ufb = $ufb; $this->ufc = $ufc; $this->env = $env; } public function export() { $export = new PlDict(); $export->set('type', self::TYPE_UFB); $export->set('condition', $this->ufc->export()); $export->set('env', $this->env); return $export; } public function getEnv() { return $this->env; } public function fillFromExport($export) { $export = new PlDict($export); if (!$export->has('type')) { throw new Exception("Missing 'type' field in export."); } if ($export->s('type') != self::TYPE_UFB) { throw new Exception("Unknown type '$type' in export."); } $this->ufc = UserFilterCondition::fromExport($export->v('condition')); $this->env = $export->v('env', array()); } public function updateFromEnv($env) { $this->ufb->setFakeEnv($env); if ($this->ufb->isValid()) { $this->env = $env; $this->ufc = $this->ufb->getUFC(); return true; } else { $this->ufb->clearFakeEnv(); return false; } } public function refresh() { if ($this->isValid()) { $this->ufc = $this->ufb->getUFC(); } } public function getUFC() { return $this->ufc; } public function isValid() { $this->ufb->setFakeEnv($this->env); return $this->ufb->isValid(); } public function isEmpty() { $this->ufb->setFakeEnv($this->env); return $this->ufb->isEmpty(); } } // }}} // {{{ class UserFilterBuilder class UserFilterBuilder { private $envprefix; private $fields; private $valid = true; private $ufc = null; private $orders = array(); private $fake_env = null; /** Constructor * @param $fields An array of UFB_Field objects * @param $envprefix Prefix to use for parts of the query */ public function __construct($fields, $envprefix = '') { $this->fields = $fields; $this->envprefix = $envprefix; } public function setFakeEnv($env) { $this->fake_env = new PlDict($env); } public function clearFakeEnv() { $this->fake_env = null; } /** Builds the UFC; returns as soon as a field says it is invalid */ private function buildUFC() { if ($this->ufc != null) { return; } $this->ufc = new PFC_And(); foreach ($this->fields as $field) { $this->valid = $field->apply($this); if (!$this->valid) { return; } } } public function addCond(PlFilterCondition $cond) { $this->ufc->addChild($cond); } public function addOrder(PlFilterOrder $order) { $this->order[] = $order; } public function isValid() { $this->buildUFC(); return $this->valid; } public function isEmpty() { $this->buildUFC(); foreach ($this->fields as $field) { if (! $field->isEmpty()) { return false; } } return true; } /** Returns the built UFC * @return The UFC, or PFC_False() if an error happened */ public function getUFC() { $this->buildUFC(); if ($this->valid) { if ($this->isEmpty()) { return new PFC_True(); } else { return $this->ufc; } } else { return new PFC_False(); } } /** Returns adequate orders */ public function getOrders() { $this->buildUFC(); return $this->orders; } public function getEnvFieldNames() { $fields = array(); foreach ($this->fields as $ufbf) { $fields = array_merge($fields, $ufbf->getEnvFieldNames()); } return array_unique($fields); } public function getEnv() { $values = array(); foreach ($this->getEnvFieldNames() as $field) { if ($this->has($field)) { $values[$field] = $this->v($field); } } return $values; } public function setEnv($values) { foreach ($this->getEnvFieldNames() as $field) { if (array_key_exists($field, $values)) { Env::set($this->envprefix . $field, $values[$field]); } } } /** Wrappers around Env::i/s/..., to add envprefix */ public function s($key, $def = '') { if ($this->fake_env) { return $this->fake_env->s($key, $def); } else { return Env::s($this->envprefix . $key, $def); } } public function t($key, $def = '') { if ($this->fake_env) { return $this->fake_env->t($key, $def); } else { return Env::t($this->envprefix . $key, $def); } } public function i($key, $def = 0) { if ($this->fake_env) { return $this->fake_env->i($key, $def); } else { return Env::i($this->envprefix . $key, $def); } } public function v($key, $def = null) { if ($this->fake_env) { return $this->fake_env->v($key, $def); } else { return Env::v($this->envprefix . $key, $def); } } public function b($key, $def = false) { if ($this->fake_env) { return $this->fake_env->b($key, $def); } else { return Env::b($this->envprefix . $key, $def); } } public function has($key) { if ($this->fake_env) { return $this->fake_env->has($key); } else { return Env::has($this->envprefix . $key); } } public function blank($key, $strict = false) { if ($this->fake_env) { return $this->fake_env->blank($key, $strict); } else { return Env::blank($key, $strict); } } public function hasAlnum($key) { $str = $this->s($key); return preg_match('/[a-z0-9]/i', $str); } public function hasAlpha($key) { $str = $this->s($key); return preg_match('/[a-z]/i', $str); } public function isOn($key) { return $this->has($key) && $this->t($key) == 'on'; } } // }}} // {{{ class UFB_QuickSearch class UFB_QuickSearch extends UserFilterBuilder { public function __construct($envprefix = '') { $fields = array( new UFBF_Quick('quick', 'Recherche rapide'), new UFBF_NotRegistered('nonins', 'Non inscrits'), ); parent::__construct($fields, $envprefix); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFB_AdvancedSearch class UFB_AdvancedSearch extends UserFilterBuilder { /** Create a UFB_AdvancedSearch. * @param $include_admin Whether to include 'admin-only' fields * @param $include_ax Whether to include 'ax-only' fields * @param $envprefix Optional prefix for form field names. */ public function __construct($include_admin = false, $include_ax = false, $envprefix = '') { $fields = array( new UFBF_Name('name', 'Nom', 'name_type'), new UFBF_Promo('promo1', 'Promotion', 'egal1', 'edu_type'), new UFBF_Promo('promo2', 'Promotion', 'egal2', 'edu_type'), new UFBF_Sex('woman', 'Sexe'), new UFBF_Registered('subscriber', 'Inscrit'), new UFBF_HasEmailRedirect('has_email_redirect', 'A une redirection active'), new UFBF_Dead('alive', 'En vie'), new UFBF_AddressIndex('sublocality', 'Arrondissement', 'SUBLOCALITIES'), new UFBF_AddressIndex('administrative_area_level_3', 'Canton', 'ADMNISTRATIVEAREAS3'), new UFBF_AddressIndex('administrative_area_level_2', 'Département', 'ADMNISTRATIVEAREAS2'), new UFBF_AddressIndex('administrative_area_level_1', 'Région', 'ADMNISTRATIVEAREAS1'), new UFBF_AddressMixed('localityTxt', 'locality', 'Ville', 'LOCALITIES'), new UFBF_AddressMixed('countryTxt', 'country', 'Pays', 'COUNTRIES'), new UFBF_JobCompany('entreprise', 'Entreprise'), new UFBF_JobDescription('jobdescription', 'Fonction'), new UFBF_JobCv('cv', 'CV'), new UFBF_JobTerms('jobterm', 'Mots-clefs'), new UFBF_OriginCorps('origin_corps', 'Corps d\'origine'), new UFBF_CurrentCorps('current_corps', 'Corps actuel'), new UFBF_CorpsRank('corps_rank', 'Grade'), new UFBF_Nationality('nationaliteTxt', 'nationalite', 'Nationalité'), new UFBF_Binet('binetTxt', 'binet', 'Binet'), new UFBF_Group('groupexTxt', 'groupex', 'Groupe X'), new UFBF_Section('sectionTxt', 'section', 'Section'), new UFBF_EducationSchool('schoolTxt', 'school', "École d'application"), new UFBF_EducationDegree('diplomaTxt', 'diploma', 'Diplôme'), new UFBF_EducationField('fieldTxt', 'field', "Domaine d'études"), new UFBF_Comment('free', 'Commentaire'), new UFBF_Phone('phone_number', 'Téléphone'), new UFBF_Networking('networking_address', 'networking_type', 'Networking et sites webs'), new UFBF_Mentor('only_referent', 'Référent'), ); if ($include_admin || $include_ax) { $fields[] = new UFBF_SchoolIds('schoolid_ax', 'Matricule AX', UFC_SchoolId::AX); } parent::__construct($fields, $envprefix); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFB_MentorSearch class UFB_MentorSearch extends UserFilterBuilder { public function __construct($envprefix = '') { $fields = array( new UFBF_MentorCountry('country'), new UFBF_MentorTerm('jobterm', 'jobtermText'), new UFBF_MentorExpertise('expertise'), ); parent::__construct($fields, $envprefix); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFB_DeltaTenSearch class UFB_DeltaTenSearch extends UserFilterBuilder { public function __construct($envprefix = '') { $fields = array( new UFBF_DeltaTenMessage('deltaten_message'), new UFBF_Town('city', 'Ville / Code Postal'), new UFBF_Country('countryTxt', 'country', 'Pays'), new UFBF_AdminArea('administrativearea', 'Région'), new UFBF_SubAdminArea('subadministrativearea', 'Département'), new UFBF_EducationSchool('schoolTxt', 'school', "École d'application"), new UFBF_EducationDegree('diplomaTxt', 'diploma', 'Diplôme'), new UFBF_EducationField('fieldTxt', 'field', "Domaine d'études"), new UFBF_JobCompany('entreprise', 'Entreprise'), new UFBF_JobDescription('jobdescription', 'Fonction'), new UFBF_JobTerms('jobterm', 'Mots-clefs'), new UFBF_Nationality('nationaliteTxt', 'nationalite', 'Nationalité'), new UFBF_Binet('binetTxt', 'binet', 'Binet'), new UFBF_Group('groupexTxt', 'groupex', 'Groupe X'), new UFBF_Section('sectionTxt', 'section', 'Section'), new UFBF_Sex('woman', 'Sexe'), ); parent::__construct($fields, $envprefix); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFB_NewsLetter class UFB_NewsLetter extends UserFilterBuilder { const FIELDS_PROMO = 'promo'; const FIELDS_AXID = 'axid'; const FIELDS_GEO = 'geo'; public function __construct($flags, $envprefix = '') { $fields = array(); if ($flags->hasFlag(self::FIELDS_PROMO)) { $fields[] = new UFBF_Promo('promo1', 'Promotion', 'egal1', 'edu_type'); $fields[] = new UFBF_Promo('promo2', 'Promotion', 'egal2', 'edu_type'); } if ($flags->hasFlag(self::FIELDS_AXID)) { $fields[] = new UFBF_SchoolIds('axid', 'Matricule AX', UFC_SchoolId::AX); } parent::__construct($fields, $envprefix); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFB_Field abstract class UFB_Field { protected $envfield; protected $formtext; protected $empty = false; protected $val = null; /** Constructor * @param $envfield Name of the field in the environment * @param $formtext User-friendly name of that field */ public function __construct($envfield, $formtext = '') { $this->envfield = $envfield; if ($formtext != '') { $this->formtext = $formtext; } else { $formtext = ucfirst($envfield); } } /** Prints the given error message to the user, and returns false * in order to be used as return $this->raise('ERROR'); * * All %s in the $msg will be replaced with the formtext. */ protected function raise($msg) { Platal::page()->trigError(str_replace('%s', $this->formtext, $msg)); return false; } public function apply(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { if (!$this->check($ufb)) { return false; } if (!$this->isEmpty()) { $ufc = $this->buildUFC($ufb); if ($ufc != null) { $ufb->addCond($ufc); } } return true; } public function isEmpty() { return $this->empty; } /** Create the UFC associated to the field; won't be called * if the field is "empty" * @param $ufb UFB to which fields must be added * @return UFC */ abstract protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb); /** This function is intended to run consistency checks on the value * @return boolean Whether the input is valid */ abstract protected function check(UserFilterBuilder $ufb); // Simple form interface /** Retrieve a list of env field names used by that field * their values will be recorded when saving the 'search' and used to prefill the form * when needed. */ public function getEnvFieldNames() { return array($this->envfield); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_Text abstract class UFBF_Text extends UFB_Field { private $minlength; private $maxlength; public function __construct($envfield, $formtext = '', $minlength = 2, $maxlength = 255) { parent::__construct($envfield, $formtext); $this->minlength = $minlength; $this->maxlength = $maxlength; } protected function check(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { if ($ufb->blank($this->envfield)) { $this->empty = true; return true; } $this->val = $ufb->t($this->envfield); if (strlen($this->val) < $this->minlength) { return $this->raise("Le champ %s est trop court (minimum {$this->minlength})."); } else if (strlen($this->val) > $this->maxlength) { return $this->raise("Le champ %s est trop long (maximum {$this->maxlength})."); } else if (preg_match(":[\]\[<>{}~§_`|%$^=]|\*\*:u", $this->val)) { return $this->raise('Le champ %s contient un caractère interdit rendant la recherche impossible.'); } return true; } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_Range /** Subclass to use for fields which only allow integers within a range */ abstract class UFBF_Range extends UFB_Field { private $min; private $max; public function __construct($envfield, $formtext = '', $min = 0, $max = 65535) { parent::__construct($envfield, $formtext); $this->min = $min; $this->max = $max; } protected function check(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { if ($ufb->blank($this->envfield)) { $this->empty = true; return true; } $this->val = $ufb->i($this->envfield); if ($this->val < $this->min) { return $this->raise("Le champs %s est inférieur au minimum ({$this->min})."); } else if ($this->val > $this->max) { return $this->raise("Le champ %s est supérieur au maximum ({$this->max})."); } return true; } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_Index /** Subclass to use for indexed fields */ abstract class UFBF_Index extends UFB_Field { protected function check(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { if ($ufb->blank($this->envfield)) { $this->empty = true; } $this->val = $ufb->i($this->envfield); return true; } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_Enum /** Subclass to use for fields whose value must belong to a specific set of values */ abstract class UFBF_Enum extends UFB_Field { protected $allowedvalues; public function __construct($envfield, $formtext = '', $allowedvalues = array(), $strict = false) { parent::__construct($envfield, $formtext); $this->allowedvalues = $allowedvalues; $this->strict = $strict; } protected function check(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { if ($ufb->blank($this->envfield)) { $this->empty = true; return true; } $this->val = $ufb->v($this->envfield); if (! in_array($this->val, $this->allowedvalues)) { if ($this->strict) { return $this->raise("La valeur {$this->val} n'est pas valide pour le champ %s."); } else { $this->empty = true; } } return true; } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_Bool abstract class UFBF_Bool extends UFB_Field { protected function check(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { if ($ufb->blank($this->envfield)) { $this->empty = true; return true; } $this->val = $ufb->b($this->envfield); return true; } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_Mixed /** A class for building UFBFs when the user can input either a text or an ID */ abstract class UFBF_Mixed extends UFB_Field { /** Name of the DirEnum on which class is based */ protected $direnum; protected $envfieldindex; public function __construct($envfieldtext, $envfieldindex, $formtext = '') { parent::__construct($envfieldtext, $formtext); $this->envfieldindex = $envfieldindex; } protected function check(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { if ($ufb->blank($this->envfieldindex) && !$ufb->hasAlnum($this->envfield)) { $this->empty = true; return true; } if (!$ufb->blank($this->envfieldindex)) { $index = $ufb->v($this->envfieldindex); if (is_int($index)) { $index = intval($index); } else { $index = strtoupper($index); } $this->val = array($index); } else { $indexes = DirEnum::getIDs($this->direnum, $ufb->t($this->envfield), $ufb->b('exact') ? XDB::WILDCARD_EXACT : XDB::WILDCARD_CONTAINS); if (count($indexes) == 0) { return false; } $this->val = $indexes; } return true; } public function getEnvFieldNames() { return array($this->envfieldindex, $this->envfield); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_Quick class UFBF_Quick extends UFB_Field { protected function check(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { if ($ufb->blank($this->envfield)) { $this->empty = true; return true; } $this->val = str_replace('*', '%', replace_accent($ufb->t($this->envfield))); return true; } protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { $r = $s = $this->val; /** Admin: Email, IP */ if (S::admin() && strpos($s, '@') !== false) { return new UFC_Email($s); } else if (S::admin() && preg_match('/[0-9]+\.([0-9]+|%)\.([0-9]+|%)\.([0-9]+|%)/', $s)) { return new UFC_Ip($s); } $conds = new PFC_And(); /** Name */ $s = preg_replace('!\d+!', ' ', $s); $strings = preg_split("![^a-z%]+!i", $s, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); foreach ($strings as $key => $string) { if (strlen($string) < 2) { unset($strings[$key]); } } if (count($strings) > 5) { Platal::page()->trigWarning("Tu as indiqué trop d'éléments dans ta recherche, seuls les 5 premiers seront pris en compte"); $strings = array_slice($strings, 0, 5); } if (count($strings)) { if (S::user() != null && S::user()->checkPerms('directory_private')) { $flags = array(); } else { $flags = array('public'); } $exact =$ufb->b('exact'); $conds->addChild(new UFC_NameTokens($strings, $flags, $ufb->b('with_soundex'), $exact)); $ufb->addOrder(new UFO_Score()); } /** Promo ranges */ $s = preg_replace('! *- *!', '-', $r); $s = preg_replace('!([<>]) *!', ' \1', $s); $s = preg_replace('![^0-9xmd\-><]!i', ' ', $s); $s = preg_replace('![<>\-] !', '', $s); $ranges = preg_split('! +!', strtolower($s), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $grades = array('' => UserFilter::GRADE_ING, 'x' => UserFilter::GRADE_ING, 'm' => UserFilter::GRADE_MST, 'd' => UserFilter::GRADE_PHD); foreach ($ranges as $r) { if (preg_match('!^([xmd]?)(\d{4})$!', $r, $matches)) { $conds->addChild(new UFC_Promo('=', $grades[$matches[1]], $matches[2])); } elseif (preg_match('!^([xmd]?)(\d{4})-\1(\d{4})$!', $r, $matches)) { $p1 = min(intval($matches[2]), intval($matches[3])); $p2 = max(intval($matches[2]), intval($matches[3])); $conds->addChild(new PFC_And( new UFC_Promo('>=', $grades[$matches[1]], $p1), new UFC_Promo('<=', $grades[$matches[1]], $p2) )); } elseif (preg_match('!^<([xmd]?)(\d{4})!', $r, $matches)) { $conds->addChild(new UFC_Promo('<=', $grades[$matches[1]], $matches[2])); } elseif (preg_match('!^>([xmd]?)(\d{4})!', $r, $matches)) { $conds->addChild(new UFC_Promo('>=', $grades[$matches[1]], $matches[2])); } } /** Phone number */ $t = preg_replace('!([xmd]?\d{4}-|>|<|)[xmd]?\d{4}!i', '', $s); $t = preg_replace('![<>\- ]!', '', $t); if (strlen($t) > 4) { $conds->addChild(new UFC_Phone($t)); } return $conds; } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_SchoolIds class UFBF_SchoolIds extends UFB_Field { // One of UFC_SchoolId types protected $type; protected $reversed_envfield; protected $reversed = false; public function __construct($envfield, $formtext, $type = UFC_SchoolId::AX, $reversed_envfield = '') { parent::__construct($envfield, $formtext); $this->type = $type; if ($reversed_envfield == '') { $reversed_envfield = $envfield . '_reversed'; } $this->reversed_envfield = $reversed_envfield; } protected function check(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { if ($ufb->blank($this->envfield)) { $this->empty = true; return true; } $value = $ufb->t($this->envfield); $values = explode("\r\n", $value); $ids = array(); foreach ($values as $val) { if (preg_match('/^[0-9A-Z]{0,8}$/', $val)) { $ids[] = $val; } } if (count($ids) == 0) { return $this->raise("Le champ %s ne contient aucune valeur valide."); } $this->reversed = $ufb->b($this->reversed_envfield); $this->val = $ids; return true; } protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { $ufc = new UFC_SchoolId($this->type, $this->val); if ($this->reversed) { return new PFC_Not($ufc); } else { return $ufc; } } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_Name class UFBF_Name extends UFBF_Text { private $envfieldtype; private $type; public function __construct($envfield, $formtext = '', $envfieldtype) { parent::__construct($envfield, $formtext); $this->envfieldtype = $envfieldtype; } protected function check(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { if (!parent::check($ufb)) { return false; } require_once 'name.func.inc.php'; $this->val = split_name_for_search($this->val); if (count($this->val) == 0) { $this->empty = true; } $this->type = $ufb->v($this->envfieldtype); if (!in_array($this->type, array('', 'lastname', 'firstname', 'nickname'))) { return $this->raise("Le critère {$this->type} n'est pas valide pour le champ %s"); } return true; } protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { return new UFC_NameTokens($this->val, array(), $ufb->b('with_soundex'), $ufb->b('exact'), $this->type); } public function getEnvFieldNames() { return array($this->envfield, $this->envfieldtype); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_Promo class UFBF_Promo extends UFB_Field { private static $validcomps = array('<', '<=', '=', '>=', '>'); private static $validtypes = array(UserFilter::GRADE_ING, UserFilter::GRADE_PHD, UserFilter::GRADE_MST); private $comp; private $type; private $envfieldcomp; private $envfieldtype; public function __construct($envfield, $formtext = '', $envfieldcomp, $envfieldtype) { parent::__construct($envfield, $formtext); $this->envfieldcomp = $envfieldcomp; $this->envfieldtype = $envfieldtype; } protected function check(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { if ($ufb->blank($this->envfield) || $ufb->blank($this->envfieldcomp) || $ufb->blank($this->envfieldtype)) { $this->empty = true; return true; } $this->val = $ufb->i($this->envfield); $this->comp = $ufb->v($this->envfieldcomp); $this->type = $ufb->v($this->envfieldtype); if (!in_array($this->type, self::$validtypes)) { return $this->raise("Le critère {$this->type} n'est pas valide pour le champ %s"); } if (!in_array($this->comp, self::$validcomps)) { return $this->raise("Le critère {$this->comp} n'est pas valide pour le champ %s"); } if (preg_match('/^[0-9]{2}$/', $this->val)) { $this->val += 1900; } if ($this->val < 1900 || $this->val > 9999) { return $this->raise("Le champ %s doit être une année à 4 chiffres."); } return true; } protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { return new UFC_Promo($this->comp, $this->type, $this->val); } public function getEnvFieldNames() { return array($this->envfield, $this->envfieldcomp, $this->envfieldtype); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_Sex class UFBF_Sex extends UFBF_Enum { public function __construct($envfield, $formtext = '') { parent::__construct($envfield, $formtext, array(1, 2)); } private static function getVal($id) { switch($id) { case 1: return User::GENDER_MALE; break; case 2: return User::GENDER_FEMALE; break; } } protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { return new UFC_Sex(self::getVal($this->val)); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_NotRegistered // Simple field for selecting only alive, not registered users (for quick search) class UFBF_NotRegistered extends UFBF_Bool { protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { if ($this->val) { return new PFC_And( new PFC_Not(new UFC_Dead()), new PFC_Not(new UFC_Registered()) ); } } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_Registered class UFBF_Registered extends UFBF_Enum { public function __construct($envfield, $formtext = '') { parent::__construct($envfield, $formtext, array(1, 2)); } protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { if ($this->val == 1) { return new UFC_Registered(); } else if ($this->val == 2) { return new PFC_Not(new UFC_Registered()); } } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_HasEmailRedirect class UFBF_HasEmailRedirect extends UFBF_Enum { public function __construct($envfield, $formtext = '') { parent::__construct($envfield, $formtext, array(1, 2)); } protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { if ($this->val == 1) { return new UFC_HasEmailRedirect(); } else if ($this->val == 2) { return new PFC_Not(new UFC_HasEmailRedirect()); } } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_Dead class UFBF_Dead extends UFBF_Enum { public function __construct($envfield, $formtext = '') { parent::__construct($envfield, $formtext, array(1, 2)); } protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { if ($this->val == 1) { return new PFC_Not(new UFC_Dead()); } else if ($this->val == 2) { return new UFC_Dead(); } } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_AddressMixed class UFBF_AddressMixed extends UFBF_Mixed { protected $onlycurrentfield; public function __construct($envfieldtext, $envfieldindex, $formtext = '', $addressfield, $onlycurrentfield = 'only_current') { parent::__construct($envfieldtext, $envfieldindex, $formtext); $this->onlycurrentfield = $onlycurrentfield; $this->direnum = constant('DirEnum::' . $addressfield); } protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { if ($ufb->isOn($this->onlycurrentfield)) { $flags = UFC_Address::FLAG_CURRENT; } else { $flags = UFC_Address::FLAG_ANY; } return new UFC_AddressComponent($this->val, $this->envfieldindex, UFC_Address::TYPE_NON_HQ, $flags); } public function getEnvFieldNames() { return array($this->envfield, $this->envfieldindex, $this->onlycurrentfield); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_AddressIndex class UFBF_AddressIndex extends UFBF_Index { protected $direnum; protected $onlycurrentfield; public function __construct($envfield, $formtext = '', $addressfield, $onlycurrentfield = 'only_current') { parent::__construct($envfield, $formtext); $this->onlycurrentfield = $onlycurrentfield; $this->direnum = constant('DirEnum::' . $addressfield); } protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { if ($ufb->isOn($this->onlycurrentfield)) { $flags = UFC_Address::FLAG_CURRENT; } else { $flags = UFC_Address::FLAG_ANY; } return new UFC_AddressComponent($this->val, $this->envfield, UFC_Address::TYPE_NON_HQ, $flags); } public function getEnvFieldNames() { return array($this->envfield, $this->onlycurrentfield); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_JobCompany class UFBF_JobCompany extends UFBF_Text { private $onlymentorfield; public function __construct($envfield, $formtext = '', $onlymentorfield = 'only_referent') { parent::__construct($envfield, $formtext); $this->onlymentorfield = $onlymentorfield; } public function check(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { if (parent::check($ufb)) { # No company check for mentors if ($ufb->isOn($this->onlymentorfield)) { $this->empty = true; } return true; } else { return false; } } protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { return new UFC_Job_Company(UFC_Job_Company::JOBNAME, $this->val); } public function getEnvFieldNames() { return array($this->envfield, $this->onlymentorfield); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_JobTerms class UFBF_JobTerms extends UFBF_Index { protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { return new UFC_Job_Terms($this->val); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_JobDescription class UFBF_JobDescription extends UFBF_Text { private $onlymentorfield; public function __construct($envfield, $formtext = '', $onlymentorfield = 'only_referent') { parent::__construct($envfield, $formtext); $this->onlymentorfield = $onlymentorfield; } protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { if ($ufb->isOn($this->onlymentorfield)) { return new UFC_Mentor_Expertise($this->val); } else { return new UFC_Job_Description($this->val, UserFilter::JOB_USERDEFINED); } } public function getEnvFieldNames() { return array($this->envfield, $this->onlymentorfield); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_JobCv class UFBF_JobCv extends UFBF_Text { private $onlymentorfield; public function __construct($envfield, $formtext = '', $onlymentorfield = 'only_referent') { parent::__construct($envfield, $formtext); $this->onlymentorfield = $onlymentorfield; } protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { if ($ufb->isOn($this->onlymentorfield)) { return new UFC_Mentor_Expertise($this->val); } else { return new UFC_Job_Description($this->val, UserFilter::JOB_CV); } } public function getEnvFieldNames() { return array($this->envfield, $this->onlymentorfield); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_Nationality class UFBF_Nationality extends UFBF_Mixed { protected $direnum = DirEnum::NATIONALITIES; protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { return new UFC_Nationality($this->val); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_Binet class UFBF_Binet extends UFBF_Mixed { protected $direnum = DirEnum::BINETS; protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { return new UFC_Binet($this->val); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_Group class UFBF_Group extends UFBF_Mixed { protected $direnum = DirEnum::GROUPESX; protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { if (count($this->val) == 1) { return new UFC_Group($this->val[0]); } $or = new PFC_Or(); foreach ($this->val as $grp) { $or->addChild(new UFC_Group($grp)); } return $or; } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_Section class UFBF_Section extends UFBF_Mixed { protected $direnum = DirEnum::SECTIONS; protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { return new UFC_Section($this->val); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_EducationSchool class UFBF_EducationSchool extends UFBF_Mixed { protected $direnum = DirEnum::EDUSCHOOLS; protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { return new UFC_EducationSchool($this->val); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_EducationDegree class UFBF_EducationDegree extends UFBF_Mixed { protected $direnum = DirEnum::EDUDEGREES; protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { return new UFC_EducationDegree($this->val); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_EducationField class UFBF_EducationField extends UFBF_Mixed { protected $direnum = DirEnum::EDUFIELDS; protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { return new UFC_EducationField($this->val); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_OriginCorps class UFBF_OriginCorps extends UFBF_Index { protected $direnum = DirEnum::ORIGINCORPS; protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { return new UFC_Corps(null, $this->val, UFC_Corps::ORIGIN); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_CurrentCorps class UFBF_CurrentCorps extends UFBF_Index { protected $direnum = DirEnum::CURRENTCORPS; protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { return new UFC_Corps(null, $this->val, UFC_Corps::CURRENT); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_CorpsRank class UFBF_CorpsRank extends UFBF_Index { protected $direnum = DirEnum::CORPSRANKS; protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { return new UFC_Corps_Rank(null, $this->val); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_Comment class UFBF_Comment extends UFBF_Text { protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { return new UFC_Comment($this->val); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_Phone class UFBF_Phone extends UFBF_Text { protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { return new UFC_Phone($this->val); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_Networking class UFBF_Networking extends UFBF_Text { private $networktypefield; private $nwtype; public function __construct($envfield, $networktypefield, $formtext = '') { parent::__construct($envfield, $formtext); $this->networktypefield = $networktypefield; } public function check(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { if (parent::check($ufb)) { $this->nwtype = $ufb->i($this->networktypefield); return true; } else { return false; } } public function isEmpty() { return parent::isEmpty() || $this->nwtype == 0; } public function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { return new UFC_Networking($this->nwtype, $this->val); } public function getEnvFieldNames() { return array($this->envfield, $this->networktypefield); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_Mentor class UFBF_Mentor extends UFBF_Bool { protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { return new UFC_Mentor(); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_MentorCountry class UFBF_MentorCountry extends UFBF_Text { protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { return new UFC_Mentor_Country($this->val); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_Mentorterm class UFBF_MentorTerm extends UFBF_Index { protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { return new UFC_Mentor_Terms($this->val); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_MentorExpertise class UFBF_MentorExpertise extends UFBF_Text { protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { return new UFC_Mentor_Expertise($this->val); } } // }}} // {{{ class UFBF_DeltaTenMessage class UFBF_DeltaTenMessage extends UFBF_Text { protected function buildUFC(UserFilterBuilder $ufb) { return new UFC_DeltaTen_Message($this->val); } } // }}} // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>