id = $_id; $this->name = $_name; $this->acronym = $_acronym; $this->url = $_url; $this->email = $_email; $this->tel = $_tel; $this->fax = $_fax; $this->address = $_address; $_name = preg_replace('/[^0-9a-z]/i', ' ', strtolower(replace_accent($_name))); $name = explode(" ", $_name); $name_array = array_map("trim", $name); $length = count($name_array); $where = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) { if (strlen($name_array[$i]) > 2) { if ($where !== "") { $where .= " OR "; } $where .= "name LIKE '%" . $name_array[$i] . "%'"; } } $res = XDB::iterator('SELECT name FROM profile_job_enum WHERE ' . $where); $this->suggestions = "| "; while ($sug = $res->next()) { $this->suggestions .= $sug['name'] . " | "; } } // }}} // {{{ function formu() public function formu() { return 'include/form.valid.entreprises.tpl'; } // }}} // {{{ function editor() public function editor() { return 'include/form.valid.edit-entreprises.tpl'; } // }}} // {{{ function handle_editor() protected function handle_editor() { if (Env::has('name')) { $this->name = Env::t('name'); } if (Env::has('acronym')) { $this->acronym = Env::t('acronym'); } if (Env::has('url')) { $this->url = Env::t('url'); } if (Env::has('email')) { $this->email = Env::t('email'); } if (Env::has('holdingid')) { $this->holdingid = Env::i('holdingid'); } if (Env::has('NAF_code')) { $this->NAF_code = Env::t('NAF_code'); } if (Env::has('AX_code')) { $this->AX_code = Env::i('AX_code'); } if (Env::has('address')) { $this->address['text'] = Env::t('address'); } if (Env::has('tel')) { $this->tel = Env::t('tel'); } if (Env::has('fax')) { $this->fax = Env::t('fax'); } return true; } // }}} // {{{ function _mail_subj protected function _mail_subj() { return "[] Demande d'ajout d'une entreprise : " . $this->name; } // }}} // {{{ function _mail_body protected function _mail_body($isok) { if ($isok) { return " L'entreprise " . $this->name . " vient d'être ajoutée à ta fiche."; } else { return " La demande que tu avais faite pour l'entreprise " . $this->name . " a été refusée, car elle figure déjà dans notre base."; } } // }}} // {{{ function commit() public function commit() { // TODO: use address and phone classes to update profile_job_enum and profile_phones once they are done. $res = XDB::query('SELECT id FROM profile_job_enum WHERE name = {?}', $this->name); if ($res->numRows() != 1) { require_once ''; require_once ''; XDB::execute('INSERT INTO profile_job_enum (name, acronym, url, email, holdingid, NAF_code, AX_code) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $this->name, $this->acronym, $this->url, $this->email, $this->holdingid, $this->NAF_code, $this->AX_code); $jobid = XDB::insertId(); $display_tel = format_display_number($this->tel, $error_tel); $display_fax = format_display_number($this->fax, $error_fax); XDB::execute("INSERT INTO profile_phones (pid, link_type, link_id, tel_id, tel_type, search_tel, display_tel, pub) VALUES ({?}, 'hq', 0, 0, 'fixed', {?}, {?}, 'public'), ({?}, 'hq', 0, 1, 'fax', {?}, {?}, 'public')", $jobid, format_phone_number($this->tel), $display_tel, $jobid, format_phone_number($this->fax), $display_fax); $gmapsGeocoder = new GMapsGeocoder(); $address = $gmapsGeocoder->getGeocodedAddress($this->address); Geocoder::getAreaId($address, 'administrativeArea'); Geocoder::getAreaId($address, 'subAdministrativeArea'); Geocoder::getAreaId($address, 'locality'); XDB::execute("INSERT INTO profile_addresses (jobid, type, id, accuracy, text, postalText, postalCode, localityId, subAdministrativeAreaId, administrativeAreaId, countryId, latitude, longitude, updateTime, north, south, east, west) VALUES ({?}, 'hq', 0, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, FROM_UNIXTIME({?}), {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})", $jobid, $this->address['accuracy'], $this->address['text'], $this->address['postalText'], $this->address['postalCode'], $this->address['localityId'], $this->address['subAdministrativeAreaId'], $this->address['administrativeAreaId'], $this->address['countryId'], $this->address['latitude'], $this->address['longitude'], $this->address['updateTime'], $this->address['north'], $this->address['south'], $this->address['east'], $this->address['west']); } else { $jobid = $res->fetchOneCell(); } XDB::execute('UPDATE profile_job SET jobid = {?} WHERE pid = {?} AND id = {?}', $jobid, $this->profile->id(), $this->id); if (XDB::affectedRows() == 0) { return XDB::execute('INSERT INTO profile_job (jobid, pid, id) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?})', $jobid, $this->profile->id(), $this->id); } return true; } // }}} } // }}} // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>