page->trigSuccess('Édition du décès de ' . $name . ' (' . ($val ? $val : 'ressuscité') . ').'); if ($val && ($death == '0000-00-00' || empty($death))) { $profile = Profile::get($pid); $profile->clear(); $profile->owner()->clear(false); } } } $res = XDB::iterator('SELECT p.pid, pd.directory_name, p.deathdate FROM profiles AS p INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON (p.pid = pd.pid) WHERE pd.promo = {?} ORDER BY pd.sort_name', $promo); $page->assign('profileList', $res); } function handler_dead_but_active(&$page) { $page->changeTpl('admin/dead_but_active.tpl'); $page->setTitle('Administration - Décédés'); $res = XDB::iterator( "SELECT a.hruid, pd.promo, p.ax_id, pd.directory_name, p.deathdate, DATE(MAX(s.start)) AS last FROM accounts AS a INNER JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (ap.uid = a.uid AND FIND_IN_SET('owner', ap.perms)) INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (p.pid = ap.pid) INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON (pd.pid = p.pid) LEFT JOIN log_sessions AS s ON (s.uid = a.uid AND suid = 0) WHERE a.state = 'active' AND p.deathdate IS NOT NULL GROUP BY a.uid ORDER BY pd.promo, pd.sort_name"); $page->assign('dead', $res); } function handler_validate(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) { $page->changeTpl('admin/validation.tpl'); $page->setTitle('Administration - Valider une demande'); $page->addCssLink('nl.css'); $page->addJsLink('ajax.js'); if ($action == 'edit' && !is_null($id)) { $page->assign('preview_id', $id); } else { $page->assign('preview_id', null); } if(Env::has('uid') && Env::has('type') && Env::has('stamp')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $req = Validate::get_typed_request(Env::v('uid'), Env::v('type'), Env::v('stamp')); if ($req) { $req->handle_formu(); } else { $page->trigWarning('La validation a déjà été effectuée.'); } } $r = XDB::iterator('SHOW COLUMNS FROM requests_answers'); while (($a = $r->next()) && $a['Field'] != 'category'); $page->assign('categories', $categories = explode(',', str_replace("'", '', substr($a['Type'], 5, -1)))); $hidden = array(); $res = XDB::query('SELECT hidden_requests FROM requests_hidden WHERE uid = {?}', S::v('uid')); $hide_requests = $res->fetchOneCell(); if (Post::has('hide')) { $hide = array(); foreach ($categories as $cat) if (!Post::v($cat)) { $hidden[$cat] = 1; $hide[] = $cat; } $hide_requests = join(',', $hide); XDB::query('REPLACE INTO requests_hidden (uid, hidden_requests) VALUES ({?}, {?})', S::v('uid'), $hide_requests); } elseif ($hide_requests) { foreach (explode(',', $hide_requests) as $hide_type) $hidden[$hide_type] = true; } $page->assign('hide_requests', $hidden); // Update the count of item to validate here... useful in development configuration // where several copies of the site use the same DB, but not the same "dynamic configuration" global $globals; $globals->updateNbValid(); $page->assign('vit', Validate::iterate()); } function handler_validate_answers(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) { $page->setTitle('Administration - Réponses automatiques de validation'); $page->assign('title', 'Gestion des réponses automatiques'); $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/validate/answers','requests_answers','id'); $table_editor->describe('category','catégorie',true); $table_editor->describe('title','titre',true); $table_editor->describe('answer','texte',false); $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id); } function handler_skins(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) { $page->setTitle('Administration - Skins'); $page->assign('title', 'Gestion des skins'); $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/skins','skins','id'); $table_editor->describe('name','nom',true); $table_editor->describe('skin_tpl','nom du template',true); $table_editor->describe('auteur','auteur',false); $table_editor->describe('comment','commentaire',true); $table_editor->describe('date','date',false); $table_editor->describe('ext','extension du screenshot',false); $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id); } function handler_postfix_blacklist(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) { $page->setTitle('Administration - Postfix : Blacklist'); $page->assign('title', 'Blacklist de postfix'); $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/postfix/blacklist','postfix_blacklist','email', true); $table_editor->describe('reject_text','Texte de rejet',true); $table_editor->describe('email','email',true); $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id); } function handler_postfix_whitelist(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) { $page->setTitle('Administration - Postfix : Whitelist'); $page->assign('title', 'Whitelist de postfix'); $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/postfix/whitelist','postfix_whitelist','email', true); $table_editor->describe('email','email',true); $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id); } function handler_mx_broken(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) { $page->setTitle('Administration - MX Défaillants'); $page->assign('title', 'MX Défaillant'); $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/mx/broken', 'mx_watch', 'host', true); $table_editor->describe('host', 'Masque', true); $table_editor->describe('state', 'Niveau', true); $table_editor->describe('text', 'Description du problème', false); $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id); } function handler_logger_actions(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) { $page->setTitle('Administration - Actions'); $page->assign('title', 'Gestion des actions de logger'); $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/logger/actions','log_actions','id'); $table_editor->describe('text','intitulé',true); $table_editor->describe('description','description',true); $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id); } function handler_downtime(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) { $page->setTitle('Administration - Coupures'); $page->assign('title', 'Gestion des coupures'); $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/downtime','downtimes','id'); $table_editor->describe('debut','date',true); $table_editor->describe('duree','durée',false); $table_editor->describe('resume','résumé',true); $table_editor->describe('services','services affectés',true); $table_editor->describe('description','description',false); $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id); } function handler_accounts(PlPage $page) { $page->changeTpl('admin/accounts.tpl'); $page->setTitle('Administration - Comptes'); $page->addJsLink('password.js'); if (Post::has('create_account')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $firstname = Post::t('firstname'); $lastname = strtoupper(Post::t('lastname')); $sex = Post::b('sex') ? User::GENDER_FEMALE : User::GENDER_MALE; $email = Post::t('email'); $type = Post::s('type'); $login = PlUser::makeHrid($firstname, $lastname, $type); if (!isvalid_email($email)) { $page->trigError("Invalid email address: $email"); } else if (strlen(Post::s('pwhash')) != 40) { $page->trigError("Invalid password hash"); } else { $full_name = $firstname . ' ' . $lastname; $directory_name = $lastname . ' ' . $firstname; XDB::execute("INSERT INTO accounts (hruid, type, state, password, registration_date, email, full_name, display_name, sex, directory_name) VALUES ({?}, {?}, 'active', {?}, NOW(), {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})", $login, $type, Post::s('pwhash'), $email, $full_name, $full_name, $sex, $directory_name); } } $uf = new UserFilter(new UFC_AccountType('ax', 'school', 'fx')); $page->assign('users', $uf->iterUsers()); } function handler_account_types(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) { $page->setTitle('Administration - Types de comptes'); $page->assign('title', 'Gestion des types de comptes'); $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/account/types', 'account_types', 'type', true); $table_editor->describe('type', 'Catégorie', true); $table_editor->describe('perms', 'Permissions associées', true); $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id); } function handler_wiki(&$page, $action = 'list', $wikipage = null, $wikipage2 = null) { if (S::hasAuthToken()) { $page->setRssLink('Changement Récents', '/Site/AllRecentChanges?action=rss&user=' . S::v('hruid') . '&hash=' . S::user()->token); } // update wiki perms if ($action == 'update') { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $perms_read = Post::v('read'); $perms_edit = Post::v('edit'); if ($perms_read || $perms_edit) { foreach ($_POST as $wiki_page => $val) { if ($val == 'on') { $wp = new PlWikiPage(str_replace(array('_', '/'), '.', $wiki_page)); if ($wp->setPerms($perms_read ? $perms_read : $wp->readPerms(), $perms_edit ? $perms_edit : $wp->writePerms())) { $page->trigSuccess("Permission de la page $wiki_page mises à jour"); } else { $page->trigError("Impossible de mettre les permissions de la page $wiki_page à jour"); } } } } } else if ($action != 'list' && !empty($wikipage)) { $wp = new PlWikiPage($wikipage); S::assert_xsrf_token(); if ($action == 'delete') { if ($wp->delete()) { $page->trigSuccess("La page ".$wikipage." a été supprimée."); } else { $page->trigError("Impossible de supprimer la page ".$wikipage."."); } } else if ($action == 'rename' && !empty($wikipage2) && $wikipage != $wikipage2) { if ($changedLinks = $wp->rename($wikipage2)) { $s = 'La page '.$wikipage.' a été déplacée en '.$wikipage2.'.'; if (is_numeric($changedLinks)) { $s .= $changedLinks.' lien'.(($changedLinks>1)?'s ont été modifiés.':' a été modifié.'); } $page->trigSuccess($s); } else { $page->trigError("Impossible de déplacer la page ".$wikipage); } } } $perms = PlWikiPage::permOptions(); // list wiki pages and their perms $wiki_pages = PlWikiPage::listPages(); ksort($wiki_pages); $wiki_tree = array(); foreach ($wiki_pages as $file => $desc) { list($cat, $name) = explode('.', $file); if (!isset($wiki_tree[$cat])) { $wiki_tree[$cat] = array(); } $wiki_tree[$cat][$name] = $desc; } $page->changeTpl('admin/wiki.tpl'); $page->assign('wiki_pages', $wiki_tree); $page->assign('perms_opts', $perms); } function handler_ipwatch(&$page, $action = 'list', $ip = null) { $page->changeTpl('admin/ipwatcher.tpl'); $states = array('safe' => 'Ne pas surveiller', 'unsafe' => 'Surveiller les inscriptions', 'dangerous' => 'Surveiller tous les accès', 'ban' => 'Bannir cette adresse'); $page->assign('states', $states); switch (Post::v('action')) { case 'create': if (trim(Post::v('ipN')) != '') { S::assert_xsrf_token(); Xdb::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO ip_watch (ip, mask, state, detection, last, uid, description) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, CURDATE(), NOW(), {?}, {?})', ip_to_uint(trim(Post::v('ipN'))), ip_to_uint(trim(Post::v('maskN'))), Post::v('stateN'), S::i('uid'), Post::v('descriptionN')); }; break; case 'edit': S::assert_xsrf_token(); Xdb::execute('UPDATE ip_watch SET state = {?}, last = NOW(), uid = {?}, description = {?}, mask = {?} WHERE ip = {?}', Post::v('stateN'), S::i('uid'), Post::v('descriptionN'), ip_to_uint(Post::v('maskN')), ip_to_uint(Post::v('ipN'))); break; default: if ($action == 'delete' && !is_null($ip)) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); Xdb::execute('DELETE FROM ip_watch WHERE ip = {?}', ip_to_uint($ip)); } } if ($action != 'create' && $action != 'edit') { $action = 'list'; } $page->assign('action', $action); if ($action == 'list') { $sql = "SELECT w.ip, IF(s.ip IS NULL, IF(w.ip = s2.ip, s2.host, s2.forward_host), IF(w.ip = s.ip, s.host, s.forward_host)), w.mask, w.detection, w.state, a.hruid FROM ip_watch AS w LEFT JOIN log_sessions AS s ON (s.ip = w.ip) LEFT JOIN log_sessions AS s2 ON (s2.forward_ip = w.ip) LEFT JOIN accounts AS a ON (a.uid = s.uid) GROUP BY w.ip, a.hruid ORDER BY w.state, w.ip, a.hruid"; $it = Xdb::iterRow($sql); $table = array(); $props = array(); while (list($ip, $host, $mask, $date, $state, $hruid) = $it->next()) { $ip = uint_to_ip($ip); $mask = uint_to_ip($mask); if (count($props) == 0 || $props['ip'] != $ip) { if (count($props) > 0) { $table[] = $props; } $props = array('ip' => $ip, 'mask' => $mask, 'host' => $host, 'detection' => $date, 'state' => $state, 'users' => array($hruid)); } else { $props['users'][] = $hruid; } } if (count($props) > 0) { $table[] = $props; } $page->assign('table', $table); } elseif ($action == 'edit') { $sql = "SELECT w.detection, w.state, w.last, w.description, w.mask, a1.hruid AS edit, a2.hruid AS hruid, s.host FROM ip_watch AS w LEFT JOIN accounts AS a1 ON (a1.uid = w.uid) LEFT JOIN log_sessions AS s ON (w.ip = s.ip) LEFT JOIN accounts AS a2 ON (a2.uid = s.uid) WHERE w.ip = {?} GROUP BY a2.hruid ORDER BY a2.hruid"; $it = Xdb::iterRow($sql, ip_to_uint($ip)); $props = array(); while (list($detection, $state, $last, $description, $mask, $edit, $hruid, $host) = $it->next()) { if (count($props) == 0) { $props = array('ip' => $ip, 'mask' => uint_to_ip($mask), 'host' => $host, 'detection' => $detection, 'state' => $state, 'last' => $last, 'description' => $description, 'edit' => $edit, 'users' => array($hruid)); } else { $props['users'][] = $hruid; } } $page->assign('ip', $props); } } function handler_icons(&$page) { $page->changeTpl('admin/icons.tpl'); $dh = opendir('../htdocs/images/icons'); if (!$dh) { $page->trigError('Dossier des icones introuvables.'); } $icons = array(); while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (strlen($file) > 4 && substr($file,-4) == '.gif') { array_push($icons, substr($file, 0, -4)); } } sort($icons); $page->assign('icons', $icons); } function handler_account_watch(&$page) { $page->changeTpl('admin/accounts.tpl'); $page->assign('disabled', XDB::iterator('SELECT a.hruid, FIND_IN_SET(\'watch\', a.flags) AS watch, a.state = \'disabled\' AS disabled, a.comment FROM accounts AS a WHERE a.state = \'disabled\' OR FIND_IN_SET(\'watch\', a.flags) ORDER BY a.hruid')); $page->assign('admins', XDB::iterator('SELECT a.hruid FROM accounts AS a WHERE a.is_admin ORDER BY a.hruid')); } function handler_jobs(&$page, $id = -1) { $page->changeTpl('admin/jobs.tpl'); if (Env::has('search')) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT id, name, acronym FROM profile_job_enum WHERE name LIKE CONCAT('%', {?}, '%') OR acronym LIKE CONCAT('%', {?}, '%')", Env::t('job'), Env::t('job')); if ($res->numRows() <= 20) { $page->assign('jobs', $res->fetchAllAssoc()); } else { $page->trigError("Il y a trop d'entreprises correspondant à ton choix. Affine-le !"); } $page->assign('askedJob', Env::v('job')); return; } if (Env::has('edit')) { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $selectedJob = Env::has('selectedJob'); Phone::deletePhones(0, Phone::LINK_COMPANY, $id); Address::delete(null, Address::LINK_COMPANY, $id); if (Env::has('change')) { XDB::execute('UPDATE profile_job SET jobid = {?} WHERE jobid = {?}', Env::i('newJobId'), $id); XDB::execute('DELETE FROM profile_job_enum WHERE id = {?}', $id); $page->trigSuccess("L'entreprise a bien été remplacée."); } else { XDB::execute('UPDATE profile_job_enum SET name = {?}, acronym = {?}, url = {?}, email = {?}, NAF_code = {?}, AX_code = {?}, holdingid = {?} WHERE id = {?}', Env::t('name'), Env::t('acronym'), Env::t('url'), Env::t('email'), Env::t('NAF_code'), Env::i('AX_code'), Env::i('holdingId'), $id); $phone = new Phone(array('display' => Env::v('tel'), 'link_id' => $id, 'id' => 0, 'type' => 'fixed', 'link_type' => Phone::LINK_COMPANY, 'pub' => 'public')); $fax = new Phone(array('display' => Env::v('fax'), 'link_id' => $id, 'id' => 1, 'type' => 'fax', 'link_type' => Phone::LINK_COMPANY, 'pub' => 'public')); $address = new Address(array('jobid' => $jobid, 'type' => Address::LINK_COMPANY, 'text' => Env::t('address'))); $phone->save(); $fax->save(); $address->save(); $page->trigSuccess("L'entreprise a bien été mise à jour."); } } if (!Env::has('change') && $id != -1) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT e.id, e.name, e.acronym, e.url, e.email, e.NAF_code, e.AX_code, h.id AS holdingId, h.name AS holdingName, h.acronym AS holdingAcronym, t.display_tel AS tel, f.display_tel AS fax, a.text AS address FROM profile_job_enum AS e LEFT JOIN profile_job_enum AS h ON (e.holdingid = h.id) LEFT JOIN profile_phones AS t ON (t.pid = e.id AND t.link_type = 'hq' AND t.tel_id = 0) LEFT JOIN profile_phones AS f ON (f.pid = e.id AND f.link_type = 'hq' AND f.tel_id = 1) LEFT JOIN profile_addresses AS a ON (a.jobid = e.id AND a.type = 'hq') WHERE e.id = {?}", $id); if ($res->numRows() == 0) { $page->trigError('Auncune entreprise ne correspond à cet identifiant.'); } else { $page->assign('selectedJob', $res->fetchOneAssoc()); } } } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>