$item) { $names[$key] = explode(';', $item); } $lastnames = array( 'lastname_main' => $names[0][0], 'lastname_ordinary' => $names[0][1], 'lastname_marital' => $names[0][2], 'pseudonym' => $names[0][3] ); $firstnames = array( 'firstname_main' => $names[1][0], 'firstname_ordinary' => $names[1][1] ); $private_names_count = intval(count($names[2]) / 2); $private_names = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < $private_names_count; ++$i) { $private_names[] = array('type' => $names[2][2 * $i], 'name' => $names[2][2 * $i + 1]); } return build_first_name($firstnames) . ' ' . build_full_last_name($lastnames, $isFemale) . ';' . build_private_name($private_names); } function build_email_alias(array $public_names) { return PlUser::makeUserName(build_first_name($public_names), build_short_last_name($public_names)); } function build_display_names(array $public_names, array $private_names, $isFemale) { $short_last_name = build_short_last_name($public_names); $full_last_name = build_full_last_name($public_names, $isFemale); $private_last_name_end = build_private_name($private_names); $firstname = build_first_name($public_names); $display_names = array(); $display_names['public_name'] = build_full_name($firstname, $full_last_name); $display_names['private_name'] = $display_names['public_name'] . $private_last_name_end; $display_names['directory_name'] = build_directory_name($firstname, $full_last_name); $display_names['short_name'] = build_full_name($firstname, $short_last_name); $display_names['sort_name'] = build_sort_name($firstname, $short_last_name); return $display_names; } function build_short_last_name(array $lastnames) { return ($lastnames['lastname_ordinary'] == '') ? $lastnames['lastname_main'] : $lastnames['lastname_ordinary']; } function build_full_last_name(array $lastnames, $isFemale) { if ($lastnames['lastname_ordinary'] != '') { $name = $lastnames['lastname_ordinary'] . ' (' . $lastnames['lastname_main'] . ')'; } else { $name = $lastnames['lastname_main']; } if ($lastnames['lastname_marital'] != '' || $lastnames['pseudonym'] != '') { $name .= ' ('; if ($lastnames['lastname_marital'] != '') { $name .= ($isFemale ? 'Mme ' : 'M ') . $lastnames['lastname_marital']; $name .= (($lastnames['pseudonym'] == '') ? '' : ', '); } $name .= (($lastnames['pseudonym'] == '')? '' : $lastnames['pseudonym']) . ')'; } return $name; } function build_first_name(array $firstnames) { return ($firstnames['firstname_ordinary'] ? $firstnames['firstname_ordinary'] : $firstnames['firstname_main']); } function build_private_name(array $private_names) { if (is_null($private_names) || count($private_names) == 0) { return ''; } static $types = array('nickname' => 'alias ', 'firstname' => 'autres prénoms : ', 'lastname' => 'autres noms : '); $names_sorted = array('nickname' => array(), 'firstname' => array(), 'lastname' => array()); foreach ($private_names as $private_name) { $names_sorted[$private_name['type']][] = $private_name['name']; } $names_array = array(); foreach ($names_sorted as $type => $names) { if (count($names)) { $names_array[] = $types[$type] . implode(', ', $names); } } return ' (' . implode(', ', $names_array) . ')'; } function build_directory_name($firstname, $lastname) { if ($firstname == '') { return mb_strtoupper($lastname); } return mb_strtoupper($lastname) . ' ' . $firstname; } function build_full_name($firstname, $lastname) { if ($firstname == '') { return $lastname; } return $firstname . ' ' . $lastname; } // Returns the name on which the sort is performed, according to French // typographic rules. function build_sort_name($firstname, $lastname) { // Remove uncapitalized particles. $particles = "/^(d'|(" . implode($particles, '|') . ') )/'; $name = preg_replace($particles, '', $lastname); // Mac must also be uniformized. $lastname = preg_replace("/^(Mac|Mc)(| )/", 'Mac', $name); if ($firstname == '') { return $lastname; } return $lastname . ' ' . $firstname; } /** Splits a name into tokens, as used in search_name. * Used for search_name rebuilding and for queries. */ function split_name_for_search($name) { return preg_split('/[[:space:]\'\-]+/', strtolower(replace_accent($name)), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); } /** Transform a name to its canonical value so it can be compared * to another form (different case, with accents or with - instead * of blanks). * @see compare_basename to compare */ function name_to_basename($value) { $value = mb_strtoupper(replace_accent($value)); return preg_replace('/[^A-Z]/', ' ', $value); } /** Compares two strings and check if they are two forms of the * same name (different case, with accents or with - instead of * blanks). * @see name_to_basename to retreive the compared string */ function compare_basename($a, $b) { return name_to_basename($a) == name_to_basename($b); } function update_account_from_profile($uid) { XDB::execute("UPDATE accounts AS a INNER JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (ap.uid = a.uid AND FIND_IN_SET('owner', ap.perms)) INNER JOIN profile_public_names AS ppn ON (ppn.pid = ap.pid) INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON (pd.pid = ap.pid) SET a.lastname = IF(ppn.lastname_ordinary = '', ppn.lastname_main, ppn.lastname_ordinary), a.firstname = IF(ppn.firstname_ordinary = '', ppn.firstname_main, ppn.firstname_ordinary), a.full_name = pd.short_name, a.directory_name = pd.directory_name, a.sort_name = pd.sort_name WHERE a.uid = {?}", $uid); } function update_display_names(Profile $profile, array $public_names, array $private_names = null) { if (is_null($private_names)) { $private_names = XDB::fetchAllAssoc('SELECT type, name FROM profile_private_names WHERE pid = {?} ORDER BY type, id', $profile->id()); } $display_names = build_display_names($public_names, $private_names, $profile->isFemale()); XDB::execute('UPDATE profile_display SET public_name = {?}, private_name = {?}, directory_name = {?}, short_name = {?}, sort_name = {?} WHERE pid = {?}', $display_names['public_name'], $display_names['private_name'], $display_names['directory_name'], $display_names['short_name'], $display_names['sort_name'], $profile->id()); Profile::rebuildSearchTokens($profile->id(), false); if ($profile->owner()) { update_account_from_profile($profile->owner()->id()); } } function update_public_names($pid, array $public_names) { XDB::execute('UPDATE profile_public_names SET lastname_main = {?}, lastname_marital = {?}, lastname_ordinary = {?}, firstname_main = {?}, firstname_ordinary = {?}, pseudonym = {?} WHERE pid = {?}', $public_names['lastname_main'], $public_names['lastname_marital'], $public_names['lastname_ordinary'], $public_names['firstname_main'], $public_names['firstname_ordinary'], $public_names['pseudonym'], $pid); } // Returns the @p name with all letters in lower case, but the first one. function mb_ucfirst($name) { return mb_strtoupper(mb_substr($name, 0, 1)) . mb_substr($name, 1); } // Capitalizes the @p name using French typographic rules. Returns // false when capitalization rule is not known for the name format. function capitalize_name($name) { // Some suffixes should not be captitalized either, eg 's' in Bennett's. static $suffixes = array('h', 's', 't'); // Extracts the first token of the name. if (!preg_match('/^(\pL+)(([\' -])(.*))?$/ui', $name, $m)) { return false; } $token = mb_strtolower($m[1]); $separator = (isset($m[3]) ? $m[3] : false); $tail = (isset($m[4]) ? $m[4] : false); // Special case for "Malloc'h". if ($separator == "'" && in_array(strtolower($tail[0]), $suffixes) && (strlen($tail) == 1 || $tail[1] == ' ')) { $token .= "'" . strtolower($tail[0]); $separator = (strlen($tail) == 1 ? false : $tail[1]); $tail = (strlen($tail) > 2 ? substr($tail, 2) : false); } // Capitalizes the first token. if (!in_array($token, $particles)) { $token = mb_ucfirst($token); } // Capitalizes the tail of the name. if ($tail) { if (($tail = capitalize_name($tail))) { return $token . $separator . $tail; } return false; } return $token . $separator; } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>