spoolroot.'/spool/wiki.d'; } function wiki_clear_all_cache() { system('rm -f '.wiki_work_dir().'/cache_*'); } function wiki_perms_options() { return array('public' => 'Public', 'logged' => 'Connecté', 'mdp' => 'Authentifié', 'admin' => 'Admin'); } function wiki_get_perms($n) { $file = wiki_work_dir().'/'.wiki_filename(str_replace('/', '.', $n)); $lines = explode("\n", @file_get_contents($file)); foreach ($lines as $line) { @list($k, $v) = explode('=', $line, 2); if ($k == 'platal_perms') { return explode(':', $v); } } return array('logged', 'admin'); } function wiki_putfile($f, $s) { $fp = fopen($f, 'w'); fputs($fp, $s); fclose($fp); } function wiki_set_perms($n, $pr, $pw) { $file = wiki_work_dir().'/'.wiki_filename(str_replace('/', '.', $n)); if (!file_exists($file)) { return false; } $p = $pr . ':' . $pw; $lines = explode("\n", file_get_contents($file)); foreach ($lines as $i => $line) { list($k, $v) = explode('=', $line, 2); if ($k == 'platal_perms') { $lines[$i] = 'platal_perms='.$p; wiki_putfile($file, join("\n", $lines)); return true; } } array_splice($lines, 1, 0, array('platal_perms='.$p)); wiki_putfile($file, join("\n", $lines)); return true; } function wiki_may_have_perms($perm) { switch ($perm) { case 'public': return true; case 'logged': return S::logged(); case 'mdp': return S::logged(); default: return S::has_perms(); } } function wiki_apply_feed_perms($perm) { if ($perm == 'public') { return; } require_once 'rss.inc.php'; $uid = init_rss(null, Env::v('user'), Env::v('hash')); $res = XDB::query('SELECT user_id AS uid, IF (nom_usage <> \'\', nom_usage, nom) AS nom, prenom, perms FROM auth_user_md5 WHERE user_id = {?}', $uid); if (!$res->numRows()) { exit; } $table = $res->fetchOneAssoc(); $_SESSION = array_merge($_SESSION, $table, array('forlife' => Env::v('user'))); $_SESSION['perms'] =& XorgSession::make_perms($_SESSION['perms']); if ($perm == 'logged' || $_SESSION['perms']->hasFlag('admin')) { return; } exit; } function wiki_apply_perms($perm) { global $platal, $globals; $page =& Platal::page(); switch ($perm) { case 'public': return; case 'logged': if (!call_user_func(array($globals->session, 'doAuthCookie'))) { $platal = empty($GLOBALS['IS_XNET_SITE']) ? new Platal() : new Xnet(); $platal->force_login($page); } return; default: if (!call_user_func(array($globals->session, 'doAuth'))) { $platal = empty($GLOBALS['IS_XNET_SITE']) ? new Platal() : new Xnet(); $platal->force_login($page); } if ($perm == 'admin') { check_perms(); } return; } } function wiki_require_page($pagename) { global $globals; $pagename_slashes = str_replace('.','/',$pagename); $pagename_dots = str_replace('/','.',$pagename); if (is_file(wiki_work_dir().'/cache_'.$pagename_dots.'.tpl')) { return; } system('wget --no-check-certificate '. escapeshellarg($globals->baseurl.'/'.$pagename_slashes) . ' -O /dev/null'); } function wiki_delete_page($pagename) { $pagename_dots = str_replace('/','.',$pagename); if (!strpos($pagename_dots, '.')) { return false; } $file = wiki_work_dir().'/'.wiki_filename($pagename_dots); $cachefile = wiki_work_dir().'/cache_'.$pagename_dots.'.tpl'; if (is_file($cachefile)) { unlink($cachefile); } if (!is_file($file)) { return false; } unlink($file); return true; } function wiki_links_in_line($line, $groupname) { $links = array(); if (preg_match_all('@\[\[([^~][^\]\|\?#]*)((\?|#)[^\]\|]+)?(\\|[^\]]+)?\]\]@', $line, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) { foreach ($matches[1] as $j => $link) if (!preg_match('@http://@', $link[0])) { $mylink = str_replace('/','.',trim($link[0])); $sup = trim(substr($matches[2][$j][0],1)); $alt = trim(substr($matches[4][$j][0],1)); $newlink = str_replace(' ','',ucwords($mylink)); if (strpos($newlink,'.') === false) { $newlink = $groupname.'.'.$newlink; } if (!$alt && $mylink != $newlink) { $alt = trim($link[0]); } $links[] = array( 'pos' => $matches[0][$j][1], 'size' => strlen($matches[0][$j][0]), 'href' => $newlink, 'sup' => $sup, 'alt' => $alt, 'group' => substr($mylink, 0, strpos($mylink, '.'))); } } return $links; } function wiki_rename_page($pagename, $newname, $changeLinks = true) { $pagename_dots = str_replace('/','.',$pagename); $newname_dots = str_replace('/','.',$newname); if (!strpos($pagename_dots, '.') || !strpos($newname_dots, '.')) { return false; } $groupname = substr($pagename_dots, 0, strpos($pagename_dots,'.')); $newgroupname = substr($newname_dots, 0, strpos($pagename_dots,'.')); $file = wiki_work_dir().'/'.wiki_filename($pagename_dots); $newfile = wiki_work_dir().'/'.wiki_filename($newname_dots); if (!is_file($file)) { // old page doesn't exist return false; } if (!rename($file, $newfile)) { // impossible to renama page return false; } if (!$changeLinks) { return true; } $changedLinks = 0; // change name inside this folder and ingroup links if changing group $lines = explode("\n", file_get_contents($newfile)); $changed = false; foreach ($lines as $i => $line) { list($k, $v) = explode('=', $line, 2); if ($k == 'name' && $v == $pagename_dots) { $lines[$i] = 'name='.$newname_dots; $changed = true; } else if ($groupname != $newgroupname) { $links = wiki_links_in_line($line, $groupname); $newline = ''; $last = 0; foreach ($links as $link) if ($link['group'] == $groupname) { $newline .= substr($line, $last, $link['pos']); $newline .= '[['.$link['href'].$link['sup'].($link['alt']?(' |'.$link['alt']):'').']]'; $last = $link['pos']+$link['size']; $changedLinks++; } if ($last != 0) { $newline .= substr($line, $last); $lines[$i] = $newline; $changed = true; } } } wiki_putfile($newfile, join("\n", $lines)); // change wiki links in all wiki pages $endname = substr($pagename_dots, strpos($pagename_dots,'.')+1); $pages = array(); exec("grep ".$endname." ".wiki_work_dir()."/* -sc", $pages); foreach($pages as $line) { if (preg_match('%/([^/:]+):([0-9]+)$%', $line, $vals) && $vals[2] > 0) { $inpage = $vals[1]; $lines = explode("\n", file_get_contents(wiki_work_dir().'/'.$inpage)); $changed = false; // find all wiki links in page and change if linked to this page foreach ($lines as $i => $line) { $links = wiki_links_in_line($line, substr($inpage, 0, strpos($inpage, '.'))); $newline = ''; $last = 0; foreach ($links as $link) { if ($link['href'] == $pagename_dots) { $newline .= substr($line, $last, $link['pos']); $newline .= '[['.$newname_dots.$link['sup'].($link['alt']?(' |'.$link['alt']):'').']]'; $last = $link['pos']+$link['size']; $changedLinks++; } } if ($last != 0) { $newline .= substr($line, $last); $lines[$i] = $newline; $changed = true; } } if ($changed) { wiki_putfile(wiki_work_dir().'/'.$inpage, join("\n", $lines)); } } } if ($changedLinks > 0) { return $changedLinks; } return true; } function wiki_rename_folder($pagename, $newname, $changeLinks = true) { } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>