0) $globals->xdb->execute("REPLACE INTO applis_ins SET uid= {?}, aid = {?}, type = {?}, ordre = 0", Session::getInt('uid', -1), $appli_id1, $appli_type1); else $globals->xdb->execute("DELETE FROM applis_ins WHERE uid= {?} AND ordre=0", Session::getInt('uid', -1)); if ($appli_id2>0) $globals->xdb->execute("REPLACE INTO applis_ins SET uid= {?}, aid = {?}, type = {?}, ordre = 1", Session::getInt('uid', -1), $appli_id2, $appli_type2); else $globals->xdb->execute("DELETE FROM applis_ins WHERE uid= {?} AND ordre=1", Session::getInt('uid', -1)); if ($nationalite != $nationalite_anc || $nom != $nom_anc || $prenom != $prenom_anc) { $sql = "UPDATE auth_user_md5 SET nationalite= {?}, nom = {?}, prenom = {?} WHERE user_id= {?}"; $globals->xdb->execute($sql, $nationalite, $nom, $prenom, Session::getInt('uid', -1)); } $globals->xdb->execute( "UPDATE auth_user_quick SET profile_nick={?}, profile_mobile={?}, profile_mobile_pub={?}, profile_web={?}, profile_web_pub={?}, profile_freetext={?}, profile_freetext_pub={?}, profile_from_ax = {?} WHERE user_id = {?}", $nickname, $mobile, $mobile_pub, $web, $web_pub, $freetext, $freetext_pub, $synchro_ax, Session::getInt('uid', -1)); if ($nickname != $nickname_anc) { require_once('user.func.inc.php'); user_reindex(Session::getInt('uid', -1)); } $globals->xdb->execute("UPDATE photo SET pub = {?} WHERE uid = {?}", $photo_pub, Session::getInt('uid', -1)); // vim:set et sws=4 sts=4 sw=4: ?>