quick = $quick; if (is_null($cond)) { $conds = new PFC_And(); } else if ($cond instanceof PFC_And) { $conds = $cond; } else { $conds = new PFC_And($cond); } if ($quick) { $this->getQuick($conds); } else { $this->getAdvanced($conds); } } /** Sets up the conditions for a Quick Search * @param $conds Additional conds (as a PFC_And) */ private function getQuick($conds) { if (!S::logged()) { Env::kill('with_soundex'); } require_once 'ufbuilder.inc.php'; $ufb = new UFB_QuickSearch(); if (!$ufb->isValid()) { return; } $ufc = $ufb->getUFC(); $conds->addChild($ufc); $orders = $ufb->getOrders(); if (S::logged() && Env::has('nonins')) { $conds = new PFC_And($conds, new PFC_Not(new UFC_Dead()), new PFC_Not(new UFC_Registered()) ); } parent::__construct($conds, $orders); } /** Sets up the conditions for an Advanced Search * @param $conds Additional conds (as a PFC_And) */ private function getAdvanced($conds) { $this->advanced = true; require_once 'ufbuilder.inc.php'; $ufb = new UFB_AdvancedSearch(); if (!$ufb->isValid()) { return; } $ufc = $ufb->getUFC(); $conds->addChild($ufc); $orders = $ufb->getOrders(); parent::__construct($conds, $orders); } protected function &getFilterResults(PlFilter &$pf, PlLimit $limit) { $profiles = $pf->getProfiles($limit, Profile::FETCH_MINIFICHES); return $profiles; } } /** Simple set based on an array of User objects */ class ArraySet extends ProfileSet { public function __construct(array $users) { $hruids = User::getBulkHruid($users, array('User', '_silent_user_callback')); if (is_null($hruids) || count($hruids) == 0) { $cond = new PFC_False(); } else { $cond = new UFC_Hruid($hruids); } parent::__construct($cond); } } /** A multipage view for profiles * Allows the display of bounds when sorting by name or promo. */ abstract class ProfileView extends MultipageView { protected function getBoundValue($obj) { if ($obj instanceof Profile) { switch ($this->bound_field) { case 'name': $name = $obj->name('%l'); return strtoupper($name); case 'promo': return $obj->promo(); default: return null; } } return null; } public function bounds() { $order = Env::v('order', $this->defaultkey); $show_bounds = 0; if (($order == "name") || ($order == "-name")) { $this->bound_field = "name"; $show_bounds = 1; } elseif (($order == "promo") || ($order == "-promo")) { $this->bound_field = "promo"; $show_bounds = -1; } if ($order{0} == '-') { $show_bounds = -$show_bounds; } return $show_bounds; } } /** An extended multipage view for profiles, as minifiches. * Allows to sort by: * - score (for a search query) * - name * - promo * - latest modification * * Paramaters for this view are: * - with_score: whether to allow ordering by score (set only for a quick search) * - starts_with: show only names beginning with the given letter */ class MinificheView extends ProfileView { public function __construct(PlSet &$set, array $params) { global $globals; $this->entriesPerPage = $globals->search->per_page; if (@$params['with_score']) { $this->addSort(new PlViewOrder('score', array( new UFO_Score(true), new UFO_ProfileUpdate(true), new UFO_Promo(UserFilter::DISPLAY, true), new UFO_Name(Profile::DN_SORT), ), 'pertinence')); } $this->addSort(new PlViewOrder( 'name', array(new UFO_Name(Profile::DN_SORT)), 'nom')); $this->addSort(new PlViewOrder('promo', array( new UFO_Promo(UserFilter::DISPLAY, true), new UFO_Name(Profile::DN_SORT), ), 'promotion')); $this->addSort(new PlViewOrder('date_mod', array( new UFO_ProfileUpdate(true), new UFO_Promo(UserFilter::DISPLAY, true), new UFO_Name(Profile::DN_SORT), ), 'dernière modification')); parent::__construct($set, $params); } public function apply(PlPage &$page) { if (array_key_exists('starts_with', $this->params) && $this->params['starts_with'] != "" && $this->params['starts_with'] != null) { $this->set->addCond( new UFC_Name(Profile::LASTNAME, $this->params['starts_with'], UFC_Name::PREFIX) ); } return parent::apply($page); } public function templateName() { return 'include/plview.minifiche.tpl'; } } class MentorView extends ProfileView { public function __construct(PlSet &$set, array $params) { $this->entriesPerPage = 10; $this->addSort(new PlViewOrder('rand', array(new PFO_Random(S::i('uid'))), 'aléatoirement')); $this->addSort(new PlViewOrder('name', array(new UFO_Name(Profile::DN_SORT)), 'nom')); $this->addSort(new PlViewOrder('promo', array( new UFO_Promo(UserFilter::DISPLAY, true), new UFO_Name(Profile::DN_SORT), ), 'promotion')); $this->addSort(new PlViewOrder('date_mod', array( new UFO_ProfileUpdate(true), new UFO_Promo(UserFilter::DISPLAY, true), new UFO_Name(Profile::DN_SORT), ), 'dernière modification')); parent::__construct($set, $params); } public function templateName() { return 'include/plview.referent.tpl'; } } class TrombiView extends ProfileView { public function __construct(PlSet &$set, array $params) { $this->entriesPerPage = 24; $this->defaultkey = 'name'; if (@$params['with_score']) { $this->addSort(new PlViewOrder('score', array( new UFO_Score(true), new UFO_ProfileUpdate(true), new UFO_Promo(UserFilter::DISPLAY, true), new UFO_Name(Profile::DN_SORT), ), 'pertinence')); } $set->addCond(new UFC_Photo()); $this->addSort(new PlViewOrder('name', array(new UFO_Name(Profile::DN_SORT)), 'nom')); $this->addSort(new PlViewOrder('promo', array( new UFO_Promo(UserFilter::DISPLAY, true), new UFO_Name(Profile::DN_SORT), ), 'promotion')); parent::__construct($set, $params); } public function templateName() { return 'include/plview.trombi.tpl'; } public function apply(PlPage &$page) { if (!empty($GLOBALS['IS_XNET_SITE'])) { global $globals; $page->assign('mainsiteurl', 'https://' . $globals->core->secure_domain . '/'); } return parent::apply($page); } } class GadgetView implements PlView { public function __construct(PlSet &$set, array $params) { $this->set =& $set; } public function apply(PlPage &$page) { $page->assign_by_ref('set', $this->set->get(new PlLimit(5, 0))); } public function args() { return null; } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>