HTTP_WebDAV_Server(); // construct new session each time, there is no practical way // of tracking sessions with WebDAV clients $_SESSION['session'] = new $globals->session; $this->debug_capture = $globals->debugwebdav_capture; // init debug log if necessary if ($globals->debugwebdav) { $this->debugInit($globals->debugwebdav); register_shutdown_function(array(&$this, 'debugClose')); } } /** * Hack to support barrels on virtualhosts. * * @param path * @param for_html */ function _urlencode($path, $for_html=false) { if ($this->barrel->vhost) { $path = preg_replace("/^(.*)\/site\/{$this->barrel->alias}\/(.*)/", "/\$2",$path); } return parent::_urlencode($path, $for_html); } /** * Perform authentication * * @param type HTTP Authentication type (Basic, Digest, ...) * @param user Username * @param pass Password */ function check_auth($type, $user, $pass) { global $globals; // WebDAV access is only granted for users who log in if (!$_SESSION['session']->doAuthWebDAV($user,$pass)) return false; // we retrieve the user's permissions on the current barrel $_SESSION['session']->setBarrelPerms($this->barrel->alias); return true; } /** * Handle a request to copy a file or directory. * * @param options */ function copy($options) { // we do not allow copying files return "403 Forbidden"; } /** * Open the debugging log file */ function debugInit($debugfile) { if (empty($debugfile)) return; // open the log file if ($fp = fopen($debugfile, "a")) { $this->debug_handle = $fp; } } /** * Log a debugging message */ function debug($func, $msg) { if (isset($this->debug_handle)) { $out = sprintf("[%s] %s : %s\n",date("H:i:s"), $func, $msg); fputs($this->debug_handle, $out); } } /** * Close the debugging log file */ function debugClose() { if (isset($this->debug_handle)) { fclose($this->debug_handle); } } /** * Handle a request to delete a file or directory. * * @param options */ function delete($options) { global $globals; $pathinfo = $this->parsePathInfo($options["path"]); // get the page ID and write permissions for the current path $pid = $this->barrel->getPID($pathinfo['dir']); if (!$pid || !$bpage = Diogenes_Barrel_Page::fromDb($this->barrel, $pid)) { $this->debug('delete', "Could not find directory {$pathinfo['dir']}"); return false; } // check permissions if (!$_SESSION['session']->hasPerms($bpage->props['wperms'])) { $this->debug('delete', "Insufficient privileges (needed : {$bpage->props['wperms']})"); return "403 Forbidden"; } // create an RCS handle $rcs = $this->getRcs(); $rcs->del($pid,$pathinfo['file']); return "204 No content"; } /** * Return information about a file or directory. * * @param fspath path of the filesystem entry * @param uri the address at which the item is visible */ function fileinfo($fspath, $uri) { global $globals; $file = array(); $file["path"]= $uri; $file["props"][] = $this->mkprop("displayname", strtoupper($uri)); $file["props"][] = $this->mkprop("creationdate", filectime($fspath)); $file["props"][] = $this->mkprop("getlastmodified", filemtime($fspath)); if (is_dir($fspath)) { $file["props"][] = $this->mkprop("getcontentlength", 0); $file["props"][] = $this->mkprop("resourcetype", "collection"); $file["props"][] = $this->mkprop("getcontenttype", "httpd/unix-directory"); } else { $file["props"][] = $this->mkprop("resourcetype", ""); $file["props"][] = $this->mkprop("getcontentlength", filesize($fspath)); if (is_readable($fspath)) { $file["props"][] = $this->mkprop("getcontenttype", get_mime_type($fspath)); } else { $file["props"][] = $this->mkprop("getcontenttype", "application/x-non-readable"); } } return $file; } /** * Handle a GET request. * * @param options */ function GET(&$options) { global $globals; $pathinfo = $this->parsePathInfo($options["path"]); // get the page ID and read permissions for the current path $pid = $this->barrel->getPID($pathinfo['dir']); if (!$pid || !$bpage = Diogenes_Barrel_Page::fromDb($this->barrel, $pid)) { $this->debug('PROPFIND', "Could not find directory {$pathinfo['dir']}"); return false; } // check permissions if (!$_SESSION['session']->hasPerms($bpage->props['perms'])) { $this->debug('PROPFIND', "Insufficient privileges (needed : {$bpage->props['perms']})"); return "403 Forbidden"; } // create stream $fspath = $this->barrel->spool->spoolPath($pid,$pathinfo['file']); if (file_exists($fspath)) { $options['mimetype'] = get_mime_type($fspath); // see rfc2518, section 13.7 // some clients seem to treat this as a reverse rule // requiering a Last-Modified header if the getlastmodified header was set $options['mtime'] = filemtime($fspath); $options['size'] = filesize($fspath); // TODO check permissions/result $options['stream'] = fopen($fspath, "r"); return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Return an RCS handle. */ function getRcs() { global $globals; return new $globals->rcs($this,$this->barrel->alias,$_SESSION['session']->username); } /** * PROPFIND method handler * * @return void */ function http_PROPFIND() { $this->debug('http_PROPFIND', "called"); return parent::http_PROPFIND(); } /** Report an information. Needed for RCS operations. * * @param msg * * @see DiogenesRcs */ function info($msg) { // we do nothing } /** * Die with a given error message. Needed for RCS operations. * * @param msg * * @see DiogenesRcs */ function kill($msg) { $this->http_status("400 Error"); exit; } /** * Record an action to the log. Needed for RCS operations. * * @param action * @param data * * @see DiogenesRcs */ function log($action,$data) { if (isset($_SESSION['log']) && is_object($_SESSION['log'])) $_SESSION['log']->log($action,$data); } /** * Handle an MKCOL (directory creation) request. * * @param options */ function MKCOL($options) { // we do not allow directory creations return "403 Forbidden"; } /** * Handle a request to move/rename a file or directory. * * @param options */ function move($options) { // we do not allow moving files return "403 Forbidden"; } /** * Break down a PATH_INFO into site, page id and file for WebDAV * We accept a missing trailing slash after the directory name. * * @param path the path to parse */ function parsePathInfo($path) { global $globals; $this->debug('parsePathInfo', "path : $path"); if (empty($path) || !preg_match("/^\/([^\/]+)\/webdav(\/((.+)\/)?([^\/]*))?$/",$path,$asplit)) return false; $split['alias'] = $asplit[1]; $split['dir'] = isset($asplit[4]) ? $asplit[4] : ""; $split['file'] = isset($asplit[5]) ? $asplit[5] : ""; // check that what we considered as a file is not in fact a directory // with a missing trailing slash /* if ( empty($split['dir']) and !empty($split['file']) and (mysql_num_rows($globals->db->query("select location from {$split['alias']}_page where location='{$split['file']}'"))>0)) { $split['dir'] = $split['file']; $split['file'] = ""; } */ return $split; } /** * Handle a PROPFIND request. * * @param options * @param files */ function PROPFIND($options, &$files) { global $globals; $pathinfo = $this->parsePathInfo($options["path"]); // get the page ID and read permissions for the current path $pid = $this->barrel->getPID($pathinfo['dir']); if (!$pid || !$bpage = Diogenes_Barrel_Page::fromDb($this->barrel, $pid)) { $this->debug('PROPFIND', "Could not find directory {$pathinfo['dir']}"); return false; } // check permissions if (!$_SESSION['session']->hasPerms($bpage->props['perms'])) { $this->debug('PROPFIND', "Insufficient privileges (needed : {$bpage->props['perms']})"); return "403 Forbidden"; } // get absolute fs path to requested resource $fspath = $this->barrel->spool->spoolPath($pid,$pathinfo['file']); // sanity check if (!file_exists($fspath)) { return false; } // prepare property array $files["files"] = array(); // store information for the requested path itself $files["files"][] = $this->fileinfo($fspath, $options["path"]); // information for contained resources requested? if (!$pathinfo['file'] && !empty($options["depth"])) { // make sure path ends with '/' if (substr($options["path"],-1) != "/") { $options["path"] .= "/"; } // list the sub-directories $res = $globals->db->query("select PID,location from {$this->barrel->table_page} where parent='$pid'"); while (list($dpid,$dloc) = mysql_fetch_row($res)) { $dpath = $this->barrel->spool->spoolPath($dpid); $duri = $options["path"].$dloc; $files["files"][] = $this->fileinfo($dpath, $duri); } mysql_free_result($res); // now list the files in the current directory $handle = @opendir($fspath); if ($handle) { // ok, now get all its contents while ($filename = readdir($handle)) { if ($filename != "." && $filename != "..") { $fpath = $this->barrel->spool->spoolPath($pid,$filename); $furi = $options["path"].$filename; if (!is_dir($fpath)) $files["files"][] = $this->fileinfo ($fpath, $furi); } } } } // ok, all done return true; } /** * Handle a PROPPATCH request. * * @param options */ function proppatch(&$options) { global $prefs, $tab; $msg = ""; $path = $options["path"]; $dir = dirname($path)."/"; $base = basename($path); foreach($options["props"] as $key => $prop) { if($ns == "DAV:") { $options["props"][$key][$status] = "403 Forbidden"; } } return ""; } /** * Handle a PUT request. * * @param options */ function PUT(&$options) { global $globals; $pathinfo = $this->parsePathInfo($options["path"]); // we do not support multipart if (!empty($options["ranges"])) return "501"; // get the page ID and write permissions for the current path $pid = $this->barrel->getPID($pathinfo['dir']); if (!$pid || !$bpage = Diogenes_Barrel_Page::fromDb($this->barrel, $pid)) { $this->debug('PROPFIND', "Could not find directory {$pathinfo['dir']}"); return false; } // check permissions if (!$_SESSION['session']->hasPerms($bpage->props['wperms'])) { $this->debug('PROPFIND', "Insufficient privileges (needed : {$bpage->props['wperms']})"); return "403 Forbidden"; } // create an RCS handle $rcs = $this->getRcs(); $options["new"] = !file_exists($rcs->rcsFile($pid,$pathinfo['file'])); // read content $content = ""; while (!feof($options["stream"])) { $content .= fread($options["stream"], 4096); } // if this is a barrel page, strip extraneous tags if ($pathinfo['file'] == $globals->htmlfile) $content = $rcs->importHtmlString($content); // perform commit if (!$rcs->commit($pid,$pathinfo['file'],$content,"WebDAV PUT of {$pathinfo['file']}")) return "400 Error"; // if this is Word master document, do the HTML conversion if ($globals->word_import && $pathinfo['file'] == $globals->wordfile) { $myfile = $this->barrel->spool->spoolPath($pid,$globals->wordfile); $rcs->importWordFile($pid, $globals->htmlfile, $myfile); } return $options["new"] ? "201 Created" : "204 No Content"; } /** * Serve a webdav request */ function ServeRequest() { global $globals; // break down path into site and location components if (!($pathinfo = $this->parsePathInfo($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']))) { $this->http_status("404 not found"); exit; } // Retrieve site-wide info from database $this->barrel = new Diogenes_Barrel($pathinfo['alias'], $this); if (!$this->barrel->alias) { $this->debug("Could not find barrel '{$pathinfo['alias']}'"); $this->http_status("404 not found"); exit; } $this->debug('ServeRequest', "barrel : ".$this->barrel->alias); // Debugging info $props = array( 'REQUEST_METHOD', 'REQUEST_URI', 'SCRIPT_NAME', 'PATH_INFO'); foreach ($props as $prop) { $this->debug('ServeRequest', "$prop : ". $_SERVER[$prop]); } // Here we perform some magic on the script name (on PHP 4.3.10) // If the script is addressed by REQUEST_URI /site/foo/bar/ : // - Apache 1.x returns /site as the SCRIPT_NAME // - Apache 2.x returns /site.php as the SCRIPT_NAME // // We set SCRIPT_NAME to match the REQUEST_URI minus the PATH_INFO // $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 0, - strlen($_SERVER['PATH_INFO'])); $this->debug('ServeRequest', "SCRIPT_NAME(mod) : ". $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); // turn on output buffering ob_start(); // let the base class do all the work parent::ServeRequest(); // stop output buffering $out = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); // to support barrels on virtualhosts, we rewrite the URLs if ($this->barrel->vhost) { $ohref = (@$_SERVER["HTTPS"] === "on" ? "https:" : "http:"); $ohref.= "//".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $ohref.= "/" . $this->barrel->alias . "/webdav/"; $this->debug('ServeRequest', "ohref : ".$ohref); $vhref = (@$_SERVER['HTTPS'] === "on" ? "https:" : "http:"); $vhref.= "//".$this->barrel->vhost . "/webdav/"; $this->debug('ServeRequest', "vhref : ".$vhref); $out = str_replace($ohref, $vhref, $out); $out = str_replace('/'.strtoupper($this->barrel->alias).'/WEBDAV/', '/WEBDAV/', $out); } // send output echo $out; // if requested, log the output that is sent to the client if ($this->debug_capture) { $this->debug('ServeRequest', "out\n--- begin --\n$out--- end ---\n"); } } } ?>