we do not want any address; // 0 => we want all the addresses; // n => we want the address number n. // // DO NOT CHANGE THE NAMES OF THE ADDRESSES' FIELDS. // IF YOU HAVE TO MAKE SOME MODIFICATION, FIRST CONTACT: // admin@manageurs.com function get_annuaire_infos($method, $params) { require 'geocoding.inc.php'; global $error_mat, $error_key, $globals; // Password verification. if(!isset($params[0]) || ($params[0] != $globals->manageurs->manageurs_pass)) { return false; } // If address == -1, we do not retrieve any address. if(isset($params[2]) && ($params[2] == -1)) { unset($params[2]); } // We check we actually have an identification number. if(!empty($params[1])) { // We only retrieve addresses when required. if(!isset($params[2])) { $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT pp.display_tel AS cell, p.birthdate AS age FROM profiles AS p LEFT JOIN profile_phones AS pp ON (pp.pid = p.pid AND pp.link_type = 'user' AND pp.tel_type = 'mobile') WHERE p.xorg_id = {?} LIMIT 1", $params[1]); $array = $res->next(); } else { $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT p.birthdate, pa.text, pa.postalCode gl.name, pa.countryId, p.pid, pa.id FROM profiles AS p LEFT JOIN profile_addresses AS pa ON (pa.pid = p.pid) LEFT JOIN geoloc_localities AS gl ON (pl.id = pa.localityId) WHERE p.xorg_id = {?} AND NOT FIND_IN_SET('job', pa.flags) ORDER BY NOT FIND_IN_SET('current', pa.flags), FIND_IN_SET('secondary', pa.flags), NOT FIND_IN_SET('mail', pa.flags)", $params[1]); // Process the addresses we got. if(list($age, $text, $adr['cp'], $adr['ville'], $adr['pays'], $pid, $adr['adrid']) = $res->next()) { list($adr['adr1'], $adr['adr2'], $adr['adr3']) = explode("\n", Geocoder::getFirstLines($text, $adr['cp'], 3)); $sql = XDB::query("SELECT display_tel FROM profile_phones WHERE pid = {?} AND link_type = 'user' AND tel_type = 'mobile' LIMIT 1", $pid); if ($sql->numRows() > 0) { $array['cell'] = $sql->fetchOneCell(); } else { $array['cell'] =''; } $array['age'] = $age; $array['adresse'][] = $adr; // We limit the address number by the number of available addresses. $adresse = min((int) $params[2], $res->total()); if ($adresse != 1) { // We don't want the first address. $i = 2; while(list($age, $text, $adr['cp'], $adr['ville'], $adr['pays'], , $adr['adrid']) = $res->next()) { list($adr['adr1'], $adr['adr2'], $adr['adr3']) = explode("\n", Geocoder::getFirstLines($text, $adr['cp'], 3)); if ($adresse == $i) { // If we want this particular address. $array['adresse'][0] = $adr; //$res->free(); break; } elseif ($adresse == 0) { // If we want every address. $array['adresse'][] = $adr; } $i++; } } // We add the phone numbers. $adrid_index = array(); foreach ($array['adresse'] as $i => $a) { $adrid_index[$a['adrid']] = $i; } $restel = XDB::iterator("SELECT pp.display_tel AS tel, pp..tel_type, pp.link_id as adrid FROM profile_phones AS pp INNER JOIN profile_addresses AS pa ON (pp.link_id = pa.id AND pp.pid = pa.pid) WHERE pp.pid = {?} AND pp.link_type = 'address' AND NOT FIND_IN_SET('pro', pa.statut)", $pid); while ($tel = $restel->next()) { $array['adresse'][$adrid_index[$tel['adrid']]]['tels'][] = $tel; } foreach ($array['adresse'] as $i => $adr) { unset($lasttel); foreach ($adr['tels'] as $j => $t) { if (!isset($array['adresse'][$i]['tel']) && (strpos($t['tel_type'], 'Tél') === 0)) { $array['adresse'][$i]['tel'] = $t['tel']; } elseif (!isset($array['adresse'][$i]['fax']) && (strpos($t['tel_type'], 'Fax') === 0)) { $array['adresse'][$i]['fax'] = $t['tel']; } else { $lasttel = $t['tel']; } if (isset($array['adresse'][$i]['tel']) && isset($array['adresse'][$i]['fax'])) { break; } } if (!isset($array['adresse'][$i]['tel']) && isset($lasttel)) { $array['adresse'][$i]['tel'] = $lasttel; } elseif (!isset($array['adresse'][$i]['fax']) && isset($lasttel)) { $array['adresse'][$i]['fax'] = $lasttel; } unset($array['adresse'][$i]['adrid']); unset($array['adresse'][$i]['tels']); } } else { $array = false; } } if ($array) { // We did get a result: the identification number was rigth. // We only send the age to manageurs.com; the format is YYYY-MM-DD 0123-56-89. $year = (int) substr($array['age'], 0, 4); $month = (int) substr($array['age'], 5, 2); $day = (int) substr($array['age'], 8, 2); $age = (int) date('Y') - $year - 1; if(( $month < (int)date('m')) || (($month == (int)date('m')) && ($day >= (int)date('d')))) { $age += 1; } $array['age'] = $age; // We start the encryption of the data. if (manageurs_encrypt_init($params[1]) == 1) { // We did not find the key to encryptthe data. $args = array("erreur" => 3, "erreurstring" => $error_key); $reply = xmlrpc_encode_request(NULL,$args); } else { $reply = manageurs_encrypt_array($array); manageurs_encrypt_close(); } } else { // The identification number was not valid. $args = array("erreur" => 2, "erreurstring" => $erreur_mat); $reply = xmlrpc_encode_request(NULL,$args); } } else { // The identification number was not in argument. $args = array("erreur" => 1, "erreurstring" => $error_mat); $reply = xmlrpc_encode_request(NULL, $args); } return $reply; } function get_nouveau_infos($method, $params) { global $error_mat, $error_key, $globals; // Password verification. if(!isset($params[0]) || ($params[0] != $globals->manageurs->manageurs_pass)) { return false; } // We check we actually have an identification number. if(!empty($params[1])) { require_once 'directory.enums.inc.php'; $nameTypes = DirEnum::getOptions(DirEnum::NAMETYPES); $nameTypes = array_flip($nameTypes); $res = XDB::query("SELECT pnl.name AS nom, pnu.name AS nom_usage, pnf.name AS prenom, p.sex = 'female' AS femme, p.deathdate IS NOT NULL AS decede, p.birthdate, pd.promo, CONCAT(a.alias, '@m4x.org') AS mail FROM profiles AS p INNER JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (p.pid = ap.pid AND FIND_IN_SET('owner', perms) INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON (a.uid = ap.uid) INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd PN (p.pid = pd.pid) INNER JOIN profile_name AS pnl ON (p.pid = pnl.pid AND pnl.typeid = {?}) INNER JOIN profile_name AS pnf ON (p.pid = pnf.pid AND pnf.typeid = {?}) INNER JOIN profile_name AS pnu ON (p.pid = pnu.pid AND pnu.typeid = {?}) WHERE a.flags = 'bestalias' AND p.xorg_id = {?}", $nameTypes['name_ini'], $nameTypes['lastname_ordinary'], $nameTypes['firstname_ini'], $params[1]); // $data['mail'] .= '@polytechnique.org'; // We start the encryption of the data. if (manageurs_encrypt_init($params[1]) == 1) { // We did not find the key to encryptthe data. $args = array("erreur" => 3, "erreurstring" => $error_key); $reply = xmlrpc_encode_request(NULL, $args); } else { $reply = manageurs_encrypt_array($data); manageurs_encrypt_close(); } } else { $reply = false; } return $reply; } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>