activate_mail_redirection) { require_once(''); $storage = new EmailStorage($userid, 'googleapps'); $storage->activate(); } // Sends the 'account created' email to the user, with basic documentation. $res = XDB::query( "SELECT FIND_IN_SET('femme', u.flags), prenom FROM auth_user_md5 AS u INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON ( = u.user_id) WHERE a.alias = {?}", $forlife); list($sexe, $prenom) = $res->fetchOneRow(); $mailer = new PlMailer('googleapps/create.mail.tpl'); $mailer->assign('account', $account); $mailer->assign('email', $forlife . '@' . $globals->mail->domain); $mailer->assign('googleapps_domain', $globals->mailstorage->googleapps_domain); $mailer->assign('prenom', $prenom); $mailer->assign('sexe', $sexe); $mailer->send(); } // Post-processes the successful Google Apps account update queue job. function post_queue_u_update($job) { global $globals; // If the u_update job was an unsuspend request, re-adds the redirection // to the Google Apps delivery address, provided the account is active (it might // have been deleted between the unsuspension and the post-queue processing). $parameters = json_decode($job['j_parameters'], true); $forlife = isset($parameters['username']) ? $parameters['username'] : null; $userid = $job['q_recipient_id']; if (!$forlife || !$userid) { return; } if (isset($parameters['suspended']) && $parameters['suspended'] == false) { require_once(''); $account = new GoogleAppsAccount($userid, $forlife); if ($account->active()) { // Re-adds the email redirection (if the user did request it). if ($account->activate_mail_redirection) { $storage = new EmailStorage($userid, 'googleapps'); $storage->activate(); } // Sends an email to the account owner. $res = XDB::query( "SELECT FIND_IN_SET('femme', u.flags), prenom FROM auth_user_md5 AS u INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON ( = u.user_id) WHERE a.alias = {?}", $forlife); list($sexe, $prenom) = $res->fetchOneRow(); $mailer = new PlMailer('googleapps/unsuspend.mail.tpl'); $mailer->assign('account', $account); $mailer->assign('email', $forlife . '@' . $globals->mail->domain); $mailer->assign('prenom', $prenom); $mailer->assign('sexe', $sexe); $mailer->send(); } } } // Reprensentation of an SQL-stored Google Apps account. // This class is the interface with the gappsd SQL tables: gappsd is the python // daemon which deals with Google Apps provisioning APIs. // TODO(vincent.zanotti): add the url of gappsd, when available. class GoogleAppsAccount { // User identification: user id, and forlife. private $uid; public $g_account_name; // Local account parameters. public $sync_password; public $activate_mail_redirection; // Account status, obtained from Google Apps provisioning & reporting APIs. public $g_account_id; public $g_status; public $g_suspension; public $r_disk_usage; public $r_creation; public $r_last_login; public $r_last_webmail; public $reporting_date; // Pending requests in the gappsd job queue (cf. top note). public $pending_create; public $pending_delete; public $pending_update; public $pending_update_admin; public $pending_update_other; public $pending_update_password; public $pending_update_suspension; // Pending requests in plat/al validation queue. public $pending_validation_unsuspend; // Constructs the account object, by retrieving all informations from the // GApps account table, from GApps job queue, and from plat/al validation queue. public function __construct($uid, $account_name = NULL) { if ($account_name == NULL) { require_once ''; $account_name = get_user_forlife($uid, '_silent_user_callback'); } $this->uid = $uid; $this->g_account_name = $account_name; $this->g_status = NULL; $res = XDB::query( "SELECT l_sync_password, l_activate_mail_redirection, g_account_name, g_account_id, g_status, g_suspension, r_disk_usage, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(r_creation) as r_creation, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(r_last_login) as r_last_login, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(r_last_webmail) as r_last_webmail FROM gapps_accounts WHERE g_account_name = {?}", $account_name); if ($account = $res->fetchOneAssoc()) { $this->sync_password = $account['l_sync_password']; $this->activate_mail_redirection = $account['l_activate_mail_redirection']; $this->g_account_id = $account['g_account_id']; $this->g_status = $account['g_status']; $this->g_suspension = $account['g_suspension']; $this->r_disk_usage = $account['r_disk_usage']; $this->r_creation = $account['r_creation']; $this->r_last_login = $account['r_last_webmail']; $this->r_last_webmail = $account['r_last_webmail']; $this->load_pending_counts(); $this->load_pending_validations(); if ($this->pending_update) { $this->load_pending_updates(); } $res = XDB::query("SELECT MAX(date) FROM gapps_reporting"); $this->reporting_date = $res->fetchOneCell(); } } // Determines if changes to the Google Account are currently waiting in the // GApps job queue, and initializes the local values accordingly. private function load_pending_counts() { $res = XDB::query( "SELECT SUM(j_type = 'u_create') AS pending_create, SUM(j_type = 'u_update') AS pending_update, SUM(j_type = 'u_delete') AS pending_delete FROM gapps_queue WHERE q_recipient_id = {?} AND p_status IN ('idle', 'active', 'softfail') GROUP BY j_type", $this->uid); $pending = $res->fetchOneAssoc(); $this->pending_create = $pending['pending_create']; $this->pending_update = $pending['pending_update']; $this->pending_delete = $pending['pending_delete']; $this->pending_update_admin = false; $this->pending_update_other = false; $this->pending_update_password = false; $this->pending_update_suspension = false; } // Checks for unsuspend requests waiting for validation in plat/al // validation queue. private function load_pending_validations() { require_once(''); $this->pending_validation_unsuspend = Validate::get_typed_requests_count($this->uid, 'gapps-unsuspend'); } // Retrieves all the pending update job in the gappsd queue for the current // user, and analyzes the scope of the update (ie. the fields in the user // account which are going to be updated). private function load_pending_updates() { $res = XDB::iterator( "SELECT j_parameters FROM gapps_queue WHERE q_recipient_id = {?} AND p_status IN ('idle', 'active', 'softfail') AND j_type = 'u_update'", $this->uid); while ($update = $res->next()) { $update_data = json_decode($update["j_parameters"], true); if (isset($update_data["suspended"])) { $this->pending_update_suspension = true; } elseif (isset($update_data["password"])) { $this->pending_update_password = true; } elseif (isset($update_data["admin"])) { $this->pending_update_admin = true; } else { $this->pending_update_other = true; } } } // Creates a queue job of the @p type, for the user represented by this // GoogleAppsAccount object, using @p parameters. @p parameters is supposed // to be a one-dimension array of key-value mappings. // The created job as a 'normal' priority, and is scheduled for immediate // execution. private function create_queue_job($type, $parameters) { $parameters["username"] = $this->g_account_name; XDB::execute( "INSERT INTO gapps_queue SET q_owner_id = {?}, q_recipient_id = {?}, p_entry_date = NOW(), p_notbefore_date = NOW(), p_priority = 'normal', j_type = {?}, j_parameters = {?}", S::v('uid'), $this->uid, $type, json_encode($parameters)); } // Returns true if the account is currently active. public function active() { return $this->g_status == 'active'; } // Returns true if the account exists in Google Apps. public function provisioned() { return $this->g_status == 'active' or $this->g_status == 'disabled'; } // Returns true if the account exists, but cannot be used (user-requested // suspension, or Google-requested suspension). public function suspended() { return $this->g_status == 'disabled'; } // Changes the GoogleApps password. public function set_password($password) { if (!$this->provisioned()) { return; } if (!$this->pending_update_password) { $this->create_queue_job('u_update', array('password' => $password)); $this->pending_update_password = true; } } // Changes the password synchronization status ("sync = true" means that the // password will be replicated to the Google Apps account). public function set_password_sync($sync) { if (!$this->provisioned()) { return; } $this->sync_password = $sync; XDB::execute( "UPDATE gapps_accounts SET l_sync_password = {?} WHERE g_account_name = {?}", $sync, $this->g_account_name); } // Suspends the Google Apps account. public function suspend() { if (!$this->provisioned()) { return; } if (!$this->pending_update_suspension) { $this->create_queue_job('u_update', array('suspended' => true)); $this->pending_update_suspension = true; XDB::execute( "UPDATE gapps_accounts SET g_status = 'disabled' WHERE g_account_name = {?} AND g_status = 'active'", $this->g_account_name); } } // Adds an unsuspension request to the validation queue (used on user-request). public function unsuspend($activate_mail_redirection = NULL) { if (!$this->provisioned()) { return; } if ($activate_mail_redirection !== NULL) { $this->activate_mail_redirection = $activate_mail_redirection; XDB::execute( "UPDATE gapps_accounts SET l_activate_mail_redirection = {?} WHERE g_account_name = {?}", $activate_mail_redirection, $this->g_account_name); } if (!$this->pending_update_suspension && !$this->pending_validation_unsuspend) { require_once(''); $unsuspend = new GoogleAppsUnsuspendReq($this->uid); $unsuspend->submit(); $this->pending_validation_unsuspend = true; } } // Unsuspends the Google Apps account (used on admin-request, or on validation of // an user-request). public function do_unsuspend() { if (!$this->provisioned()) { return; } if (!$this->pending_update_suspension) { if ($this->sync_password) { $res = XDB::query( "SELECT password FROM auth_user_md5 WHERE user_id = {?}", $this->uid); $password = ($res->numRows() > 0 ? $res->fetchOneCell() : false); } else { $password = false; } if ($password) { $this->create_queue_job('u_update', array('suspended' => false, 'password' => $password)); } else { $this->create_queue_job('u_update', array('suspended' => false)); } $this->pending_update_suspension = true; return true; } return false; } // Creates a new Google Apps account with the @p local parameters. public function create($password_sync, $password, $redirect_mails) { if ($this->g_status != NULL) { return; } if (!$this->pending_create) { // Retrieves information on the new account. $res = XDB::query( "SELECT nom, nom_usage, prenom FROM auth_user_md5 WHERE user_id = {?}", $this->uid); list($nom, $nom_usage, $prenom) = $res->fetchOneRow(); // Adds an 'unprovisioned' entry in the gapps_accounts table. XDB::execute( "INSERT INTO gapps_accounts SET l_userid = {?}, l_sync_password = {?}, l_activate_mail_redirection = {?}, g_account_name = {?}, g_first_name = {?}, g_last_name = {?}, g_status = 'unprovisioned'", $this->uid, $password_sync, $redirect_mails, $this->g_account_name, $prenom, ($nom_usage ? $nom_usage : $nom)); // Adds the creation job in the GApps queue. $this->create_queue_job( 'u_create', array( 'username' => $this->g_account_name, 'first_name' => $prenom, 'last_name' => ($nom_usage ? $nom_usage : $nom), 'password' => $password, )); // Updates the GoogleAppsAccount status. $this->__construct($this->uid, $this->g_account_name); } } // Returns the status of the Google Apps account for @p user, or false // when no account exists. static public function account_status($uid) { $res = XDB::query( "SELECT g_status FROM gapps_accounts WHERE l_userid = {?}", $uid); return ($res->numRows() > 0 ? $res->fetchOneCell() : false); } // Returns true if the @p user is an administrator of the Google Apps domain. static public function is_administrator($uid) { $res = XDB::query( "SELECT g_admin FROM gapps_accounts WHERE l_userid = {?} AND g_status = 'active'", $uid); return ($res->numRows() > 0 ? (bool)$res->fetchOneCell() : false); } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>