asso = $_asso; $this->liste = $_liste; $this->domain = $_domain; $this->desc = $_desc; $this->advertise = $_advertise; $this->modlevel = $_modlevel; $this->inslevel = $_inslevel; $this->owners = $_owners; $this->members = $_members; } // }}} // {{{ function formu() public function formu() { return 'include/form.valid.listes.tpl'; } // }}} // {{{ function editor() public function editor() { return 'include/form.valid.edit-listes.tpl'; } // }}} // {{{ function handle_editor() protected function handle_editor() { global $globals; if (Env::has('listname')) { $this->liste = trim(Env::v('listname')); } if (Env::has('domainname')) { $this->domain = trim(Env::v('domainname')); } if (Env::has('assotype')) { $this->asso = trim(Env::v('assotype')); } if (!$this->asso) { $this->domain = $globals->mail->domain; } return true; } // }}} // {{{ function _mail_subj protected function _mail_subj() { return "[] Demande de la liste {$this->liste}@{$this->domain}"; } // }}} // {{{ function _mail_body protected function _mail_body($isok) { if ($isok) { return " La liste de diffusion {$this->liste}@{$this->domain} que tu avais demandée vient d'être créée."; } else { return " La demande que tu avais faite pour la liste de diffusion {$this->liste}@{$this->domain} a été refusée."; } } // }}} // {{{ function commit() public function commit() { global $globals; if ($this->asso == "alias") { $new = $this->liste . '@' . $this->domain; XDB::query('INSERT INTO x4dat.virtual (alias,type) VALUES({?}, "user")', $new); foreach ($this->members as $member) { $res = XDB::query( "SELECT a.alias, b.alias FROM x4dat.aliases AS a LEFT JOIN x4dat.aliases AS b ON ( AND b.type = 'a_vie') WHERE a.alias={?} AND a.type!='homonyme'", $member); list($alias, $blias) = $res->fetchOneRow(); $alias = empty($blias) ? $alias : $blias; XDB::query( "INSERT INTO x4dat.virtual_redirect (vid,redirect) SELECT vid, {?} FROM x4dat.virtual WHERE alias={?}", $alias . "@" . $globals->mail->domain, $new); } return 1; } $list = new MMList(S::v('uid'), S::v('password'), $this->domain); $ret = $list->create_list($this->liste, utf8_decode($this->desc), $this->advertise, $this->modlevel, $this->inslevel, $this->owners, $this->members); $liste = strtolower($this->liste); if ($ret && !$this->asso) { foreach(Array($liste, $liste . "-owner", $liste . "-admin", $liste . "-bounces", $liste . "-unsubscribe") as $l) { XDB::execute("INSERT INTO aliases (alias,type) VALUES({?}, 'liste')", $l); } } elseif ($ret) { foreach (Array('', 'owner', 'admin', 'bounces', 'unsubscribe') as $app) { $mdir = $app == '' ? '+post' : '+' . $app; if (!empty($app)) { $app = '-' . $app; } $red = $this->domain . '_' . $liste; XDB::execute('INSERT INTO x4dat.virtual (alias,type) VALUES({?},{?})', $liste . $app . '@' . $this->domain, 'list'); XDB::execute('INSERT INTO x4dat.virtual_redirect (vid,redirect) VALUES ({?}, {?})', XDB::insertId(), $red . $mdir . ''); $list->mass_subscribe($liste, join(' ', $this->members)); } } return $ret; } // }}} } // }}} // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>