next()) { $html .= sprintf("\n", $my_id, ($current==$my_id?"selected='selected'":""), $my_pays); } return $html; } /** donne la liste deroulante des regions pour un pays * @param $pays le pays dont on veut afficher les regions * @param $current la region actuellement selectionnee */ function geoloc_region($country, $current, $avail_only = false) { if ($avail_only) { $res = XDB::iterRow('SELECT r.region, FROM geoloc_region AS r INNER JOIN adresses AS a ON ( = r.a2 AND a.region = r.region) WHERE r.a2 = {?} GROUP BY r.region ORDER BY', $country); } else { $res = XDB::iterRow('SELECT region,name FROM geoloc_region WHERE a2 = {?} ORDER BY name', $country); } $html = ""; while (list($regid, $regname) = $res->next()) { $html .= sprintf("\n", $regid, ($current==$regid?"selected='selected'":""), $regname); } return $html; } // }}} // {{{ get_address_infos($txt) /** retrieve the infos on a text address * store on the fly the info of the city concerned * @param $txt the raw text of an address */ function get_address_infos($txt) { global $globals; $url = $globals->geoloc->webservice_url."address.php?precise=1&txt=" . urlencode($txt); if (!($f = @fopen($url, 'r'))) return false; $keys = explode('|',fgets($f)); $vals = explode('|',fgets($f)); $infos = array(); foreach ($keys as $i=>$key) { if($vals[$i]) { if ($key == 'sql') { $infos[$key] = $vals[$i]; } else { $val = strtr($vals[$i], array(chr(197).chr(147) => "œ")); $infos[$key] = $val; } } } if (isset($infos['sql']) && $infos['sql']) XDB::execute("REPLACE INTO geoloc_city VALUES ".$infos['sql']); if (isset($infos['display']) && $infos['display']) XDB::execute("UPDATE geoloc_pays SET display = {?} WHERE a2 = {?}", $infos['display'], $infos['country']); if (isset($infos['cityid'])) fix_cities_not_on_map(1, $infos['cityid']); return $infos; } // }}} // {{{ get_cities_maps($array) /* get all the maps id of the cities contained in an array */ function get_cities_maps($array) { global $globals; implode("\n",$array); $url = $globals->geoloc->webservice_url."findMaps.php?datatext=".urlencode(implode("\n", $array)); if (!($f = @fopen($url, 'r'))) return false; $maps = array(); while (!feof($f)) { $l = trim(fgets($f)); $tab = explode(';', $l); $i = $tab[0]; unset($tab[0]); $maps[$i] = $tab; } return $maps; } // }}} // {{{ get_new_maps($url) /** set new maps from url **/ function get_new_maps($url) { if (!($f = @fopen($url, 'r'))) { return false; } XDB::query('TRUNCATE TABLE geoloc_maps'); $s = ''; while (!feof($f)) { $l = fgetcsv($f, 1024, ';', '"'); foreach ($l as $i => $val) { if ($val != 'NULL') { $l[$i] = '\''.addslashes($val).'\''; } } $s .= ',('.implode(',',$l).')'; } XDB::execute('INSERT INTO geoloc_maps VALUES '.substr($s, 1)); return true; } // }}} // {{{ get_address_text($adr) /** make the text of an address that can be read by a mailman * @param $adr an array with all the usual fields */ function get_address_text($adr) { $t = ""; if (isset($adr['adr1']) && $adr['adr1']) $t.= $adr['adr1']; if (isset($adr['adr2']) && $adr['adr2']) $t.= "\n".$adr['adr2']; if (isset($adr['adr3']) && $adr['adr3']) $t.= "\n".$adr['adr3']; $l = ""; if (isset($adr['display']) && $adr['display']) { $keys = explode(' ', $adr['display']); foreach ($keys as $key) { if (isset($adr[$key])) { $l .= " ".$adr[$key]; } else { $l .= " ".$key; } } if ($l) substr($l, 1); } elseif ($adr['country'] == 'US' || $adr['country'] == 'CA' || $adr['country'] == 'GB') { if ($adr['city']) $l .= $adr['city'].",\n"; if ($adr['region']) $l .= $adr['region']." "; if ($adr['postcode']) $l .= $adr['postcode']; } else { if (isset($adr['postcode']) && $adr['postcode']) $l .= $adr['postcode']." "; if (isset($adr['city']) && $adr['city']) $l .= $adr['city']; } if ($l) $t .= "\n".trim($l); if ($adr['country'] != '00' && (!$adr['countrytxt'] || $adr['countrytxt'] == strtoupper($adr['countrytxt']))) { $res = XDB::query("SELECT pays FROM geoloc_pays WHERE a2 = {?}", $adr['country']); $adr['countrytxt'] = $res->fetchOneCell(); } if (isset($adr['countrytxt']) && $adr['countrytxt']) { $t .= "\n".$adr['countrytxt']; } return trim($t); } // }}} // {{{ compare_addresses_text($a, $b) /** compares if two address matches * @param $a the raw text of an address * @param $b the raw text of a complete valid address */ function compare_addresses_text($a, $b) { $ta = strtoupper(preg_replace(array("/[0-9,\"'#~:;_\- ]/", "/\r\n/"), array("", "\n"), $a)); $tb = strtoupper(preg_replace(array("/[0-9,\"'#~:;_\- ]/", "/\r\n/"), array("", "\n"), $b)); $la = explode("\n", $ta); $lb = explode("\n", $tb); if (count($lb) > count($la) + 1) { return false; } foreach ($la as $i=>$l) { if (levenshtein(trim($l), trim($lb[$i])) > 3) { return false; } } return true; } // }}} function empty_address() { return Array( "adr1" => "", "adr2" => "", "adr3" => "", "cityid" => NULL, "city" => "", "postcode" => "", "region" => "", "regiontxt" => "", "country" => "00", "countrytxt" => ""); } // create a simple address from a text without geoloc function cut_address($txt) { $txt = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $txt); ereg("^([^\n]*)(\n([^\n]*)(\n(.*))?)?$", trim($txt), $a); return array("adr1" => trim($a[1]), "adr2" => trim($a[3]), "adr3" => trim(str_replace("\n", " ", $a[5]))); } // {{{ localize_addresses($uid) /* localize all the address of a user and modify the database * if the new address match with the old one * @param $uid the id of the user */ function localize_addresses($uid) { $res = XDB::iterator("SELECT * FROM adresses WHERE uid = {?} and (cityid IS NULL OR cityid = 0)", $uid); $erreur = Array(); while ($a = $res->next()) { $new = get_address_infos($ta = get_address_text($a)); if (compare_addresses_text($ta, get_address_text($new))) { XDB::execute("UPDATE adresses SET adr1 = {?}, adr2 = {?}, adr3 = {?}, cityid = {?}, city = {?}, postcode = {?}, region = {?}, regiontxt = {?}, country = {?}, glat = {?}, glng = {?} WHERE uid = {?} AND adrid = {?}", $new['adr1'], $new['adr2'], $new['adr3'], $new['cityid'], $new['city'], $new['postcode'], $new['region'], $new['regiontxt'], $new['country'], $new['precise_lat'], $new['precise_lon'], $uid, $a['adrid']); $new['store'] = true; if (!$new['cityid']) { $erreur[$a['adrid']] = $new; } } else { $new['store'] = false; $erreur[$a['adrid']] = $new; } } return $erreur; } // }}} // {{{ synchro_city($id) /** synchronise the local geoloc_city base to * @param $id the id of the city to synchronize */ function synchro_city($id) { global $globals; $url = $globals->geoloc->webservice_url."cityFinder.php?method=id&id=".$id."&out=sql"; if (!($f = @fopen($url, 'r'))) { return false; } $s = fgets($f); if ($s) { return XDB::execute("REPLACE INTO geoloc_city VALUES ".$s) > 0; } } // }}} // {{{ function fix_cities_not_on_map($limit) function fix_cities_not_on_map($limit=false, $cityid=false) { $missing = XDB::query("SELECT FROM geoloc_city AS c LEFT JOIN geoloc_city_in_maps AS m ON( = m.city_id) WHERE m.city_id IS NULL" . ($cityid ? " AND = '" . $cityid . "'" : "" ) . ($limit ? " LIMIT $limit" : "" )); $maps = get_cities_maps($missing->fetchColumn()); if ($maps) { $values = ""; foreach ($maps as $cityid => $maps_c) { foreach ($maps_c as $map_id) { $values .= ",($cityid, $map_id, '')"; } } XDB::execute("REPLACE INTO geoloc_city_in_maps VALUES ".substr($values, 1)); } else { return false; } return true; } function set_smallest_levels() { $maxlengths = XDB::iterRow("SELECT MAX(LENGTH(gm.path)), gcim.city_id FROM geoloc_city_in_maps AS gcim INNER JOIN geoloc_maps AS gm USING ( map_id ) GROUP BY gcim.city_id"); while (list($length, $id) = $maxlengths->next()) { XDB::execute("UPDATE geoloc_city_in_maps AS gcim INNER JOIN geoloc_maps AS gm USING(map_id) SET gcim.infos = IF(LENGTH(gm.path) = {?}, 'smallest', '') WHERE gcim.city_id = {?}", $length, $id); } return true; } // }}} function geoloc_to_x($lon, $lat) { return deg2rad(1) * $lon *100; } function geoloc_to_y($lon, $lat) { if ($lat < -75) { return latToY(-75); } if ($lat > 75) { return latToY(75); } return -100 * log(tan(pi()/4 + deg2rad(1)/2*$lat)); } function size_of_city($nb) { $s = round(log($nb + 1)*2,2); if ($s < 1) { return 1; } return $s; } function size_of_territory($nb) { return size_of_city($nb); } function geoloc_getData_subcities($mapid, $SFields, &$cities, $direct=true) { if ($SFields instanceof UserSet) { $set = $SFields; $SFields = array(); } else { $set = new UserSet(); } for ($i_mapfield=0; $i_mapfield < count($SFields) ; $i_mapfield++) { if ($SFields[$i_mapfield]->fieldFormName == 'mapid') { break; } } $SFields[$i_mapfield] = new MapSField('mapid', array('gcim.map_id'), array('adresses','geoloc_city_in_maps'), array('am','gcim'), array(getadr_join('am'), 'am.cityid = gcim.city_id'), $mapid); $fields = new SFieldGroup(true, $SFields); $where = $fields->get_where_statement(); $joins = $fields->get_select_statement(); if ($where) { $where .= ' AND '; } $cityres = $set->get(', gc.lon / 100000 AS x, AS y,, COUNT(u.user_id) AS pop, SUM( % 2) AS yellow', "$joins LEFT JOIN geoloc_city AS gc ON(gcim.city_id =", $where . ($direct ? "gcim.infos = 'smallest'" : '1'), ', gc.alias', 'pop DESC'); while ($c = $cityres->next()) { if ($c['pop'] > 0) { $city = $c; $city['x'] = geoloc_to_x($c['x'], $c['y']); $city['y'] = geoloc_to_y($c['x'], $c['y']); $city['size'] = size_of_city($c['pop']); $cities[$c['id']] = $city; } } } function geoloc_getData_subcountries($mapid, $sin, $minentities) { $countries = array(); $cities = array(); if ($mapid === false) { $wheremapid = "WHERE gm.parent IS NULL"; } else { $wheremapid = "WHERE gm.parent = {?}"; } $submapres = XDB::iterator( "SELECT gm.map_id AS id,, gm.x, gm.y, gm.xclip, gm.yclip, gm.width, gm.height, gm.scale, 1 AS rat FROM geoloc_maps AS gm ". $wheremapid, Env::v('mapid','')); global $globals; while ($c = $submapres->next()) { $country = $c; $country['color'] = 0xFFFFFF; $country['swf'] = $globals->geoloc->webservice_url."maps/mercator/map_".$c['id'].".swf"; $countries[$c['id']] = $country; } if ($mapid === false) { return array($countries, $cities); } geoloc_getData_subcities(Env::i('mapid'), $sin, $cities); $nbcities = count($cities); $nocity = $nbcities == 0; if ($sin instanceof UserSet) { $set = $sin; $SFields = array(); } else { $set = new UserSet(); $SFields = $sin; } for ($i_mapfield=0; $i_mapfield < count($SFields) ; $i_mapfield++) { if ($SFields[$i_mapfield]->fieldFormName == 'mapid') { break; } } $SFields[$i_mapfield] = new MapSField('mapid', array('map.parent'), array('adresses','geoloc_city_in_maps','geoloc_maps'), array('am','gcim','map'), array(getadr_join('am'), 'am.cityid = gcim.city_id', 'map.map_id = gcim.map_id')); $fields = new SFieldGroup(true, $SFields); $where = $fields->get_where_statement(); $joins = $fields->get_select_statement(); $countryres = $set->get('map.map_id AS id, COUNT(u.user_id) AS nbPop, SUM( % 2) AS yellow, COUNT(DISTINCT gcim.city_id) AS nbCities, SUM(IF(u.user_id IS NULL,0,am.glng)) AS lonPop, SUM(IF(u.user_id IS NULL, 0,am.glat)) AS latPop', $joins, $where, 'map.map_id', 'NULL'); $maxpop = 0; $nbentities = $nbcities + $countryres->total(); while ($c = $countryres->next()) { $c['latPop'] /= $c['nbPop']; $c['lonPop'] /= $c['nbPop']; $c['rad'] = size_of_territory($c['nbPop']); if ($maxpop < $c['nbPop']) $maxpop = $c['nbPop']; $c['xPop'] = geoloc_to_x($c['lonPop'], $c['latPop']); $c['yPop'] = geoloc_to_y($c['lonPop'], $c['latPop']); @$countries[$c['id']] = array_merge($countries[$c['id']], $c); $nbcities += $c['nbCities']; } if ($nocity && $nbcities < $minentities){ foreach($countries as $i => $c) { $countries[$i]['nbPop'] = 0; if (@$c['nbCities'] > 0) { geoloc_getData_subcities($c['id'], $sin, $cities, false); } } } foreach ($countries as $i => $c) { if ($c['nbPop'] > 0) { $lambda = pow($c['nbPop'] / $maxpop,0.3); $countries[$i]['color'] = 0x0000FF + round((1-$lambda) * 0xFF)*0x010100; } } return array($countries, $cities); } // }}} // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>