numRows()) { throw new MailNotFound(); } $data = $res->fetchOneAssoc(); $this->id = $id; $this->group_id = $data['group_id']; $this->group = $data['group_name']; $this->name = $data['nl_name']; $this->custom_css = $data['custom_css']; $this->criteria = new PlFlagSet($data['criteria']); // Load the categories $res = XDB::iterRow( 'SELECT cid, title FROM newsletter_cat WHERE nlid = {?} ORDER BY pos', $id); while (list($cid, $title) = $res->next()) { $this->cats[$cid] = $title; } } /** Retrieve the NL associated with a given group. * @p $group Short name of the group * @return A NewsLetter object, or null if the group doesn't have a NL. */ public static function forGroup($group) { $res = XDB::query('SELECT FROM newsletters AS nls LEFT JOIN groups AS g ON (nls.group_id = WHERE g.diminutif = {?}', $group); if (!$res->numRows()) { return null; } return new NewsLetter($res->fetchOneCell()); } /** Retrieve all newsletters * @return An array of $id => NewsLetter objects */ public static function getAll() { $res = XDB::query('SELECT id FROM newsletters'); $nls = array(); foreach ($res->fetchColumn() as $id) { $nls[$id] = new NewsLetter($id); } return $nls; } // }}} // {{{ Issue retrieval /** Retrieve all issues which should be sent * @return An array of NLIssue objects to send (i.e state = 'new' and send_before <= today) */ public static function getIssuesToSend() { $res = XDB::query('SELECT id FROM newsletter_issues WHERE state = \'pending\' AND send_before <= NOW()'); $issues = array(); foreach ($res->fetchColumn() as $id) { $issues[$id] = new NLIssue($id); } return $issues; } /** Retrieve a given issue of this NewsLetter * @p $name Name or ID of the issue to retrieve. * @return A NLIssue object. * * $name may be either a short_name, an ID or the special value 'last' which * selects the latest sent NL. * If $name is null, this will retrieve the current pending NL. */ public function getIssue($name = null, $only_sent = true) { if ($name) { if ($name == 'last') { if ($only_sent) { $where = 'state = \'sent\' AND '; } else { $where = ''; } $res = XDB::query('SELECT MAX(id) FROM newsletter_issues WHERE ' . $where . ' nlid = {?}', $this->id); } else { $res = XDB::query('SELECT id FROM newsletter_issues WHERE nlid = {?} AND (id = {?} OR short_name = {?})', $this->id, $name, $name); } if (!$res->numRows()) { throw new MailNotFound(); } $id = $res->fetchOneCell(); } else { $query = XDB::format('SELECT id FROM newsletter_issues WHERE nlid = {?} AND state = \'new\' ORDER BY id DESC', $this->id); $res = XDB::query($query); if ($res->numRows()) { $id = $res->fetchOneCell(); } else { // Create a new, empty issue, and return it $id = $this->createPending(); } } return new NLIssue($id, &$this); } /** Create a new, empty, pending newsletter issue * @p $nlid The id of the NL for which a new pending issue should be created. * @return Id of the newly created issue. */ public function createPending() { XDB::execute('INSERT INTO newsletter_issues SET nlid = {?}, state=\'new\', date=NOW(), title=\'to be continued\', mail_title=\'to be continued\'', $this->id); return XDB::insertId(); } /** Return all sent issues of this newsletter. * @return An array of (id => NLIssue) */ public function listSentIssues($check_user = false, $user = null) { if ($check_user && $user == null) { $user = S::user(); } $res = XDB::query('SELECT id FROM newsletter_issues WHERE nlid = {?} AND state = \'sent\' ORDER BY date DESC', $this->id); $issues = array(); foreach ($res->fetchColumn() as $id) { $issue = new NLIssue($id, $this, false); if (!$check_user || $issue->checkUser($user)) { $issues[$id] = $issue; } } return $issues; } /** Return all issues of this newsletter, including invalid and sent. * @return An array of (id => NLIssue) */ public function listAllIssues() { $res = XDB::query('SELECT id FROM newsletter_issues WHERE nlid = {?} ORDER BY FIELD(state, \'pending\', \'new\') DESC, date DESC', $this->id); $issues = array(); foreach ($res->fetchColumn() as $id) { $issues[$id] = new NLIssue($id, $this, false); } return $issues; } /** Return the latest pending issue of the newsletter. * @return Either null, or a NL object. */ public function getPendingIssue() { $res = XDB::query('SELECT MAX(id) FROM newsletter_issues WHERE nlid = {?} AND state = \'new\'', $this->id); if ($res->numRows()) { $id = $res->fetchOneCell(); return new NLIssue($id, $this); } else { return null; } } // }}} // {{{ Subscription related function /** Unsubscribe a user from this newsletter * @p $uid UID to unsubscribe from the newsletter; if null, use current user. * @p $hash True if the uid is actually a hash. * @return True if the user was successfully unsubscribed. */ public function unsubscribe($uid = null, $hash = false) { if (is_null($uid) && $hash) { // Unable to unsubscribe from an empty hash return false; } $user = is_null($uid) ? S::user()->id() : $uid; $field = $hash ? 'hash' : 'uid'; $res = XDB::query('SELECT uid FROM newsletter_ins WHERE nlid = {?} AND ' . $field . ' = {?}', $this->id, $user); if (!$res->numRows()) { // No subscribed user with that UID/hash return false; } $user = $res->fetchOneCell(); XDB::execute('DELETE FROM newsletter_ins WHERE nlid = {?} AND uid = {?}', $this->id, $user); return true; } /** Subscribe a user to a newsletter * @p $user User to subscribe to the newsletter; if null, use current user. */ public function subscribe($user = null) { if (is_null($user)) { $user = S::user(); } if (self::maySubscribe($user)) { XDB::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO newsletter_ins (nlid, uid, last, hash) VALUES ({?}, {?}, NULL, hash)', $this->id, $user->id()); } } /** Retrieve subscription state of a user * @p $user Target user; if null, use current user. * @return Boolean: true if the user has subscribed to the NL. */ public function subscriptionState($user = null) { if (is_null($user)) { $user = S::user(); } $res = XDB::query('SELECT 1 FROM newsletter_ins WHERE nlid = {?} AND uid = {?}', $this->id, $user->id()); return ($res->numRows() == 1); } /** Get the count of subscribers to the NL. * @return Number of subscribers. */ public function subscriberCount() { return XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM newsletter_ins WHERE nlid = {?}', $this->id); } /** Get the number of subscribers to the NL whose last received mailing was $last. * @p $last ID of the issue for which subscribers should be counted. * @return Number of subscribers */ public function subscriberCountForLast($last) { return XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT COUNT(uid) FROM newsletter_ins WHERE nlid = {?} AND last = {?}', $this->id, $last); } /** Retrieve the list of newsletters a user has subscribed to * @p $user User whose subscriptions should be retrieved (if null, use session user). * @return Array of newsletter IDs */ public static function getUserSubscriptions($user = null) { if (is_null($user)) { $user = S::user(); } $res = XDB::query('SELECT nlid FROM newsletter_ins WHERE uid = {?}', $user->id()); return $res->fetchColumn(); } /** Retrieve the UserFilterBuilder for subscribers to this NL. * This is the place where NL-specific filters may be allowed or prevented. * @p $envprefix Prefix to use for env fields (cf. UserFilterBuilder) * @return A UserFilterBuilder object using the given env prefix */ public function getSubscribersUFB($envprefix = '') { require_once ''; return new UFB_NewsLetter($this->criteria, $envprefix); } // }}} // {{{ Permissions related functions /** For later use: check whether a given user may subscribe to this newsletter. * @p $user User whose access should be checked * @return Boolean: whether the user may subscribe to the NL. */ public function maySubscribe($user = null) { return true; } /** Whether a given user may edit this newsletter * @p $uid UID of the user whose perms should be checked (if null, use current user) * @return Boolean: whether the user may edit the NL */ public function mayEdit($user = null) { if (is_null($user)) { $user = S::user(); } if ($user->checkPerms('admin')) { return true; } $res = XDB::query('SELECT perms FROM group_members WHERE asso_id = {?} AND uid = {?}', $this->group_id, $user->id()); return ($res->numRows() && $res->fetchOneCell() == 'admin'); } /** Whether a given user may submit articles to this newsletter using validation system * @p $user User whose access should be checked (if null, use current user) * @return Boolean: whether the user may submit articles */ public function maySubmit($user = null) { // Submission of new articles is only enabled for the NL (and forbidden when viewing issues on return ($this->group == self::GROUP_XORG && !isset($GLOBALS['IS_XNET_SITE'])); } // }}} // {{{ Display-related functions: cssFile, tplFile, prefix, admin_prefix, admin_links_enabled, automatic_mailings_enabled /** Get the name of the css file used to display this newsletter. */ public function cssFile() { if ($this->custom_css) { $base = $this->group; } else { $base = self::FORMAT_DEFAULT_GROUP; } return 'nl.' . $base . '.css'; } /** Get the name of the template file used to display this newsletter. */ public function tplFile() { if ($this->custom_css) { $base = $this->group; } else { $base = self::FORMAT_DEFAULT_GROUP; } return 'newsletter/nl.' . $base . '.mail.tpl'; } /** Get the prefix leading to the page for this NL * Only / AX / X groups may be seen on */ public function prefix() { if (!empty($GLOBALS['IS_XNET_SITE'])) { return $this->group . '/nl'; } switch ($this->group) { case self::GROUP_XORG: return 'nl'; case self::GROUP_AX: return 'ax'; case self::GROUP_EP: return 'epletter'; default: // Don't display groups NLs on assert(false); } } /** Get the prefix to use for all 'admin' pages of this NL. */ public function adminPrefix() { if (!empty($GLOBALS['IS_XNET_SITE'])) { return $this->group . '/admin/nl'; } switch ($this->group) { case self::GROUP_XORG: return 'admin/newsletter'; case self::GROUP_AX: return 'ax/admin'; case self::GROUP_EP: return 'epletter/admin'; default: // Don't display groups NLs on assert(false); } } /** Hack used to remove "admin" links on page on * The 'admin' links are enabled for all pages, except for when accessing NL through */ public function adminLinksEnabled() { return ($this->group != self::GROUP_XORG || !isset($GLOBALS['IS_XNET_SITE'])); } /** Automatic mailings are disabled for NL. */ public function automaticMailingEnabled() { return $this->group != self::GROUP_XORG; } public function hasCustomCss() { return $this->custom_css; } // }}} } // }}} // {{{ class NLIssue // A NLIssue is an issue of a given NewsLetter class NLIssue { protected $nlid; // Id of the newsletter const STATE_NEW = 'new'; // New, currently being edited const STATE_PENDING = 'pending'; // Ready for mailing const STATE_SENT = 'sent'; // Sent public $nl; // Related NL public $id; // Id of this issue of the newsletter public $shortname; // Shortname for this issue public $title; // Title of this issue public $title_mail; // Title of the email public $state; // State of the issue (one of the STATE_ values) public $sufb; // Environment to use to generate the UFC through an UserFilterBuilder public $date; // Date at which this issue was sent public $send_before; // Date at which issue should be sent public $head; // Foreword of the issue (or body for letters with no articles) public $signature; // Signature of the letter public $arts = array(); // Articles of the issue const BATCH_SIZE = 60; // Number of emails to send every minute. // {{{ Constructor, id-related functions /** Build a NewsLetter. * @p $id: ID of the issue (unique among all newsletters) * @p $nl: Optional argument containing an already built NewsLetter object. */ function __construct($id, $nl = null, $fetch_articles = true) { return $this->fetch($id, $nl, $fetch_articles); } protected function refresh() { return $this->fetch($this->id, $this->nl, false); } protected function fetch($id, $nl = null, $fetch_articles = true) { // Load this issue $res = XDB::query('SELECT nlid, short_name, date, send_before, state, sufb_json, title, mail_title, head, signature FROM newsletter_issues WHERE id = {?}', $id); if (!$res->numRows()) { throw new MailNotFound(); } $issue = $res->fetchOneAssoc(); if ($nl && $nl->id == $issue['nlid']) { $this->nl = $nl; } else { $this->nl = new NewsLetter($issue['nlid']); } $this->id = $id; $this->shortname = $issue['short_name']; $this->date = $issue['date']; $this->send_before = $issue['send_before']; $this->state = $issue['state']; $this->title = $issue['title']; $this->title_mail = $issue['mail_title']; $this->head = $issue['head']; $this->signature = $issue['signature']; $this->sufb = $this->importJSonStoredUFB($issue['sufb_json']); if ($fetch_articles) { $this->fetchArticles(); } } protected function fetchArticles($force = false) { if (count($this->arts) && !$force) { return; } // Load the articles $res = XDB::iterRow( 'SELECT a.title, a.body, a.append, a.aid, a.cid, a.pos FROM newsletter_art AS a INNER JOIN newsletter_issues AS ni USING(id) LEFT JOIN newsletter_cat AS c ON (a.cid = c.cid) WHERE = {?} ORDER BY c.pos, a.pos', $this->id); while (list($title, $body, $append, $aid, $cid, $pos) = $res->next()) { $this->arts[$cid][$aid] = new NLArticle($title, $body, $append, $aid, $cid, $pos); } } protected function importJSonStoredUFB($json = null) { require_once ''; $ufb = $this->nl->getSubscribersUFB(); if (is_null($json)) { return new StoredUserFilterBuilder($ufb, new PFC_True()); } $export = json_decode($json, true); if (is_null($export)) { PlErrorReport::report("Invalid json while reading NL {$this->nlid}, issue {$this->id}: failed to import '''{$json}'''."); return new StoredUserFilterBuilder($ufb, new PFC_True()); } $sufb = new StoredUserFilterBuilder($ufb); $sufb->fillFromExport($export); return $sufb; } protected function exportStoredUFBAsJSon() { return json_encode($this->sufb->export()); } public function id() { return is_null($this->shortname) ? $this->id : $this->shortname; } protected function selectId($where) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT IFNULL(ni.short_name, FROM newsletter_issues AS ni WHERE ni.state != 'new' AND ni.nlid = {?} AND ${where} LIMIT 1", $this->nl->id); if ($res->numRows() != 1) { return null; } return $res->fetchOneCell(); } /** Delete this issue * @return True if the issue could be deleted, false otherwise. * Related articles will be deleted through cascading FKs. * If this issue was the last issue for at least one subscriber, the deletion will be aborted. */ public function delete() { if ($this->state == self::STATE_NEW) { $res = XDB::query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM newsletter_ins WHERE last = {?}', $this->id); if ($res->fetchOneCell() > 0) { return false; } return XDB::execute('DELETE FROM newsletter_issues WHERE id = {?}', $this->id); } else { return false; } } /** Schedule a mailing of this NL * If the 'send_before' field was NULL, it is set to the current time. * @return Boolean Whether the date could be set (false if trying to schedule an already sent NL) */ public function scheduleMailing() { if ($this->state == self::STATE_NEW) { $success = XDB::execute('UPDATE newsletter_issues SET state = \'pending\', send_before = IFNULL(send_before, NOW()) WHERE id = {?}', $this->id); if ($success) { $this->refresh(); } return $success; } else { return false; } } /** Cancel the scheduled mailing of this NL * @return Boolean: whether the mailing could be cancelled. */ public function cancelMailing() { if ($this->state == self::STATE_PENDING) { $success = XDB::execute('UPDATE newsletter_issues SET send_before = NULL, state = \'new\' WHERE id = {?}', $this->id); if ($success) { $this->refresh(); } return $success; } else { return false; } } /** Helper function for smarty templates: is this issue editable ? */ public function isEditable() { return $this->state == self::STATE_NEW; } /** Helper function for smarty templates: is the mailing of this issue scheduled ? */ public function isPending() { return $this->state == self::STATE_PENDING; } /** Helper function for smarty templates: has this issue been sent ? */ public function isSent() { return $this->state == self::STATE_SENT; } // }}} // {{{ Navigation private $id_prev = null; private $id_next = null; private $id_last = null; /** Retrieve ID of the previous issue * That value, once fetched, is cached in the private $id_prev variable. * @return ID of the previous issue. */ public function prev() { if (is_null($this->id_prev)) { $this->id_prev = $this->selectId(XDB::format(" < {?} ORDER BY DESC", $this->id)); } return $this->id_prev; } /** Retrieve ID of the following issue * That value, once fetched, is cached in the private $id_next variable. * @return ID of the following issue. */ public function next() { if (is_null($this->id_next)) { $this->id_next = $this->selectId(XDB::format(" > {?} ORDER BY", $this->id)); } return $this->id_next; } /** Retrieve ID of the last issue * That value, once fetched, is cached in the private $id_last variable. * @return ID of the last issue. */ public function last() { if (is_null($this->id_last)) { $this->id_last = $this->nl->getIssue('last')->id; } return $this->id_last; } // }}} // {{{ Edition, articles const ERROR_INVALID_SHORTNAME = 'invalid_shortname'; const ERROR_INVALID_UFC = 'invalid_ufc'; const ERROR_SQL_SAVE = 'sql_error'; /** Save the global properties of this NL issue (title&co). */ public function save() { $errors = array(); // Fill the list of fields to update $fields = array( 'title' => $this->title, 'mail_title' => $this->title_mail, 'head' => $this->head, 'signature' => $this->signature, ); if ($this->isEditable()) { $fields['date'] = $this->date; if (!preg_match('/^[-a-z0-9]+$/i', $this->shortname) || is_numeric($this->shortname)) { $errors[] = self::ERROR_INVALID_SHORTNAME; } else { $fields['short_name'] = $this->shortname; } if ($this->sufb->isValid() || $this->sufb->isEmpty()) { $fields['sufb_json'] = json_encode($this->sufb->export()->dict()); } else { $errors[] = self::ERROR_INVALID_UFC; } if ($this->nl->automaticMailingEnabled()) { $fields['send_before'] = ($this->send_before ? $this->send_before : null); } } if (count($errors)) { return $errors; } $field_sets = array(); foreach ($fields as $key => $value) { $field_sets[] = XDB::format($key . ' = {?}', $value); } XDB::execute('UPDATE newsletter_issues SET ' . implode(', ', $field_sets) . ' WHERE id={?}', $this->id); if (XDB::affectedRows()) { $this->refresh(); } else { $errors[] = self::ERROR_SQL_SAVE; } return $errors; } /** Get an article by number * @p $aid Article ID (among articles of the issue) * @return A NLArticle object, or null if there is no article by that number */ public function getArt($aid) { $this->fetchArticles(); foreach ($this->arts as $category => $artlist) { if (isset($artlist[$aid])) { return $artlist[$aid]; } } return null; } /** Save an article * @p &$a A reference to a NLArticle object (will be modified once saved) */ public function saveArticle(&$a) { $this->fetchArticles(); // Prevent cid to be 0 (use NULL instead) $a->cid = ($a->cid == 0) ? null : $a->cid; if ($a->aid >= 0) { // Article already exists in DB XDB::execute('UPDATE newsletter_art SET cid = {?}, pos = {?}, title = {?}, body = {?}, append = {?} WHERE id = {?} AND aid = {?}', $a->cid, $a->pos, $a->title, $a->body, $a->append, $this->id, $a->aid); } else { // New article XDB::startTransaction(); list($aid, $pos) = XDB::fetchOneRow('SELECT MAX(aid) AS aid, MAX(pos) AS pos FROM newsletter_art AS a WHERE = {?}', $this->id); $a->aid = ++$aid; $a->pos = ($a->pos ? $a->pos : ++$pos); XDB::execute('INSERT INTO newsletter_art (id, aid, cid, pos, title, body, append) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $this->id, $a->aid, $a->cid, $a->pos, $a->title, $a->body, $a->append); XDB::commit(); } // Update local ID of article $this->arts[$a->aid] = $a; } /** Delete an article by its ID * @p $aid ID of the article to delete */ public function delArticle($aid) { $this->fetchArticles(); XDB::execute('DELETE FROM newsletter_art WHERE id={?} AND aid={?}', $this->id, $aid); foreach ($this->arts as $key=>$art) { unset($this->arts[$key][$aid]); } } // }}} // {{{ Display /** Retrieve the title of this issue * @p $mail Whether we want the normal title or the email subject * @return Title of the issue */ public function title($mail = false) { return $mail ? $this->title_mail : $this->title; } /** Retrieve the head of this issue * @p $user User for customization (may be null: no customization) * @p $type Either 'text' or 'html' * @return Formatted head of the issue. */ public function head($user = null, $type = 'text') { if (is_null($user)) { return $this->head; } else { $head = $this->head; $head = str_replace(array('', '', ''), array(($user->isFemale() ? 'Chère' : 'Cher'), $user->displayName(), ''), $head); return format_text($head, $type, 2, 64); } } /** Retrieve the formatted signature of this issue. */ public function signature($type = 'text') { return format_text($this->signature, $type, 2, 64); } /** Get the title of a given category * @p $cid ID of the category to retrieve * @return Name of the category */ public function category($cid) { return $this->nl->cats[$cid]; } /** Add required data to the given $page for proper CSS display * @p $page Smarty object * @return Either 'true' (if CSS was added to a page) or the raw CSS to add (when $page is null) */ public function css(&$page = null) { if (!is_null($page)) { $page->addCssLink($this->nl->cssFile()); return true; } else { $css = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../htdocs/css/' . $this->nl->cssFile()); return preg_replace('@/\*.*?\*/@us', '', $css); } } /** Set up a smarty page for a 'text' mode render of the issue * @p $page Smarty object (using the $this->nl->tplFile() template) * @p $user User to use when rendering the template */ public function toText(&$page, $user) { $this->fetchArticles(); $this->css($page); $page->assign('prefix', null); $page->assign('is_mail', false); $page->assign('mail_part', 'text'); $page->assign('user', $user); $page->assign('hash', null); $this->assignData($page); } /** Set up a smarty page for a 'html' mode render of the issue * @p $page Smarty object (using the $this->nl->tplFile() template) * @p $user User to use when rendering the template */ public function toHtml(&$page, $user) { $this->fetchArticles(); $this->css($page); $page->assign('prefix', $this->nl->prefix() . '/show/' . $this->id()); $page->assign('is_mail', false); $page->assign('mail_part', 'html'); $page->assign('user', $user); $page->assign('hash', null); $this->assignData($page); } /** Set all 'common' data for the page (those which are required for both web and email rendering) * @p $smarty Smarty object (e.g page) which should be filled */ protected function assignData(&$smarty) { $this->fetchArticles(); $smarty->assign_by_ref('issue', $this); $smarty->assign_by_ref('nl', $this->nl); } // }}} // {{{ Mailing /** Retrieve the 'Send before' date, in a clean format. */ public function getSendBeforeDate() { return strftime('%Y-%m-%d', strtotime($this->send_before)); } /** Retrieve the 'Send before' time (i.e hour), in a clean format. */ public function getSendBeforeTime() { return strtotime($this->send_before); } /** Create a hash based on some additional data * $line Line-specific data (to prevent two hashes generated at the same time to be the same) */ protected static function createHash($line) { $hash = implode(time(), $line) . rand(); $hash = md5($hash); return $hash; } /** Send this issue to the given user, reusing an existing hash if provided. * @p $user User to whom the issue should be mailed * @p $hash Optional hash to use in the 'unsubscribe' link; if null, another one will be generated. */ public function sendTo($user, $hash = null) { $this->fetchArticles(); if (is_null($hash)) { $hash = XDB::fetchOneCell("SELECT hash FROM newsletter_ins WHERE uid = {?} AND nlid = {?}", $user->id(), $this->nl->id); } if (is_null($hash)) { $hash = self::createHash(array($user->displayName(), $user->fullName(), $user->isFemale(), $user->isEmailFormatHtml(), rand(), " rulez")); XDB::execute("UPDATE newsletter_ins as ni SET ni.hash = {?} WHERE ni.uid = {?} AND ni.nlid = {?}", $hash, $user->id(), $this->nl->id); } $mailer = new PlMailer($this->nl->tplFile()); $this->assignData($mailer); $mailer->assign('is_mail', true); $mailer->assign('user', $user); $mailer->assign('prefix', null); $mailer->assign('hash', $hash); $mailer->sendTo($user); } /** Select a subset of subscribers which should receive the newsletter. * NL-Specific selections (not yet received, is subscribed) are done when sending. * @return A PlFilterCondition. */ protected function getRecipientsUFC() { return $this->sufb->getUFC(); } /** Check whether a given user may see this issue. * @p $user User whose access should be checked * @return Whether he may access the issue */ public function checkUser($user = null) { if ($user == null) { $user = S::user(); } $uf = new UserFilter($this->getRecipientsUFC()); return $uf->checkUser($user); } /** Sent this issue to all valid recipients * @return Number of issues sent */ public function sendToAll() { $this->fetchArticles(); XDB::execute('UPDATE newsletter_issues SET state = \'sent\', date=CURDATE() WHERE id = {?}', $this->id); $ufc = new PFC_And($this->getRecipientsUFC(), new UFC_NLSubscribed($this->nl->id, $this->id), new UFC_HasEmailRedirect()); $emailsCount = 0; $uf = new UserFilter($ufc); $limit = new PlLimit(self::BATCH_SIZE); while (true) { $sent = array(); $users = $uf->getUsers($limit); if (count($users) == 0) { return $emailsCount; } foreach ($users as $user) { $sent[] = $user->id(); $this->sendTo($user, $hash); ++$emailsCount; } XDB::execute("UPDATE newsletter_ins SET last = {?} WHERE nlid = {?} AND uid IN {?}", $this->id, $this->nl->id, $sent); sleep(60); } return $emailsCount; } // }}} } // }}} // {{{ class NLArticle class NLArticle { // Maximum number of lines per article const MAX_LINES_PER_ARTICLE = 9; // {{{ properties public $aid; public $cid; public $pos; public $title; public $body; public $append; // }}} // {{{ constructor function __construct($title='', $body='', $append='', $aid=-1, $cid=0, $pos=0) { $this->body = $body; $this->title = $title; $this->append = $append; $this->aid = $aid; $this->cid = $cid; $this->pos = $pos; } // }}} // {{{ function title() public function title() { return trim($this->title); } // }}} // {{{ function body() public function body() { return trim($this->body); } // }}} // {{{ function append() public function append() { return trim($this->append); } // }}} // {{{ function toText() public function toText($hash = null, $login = null) { $title = '*'.$this->title().'*'; $body = MiniWiki::WikiToText($this->body, true); $app = MiniWiki::WikiToText($this->append, false, 4); $text = trim("$title\n\n$body\n\n$app")."\n"; if (!is_null($hash) && !is_null($login)) { $text = str_replace('%HASH%', "$hash/$login", $text); } else { $text = str_replace('%HASH%', '', $text); } return $text; } // }}} // {{{ function toHtml() public function toHtml($hash = null, $login = null) { $title = "


'; $body = MiniWiki::WikiToHTML($this->body); $app = MiniWiki::WikiToHTML($this->append); $art = "$title\n"; $art .= "
\n$body\n"; if ($app) { $art .= "
"; } $art .= "
\n"; if (!is_null($hash) && !is_null($login)) { $art = str_replace('%HASH%', "$hash/$login", $art); } else { $art = str_replace('%HASH%', '', $art); } return $art; } // }}} // {{{ function check() public function check() { $text = MiniWiki::WikiToText($this->body); $arr = explode("\n",wordwrap($text,68)); $c = 0; foreach ($arr as $line) { if (trim($line)) { $c++; } } return $c < self::MAX_LINES_PER_ARTICLE; } // }}} // {{{ function parseUrlsFromArticle() protected function parseUrlsFromArticle() { $email_regex = '([a-z0-9.\-+_\$]+@([\-.+_]?[a-z0-9])+)'; $url_regex = '((https?|ftp)://[a-zA-Z0-9._%#+/?=&~-]+)'; $regex = '{' . $email_regex . '|' . $url_regex . '}i'; $matches = array(); $body_matches = array(); if (preg_match_all($regex, $this->body(), $body_matches)) { $matches = array_merge($matches, $body_matches[0]); } $append_matches = array(); if (preg_match_all($regex, $this->append(), $append_matches)) { $matches = array_merge($matches, $append_matches[0]); } return $matches; } // }}} // {{{ function getLinkIps() public function getLinkIps(&$blacklist_host_resolution_count) { $matches = $this->parseUrlsFromArticle(); $article_ips = array(); if (!empty($matches)) { global $globals; foreach ($matches as $match) { $host = parse_url($match, PHP_URL_HOST); if ($host == '') { list(, $host) = explode('@', $match); } if ($blacklist_host_resolution_count >= $globals->mail->blacklist_host_resolution_limit) { break; } if (!preg_match('/^(' . str_replace(' ', '|', $globals->mail->domain_whitelist) . ')$/i', $host)) { $article_ips = array_merge($article_ips, array(gethostbyname($host) => $host)); ++$blacklist_host_resolution_count; } } } return $article_ips; } // }}} } // }}} // {{{ Functions function format_text($input, $format, $indent = 0, $width = 68) { if ($format == 'text') { return MiniWiki::WikiToText($input, true, $indent, $width, "title"); } return MiniWiki::WikiToHTML($input, "title"); } // function enriched_to_text($input,$html=false,$just=false,$indent=0,$width=68) // }}} // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 enc=utf-8: ?>