titre = $_intitule; $this->site = $_site; $this->msg_reponse = $_msg; $this->asso_id = (string)$_asso_id; $this->evt = (string)$_evt; $this->montant = $_montant; $this->montant_min = $_montantmin; $this->montant_max = $_montantmax; $this->public = $_public; if ($_asso_id) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT nom FROM groups WHERE id = {?}", $_asso_id); $this->asso = $res->fetchOneCell(); } if ($_asso_id && $_evt) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT intitule FROM group_events WHERE asso_id = {?} AND eid = {?}", $_asso_id, $_evt); $this->evt_intitule = $res->fetchOneCell(); } // for future use, when anims can choose there bankaccounts if ($this->rib_id) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT owner FROM payment_bankaccounts WHERE id = {?}", $this->rib_id); $this->rib_nom = $res->fetchOneCell(); } } // }}} // {{{ function same_event() static public function same_event($evt, $asso_id) { $wevt = 's:3:"evt";s:'.strlen($evt+"").':"'.$evt.'"'; $wassoid = 's:7:"asso_id";s:'.strlen($asso_id + "").':"'.$asso_id.'"'; $where = "%".$wassoid."%".$wevt."%"; return $where; } // }}} // {{{ function accept() // check the message public function accept() { // no text [AI JMIAJM IJA MIJ] if (preg_match('/\[[-\'"a-zA-Z ]+\]/', replace_accent($this->msg_reponse))) { $this->trigError("La demande de paiement n'est pas valide. Merci de compléter le texte avant de la soumettre"); return false; } if (!preg_match('//', $this->msg_reponse)) { $this->trigError("Le demande de paiement ne contient pas la balise obligatoire <montant>"); return false; } return true; } // }}} // {{{ function submit() // supprime les demandes de paiments pour le meme evenement public function submit() { if ($this->evt) { XDB::execute('DELETE FROM requests WHERE type={?} AND data LIKE {?}', 'paiements', PayReq::same_event($this->evt, $this->asso_id)); } parent::submit(); } // }}} // {{{ function formu() public function formu() { return 'include/form.valid.paiements.tpl'; } // }}} // {{{ function editor() public function editor() { return 'include/form.valid.edit-paiements.tpl'; } // }}} // {{{ function handle_editor() protected function handle_editor() { $this->titre = Env::v('pay_titre'); $this->site = Env::v('pay_site'); $this->montant = Env::t('pay_montant'); $this->montant_min = Env::i('pay_montant_min'); $this->montant_max = Env::i('pay_montant_max'); $this->msg_reponse = Env::v('pay_msg_reponse'); $this->public = (Env::v('pay_public') == 'yes'); $this->rib_id = Env::v('pay_rib_id'); if ($this->rib_id) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT owner FROM payment_bankaccounts WHERE id = {?}", $this->rib_id); $this->rib_nom = $res->fetchOneCell(); } else { $this->rib_nom = null; } return true; } // }}} // {{{ function _mail_subj protected function _mail_subj() { return "[Polytechnique.org/Paiments] Demande de création de paiement {$this->titre}"; } // }}} // {{{ function _mail_body protected function _mail_body($isok) { if ($isok) { return " Le paiement demandé pour {$this->titre} vient d'être créé.".($this->evt?" Il a bien été associé à la gestion de l'événement du groupe":""); } else { return " La demande faite pour le paiement de {$this->intitule} a été refusée."; } } // }}} // {{{ function commit() public function commit() { $res = XDB::query("SELECT MAX(id) FROM payments"); $id = $res->fetchOneCell()+1; $ret = XDB::execute('INSERT INTO payments (id, text, url, amount_def, amount_min, amount_max, mail, confirmation, asso_id, flags, rib_id) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $id, $this->titre, $this->site, $this->montant, $this->montant_min, $this->montant_max, $this->user->bestEmail(), $this->msg_reponse, $this->asso_id, ($this->public ? 'public' : ''), $this->rib_id); if ($this->asso_id && $this->evt) { XDB::execute("UPDATE group_events SET paiement_id = {?} WHERE asso_id = {?} AND eid = {?}", $id, $this->asso_id, $this->evt); $res = XDB::query("SELECT a.nom, a.diminutif, e.intitule FROM groups AS a INNER JOIN group_events AS e ON (a.id = e.asso_id) WHERE e.eid = {?}", $this->evt); list($nom, $diminutif, $evt) = $res->fetchOneRow(); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../modules/xnetevents/xnetevents.inc.php'; $participants = get_event_participants(get_event_detail($this->evt, false, $this->asso_id), null); foreach ($participants as $u) { if (!$u['notify_payment']) { continue; } $topay = $u['montant'] - $u['paid']; if ($topay > 0) { $mailer = new PlMailer('xnetevents/newpayment.mail.tpl'); $mailer->addTo($u['user']); $mailer->assign('asso', $nom); $mailer->assign('diminutif', $diminutif); $mailer->assign('evt', $evt); $mailer->assign('payment', $id); $mailer->assign('prenom', $u['user']->firstName()); $mailer->assign('topay', $topay); $mailer->send(); } } } return $ret; } // }}} } // }}} // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>