$this->make_hook('default', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/ax-xorg' => $this->make_hook('ax_xorg', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/deaths' => $this->make_hook('deaths', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/downtime' => $this->make_hook('downtime', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/homonyms' => $this->make_hook('homonyms', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/logger' => $this->make_hook('logger', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/logger/actions' => $this->make_hook('logger_actions', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/postfix/blacklist' => $this->make_hook('postfix_blacklist', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/postfix/delayed' => $this->make_hook('postfix_delayed', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/postfix/regexp_bounces' => $this->make_hook('postfix_regexpsbounces', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/postfix/whitelist' => $this->make_hook('postfix_whitelist', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/skins' => $this->make_hook('skins', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/synchro_ax' => $this->make_hook('synchro_ax', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/user' => $this->make_hook('user', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/validate' => $this->make_hook('validate', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), 'admin/wiki' => $this->make_hook('wiki', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'), ); } function handler_default(&$page) { $page->changeTpl('admin/index.tpl'); $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration'); } function handler_postfix_delayed(&$page) { $page->changeTpl('admin/postfix_delayed.tpl'); $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Postfix : Retardés'); if (Env::has('del')) { $crc = Env::v('crc'); XDB::execute("UPDATE postfix_mailseen SET release = 'del' WHERE crc = {?}", $crc); $page->trig($crc." verra tous ses mails supprimés !"); } elseif (Env::has('ok')) { $crc = Env::v('crc'); XDB::execute("UPDATE postfix_mailseen SET release = 'ok' WHERE crc = {?}", $crc); $page->trig($crc." a le droit de passer !"); } $sql = XDB::iterator( "SELECT crc, nb, update_time, create_time, FIND_IN_SET('del', release) AS del, FIND_IN_SET('ok', release) AS ok FROM postfix_mailseen WHERE nb >= 30 ORDER BY release != ''"); $page->assign_by_ref('mails', $sql); } function handler_postfix_regexpsbounces(&$page, $new = null) { $page->changeTpl('admin/emails_bounces_re.tpl'); $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Postfix : Regexps Bounces'); $page->assign('new', $new); if (Post::has('submit')) { foreach (Env::v('lvl') as $id=>$val) { XDB::query( "REPLACE INTO emails_bounces_re (id,pos,lvl,re,text) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})", $id, $_POST['pos'][$id], $_POST['lvl'][$id], $_POST['re'][$id], $_POST['text'][$id] ); } } $page->assign('bre', XDB::iterator("SELECT * FROM emails_bounces_re ORDER BY pos")); } function handler_logger(&$page) { $page->changeTpl('logger-view.tpl'); $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Logs des sessions'); require_once('diogenes/diogenes.logger-view.inc.php'); if (!Env::has('logauth')) { $_REQUEST['logauth'] = 'native'; } $logview = new DiogenesLoggerView; $logview->run($page); $page->fakeDiogenes(); } function handler_user(&$page, $login = false) { $page->changeTpl('admin/utilisateurs.tpl'); $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Edit/Su/Log'); require_once("emails.inc.php"); require_once("user.func.inc.php"); if (S::has('suid')) { $page->kill("déjà en SUID !!!"); } if (Env::has('user_id')) { $login = get_user_login(Env::i('user_id')); } elseif (Env::has('login')) { $login = get_user_login(Env::v('login')); } if(Env::has('logs_button') && $login) { pl_redirect("admin/logger?login=$login&year=".date('Y')."&month=".date('m')); } if (Env::has('ax_button') && $login) { pl_redirect("admin/synchro_ax/$login"); } if(Env::has('suid_button') && $login) { $_SESSION['log']->log("suid_start", "login by ".S::v('forlife')); $_SESSION['suid'] = $_SESSION; $r = XDB::query("SELECT id FROM aliases WHERE alias={?}", $login); if($uid = $r->fetchOneCell()) { start_connexion($uid,true); pl_redirect(""); } } if ($login) { $r = XDB::query("SELECT *, a.alias AS forlife, u.flags AS sexe FROM auth_user_md5 AS u INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON ( a.id = u.user_id AND a.alias={?} AND type!='homonyme' )", $login); $mr = $r->fetchOneAssoc(); $redirect = new Redirect($mr['user_id']); // Check if there was a submission foreach($_POST as $key => $val) { switch ($key) { case "add_fwd": $email = trim(Env::v('email')); if (!isvalid_email_redirection($email)) { $page->trig("invalid email $email"); } else { $redirect->add_email($email); $page->trig("Ajout de $email effectué"); } break; case "del_fwd": if (!empty($val)) { $redirect->delete_email($val); } break; case "del_alias": if (!empty($val)) { XDB::execute("DELETE FROM aliases WHERE id={?} AND alias={?} AND type!='a_vie' AND type!='homonyme'", $mr['user_id'], $val); fix_bestalias($mr['user_id']); $page->trig($val." a été supprimé"); } break; case "activate_fwd": if (!empty($val)) { $redirect->modify_one_email($val, true); } break; case "deactivate_fwd": if (!empty($val)) { $redirect->modify_one_email($val, false); } break; case "add_alias": XDB::execute("INSERT INTO aliases (id,alias,type) VALUES ({?}, {?}, 'alias')", $mr['user_id'], Env::v('email')); break; case "best": // 'bestalias' is the first bit of the set : 1 // 255 is the max for flags (8 sets max) XDB::execute("UPDATE aliases SET flags= flags & (255 - 1) WHERE id={?}", $mr['user_id']); XDB::execute("UPDATE aliases SET flags= flags | 1 WHERE id={?} AND alias={?}", $mr['user_id'], $val); break; // Editer un profil case "u_edit": require_once('secure_hash.inc.php'); $pass_encrypted = Env::v('newpass_clair') != "********" ? hash_encrypt(Env::v('newpass_clair')) : Env::v('passw'); $naiss = Env::v('naissanceN'); $deces = Env::v('decesN'); $perms = Env::v('permsN'); $prenm = Env::v('prenomN'); $nom = Env::v('nomN'); $promo = Env::i('promoN'); $sexe = Env::v('sexeN'); $comm = Env::v('commentN'); $query = "UPDATE auth_user_md5 SET naissance = '$naiss', deces = '$deces', password = '$pass_encrypted', perms = '$perms', prenom = '".addslashes($prenm)."', nom = '".addslashes($nom)."', flags = '$sexe', promo = $promo, comment = '".addslashes($comm)."' WHERE user_id = '{$mr['user_id']}'"; if (XDB::execute($query)) { user_reindex($mr['user_id']); require_once("diogenes/diogenes.hermes.inc.php"); $mailer = new HermesMailer(); $mailer->setFrom("webmaster@polytechnique.org"); $mailer->addTo("web@polytechnique.org"); $mailer->setSubject("INTERVENTION de ".S::v('forlife')); $mailer->setTxtBody(preg_replace("/[ \t]+/", ' ', $query)); $mailer->send(); $page->trig("updaté correctement."); } if (Env::v('nomusageN') != $mr['nom_usage']) { require_once('nomusage.inc.php'); set_new_usage($mr['user_id'], Env::v('nomusageN'), make_username(Env::v('prenomN'), Env::v('nomusageN'))); } $r = XDB::query("SELECT *, a.alias AS forlife, u.flags AS sexe FROM auth_user_md5 AS u INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON (u.user_id=a.id) WHERE user_id = {?}", $mr['user_id']); $mr = $r->fetchOneAssoc(); break; // DELETE FROM auth_user_md5 case "u_kill": user_clear_all_subs($mr['user_id']); $page->trig("'{$mr['user_id']}' a été désinscrit !"); require_once("diogenes/diogenes.hermes.inc.php"); $mailer = new HermesMailer(); $mailer->setFrom("webmaster@polytechnique.org"); $mailer->addTo("web@polytechnique.org"); $mailer->setSubject("INTERVENTION de ".S::v('forlife')); $mailer->setTxtBody("\nUtilisateur $login effacé"); $mailer->send(); break; } } $res = XDB::query("SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(start), host FROM logger.sessions WHERE uid={?} AND suid=0 ORDER BY start DESC LIMIT 1", $mr['user_id']); list($lastlogin,$host) = $res->fetchOneRow(); $page->assign('lastlogin', $lastlogin); $page->assign('host', $host); $page->assign('aliases', XDB::iterator( "SELECT alias, type='a_vie' AS for_life,FIND_IN_SET('bestalias',flags) AS best,expire FROM aliases WHERE id = {?} AND type!='homonyme' ORDER BY type!= 'a_vie'", $mr["user_id"])); $page->assign('xorgmails', $xorgmails); $page->assign('email_panne', $email_panne); $page->assign('emails',$redirect->emails); $page->assign('mr',$mr); } } function handler_homonyms(&$page, $op = 'list', $target = null) { $page->changeTpl('admin/homonymes.tpl'); $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Homonymes'); require_once("homonymes.inc.php"); if ($target) { if (! list($prenom,$nom,$forlife,$loginbis) = select_if_homonyme($target)) { $target=0; } else { $page->assign('nom',$nom); $page->assign('prenom',$prenom); $page->assign('forlife',$forlife); $page->assign('loginbis',$loginbis); } } $page->assign('op',$op); $page->assign('target',$target); // on a un $target valide, on prepare les mails if ($target) { // on examine l'op a effectuer switch ($op) { case 'mail': send_warning_homonyme($prenom, $nom, $forlife, $loginbis); switch_bestalias($target, $loginbis); $op = 'list'; break; case 'correct': switch_bestalias($target, $loginbis); XDB::execute("UPDATE aliases SET type='homonyme',expire=NOW() WHERE alias={?}", $loginbis); XDB::execute("REPLACE INTO homonymes (homonyme_id,user_id) VALUES({?},{?})", $target, $target); send_robot_homonyme($prenom, $nom, $forlife, $loginbis); $op = 'list'; break; } } if ($op == 'list') { $res = XDB::iterator( "SELECT a.alias AS homonyme,s.id AS user_id,s.alias AS forlife, promo,prenom,nom, IF(h.homonyme_id=s.id, a.expire, NULL) AS expire, IF(h.homonyme_id=s.id, a.type, NULL) AS type FROM aliases AS a LEFT JOIN homonymes AS h ON (h.homonyme_id = a.id) INNER JOIN aliases AS s ON (s.id = h.user_id AND s.type='a_vie') INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON (s.id=u.user_id) WHERE a.type='homonyme' OR a.expire!='' ORDER BY a.alias,promo"); $hnymes = Array(); while ($tab = $res->next()) { $hnymes[$tab['homonyme']][] = $tab; } $page->assign_by_ref('hnymes',$hnymes); } } function handler_ax_xorg(&$page) { $page->changeTpl('admin/ax-xorg.tpl'); $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - AX/X.org'); // liste des différences $res = XDB::query( 'SELECT u.promo,u.nom AS nom,u.prenom AS prenom,ia.nom AS nomax,ia.prenom AS prenomax,u.matricule AS mat,ia.matricule_ax AS matax FROM auth_user_md5 AS u INNER JOIN identification_ax AS ia ON u.matricule_ax = ia.matricule_ax WHERE (SOUNDEX(u.nom) != SOUNDEX(ia.nom) AND SOUNDEX(CONCAT(ia.particule,u.nom)) != SOUNDEX(ia.nom) AND SOUNDEX(u.nom) != SOUNDEX(ia.nom_patro) AND SOUNDEX(CONCAT(ia.particule,u.nom)) != SOUNDEX(ia.nom_patro)) OR u.prenom != ia.prenom OR (u.promo != ia.promo AND u.promo != ia.promo+1 AND u.promo != ia.promo-1) ORDER BY u.promo,u.nom,u.prenom'); $page->assign('diffs', $res->fetchAllAssoc()); // gens à l'ax mais pas chez nous $res = XDB::query( 'SELECT ia.promo,ia.nom,ia.nom_patro,ia.prenom FROM identification_ax as ia LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON u.matricule_ax = ia.matricule_ax WHERE u.nom IS NULL'); $page->assign('mank', $res->fetchAllAssoc()); // gens chez nous et pas à l'ax $res = XDB::query('SELECT promo,nom,prenom FROM auth_user_md5 WHERE matricule_ax IS NULL'); $page->assign('plus', $res->fetchAllAssoc()); } function handler_deaths(&$page, $promo = 0, $validate = false) { $page->changeTpl('admin/deces_promo.tpl'); $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Deces'); if (!$promo) $promo = Env::i('promo'); if (Env::has('sub10')) $promo -= 10; if (Env::has('sub01')) $promo -= 1; if (Env::has('add01')) $promo += 1; if (Env::has('add10')) $promo += 10; $page->assign('promo',$promo); if ($validate) { $new_deces = array(); $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT user_id,matricule,nom,prenom,deces FROM auth_user_md5 WHERE promo = {?}", $promo); while (list($uid,$mat,$nom,$prenom,$deces) = $res->next()) { $val = Env::v($mat); if($val == $deces || empty($val)) continue; XDB::execute('UPDATE auth_user_md5 SET deces={?} WHERE matricule = {?}', $val, $mat); $new_deces[] = array('name' => "$prenom $nom", 'date' => "$val"); if($deces=='0000-00-00' or empty($deces)) { require_once('notifs.inc.php'); register_watch_op($uid, WATCH_DEATH, $val); require_once('user.func.inc.php'); user_clear_all_subs($uid, false); // by default, dead ppl do not loose their email } } $page->assign('new_deces',$new_deces); } $res = XDB::iterator('SELECT matricule, nom, prenom, deces FROM auth_user_md5 WHERE promo = {?} ORDER BY nom,prenom', $promo); $page->assign('decedes', $res); } function handler_synchro_ax(&$page, $user = null, $action = null) { $page->changeTpl('admin/synchro_ax.tpl'); $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Synchro AX'); require_once('synchro_ax.inc.php'); if (is_ax_key_missing()) { $page->assign('no_private_key', true); $page->run(); } require_once('user.func.inc.php'); if ($user) $login = get_user_forlife($user); if (Env::has('user')) { $login = get_user_forlife(Env::v('user')); if ($login === false) { return; } } if (Env::has('mat')) { $res = XDB::query( "SELECT alias FROM aliases AS a INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON (a.id=u.user_id AND a.type='a_vie') WHERE matricule={?}", Env::i('mat')); $login = $res->fetchOneCell(); } if ($login) { if ($action == 'import') { ax_synchronize($login, S::v('uid')); } // get details from user, but looking only info that can be seen by ax $user = get_user_details($login, S::v('uid'), 'ax'); $userax= get_user_ax($user['matricule_ax']); require_once 'profil.func.inc.php'; $diff = diff_user_details($userax, $user, 'ax'); $page->assign('x', $user); $page->assign('diff', $diff); } } function handler_validate(&$page) { $page->changeTpl('admin/valider.tpl'); $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Valider une demande'); require_once("validations.inc.php"); if(Env::has('uid') && Env::has('type') && Env::has('stamp')) { $req = Validate::get_request(Env::v('uid'), Env::v('type'), Env::v('stamp')); if($req) { $req->handle_formu(); } } $page->assign('vit', new ValidateIterator()); } function handler_skins(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) { require_once('../classes/PLTableEditor.php'); $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Skins'); $page->assign('title', 'Gestion des skins'); $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/skins','skins','id'); $table_editor->describe('name','nom',true); $table_editor->describe('skin_tpl','nom du template',true); $table_editor->describe('auteur','auteur',false); $table_editor->describe('comment','commentaire',true); $table_editor->describe('date','date',false); $table_editor->describe('ext','extension du screenshot',false); $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id); } function handler_postfix_blacklist(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) { require_once('../classes/PLTableEditor.php'); $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Postfix : Blacklist'); $page->assign('title', 'Blacklist de postfix'); $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/postfix/blacklist','postfix_blacklist','email', true); $table_editor->describe('reject_text','Texte de rejet',true); $table_editor->describe('email','email',true); $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id); } function handler_postfix_whitelist(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) { require_once('../classes/PLTableEditor.php'); $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Postfix : Whitelist'); $page->assign('title', 'Whitelist de postfix'); $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/postfix/whitelist','postfix_whitelist','email', true); $table_editor->describe('email','email',true); $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id); } function handler_logger_actions(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) { require_once('../classes/PLTableEditor.php'); $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Actions'); $page->assign('title', 'Gestion des actions de logger'); $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/logger/actions','logger.actions','id'); $table_editor->describe('text','intitulé',true); $table_editor->describe('description','description',true); $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id); } function handler_downtime(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) { require_once('../classes/PLTableEditor.php'); $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Coupures'); $page->assign('title', 'Gestion des coupures'); $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/downtime','coupures','id'); $table_editor->describe('debut','date',true); $table_editor->describe('duree','durée',false); $table_editor->describe('resume','résumé',true); $table_editor->describe('services','services affectés',true); $table_editor->describe('description','description',false); $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id); } function handler_wiki(&$page, $action='list') { require_once 'wiki.inc.php'; // update wiki perms if ($action == 'update') { $perms_read = Post::v('read'); $perms_edot = Post::v('edit'); if ($perms_read || $perms_edit) { foreach ($_POST as $wiki_page => $val) if ($val == 'on') { $wiki_page = str_replace('_', '/', $wiki_page); if (!$perms_read || !$perms_edit) list($perms0, $perms1) = wiki_get_perms($wiki_page); if ($perms_read) $perms0 = $perms_read; if ($perms_edit) $perms1 = $perms_edit; wiki_set_perms($wiki_page, $perms0, $perms1); } } } $perms = wiki_perms_options(); // list wiki pages and their perms $wiki_pages = array(); $dir = wiki_work_dir(); if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dh = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) if (substr($file,0,1) >= 'A' && substr($file,0,1) <= 'Z') { list($read,$edit) = wiki_get_perms($file); $wiki_pages[$file] = array('read' => $perms[$read], 'edit' => $perms[$edit]); } closedir($dh); } } ksort($wiki_pages); $page->changeTpl('admin/wiki.tpl'); $page->assign('wiki_pages', $wiki_pages); $page->assign('perms_opts', $perms); } } ?>