user = &$user; $this->type_id = $type['type_id']; $this->name = $type['name']; $this->weight = $type['weight']; $this->remind_delay_yes = $type['remind_delay_yes']; $this->remind_delay_no = $type['remind_delay_no']; $this->remind_delay_dismiss = $type['remind_delay_dismiss']; if (isset($type['status'])) { $this->current_status = $type['status']; } if (isset($type['remind_last'])) { $this->last_ask = $type['remind_last']; } } // Updates (or creates) the reminder line for the pair (|user|, |reminder_id|) // using the |status| as status, and the |next_ask| as the delay between now // and the next ask (if any). private static function UpdateStatus($user_id, $type_id, $status, $next_ask) { XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO reminder SET uid = {?}, type_id = {?}, status = {?}, remind_last = NOW(), remind_next = FROM_UNIXTIME({?})', $user_id, $type_id, $status, ($next_ask > 0 ? time() + $next_ask * 24 * 60 * 60 : null)); } // Updates the status of the reminder for the current user. protected function UpdateOnYes() { $this->UpdateStatus($this->user->id(), $this->type_id, 'yes', $this->remind_delay_yes); } protected function UpdateOnNo() { $this->UpdateStatus($this->user->id(), $this->type_id, 'no', $this->remind_delay_no); } protected function UpdateOnDismiss() { $this->UpdateStatus($this->user->id(), $this->type_id, 'dismiss', $this->remind_delay_dismiss); } // Display and http handling helpers -------------------------------------- // Handles a hit on the reminder onebox (for links made using the GetBaseUrl // method below). abstract public function HandleAction($action); // Displays a reduced version of the reminder and notifies that the action // has been taken into account. public function NotifiesAction(&$page) { header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); $page->changeTpl('reminder/notification.tpl', NO_SKIN); $page->assign('previous_reminder', $this->title()); } // Displays the reminder as a standalone html snippet. It should be used // when the reminder is the only output of a page. public function DisplayStandalone(&$page, $previous_reminder = null) { header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); $page->changeTpl('reminder/base.tpl', NO_SKIN); $this->Prepare($page); if ($previous_reminder) { $page->assign('previous_reminder', $previous_reminder); } } // Prepares the display by assigning template variables. public function Prepare(&$page) { $page->assign_by_ref('reminder', $this); } // Returns the name of the inner template, or null if a simple text obtained // from GetText should be printed. public function template() { return null; } // Returns the text to display in the onebox, or null if a public function text() { return ''; } // Returns the title of the onebox. public function title() { return ''; } // Should return true if this onebox needs to be considered as a warning and // not just as a subscription offer. public function warning() { return false; } // Returns the base url for the reminder module. public function baseurl() { return 'ajax/reminder/' . $this->name; } // Static status update methods ------------------------------------------- // Marks the candidate reminder as having been accepted for user |user_id|. // It is intended to be used when a reminder box has been bypassed, and when // it should behave as if the user had clicked on 'yes'. protected static function MarkCandidateAsAccepted($user_id, $candidate) { Reminder::UpdateStatus($user_id, $candidate['type_id'], 'yes', $candidate['remind_delay_yes']); } // Static factories ------------------------------------------------------- // Returns a chosen class using the user data from |user|, and from the database. public static function GetCandidateReminder(User &$user) { $res = XDB::query('SELECT rt.*, r.status, r.remind_last FROM reminder_type AS rt LEFT JOIN reminder AS r ON (rt.type_id = r.type_id AND r.uid = {?}) WHERE r.uid IS NULL OR r.remind_next < NOW()', $user->id()); $candidates = $res->fetchAllAssoc(); $weight_map = create_function('$a', 'return $a["weight"];'); while (count($candidates) > 0) { $position = rand(1, array_sum(array_map($weight_map, $candidates))); foreach ($candidates as $key => $candidate) { $position -= $candidate['weight']; if ($position <= 0) { $class = self::GetClassName($candidate['name']); if ($class && call_user_func(array($class, 'IsCandidate'), $user, $candidate)) { return new $class($user, $candidate); } unset($candidates[$key]); } } } return null; } // Returns an instantiation of the reminder class which name is |name|, using // user data from |user|, and from the database. public static function GetByName(User &$user, $name) { if (!($class = self::GetClassName($name))) { return null; } $res = XDB::query('SELECT rt.*, r.status, r.remind_last FROM reminder_type AS rt LEFT JOIN reminder AS r ON (rt.type_id = r.type_id AND r.uid = {?}) WHERE = {?}', $user->id(), $name); if ($res->numRows() > 0) { return new $class($user, $res->fetchOneAssoc()); } return null; } // Computes the name of the class for reminder named |name|, and preloads // the class. private static function GetClassName($name) { include_once "reminder/$"; $class = 'Reminder' . str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $name))); return (class_exists($class) ? $class : null); } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>