_tpl = $tpl; $this->_css = $css; $this->_prefix = $prefix; $this->_table = $tbl; $this->_subscriptionTable = $stbl; } public function id() { return is_null($this->_shortname) ? $this->_id : $this->_shortname; } private function selectId($where) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT IF (n.short_name IS NULL, n.id, n.short_name) FROM {$this->_table} AS n WHERE n.bits != 'new' AND {$where} LIMIT 1"); if ($res->numRows() != 1) { return null; } return $res->fetchOneCell(); } public function prev() { static $val; if (!isset($val)) { $val = $this->selectId("n.id < {$this->_id} ORDER BY n.id DESC"); } return $val; } public function next() { static $val; if (!isset($val)) { $val = $this->selectId("n.id > {$this->_id} ORDER BY n.id"); } return $val; } public function last() { static $val; if (!isset($val)) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT MAX(n.id) FROM {$this->_table} AS n WHERE n.bits != 'new' AND n.id > {?}", $this->_id); if ($res->numRows() != 1) { $val = null; } else { $val = $res->fetchOneCell(); } } return $val; } public function title($mail = false) { return $mail ? $this->_title_mail : $this->_title; } public function head($prenom = null, $nom = null, $sexe = null, $type = 'text') { if (is_null($prenom)) { return $this->_head; } else { $head = $this->_head; $head = str_replace('', $sexe ? 'Chère' : 'Cher', $head); $head = str_replace('', $prenom, $head); $head = str_replace('', $nom, $head); return format_text($head, $type, 2, 64); } } public function css(&$page = null) { if (!is_null($page)) { $page->addCssLink($this->_css); return true; } else { $css = file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../htdocs/css/' . $this->_css); return preg_replace('@/\*.*?\*/@us', '', $css); } } public function toText(&$page, $prenom, $nom, $sexe) { $this->css($page); $page->assign('is_mail', false); $page->assign('html_version', false); $page->assign('prenom', $prenom); $page->assign('nom', $nom); $page->assign('sexe', $sexe); $this->assignData($page); } public function toHtml(&$page, $prenom, $nom, $sexe) { $this->css($page); $page->assign('prefix', $this->_prefix . '/' . $this->id()); $page->assign('is_mail', false); $page->assign('html_version', true); $page->assign('prenom', $prenom); $page->assign('nom', $nom); $page->assign('sexe', $sexe); $this->assignData($page); } public function sendTo($prenom, $nom, $login, $sexe, $html, $hash = 0) { global $globals; if (strpos($login, '@') === false) { $login = "$login@{$globals->mail->domain}"; } $mailer = new PlMailer($this->_tpl); $this->assignData($mailer); $mailer->assign('is_mail', true); $mailer->assign('prenom', $prenom); $mailer->assign('nom', $nom); $mailer->assign('sexe', $sexe); $mailer->assign('prefix', null); $mailer->assign('hash', $hash); $mailer->addTo("\"$prenom $nom\" <$login>"); $mailer->send($html); } protected function getAllRecipients() { global $globals; return "SELECT u.user_id, CONCAT(a.alias, '@{$globals->mail->domain}'), u.prenom, IF(u.nom_usage='', u.nom, u.nom_usage), FIND_IN_SET('femme', u.flags), q.core_mail_fmt AS pref, 0 AS hash FROM {$this->_subscriptionTable} AS ni INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u USING(user_id) INNER JOIN auth_user_quick AS q ON(q.user_id = u.user_id) INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON(u.user_id=a.id AND FIND_IN_SET('bestalias',a.flags)) LEFT JOIN emails AS e ON(e.uid=u.user_id AND e.flags='active') WHERE ni.last < {?} AND ({$this->subscriptionWhere()}) AND e.email IS NOT NULL GROUP BY u.user_id"; } public function sendToAll() { $this->setSent(); $query = $this->getAllRecipients() . " LIMIT {?}"; while (true) { $res = XDB::iterRow($query, $this->_id, 60); if (!$res->total()) { return; } $sent = array(); while (list($uid, $bestalias, $prenom, $nom, $sexe, $fmt, $hash) = $res->next()) { $sent[] = "(user_id='$uid'" . (!$uid ? " AND email='$bestalias')": ')'); $this->sendTo($prenom, $nom, $bestalias, $sexe, $fmt=='html', $hash); } XDB::execute("UPDATE {$this->_subscriptionTable} SET last = {?} WHERE " . implode(' OR ', $sent), $this->_id); sleep(60); } } abstract protected function assignData(&$smarty); abstract protected function setSent(); abstract protected function subscriptionWhere(); } // }}} // {{{ Functions function format_text($input, $format, $indent = 0, $width = 68) { if ($format == 'text') { return MiniWiki::WikiToText($input, true, $indent, $width, "title"); } return MiniWiki::WikiToHTML($input, "title"); } // function enriched_to_text($input,$html=false,$just=false,$indent=0,$width=68) // }}} // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 enc=utf-8: ?>