'ProfileAddresses', Profile::FETCH_CORPS => 'ProfileCorps', Profile::FETCH_EDU => 'ProfileEducation', Profile::FETCH_JOBS => 'ProfileJobs', Profile::FETCH_MEDALS => 'ProfileMedals', Profile::FETCH_NETWORKING => 'ProfileNetworking', Profile::FETCH_PHONES => 'ProfilePhones', Profile::FETCH_MENTOR_COUNTRY => 'ProfileMentoringCountries', Profile::FETCH_JOB_TERMS => 'ProfileJobTerms', Profile::FETCH_MENTOR_TERMS => 'ProfileMentoringTerms', ); /** The profile to which this field belongs */ public $pid; /** Fetches data from the database for the given pids, compatible with * the visibility context. * @param $pids An array of pids * @param $visibility The level of visibility fetched fields must have * @return a PlIterator yielding data suitable for a "new ProfileBlah($data)" * * MUST be reimplemented for each kind of ProfileField. */ public static function fetchData(array $pids, ProfileVisibility $visibility) { return PlIteratorUtils::emptyIterator(); } public static function buildForPID($cls, $pid, ProfileVisibility $visibility) { $res = self::buildFromPIDs($cls, array($pid), $visibility); return array_pop($res); } /** Build a list of ProfileFields from a set of pids * @param $cls The name of the field to create ('ProfileMedals', ...) * @param $pids An array of pids * @param $visibility An array of allowed visibility contexts * @return An array of $pid => ProfileField */ public static function buildFromPIDs($cls, array $pids, ProfileVisibility $visibility) { $it = new ProfileFieldIterator($cls, $pids, $visibility); $res = array(); while ($pf = $it->next()) { $res[$pf->pid] = $pf; } return $res; } public static function getForPID($cls, $pid, ProfileVisibility $visibility) { $it = new ProfileFieldIterator($cls, array($pid), $visibility); return $it->next(); } } // }}} // {{{ class ProfileFieldIterator class ProfileFieldIterator implements PlIterator { private $data; private $cls; public function __construct($cls, array $pids, ProfileVisibility $visibility) { if (is_numeric($cls) && isset(ProfileField::$fields[$cls])) { $cls = ProfileField::$fields[$cls]; } $this->data = call_user_func(array($cls, 'fetchData'), $pids, $visibility); $this->cls = $cls; } public function next() { $d = $this->data->next(); if ($d == null) { return null; } else { $cls = $this->cls; return new $cls($d); } } public function total() { return $this->data->total(); } public function first() { return $this->data->first(); } public function last() { return $this->data->last(); } } // }}} // {{{ class Company class Company { public $id; public $name; public $acronym; public $url; public $phone = null; public $address = null; /** Fields are: * $id, $name, $acronym, $url */ public function __construct($data) { foreach ($data as $key => $val) { $this->$key = $val; } } public function setPhone(Phone &$phone) { if ($phone->linkType() == Phone::LINK_COMPANY && $phone->linkId() == $this->id) { $this->phone = $phone; } } public function setAddress(Address &$address) { if ($address->type == Address::LINK_COMPANY && $address->jobid == $this->id) { $this->address = $address; } } } // }}} // {{{ class Job /** profile_job describes a Job, links to: * - a Profile, through `pid` * - a Company, through `jobid` * The `id` field is the id of this job in the list of the jobs of its profile * * For the documentation of the phone table, please see classes/phone.php. * For the documentation of the address table, please see classes/address.php. * * The possible relations are as follow: * A Job is linked to a Company and a Profile */ class Job { public $pid; public $id; public $company = null; public $phones = array(); public $address = null; public $terms = array(); public $jobid; public $description; public $user_site; public $user_email; /** Fields are: * pid, id, company_id, description, url, email */ public function __construct($data) { foreach ($data as $key => $val) { $this->$key = $val; } $this->company = CompanyList::get($this->jobid); if (is_null($this->company)) { $entreprises = ProfileValidate::get_typed_requests($this->pid, 'entreprise'); foreach ($entreprises as $entreprise) { if ($entreprise->id == $this->id) { $this->company = new Company(array('name' => $entreprise->name)); } } } } public function phones() { return $this->phones; } public function address() { return $this->address; } public function addPhone(Phone &$phone) { if ($phone->linkType() == Phone::LINK_JOB && $phone->linkId() == $this->id && $phone->pid() == $this->pid) { $this->phones[$phone->uniqueId()] = $phone; } } public function setAddress(Address $address) { if ($address->type == Address::LINK_JOB && $address->id == $this->id && $address->pid == $this->pid) { $this->address = $address; } } public function addTerm(JobTerm &$term) { $this->terms[$term->jtid] = $term; } } // }}} // {{{ class JobTerm class JobTerm { public $jtid; public $full_name; public $pid; public $jid; /** Fields are: * pid, jid, jtid, full_name */ public function __construct($data) { foreach ($data as $key => $val) { $this->$key = $val; } } } // }}} // {{{ class Education class Education { public $id; public $pid; public $entry_year; public $grad_year; public $program; public $flags; public $school; public $school_short; public $school_url; public $country; public $degree; public $degree_short; public $degree_level; public $field; public function __construct(array $data) { foreach ($data as $key => $val) { $this->$key = $val; } $this->flags = new PlFlagSet($this->flags); } } // }}} // {{{ class ProfileEducation [ Field ] class ProfileEducation extends ProfileField { private $educations = array(); public function __construct(PlInnerSubIterator $it) { $this->pid = $it->value(); while ($edu = $it->next()) { $this->educations[$edu['id']] = new Education($edu); } } public function get($flags, $limit) { $educations = array(); $year = getdate(); $year = $year['year']; $nb = 0; foreach ($this->educations as $id => $edu) { if ( (($flags & Profile::EDUCATION_MAIN) && $edu->flags->hasFlag('primary')) || (($flags & Profile::EDUCATION_EXTRA) && !$edu->flags->hasFlag('primary')) || (($flags & Profile::EDUCATION_FINISHED) && $edu->grad_year <= $year) || (($flags & Profile::EDUCATION_CURRENT) && $edu->grad_year > $year) || ($flags & Profile::EDUCATION_ALL) ) { $educations[$id] = $edu; ++$nb; } if ($limit != null && $nb >= $limit) { break; } } return $educations; } public static function fetchData(array $pids, ProfileVisibility $visibility) { $data = XDB::iterator('SELECT pe.id, pe.pid, pe.entry_year, pe.grad_year, pe.program, pe.flags, pee.name AS school, pee.abbreviation AS school_short, pee.url AS school_url, gc.countryFR AS country, pede.degree, pede.abbreviation AS degree_short, pede.level AS degree_level, pefe.field FROM profile_education AS pe LEFT JOIN profile_education_enum AS pee ON (pee.id = pe.eduid) LEFT JOIN geoloc_countries AS gc ON (gc.iso_3166_1_a2 = pee.country) LEFT JOIN profile_education_degree_enum AS pede ON (pede.id = pe.degreeid) LEFT JOIN profile_education_field_enum AS pefe ON (pefe.id = pe.fieldid) WHERE pe.pid IN {?} ORDER BY ' . XDB::formatCustomOrder('pid', $pids) . ', NOT FIND_IN_SET(\'primary\', pe.flags), pe.entry_year, pe.id', $pids); return PlIteratorUtils::subIterator($data, PlIteratorUtils::arrayValueCallback('pid')); } } // }}} // {{{ class ProfileMedals [ Field ] class ProfileMedals extends ProfileField { public $medals = array(); public function __construct(PlInnerSubIterator $it) { $this->pid = $it->value(); while ($medal = $it->next()) { $this->medals[$medal['mid']] = $medal; } } public static function fetchData(array $pids, ProfileVisibility $visibility) { $data = XDB::iterator('SELECT pm.pid, pm.mid, pm.gid, pme.text, pme.img, pmge.text AS grade FROM profile_medals AS pm LEFT JOIN profiles AS p ON (pm.pid = p.pid) LEFT JOIN profile_medal_enum AS pme ON (pme.id = pm.mid) LEFT JOIN profile_medal_grade_enum AS pmge ON (pmge.mid = pm.mid AND pmge.gid = pm.gid) WHERE pm.pid IN {?} AND p.medals_pub IN {?} ORDER BY ' . XDB::formatCustomOrder('pm.pid', $pids), $pids, $visibility->levels()); return PlIteratorUtils::subIterator($data, PlIteratorUtils::arrayValueCallback('pid')); } } // }}} // {{{ class ProfileNetworking [ Field ] class ProfileNetworking extends ProfileField { private $networks = array(); public function __construct(PlInnerSubIterator $it) { $this->pid = $it->value(); while ($network = $it->next()) { $network['network_type'] = new PlFlagSet($network['network_type']); $this->networks[$network['id']] = $network; } } public static function fetchData(array $pids, ProfileVisibility $visibility) { $data = XDB::iterator('SELECT pid, id, address, pne.nwid, pne.network_type, pne.link, pne.name FROM profile_networking AS pn LEFT JOIN profile_networking_enum AS pne USING(nwid) WHERE pid IN {?} AND pub IN {?} ORDER BY ' . XDB::formatCustomOrder('pid', $pids) . ', pn.nwid, id', $pids, $visibility->levels()); return PlIteratorUtils::subIterator($data, PlIteratorUtils::arrayValueCallback('pid')); } public function get($flags, $limit = null) { $nws = array(); $nb = 0; foreach ($this->networks as $id => $nw) { if (($flags & Profile::NETWORKING_WEB) && $nw['network_type']->hasFlag('web') || ($flags & Profile::NETWORKING_IM) && $nw['network_type']->hasFlag('im') || ($flags & Profile::NETWORKING_SOCIAL) && $nw['network_type']->hasFlag('social') || ($flags == Profile::NETWORKING_ALL)) { $nws[$id] = $nw; ++$nb; if (isset($limit) && $nb >= $limit) { break; } } } return $nws; } } // }}} // {{{ class ProfileCorps [ Field ] class ProfileCorps extends ProfileField { public $original; public $current; public $original_name; public $original_abbrev; public $original_still_exists; public $current_name; public $current_abbrev; public $current_still_exists; public $current_rank; public $current_rank_abbrev; public function __construct(array $data) { foreach ($data as $key => $val) { $this->$key = $val; } } public static function fetchData(array $pids, ProfileVisibility $visibility) { $data = XDB::iterator('SELECT pc.pid, pc.original_corpsid AS original, pc.current_corpsid AS current, pceo.name AS original_name, pceo.abbreviation AS original_abbrev, pceo.still_exists AS original_still_exists, pcec.name AS current_name, pcec.abbreviation AS current_abbrev, pcec.still_exists AS current_still_exists, pcrec.name AS current_rank, pcrec.abbreviation AS current_rank_abbrev, rankid FROM profile_corps AS pc LEFT JOIN profile_corps_enum AS pceo ON (pceo.id = pc.original_corpsid) LEFT JOIN profile_corps_enum AS pcec ON (pcec.id = pc.current_corpsid) LEFT JOIN profile_corps_rank_enum AS pcrec ON (pcrec.id = pc.rankid) WHERE pc.pid IN {?} AND pc.corps_pub IN {?} AND pceo.id != 1 ORDER BY ' . XDB::formatCustomOrder('pid', $pids), $pids, $visibility->levels()); return $data; } } // }}} // {{{ class ProfileMentoringCountries [ Field ] class ProfileMentoringCountries extends ProfileField { public $countries = array(); public function __construct(PlInnerSubIterator $it) { $this->pid = $it->value(); while ($country = $it->next()) { $this->countries[$country['id']] = $country['name']; } } public static function fetchData(array $pids, ProfileVisibility $visibility) { $data = XDB::iterator('SELECT pmc.pid, pmc.country AS id, gc.countryFR AS name FROM profile_mentor_country AS pmc LEFT JOIN geoloc_countries AS gc ON (gc.iso_3166_1_a2 = pmc.country) WHERE pmc.pid IN {?} ORDER BY ' . XDB::formatCustomOrder('pmc.pid', $pids), $pids); return PlIteratorUtils::subIterator($data, PlIteratorUtils::arrayValueCallback('pid')); } } // }}} // {{{ class ProfileAddresses [ Field ] class ProfileAddresses extends ProfileField { private $addresses = array(); public function __construct(PlInnerSubIterator $it) { $this->pid = $it->value(); while ($address = $it->next()) { $this->addresses[] = new Address($address); } } public function get($flags, $limit = null) { $addresses = array(); $nb = 0; foreach ($this->addresses as $address) { if ((($flags & Profile::ADDRESS_MAIN) && $address->hasFlag('current')) || (($flags & Profile::ADDRESS_POSTAL) && $address->hasFlag('mail')) || (($flags & Profile::ADDRESS_PERSO) && $address->type == Address::LINK_PROFILE) || (($flags & Profile::ADDRESS_PRO) && $address->type == Address::LINK_JOB) ) { $addresses[] = $address; ++$nb; } if ($limit != null && $nb == $limit) { break; } } return $addresses; } public static function fetchData(array $pids, ProfileVisibility $visibility) { $it = Address::iterate($pids, array(), array(), $visibility->levels()); return PlIteratorUtils::subIterator($it->value(), PlIteratorUtils::arrayValueCallback('pid')); } public function addPhones(ProfilePhones $phones) { $p = $phones->get(Profile::PHONE_LINK_ADDRESS | Profile::PHONE_TYPE_ANY); foreach ($p as $phone) { /* We must iterate on the addresses because id is not uniq thus, * $this->addresse[$phone->linkId()] is invalid. */ foreach ($this->addresses as $address) { if ($address->type == Address::LINK_PROFILE && $address->id == $phone->linkId()) { $address->addPhone($phone); } } } } } // }}} // {{{ class ProfilePhones [ Field ] class ProfilePhones extends ProfileField { private $phones = array(); public function __construct(PlInnerSubIterator $it) { $this->pid = $it->value(); while ($phone = $it->next()) { $this->phones[] = new Phone($phone); } } public function get($flags, $limit = null) { $phones = array(); $nb = 0; foreach ($this->phones as $id => $phone) { if ($phone->hasFlags($flags)) { $phones[$id] = $phone; ++$nb; if ($limit != null && $nb == $limit) { break; } } } return $phones; } public static function fetchData(array $pids, ProfileVisibility $visibility) { $it = Phone::iterate($pids, array(), array(), $visibility->levels()); return PlIteratorUtils::subIterator($it->value(), PlIteratorUtils::arrayValueCallback('pid')); } } // }}} // {{{ class ProfileJobs [ Field ] class ProfileJobs extends ProfileField { private $jobs = array(); public function __construct(PlInnerSubIterator $jobs) { $this->pid = $jobs->value(); while ($job = $jobs->next()) { $this->jobs[$job['id']] = new Job($job); } } public static function fetchData(array $pids, ProfileVisibility $visibility) { CompanyList::preload($pids); $data = XDB::iterator('SELECT id, pid, description, url as user_site, jobid, IF(email_pub IN {?}, email, NULL) AS user_email FROM profile_job WHERE pid IN {?} AND pub IN {?} ORDER BY ' . XDB::formatCustomOrder('pid', $pids) . ', id', $visibility->levels(), $pids, $visibility->levels()); return PlIteratorUtils::subIterator($data, PlIteratorUtils::arrayValueCallback('pid')); } public function get($flags, $limit = null) { $jobs = array(); $nb = 0; foreach ($this->jobs as $id => $job) { $jobs[$id] = $job; ++$nb; if ($limit != null && $nb >= $limit) { break; } } return $jobs; } public function addPhones(ProfilePhones $phones) { $p = $phones->get(Profile::PHONE_LINK_JOB | Profile::PHONE_TYPE_ANY); foreach ($p as $phone) { if ($phone->linkType() == Phone::LINK_JOB && array_key_exists($phone->linkId(), $this->jobs)) { $this->jobs[$phone->linkId()]->addPhone($phone); } } } public function addAddresses(ProfileAddresses $addresses) { $a = $addresses->get(Profile::ADDRESS_PRO); foreach ($a as $address) { if ($address->type == Address::LINK_JOB && array_key_exists($address->jobid, $this->jobs)) { $this->jobs[$address->id]->setAddress($address); } } } public function addCompanies(array $companies) { foreach ($this->jobs as $job) { $this->company = $companies[$job->jobid]; } } public function addJobTerms(ProfileJobTerms $jobterms) { $terms = $jobterms->get(); foreach ($terms as $term) { if ($this->pid == $term->pid && array_key_exists($term->jid, $this->jobs)) { $this->jobs[$term->jid]->addTerm(&$term); } } } } // }}} // {{{ class ProfileJobTerms [ Field ] class ProfileJobTerms extends ProfileField { private $jobterms = array(); public function __construct(PlInnerSubIterator $it) { $this->pid = $it->value(); while ($term = $it->next()) { $this->jobterms[] = new JobTerm($term); } } public function get() { return $this->jobterms; } public static function fetchData(array $pids, ProfileVisibility $visibility) { $data = XDB::iterator('SELECT jt.jtid, jte.full_name, jt.pid, jt.jid FROM profile_job_term AS jt INNER JOIN profile_job AS j ON (jt.pid = j.pid AND jt.jid = j.id) LEFT JOIN profile_job_term_enum AS jte USING(jtid) WHERE jt.pid IN {?} AND j.pub IN {?} ORDER BY ' . XDB::formatCustomOrder('jt.pid', $pids), $pids, $visibility->levels()); return PlIteratorUtils::subIterator($data, PlIteratorUtils::arrayValueCallback('pid')); } } // }}} // {{{ class ProfileMentoringTerms [ Field ] class ProfileMentoringTerms extends ProfileJobTerms { public static function fetchData(array $pids, ProfileVisibility $visibility) { $data = XDB::iterator('SELECT mt.jtid, jte.full_name, mt.pid FROM profile_mentor_term AS mt LEFT JOIN profile_job_term_enum AS jte USING(jtid) WHERE mt.pid IN {?} ORDER BY ' . XDB::formatCustomOrder('mt.pid', $pids), $pids); return PlIteratorUtils::subIterator($data, PlIteratorUtils::arrayValueCallback('pid')); } } // }}} // {{{ class CompanyList class CompanyList { static private $fullload = false; static private $companies = array(); static public function preload($pids = array()) { if (self::$fullload) { return; } // Load raw data if (count($pids)) { $join = 'LEFT JOIN profile_job ON (profile_job.jobid = pje.id)'; $where = 'WHERE profile_job.pid IN ' . XDB::formatArray($pids); } else { $join = ''; $where = ''; } $it = XDB::iterator('SELECT pje.id, pje.name, pje.acronym, pje.url, pa.flags, pa.text, pa.postalCode, pa.countryId, pa.type, pa.pub FROM profile_job_enum AS pje LEFT JOIN profile_addresses AS pa ON (pje.id = pa.jobid AND pa.type = \'hq\') ' . $join . ' ' . $where); $newcompanies = array(); while ($row = $it->next()) { $cp = new Company($row); $addr = new Address($row); $cp->setAddress($addr); if (!array_key_exists($row['id'], self::$companies)) { $newcompanies[] = $row['id']; } self::$companies[$row['id']] = $cp; } // Add phones to hq if (count($newcompanies)) { $it = Phone::iterate(array(), array(Phone::LINK_COMPANY), $newcompanies); while ($phone = $it->next()) { self::$companies[$phone->linkId()]->setPhone($phone); } } if (count($pids) == 0) { self::$fullload = true; } } static public function get($id) { if (!array_key_exists($id, self::$companies)) { self::preload(); } if (isset(self::$companies[$id])) { return self::$companies[$id]; } return null; } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>