array(class name, require data) 'annuaire' => array('AnnuaireMarketing', false), 'groupe' => array('GroupMarketing', true), 'liste' => array('ListMarketing', true), ); private $engine; public $sender_mail; public $user; private $type; private $data; private $from; private $sender; private $personal_notes; private $hash = ''; public function __construct($uid, $email, $type, $data, $from, $sender = null, $personal_notes = null) { $this->user = $this->getUser($uid, $email); $this->sender_mail = $this->getFrom($from, $sender); $this->engine =& $this->getEngine($type, $data, $from == 'user' ? $sender : null, $personal_notes); $this->type = $type; $this->data = $data; $this->from = $from; $this->sender = $sender; $this->personal_notes = $personal_notes; } private function getUser($uid, $email) { $user = User::getSilent($uid); if (!$user) { return null; } global $globals; return array( 'user' => $user, 'id' => $user->id(), 'sexe' => $user->isFemale(), 'mail' => $email, 'to' => '"' . $user->fullName() . '" <' . $email . '>', 'forlife_email' => $user->login() . '@' . $globals->mail->domain, 'forlife_email2' => $user->login() . '@' . $globals->mail->domain2, ); } private function getFrom($from, $sender) { global $globals; if ($from == 'staff' || !($user = User::getSilent($sender))) { return "\"L'équipe de\" mail->domain . '>'; } return '"' . $user->fullName() . '" <' . $user->bestEmail() . '>'; } private function &getEngine($type, $data, $from, $personal_notes) { $class = $type . 'Marketing'; if (!class_exists($class, false)) { $class= 'DefaultMarketing'; } $engine = new $class($data, $from, $personal_notes); if (!$engine instanceof MarketingEngine) { $engine = null; } return $engine; } public function getTitle() { return $this->engine->getTitle(); } public function getText() { return $this->engine->getText($this->user); } public function send($title = null, $text = null) { $this->hash = rand_url_id(12); if (!$title) { $title = $this->engine->getTitle(); } if (!$text) { $text = $this->engine->getText($this->user); } $sender = substr($this->sender_mail, 1, strpos($this->sender_mail, '"', 2)-1); $text = str_replace(array('%%hash%%', '%%sender%%', '%%personal_notes%%'), array($this->hash, "Cordialement,\n-- \n" . $this->sender_mail, ''), $text); $mailer = new PlMailer(); $mailer->setFrom($this->sender_mail); $mailer->addTo($this->user['mail']); $mailer->setSubject($title); $mailer->setTxtBody($text); $mailer->send(); $this->incr(); } public function add($valid = true) { XDB::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO register_marketing (uid, sender, email, date, last, nb, type, hash, message, message_data, personal_notes) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, NOW(), 0, 0, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $this->user['id'], $this->sender, $this->user['mail'], $this->from, $this->hash, $this->type, $this->data, $this->personal_notes); $this->engine->process($this->user); if ($valid) { $sender = User::getSilent($this->sender); $valid = new MarkReq($sender, $this->user['user'], $this->user['mail'], $this->from == 'user', $this->type, $this->data, $this->personal_notes); $valid->submit(); } return true; } private function incr() { XDB::execute('UPDATE register_marketing SET nb=nb+1, hash={?}, last=NOW() WHERE uid={?} AND email={?}', $this->hash, $this->user['id'], $this->user['mail']); } static public function getEngineList($exclude_data = true) { $array = array(); foreach (Marketing::$engines as $e => $d) { if (!$d[1] || !$exclude_data) { $array[] = $e; } } return $array; } static public function get($uid, $email, $recentOnly = false) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT uid, email, message, message_data, type, sender, personal_notes FROM register_marketing WHERE uid = {?} AND email = {?}".( $recentOnly ? ' AND DATEDIFF(NOW(), last) < 30' : ''), $uid, $email); if ($res->numRows() == 0) { return null; } list ($uid, $email, $type, $data, $from, $sender, $personal_notes) = $res->fetchOneRow(); return new Marketing($uid, $email, $type, $data, $from, $sender, $personal_notes); } static public function clear($uid, $email = null) { if (!$email) { XDB::execute("DELETE FROM register_marketing WHERE uid = {?}", $uid); } else { XDB::execute("DELETE FROM register_marketing WHERE uid = {?} AND email = {?}", $uid, $email); } } static public function relance(PlUser $user, $nbx = -1) { global $globals; if ($nbx < 0) { $nbx = $globals->core->NbIns; } $res = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT,, r.bestalias FROM register_pending WHERE r.hash = \'INSCRIT\' AND uid = {?}', $user->id()); if (!$res) { return false; } else { list($date, $email, $alias) = $res; } $hash = rand_url_id(12); $pass = rand_pass(); $pass_encrypted = sha1($pass); $fdate = strftime('%d %B %Y', strtotime($date)); $mymail = new PlMailer('marketing/relance.mail.tpl'); $mymail->assign('nbdix', $nbx); $mymail->assign('fdate', $fdate); $mymail->assign('lusername', $alias); $mymail->assign('nveau_pass', $pass); $mymail->assign('baseurl', $globals->baseurl); $mymail->assign('lins_id', $hash); $mymail->assign('lemail', $email); $mymail->assign('subj', $alias.'@'.$globals->mail->domain); $mymail->send(); XDB::execute('UPDATE register_pending SET hash={?}, password={?}, relance=NOW() WHERE uid={?}', $hash, $pass_encrypted, $user->id()); return $user->fullName(); } } interface MarketingEngine { public function __construct($data, $from, $personal_notes = null); public function getTitle(); public function getText(array $user); public function process(array $user); } class AnnuaireMarketing implements MarketingEngine { protected $titre; protected $intro; protected $signature; protected $personal_notes; public function __construct($data, $from, $personal_notes = null) { $this->titre = "Rejoins la communauté polytechnicienne sur Internet"; $this->intro = " Tu n'as pas de fiche dans l'annuaire des polytechniciens sur Internet. " . "Pour y figurer, il te suffit de visiter cette page ou de copier cette adresse " . "dans la barre de ton navigateur :"; if ($from === null) { $page = new XorgPage(); $page->changeTpl('include/signature.mail.tpl', NO_SKIN); $page->assign('mail_part', 'text'); $this->signature = $page->raw(); } else { $this->signature = '%%sender%%'; } if (is_null($personal_notes) || $personal_notes == '') { $this->personal_notes = '%%personal_notes%%'; } else { $this->personal_notes = "\n" . $personal_notes . "\n"; } } public function getTitle() { return $this->titre; } private function getIntro() { return $this->intro; } public function getSignature() { return $this->signature; } public function getPersonalNotes() { return $this->personal_notes; } protected function prepareText(PlPage $page, array $user) { $page->assign('intro', $this->getIntro()); $page->assign('u', $user); $page->assign('sign', $this->getSignature()); $page->assign('personal_notes', $this->getPersonalNotes()); } public function getText(array $user) { $page = new XorgPage(); $page->changeTpl('marketing/marketing.mail.tpl', NO_SKIN); $this->prepareText($page, $user); return $page->raw(); } public function process(array $user) { } } class ListMarketing extends AnnuaireMarketing { private $name; private $domain; public function __construct($data, $from, $personal_notes = null) { list($this->name, $this->domain) = explode('@', $data); if ($from && ($user = User::getSilent($from))) { $from = $user->fullName(); } else { $from = "Je"; } $this->titre = "Un camarade solicite ton inscription à $data"; $this->intro = ", l'annuaire des polytechniciens sur internet, " . "fournit de nombreux services aux groupes X, ainsi que des listes " . "de diffusion pour les X en faisant la demande.\n\n" . "$from solicite ton inscription à la liste <$data>. " . "Cependant, seuls les X inscrits sur peuvent " . "profiter de l'ensemble de nos services, c'est pourquoi nous te " . "proposons auparavant de t'inscrire sur notre site. Pour cela, il " . "te suffit de visiter cette page ou de copier cette adresse dans " . "la barre de ton navigateur :"; } public function process(array $user) { return XDB::execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO register_subs (uid, type, sub, domain) VALUES ({?}, 'list', {?}, {?})", $user['id'], $this->name, $this->domain); } } class GroupMarketing extends AnnuaireMarketing { private $group; public function __construct($data, $from, $personal_notes = null) { $this->group = $data; if ($from && ($user = User::getSilent($from))) { $from = $user->fullName() . " vient"; } else { $from = "Je viens"; } $this->titre = "Profite de ton inscription au groupe \"$data\" pour découvrir"; $this->intro = ", l'annuaire des polytechniciens sur internet, fournit " . "de nombreux services aux groupes X ( listes de diffusion, paiement en " . "ligne, sites internet...), en particulier pour le groupe \"$data\"\n\n" . "$from de t'inscrire dans l'annuaire du groupe \"$data\". " . "Cependant, seuls les X inscrits sur peuvent profiter " . "de l'ensemble de nos services, c'est pourquoi nous te proposons de " . "t'inscrire sur notre site . Pour cela, il te suffit de visiter cette page " . "ou de copier cette adresse dans la barre de ton navigateur :"; } public function process(array $user) { return XDB::execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO register_subs (uid, type, sub, domain) VALUES ({?}, 'group', {?}, '')", $user['id'], $this->group); } } /// Make AnnuaireMarketing to be the default message class DefaultMarketing extends AnnuaireMarketing { } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 enc=utf-8: ?>