fetchOneCell()) { return; } XDB::execute("UPDATE aliases SET flags=CONCAT(flags,',','bestalias') WHERE id={?} AND type!='homonyme' ORDER BY !FIND_IN_SET('usage',flags),alias LIKE '%.%', LENGTH(alias) LIMIT 1", $uid); } // }}} // {{{ function valide_email() function valide_email($str) { global $globals; $em = trim(rtrim($str)); $em = str_replace('<', '', $em); $em = str_replace('>', '', $em); list($ident, $dom) = explode('@', $em); if ($dom == $globals->mail->domain or $dom == $globals->mail->domain2) { list($ident1) = explode('_', $ident); list($ident) = explode('+', $ident1); } return $ident . '@' . $dom; } // }}} // {{{ class Bogo class Bogo { // {{{ properties var $state; var $_states = Array('let_spams', 'tag_spams', 'tag_and_drop_spams', 'drop_spams'); // }}} // {{{ constructor function Bogo($uid) { if (!$uid) { return; } $res = XDB::query('SELECT email FROM emails WHERE uid={?} AND flags="filter"', $uid); if ($res->numRows()) { $this->state = $res->fetchOneCell(); } else { $this->state = 'tag_and_drop_spams'; $res = XDB::query("INSERT INTO emails (uid,email,rewrite,panne,flags) VALUES ({?},'tag_and_drop_spams','','0000-00-00','filter')", $uid); } } // }}} // {{{ function change() function change($uid, $state) { $this->state = is_int($state) ? $this->_states[$state] : $state; XDB::execute('UPDATE emails SET email={?} WHERE uid={?} AND flags = "filter"', $this->state, $uid); } // }}} // {{{ function level() function level() { return array_search($this->state, $this->_states); } // }}} } // }}} // {{{ class Email class Email { // {{{ properties var $email; var $active; var $broken; var $rewrite; var $panne; var $last; var $panne_level; // }}} // {{{ constructor function Email($row) { list($this->email, $flags, $this->rewrite, $this->panne, $this->last, $this->panne_level) = $row; $this->active = ($flags == 'active'); $this->broken = ($flags == 'panne'); } // }}} // {{{ function activate() function activate($uid) { if (!$this->active) { XDB::execute("UPDATE emails SET panne_level = IF(flags = 'panne', panne_level - 1, panne_level), flags = 'active' WHERE uid={?} AND email={?}", $uid, $this->email); $_SESSION['log']->log("email_on", $this->email.($uid!=S::v('uid') ? "(admin on $uid)" : "")); $this->active = true; $this->broken = false; } } // }}} // {{{ function deactivate() function deactivate($uid) { if ($this->active) { XDB::execute("UPDATE emails SET flags ='' WHERE uid={?} AND email={?}", $uid, $this->email); $_SESSION['log']->log("email_off",$this->email.($uid!=S::v('uid') ? "(admin on $uid)" : "") ); $this->active = false; } } // }}} // {{{ function rewrite() function rewrite($rew, $uid) { if ($this->rewrite == $rew) { return; } XDB::execute('UPDATE emails SET rewrite={?} WHERE uid={?} AND email={?}', $rew, $uid, $this->email); $this->rewrite = $rew; return; } // }}} } // }}} // {{{ class Redirect class Redirect { // {{{ properties var $flag_active = 'active'; var $emails; var $bogo; var $uid; // }}} // {{{ function Redirect() function Redirect($_uid) { $this->uid=$_uid; $res = XDB::iterRow(" SELECT email, flags, rewrite, panne, last, panne_level FROM emails WHERE uid = {?} AND flags != 'filter'", $_uid); $this->emails=Array(); while ($row = $res->next()) { $this->emails[] = new Email($row); } $this->bogo = new Bogo($_uid); } // }}} // {{{ function other_active() function other_active($email) { foreach ($this->emails as $mail) { if ($mail->email!=$email && $mail->active) { return true; } } return false; } // }}} // {{{ function delete_email() function delete_email($email) { if (!$this->other_active($email)) { return ERROR_INACTIVE_REDIRECTION; } XDB::execute('DELETE FROM emails WHERE uid={?} AND email={?}', $this->uid, $email); $_SESSION['log']->log('email_del',$email.($this->uid!=S::v('uid') ? " (admin on {$this->uid})" : "")); foreach ($this->emails as $i=>$mail) { if ($email==$mail->email) { unset($this->emails[$i]); } } return SUCCESS; } // }}} // {{{ function add_email() function add_email($email) { $email_stripped = strtolower(trim($email)); if (!isvalid_email($email_stripped)) { return ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL; } if (!isvalid_email_redirection($email_stripped)) { return ERROR_LOOP_EMAIL; } XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO emails (uid,email,flags) VALUES({?},{?},"active")', $this->uid, $email); if ($logger = S::v('log', null)) { // may be absent --> step4.php $logger->log('email_add',$email.($this->uid!=S::v('uid') ? " (admin on {$this->uid})" : "")); } foreach ($this->emails as $mail) { if ($mail->email == $email_stripped) { return SUCCESS; } } $this->emails[] = new Email(array($email,1,'','0000-00-00')); // security stuff $res = XDB::query("SELECT state, description FROM emails_watch WHERE state != 'safe' AND email = {?}", $email); if ($res->numRows()) { $row = $res->fetchOneAssoc(); $message = "L'email $email vient d'être ajouté aux redirections de ". S::v('forlife') . ". Cette adresse est surveillée avec l'état *" . $row['state'] . "* et la description :\n" . $row['description']; $message = wordwrap($message); require_once("diogenes/diogenes.hermes.inc.php"); $mailer = new HermesMailer(); $mailer->setFrom("webmaster@polytechnique.org"); $mailer->addTo("hotliners@staff.polytechnique.org"); $mailer->setSubject("ALERTE LORS DE L'AJOUT DE REDIRECTION de " . S::v('prenom') . ' ' . S::v('nom') . '(' . S::v('promo') . ')'); $mailer->setTxtBody($message . "\n\nInformations de connexion :\n" . var_export($_SERVER, true)); $mailer->send(); } return SUCCESS; } // }}} // {{{ function modify_email() function modify_email($emails_actifs,$emails_rewrite) { foreach ($this->emails as $i=>$mail) { if (in_array($mail->email,$emails_actifs)) { $this->emails[$i]->activate($this->uid); } else { $this->emails[$i]->deactivate($this->uid); } $this->emails[$i]->rewrite($emails_rewrite[$mail->email], $this->uid); } } function modify_one_email($email, $activate) { $allinactive = true; $thisone = false; foreach ($this->emails as $i=>$mail) { if ($mail->email == $email) { $thisone = $i; } $allinactive &= !$mail->active || $mail->email == $email; } if ($thisone === false) { return ERROR_INVALID_EMAIL; } if ($allinactive || $activate) $this->emails[$thisone]->activate($this->uid); else $this->emails[$thisone]->deactivate($this->uid); if ($allinactive && !$activate) { return ERROR_INACTIVE_REDIRECTION; } else { return SUCCESS; } } function modify_one_email_redirect($email, $redirect) { foreach ($this->emails as $i=>$mail) { if ($mail->email == $email) { $this->emails[$i]->rewrite($redirect, $this->uid); return; } } } // }}} } // }}} // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker: ?>