sitemap must be in: place the file in the cookbook or local directory and include the file from your farmconfig.php or config.php include_once("$FarmD/cookbook/sitemap.php"); Then add the URL to your sitemap in the google webform or ping google automatic google ping is not implemented yet. regards bram $Log: sitemap.php,v $ Revision 1.7 2005/12/29 10:26:50 pts00065 * support EnablePageListProtect * Added Site to exclude pattern */ SDV($LastModFile, "$WorkDir/.lastmod"); # same as in caching SDV($SitemapFile, "sitemap.xml.gz"); #will need write access must be in root dir. Ensure dir is writable or create (symbolic) link SDV($HandleActions['sitemap'], 'HandleSitemap'); # it is not usefull to have both an action // and automatic creation ( SitemapDelay >= 0 SDV($SitemapDelay, 3600); # Seconds to wait after last edit set to -1 to disable automatic generation SDV($SitemapSquelch, 12*3600); # Squelch between generations of sitemap $RobotActions['sitemap'] = 1; SDVA($SitemapSearchPatterns, array()); $SitemapSearchPatterns[] = '!\.(All)?Recent(Changes|Uploads|Pages)$!'; $SitemapSearchPatterns[] = '!\.Group(Print)?(Header|Footer|Attributes)$!'; $SitemapSearchPatterns[] = '!^PmWiki\.!'; $SitemapSearchPatterns[] = '!^Site\.!'; $SitemapSearchPatterns[] = '!\.SideBar!'; SDV($SitemapMaxItems, 50000); # maximum items to display defined by google SDV($SitemapMaxSize, 10); # maximum size is 10 Mbytes TODO SDV($SitemapPing, ""); # Use ping with long SitemapDelay (like 24*60*60 ) TODO // SDV($SitemapTimeFmt,'%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%sZ'); # seems to break in current version of google SDV($SitemapTimeFmt, '%Y-%m-%d'); SDV($SiteMapItems, array()); SDV($SitemapChannelFmt, ' '); SDV($SitemapItemFmt, ' $PageUrl $SitemapItemPubDate $SitemapChangeFreq $SitemapPriority '); SDV($HandleSitemapFmt, array(&$SitemapChannelFmt, &$SitemapItems, '')); if ( $action == 'browse' ) { if ($SitemapDelay >= 0) { $l = @filemtime($LastModFile); $s = @filemtime($SitemapFile); if ((($Now - $l) > $SitemapDelay) && ($l > $s) && (($Now - $s) > $SitemapSquelch)) { $fp = @fopen($SitemapFile, "w"); if ($fp) { ob_start(); MakeSitemap(); $x = gzencode (ob_get_clean(), 9); fwrite($fp, $x); fclose($fp); } } } } function HandleSitemap() { header("Content-type: text/xml"); MakeSitemap(); exit; } function MakeSitemap() { global $SitemapMaxItems, $SitemapChannelFmt, $SitemapTimeFmt, $SitemapItems, $SitemapItemFmt, $SearchPatterns,$FarmD, $EnablePageListProtect, $HandleSitemapFmt, $FmtV, $SitemapSearchPatterns, $Now; global $EntitiesTable; if (IsEnabled($EnablePageListProtect, 1)) $readf = 1000; $t = array(); $t = @ListPages($SitemapSearchPatterns); $daily_weekly = 60 * 60 * 24 * 6; #TODO foreach ($t as $i => $pn) { $page= ($readf >= 1000) ? RetrieveAuthPage($pn, 'read', false, READPAGE_CURRENT) : ReadPage($pn, READPAGE_CURRENT); if (!$page) continue; // foreach ( $page as $k => $l ) { print "$k == $l
\n"; } if ( (count($SitemapItems) > $SitemapMaxItems)) continue; $FmtV['$SitemapChangeFreq'] = ($Now - $page['time'] < $daily_weekly)?'daily':'weekly'; #TODO $FmtV['$SitemapPriority'] = '0.5'; #TODO $FmtV['$SitemapItemPubDate'] = gmstrftime($SitemapTimeFmt, $page['time']); $SitemapItems[] = FmtPageName($SitemapItemFmt, $page['name']); } #PrintFmt('', str_replace(array_keys($EntitiesTable), array_values($EntitiesTable), $HandleSitemapFmt)); PrintFmt('', $HandleSitemapFmt); }