Array('wfield' => 'contact', 'ufield' => 'user_id', 'need_contact' => false, 'freq_sql' => '', 'contact_sql' => '1' ), 'watch_promo' => Array('wfield' => 'promo', 'ufield' => 'promo', 'need_contact' => true, 'freq_sql' => ' AND ( wc.type = "basic" OR wc.type="near" AND ( <= v.promo_sortie-2 AND u.promo_sortie >= )', 'contact_sql' => 'NOT ( IS NULL)' ), 'watch_nonins' => Array('wfield' => 'ni_id', 'ufield' => 'user_id', 'need_contact' => false, 'freq_sql' => '', 'contact_sql' => '0' ) ); $our = $cases[$table]; $sql = " ( SELECT, u.prenom, IF(u.nom_usage='',u.nom,u.nom_usage) AS nom, u.deces != 0 AS dcd, a.alias AS bestalias, wo.*, {$our['contact_sql']} AS contact, (u.perms IN('admin','user')) AS inscrit"; if ($mail) { $sql.=", w.uid AS aid, v.prenom AS aprenom, IF(v.nom_usage='',v.nom,v.nom_usage) AS anom, b.alias AS abestalias, (v.flags='femme') AS sexe, q.core_mail_fmt AS mail_fmt"; } $sql .= " FROM $table AS w INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON(u.{$our['ufield']} = w.{$our['wfield']}) INNER JOIN auth_user_quick AS q ON(q.user_id = w.uid) INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS v ON(v.user_id = q.user_id)"; if ($mail) { $sql .=" INNER JOIN aliases AS b ON( = q.user_id AND FIND_IN_SET('bestalias', b.flags))"; } if ($our['need_contact']) { $sql .=" LEFT JOIN contacts AS c ON(c.uid = w.uid AND = u.user_id)"; } $sql .=" INNER JOIN watch_ops AS wo ON(wo.uid = u.user_id AND ".($mail ? 'wo.known > q.watch_last' : '( wo.known > {?} OR )').") INNER JOIN watch_sub AS ws ON(ws.cid = wo.cid AND ws.uid = w.uid) INNER JOIN watch_cat AS wc ON( = wo.cid{$our['freq_sql']}) LEFT JOIN aliases AS a ON( = u.user_id AND FIND_IN_SET('bestalias', a.flags)) WHERE $where )"; return $sql; } // }}} // {{{ function select_notifs function select_notifs($mail, $uid=null, $last=null, $iterator=true) { $where = $mail ? 'q.watch_flags=3' : 'w.uid = {?}'; $sql = _select_notifs_base('contacts', $mail, $where.($mail?'':' AND (q.watch_flags=1 OR q.watch_flags=3)')) . " UNION DISTINCT "; $sql .= _select_notifs_base('watch_promo', $mail, $where) . " UNION DISTINCT "; $sql .= _select_notifs_base('watch_nonins', $mail, $where); if ($iterator) { return XDB::iterator($sql . ' ORDER BY cid, promo, date DESC, nom', $last, $uid, $last, $uid, $last, $uid); } else { return XDB::query($sql, $last, $uid, $last, $uid, $last, $uid); } } // }}} // {{{ function getNbNotifs function getNbNotifs() { global $globals; if (!Session::has('uid')) { return 0; } $uid = Session::getInt('uid', -1); $watchlast = Session::get('watch_last'); // selectionne les notifs de uid, sans detail sur le watcher, depuis // $watchlast, meme ceux sans surveillance, non ordonnés $res = select_notifs(false, $uid, $watchlast, false); $n = $res->numRows(); $res->free(); $url = $globals->baseurl."/carnet/panel"; if($n==0) { return; } if($n==1) { return "1 évènement !"; } return "$n évènements !"; } // }}} // {{{ class AllNotifs class AllNotifs { var $_cats = Array(); var $_data = Array(); function AllNotifs() { $res = XDB::iterator("SELECT * FROM watch_cat"); while($tmp = $res->next()) { $this->_cats[$tmp['id']] = $tmp; } // recupère tous les watchers, avec détails des watchers, a partir du // watch_last de chacun, seulement ceux qui sont surveillés, ordonnés $res = select_notifs(true); while($tmp = $res->next()) { $aid = $tmp['aid']; if (empty($this->_data[$aid])) { $this->_data[$aid] = Array("prenom" => $tmp['aprenom'], 'nom' => $tmp['anom'], 'bestalias'=>$tmp['abestalias'], 'sexe' => $tmp['sexe'], 'mail_fmt' => $tmp['mail_fmt'], 'dcd'=>$tmp['dcd']); } unset($tmp['aprenom'], $tmp['anom'], $tmp['abestalias'], $tmp['aid'], $tmp['sexe'], $tmp['mail_fmt'], $tmp['dcd']); $this->_data[$aid]['data'][$tmp['cid']][] = $tmp; } } } // }}} // {{{ class Notifs class Notifs { var $_uid; var $_cats = Array(); var $_data = Array(); function Notifs($uid, $up=false) { $this->_uid = $uid; $res = XDB::iterator("SELECT * FROM watch_cat"); while($tmp = $res->next()) { $this->_cats[$tmp['id']] = $tmp; } $lastweek = date('YmdHis',mktime() - 7*24*60*60); // recupere les notifs du watcher $uid, sans detail sur le watcher, // depuis la semaine dernière, meme ceux sans surveillance, ordonnés $res = select_notifs(false, $uid, $lastweek); while($tmp = $res->next()) { $this->_data[$tmp['cid']][$tmp['promo']][] = $tmp; } if($up) { XDB::execute('UPDATE auth_user_quick SET watch_last=NOW() WHERE user_id={?}', $uid); } } } // }}} // {{{ class Watch class Watch { var $_uid; var $_promos; var $_nonins; var $_cats = Array(); var $_subs; var $watch_contacts; var $watch_mail; function Watch($uid) { $this->_uid = $uid; $this->_promos = new PromoNotifs($uid); $this->_nonins = new NoninsNotifs($uid); $this->_subs = new WatchSub($uid); $res = XDB::query("SELECT FIND_IN_SET('contacts',watch_flags),FIND_IN_SET('mail',watch_flags) FROM auth_user_quick WHERE user_id={?}", $uid); list($this->watch_contacts,$this->watch_mail) = $res->fetchOneRow(); $res = XDB::iterator("SELECT * FROM watch_cat"); while($tmp = $res->next()) { $this->_cats[$tmp['id']] = $tmp; } } function saveFlags() { $flags = ""; if ($this->watch_contacts) $flags = "contacts"; if ($this->watch_mail) $flags .= ($flags ? ',' : '')."mail"; XDB::execute('UPDATE auth_user_quick SET watch_flags={?} WHERE user_id={?}', $flags, $this->_uid); } function cats() { return $this->_cats; } function subs($i) { return $this->_subs->_data[$i]; } function promos() { return $this->_promos->toRanges(); } function nonins() { return $this->_nonins->_data; } } // }}} // {{{ class WatchSub class WatchSub { var $_uid; var $_data = Array(); function WatchSub($uid) { $this->_uid = $uid; $res = XDB::iterRow('SELECT cid FROM watch_sub WHERE uid={?}', $uid); while(list($c) = $res->next()) { $this->_data[$c] = $c; } } function update($ind) { $this->_data = Array(); XDB::execute('DELETE FROM watch_sub WHERE uid={?}', $this->_uid); foreach(Env::getMixed($ind) as $key=>$val) { XDB::query('INSERT INTO watch_sub SELECT {?},id FROM watch_cat WHERE id={?}', $this->_uid, $key); if(mysql_affected_rows()) { $this->_data[$key] = $key; } } } } // }}} // {{{ class PromoNotifs class PromoNotifs { var $_uid; var $_data = Array(); function PromoNotifs($uid) { $this->_uid = $uid; $res = XDB::iterRow('SELECT promo FROM watch_promo WHERE uid={?} ORDER BY promo', $uid); while (list($p) = $res->next()) { $this->_data[intval($p)] = intval($p); } } function add($p) { $promo = intval($p); XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO watch_promo (uid,promo) VALUES({?},{?})', $this->_uid, $promo); $this->_data[$promo] = $promo; asort($this->_data); } function del($p) { $promo = intval($p); XDB::execute('DELETE FROM watch_promo WHERE uid={?} AND promo={?}', $this->_uid, $promo); unset($this->_data[$promo]); } function addRange($_p1,$_p2) { $p1 = intval($_p1); $p2 = intval($_p2); $values = Array(); for($i = min($p1,$p2); $i<=max($p1,$p2); $i++) { $values[] = "('{$this->_uid}',$i)"; $this->_data[$i] = $i; } XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO watch_promo (uid,promo) VALUES '.join(',',$values)); asort($this->_data); } function delRange($_p1,$_p2) { $p1 = intval($_p1); $p2 = intval($_p2); $where = Array(); for($i = min($p1,$p2); $i<=max($p1,$p2); $i++) { $where[] = "promo=$i"; unset($this->_data[$i]); } XDB::execute('DELETE FROM watch_promo WHERE uid={?} AND ('.join(' OR ',$where).')', $this->_uid); } function toRanges() { $ranges = Array(); $I = Array(); foreach($this->_data as $promo) { if(!isset($I[0])) { $I = Array($promo,$promo); } elseif($I[1]+1 == $promo) { $I[1] ++; } else { $ranges[] = $I; $I = Array($promo,$promo); } } if(isset($I[0])) $ranges[] = $I; return $ranges; } } // }}} // {{{ class NoninsNotifs class NoninsNotifs { var $_uid; var $_data = Array(); function NoninsNotifs($uid) { $this->_uid = $uid; $res = XDB::iterator("SELECT u.prenom,IF(u.nom_usage='',u.nom,u.nom_usage) AS nom,, u.user_id FROM watch_nonins AS w INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON (u.user_id = w.ni_id) WHERE w.uid = {?} ORDER BY promo,nom", $uid); while($tmp = $res->next()) { $this->_data[$tmp['user_id']] = $tmp; } } function del($p) { unset($this->_data["$p"]); XDB::execute('DELETE FROM watch_nonins WHERE uid={?} AND ni_id={?}', $this->_uid, $p); } function add($p) { XDB::execute('INSERT INTO watch_nonins (uid,ni_id) VALUES({?},{?})', $this->_uid, $p); $res = XDB::query('SELECT prenom,IF(nom_usage="",nom,nom_usage) AS nom,promo,user_id FROM auth_user_md5 WHERE user_id={?}', $p); $this->_data["$p"] = $res->fetchOneAssoc(); } } // }}} ?>