search->result_where_statement = ' LEFT JOIN applis_ins AS ai0 ON (u.user_id = ai0.uid AND ai0.ordre = 0) LEFT JOIN applis_def AS ad0 ON ( = ai0.aid) LEFT JOIN applis_ins AS ai1 ON (u.user_id = ai1.uid AND ai1.ordre = 1) LEFT JOIN applis_def AS ad1 ON ( = ai1.aid) LEFT JOIN entreprises AS e ON (e.entrid = 0 AND e.uid = u.user_id) LEFT JOIN emploi_secteur AS es ON (e.secteur = LEFT JOIN fonctions_def AS ef ON (e.fonction = LEFT JOIN geoloc_pays AS n ON (u.nationalite = n.a2) LEFT JOIN adresses AS adr ON (u.user_id = adr.uid AND FIND_IN_SET(\'active\',adr.statut)) LEFT JOIN geoloc_pays AS gp ON ( = gp.a2) LEFT JOIN geoloc_region AS gr ON ( = gr.a2 AND adr.region = gr.region) LEFT JOIN emails AS em ON (em.uid = u.user_id AND em.flags = \'active\')'; class UserSet extends PlSet { public function __construct($joins = '', $where = '') { global $globals; parent::__construct('auth_user_md5 AS u', (!empty($GLOBALS['IS_XNET_SITE']) ? 'INNER JOIN groupex.membres AS gxm ON (u.user_id = gxm.uid AND gxm.asso_id = ' . $globals->asso('id') . ') ' : '') . 'LEFT JOIN auth_user_quick AS q USING (user_id) LEFT JOIN aliases AS a ON ( = u.user_id AND a.type = \'a_vie\') ' . $joins, $where, 'u.user_id'); } } class SearchSet extends UserSet { public $advanced = false; private $score = null; private $order = null; private $quick = false; public function __construct($quick = false, $no_search = false, $join = '', $where = '') { Platal::load('search', ''); if ($no_search) { return; } $this->quick = $quick; if ($quick) { $this->getQuick($join, $where); } else { $this->getAdvanced($join, $where); } } private function getQuick($join, $where) { Platal::load('search', ''); global $globals; if (!S::logged()) { Env::kill('with_soundex'); } $qSearch = new QuickSearch('quick'); $fields = new SFieldGroup(true, array($qSearch)); if ($qSearch->isEmpty()) { new ThrowError('Aucun critère de recherche n\'est spécifié.'); } $this->score = $qSearch->get_score_statement(); $pwhere = $fields->get_where_statement(); if (trim($pwhere)) { if (trim($where)) { $where .= ' AND '; } $where .= $pwhere; } if (S::logged() && Env::has('nonins')) { if (trim($where)) { $where .= ' AND '; } $where .= 'u.perms="pending" AND u.deces=0'; } parent::__construct($join . ' ' . $fields->get_select_statement(), $where); $this->order = implode(',',array_filter(array($fields->get_order_statement(), ' DESC, NomSortKey, prenom'))); } private function getAdvanced($join, $where) { global $globals; $this->advanced = true; $fields = new SFieldGroup(true, advancedSearchFromInput()); if ($fields->too_large()) { new ThrowError('Recherche trop générale.'); } parent::__construct(@$join . ' ' . $fields->get_select_statement(), @$where . ' ' . $fields->get_where_statement()); $this->order = implode(',',array_filter(array($fields->get_order_statement(), 'promo DESC, NomSortKey, prenom'))); } public function &get($fields, $joins, $where, $groupby, $order, $limitcount = null, $limitfrom = null) { if ($this->score) { $fields .= ', ' . $this->score; } return parent::get($fields, $joins, $where, $groupby, $order, $limitcount, $limitfrom); } } class ArraySet extends UserSet { public function __construct(array $users) { $where = $this->getUids($users); if ($where) { $where = "a.alias IN ($where)"; } else { $where = " 0 "; } parent::__construct('', $where); } private function getUids(array $users) { $users = get_users_forlife_list($users, true, '_silent_user_callback'); if (is_null($users)) { return ''; } return '\'' . implode('\', \'', $users) . '\''; } } class MinificheView extends MultipageView { public function __construct(PlSet &$set, $data, array $params) { require_once ''; global $globals; $this->entriesPerPage = $globals->search->per_page; if (@$params['with_score']) { $this->addSortKey('score', array('-score', '-date', '-promo', 'nom', 'prenom'), 'pertinence'); } $this->addSortKey('name', array('nom', 'prenom'), 'nom'); $this->addSortKey('promo', array('-promo', 'nom', 'prenom'), 'promotion'); $this->addSortKey('date_mod', array('-date', '-promo', 'nom', 'prenom'), 'dernière modification'); parent::__construct($set, $data, $params); } public function fields() { return "u.user_id AS id, u.*, a.alias AS forlife, u.perms != 'pending' AS inscrit, u.perms != 'pending' AS wasinscrit, u.deces != 0 AS dcd, u.deces, u.matricule_ax, FIND_IN_SET('femme', u.flags) AS sexe, e.entreprise, e.web AS job_web, es.label AS secteur, ef.fonction_fr AS fonction, IF(n.nat='',n.pays,n.nat) AS nat, n.a2 AS iso3166, ad0.text AS app0text, ad0.url AS app0url, ai0.type AS app0type, ad1.text AS app1text, ad1.url AS app1url, ai1.type AS app1type,, gp.a2, gp.pays AS countrytxt, AS region, IF(u.nom_usage<>'',u.nom_usage,u.nom) AS sortkey, (COUNT( > 0 OR FIND_IN_SET('googleapps', u.mail_storage) > 0) AS actif" . (S::logged() ? ", AS contact" : ''); } public function joins() { return "LEFT JOIN entreprises AS e ON (e.entrid = 0 AND e.uid = u.user_id".(S::logged() ? "" : " AND = 'public'").") LEFT JOIN emploi_secteur AS es ON (e.secteur = LEFT JOIN fonctions_def AS ef ON (e.fonction = LEFT JOIN geoloc_pays AS n ON (u.nationalite = n.a2) LEFT JOIN applis_ins AS ai0 ON (u.user_id = ai0.uid AND ai0.ordre = 0) LEFT JOIN applis_def AS ad0 ON ( = ai0.aid) LEFT JOIN applis_ins AS ai1 ON (u.user_id = ai1.uid AND ai1.ordre = 1) LEFT JOIN applis_def AS ad1 ON ( = ai1.aid) LEFT JOIN adresses AS adr ON (u.user_id = adr.uid AND FIND_IN_SET('active', adr.statut)".(S::logged() ? "" : " AND = 'public'").") LEFT JOIN geoloc_pays AS gp ON ( = gp.a2) LEFT JOIN geoloc_region AS gr ON ( = gr.a2 AND adr.region = gr.region) LEFT JOIN emails AS em ON (em.uid = u.user_id AND em.flags = 'active')" . (S::logged() ? "LEFT JOIN contacts AS c On ( = u.user_id AND c.uid = " . S::v('uid') . ")" : ""); } public function bounds() { $order = Env::v('order', $this->defaultkey); $show_bounds = 0; if (($order == "name") || ($order == "-name")) { $this->bound_field = "nom"; $show_bounds = 1; } elseif (($order == "promo") || ($order == "-promo")) { $this->bound_field = "promo"; $show_bounds = -1; } if ($order{0} == '-') { $show_bounds = -$show_bounds; } return $show_bounds; } public function templateName() { return 'include/plview.minifiche.tpl'; } } class MentorView extends MultipageView { public function __construct(PlSet &$set, $data, array $params) { $this->entriesPerPage = 10; $this->addSortKey('rand', array('RAND(' . S::i('uid') . ')'), 'aléatoirement'); $this->addSortKey('name', array('nom', 'prenom'), 'nom'); $this->addSortKey('promo', array('-promo', 'nom', 'prenom'), 'promotion'); $this->addSortKey('date_mod', array('-date', '-promo', 'nom', 'prenom'), 'dernière modification'); parent::__construct($set, $data, $params); } public function fields() { return "m.uid, u.prenom, u.nom,, a.alias AS forlife, m.expertise,, ms.secteur, ms.ss_secteur"; } public function bounds() { $order = Env::v('order', $this->defaultkey); $show_bounds = 0; if (($order == "name") || ($order == "-name")) { $this->bound_field = "nom"; $show_bounds = 1; } elseif (($order == "promo") || ($order == "-promo")) { $this->bound_field = "promo"; $show_bounds = -1; } if ($order{0} == '-') { $show_bounds = -$show_bounds; } return $show_bounds; } public function templateName() { return 'include/plview.referent.tpl'; } } class TrombiView extends MultipageView { public function __construct(PlSet &$set, $data, array $params) { $this->entriesPerPage = 24; $this->order = explode(',', Env::v('order', 'nom,prenom,promo')); if (@$params['with_score']) { $this->addSortKey('score', array('-score', '-watch_last', '-promo', 'nom', 'prenom'), 'pertinence'); } $this->addSortKey('name', array('nom', 'prenom'), 'nom'); $this->addSortKey('promo', array('-promo', 'nom', 'prenom'), 'promotion'); parent::__construct($set, $data, $params); } public function fields() { return "u.user_id, IF(u.nom_usage != '', u.nom_usage, u.nom) AS nom, u.prenom,, a.alias AS forlife "; } public function joins() { return "INNER JOIN photo AS p ON (p.uid = u.user_id) "; } public function bounds() { $order = Env::v('order', $this->defaultkey); $show_bounds = 0; if (($order == "name") || ($order == "-name")) { $this->bound_field = "nom"; $show_bounds = 1; } elseif (($order == "promo") || ($order == "-promo")) { $this->bound_field = "promo"; $show_bounds = -1; } if ($order{0} == '-') { $show_bounds = -$show_bounds; } return $show_bounds; } public function templateName() { return 'include/plview.trombi.tpl'; } public function apply(PlPage &$page) { if (!empty($GLOBALS['IS_XNET_SITE'])) { global $globals; $page->assign('mainsiteurl', 'https://' . $globals->core->secure_domain . '/'); } return parent::apply($page); } } class GeolocView implements PlView { private $set; private $type; private $params; public function __construct(PlSet &$set, $data, array $params) { $this->params = $params; $this->set =& $set; $this->type = $data; } private function use_map() { return is_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../modules/geoloc/dynamap.swf') && is_file(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../modules/geoloc/icon.swf'); } public function args() { $args = $this->set->args(); unset($args['initfile']); unset($args['mapid']); return $args; } public function apply(PlPage &$page) { require_once ''; require_once '../modules/search/'; switch ($this->type) { case 'icon.swf': header("Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash"); header("Pragma:"); readfile(dirname(__FILE__).'/../modules/geoloc/icon.swf'); exit; case 'dynamap.swf': header("Content-type: application/x-shockwave-flash"); header("Pragma:"); readfile(dirname(__FILE__).'/../modules/geoloc/dynamap.swf'); exit; case 'init': $page->changeTpl('geoloc/init.tpl', NO_SKIN); header('Content-Type: text/xml'); header('Pragma:'); if (!empty($GLOBALS['IS_XNET_SITE'])) { $page->assign('background', 0xF2E9D0); } break; case 'city': $page->changeTpl('geoloc/city.tpl', NO_SKIN); header('Content-Type: text/xml'); header('Pragma:'); $only_current = Env::v('only_current', false)? ' AND FIND_IN_SET(\'active\', adrf.statut)' : ''; $it =& $this->set->get('u.user_id AS id, u.prenom, u.nom,, al.alias', "INNER JOIN adresses AS adrf ON (adrf.uid = u.user_id $only_current) LEFT JOIN aliases AS al ON (u.user_id = AND FIND_IN_SET('bestalias', al.flags)) INNER JOIN adresses AS avg ON (" . getadr_join('avg') . ")", 'adrf.cityid = ' . Env::i('cityid'), null, null, 11); $page->assign('users', $it); break; case 'country': if (Env::has('debug')) { $page->changeTpl('geoloc/country.tpl', SIMPLE); } else { $page->changeTpl('geoloc/country.tpl', NO_SKIN); header('Content-Type: text/xml'); header('Pragma:'); } $mapid = Env::has('mapid') ? Env::i('mapid', -2) : false; list($countries, $cities) = geoloc_getData_subcountries($mapid, $this->set, 10); $page->assign('countries', $countries); $page->assign('cities', $cities); break; default: global $globals; if (!$this->use_map()) { $page->assign('request_geodesix', true); } $page->assign('annu', @$this->params['with_annu']); $page->assign('protocole', @$_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? 'https' : 'http'); $this->set->get('u.user_id', null, "u.perms != 'pending' AND u.deces = 0", "u.user_id", null); return 'include/plview.geoloc.tpl'; } } } class GadgetView implements PlView { public function __construct(PlSet &$set, $data, array $params) { $this->set =& $set; } public function fields() { return "u.user_id AS id, u.*, a.alias AS forlife," . (S::logged() ? "q.profile_mobile AS mobile, " : "IF(q.profile_mobile_pub = 'public', q.profile_mobile, NULL) as mobile, ") . "u.perms != 'pending' AS inscrit, u.perms != 'pending' AS wasinscrit, u.deces != 0 AS dcd, u.deces, FIND_IN_SET('femme', u.flags) AS sexe,, gp.a2, gp.pays AS countrytxt, AS region" . (S::logged() ? ", AS contact" : ''); } public function joins() { return "LEFT JOIN adresses AS adr ON (u.user_id = adr.uid AND FIND_IN_SET('active', adr.statut)".(S::logged() ? "" : " AND = 'public'").") LEFT JOIN geoloc_pays AS gp ON ( = gp.a2) LEFT JOIN geoloc_region AS gr ON ( = gr.a2 AND adr.region = gr.region)" . (S::logged() ? "LEFT JOIN contacts AS c On ( = u.user_id AND c.uid = " . S::v('uid') . ")" : ""); } public function apply(PlPage &$page) { $page->assign_by_ref('set', $this->set->get($this->fields(), $this->joins(), null, null, null, 5, 0)); } public function args() { return null; } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>