DiogenesSpool($caller,$alias); $this->rcsdir = "{$globals->rcsroot}/$alias"; $this->login = $login; // if we were asked to, created directories if ($init) { if (!is_dir($this->rcsdir)) mkdir($this->rcsdir, 0700); if (!is_dir($this->datadir)) mkdir($this->datadir, 0700); } // check RCS directory if (!is_dir($this->rcsdir) || !is_writable($this->rcsdir)) $this->kill("'{$this->rcsdir}' is not a writable directory"); // check spool directory if (!is_dir($this->datadir) || !is_writable($this->datadir)) $this->kill("'{$this->datadir}' is not a writable directory"); } /** Return the path of an RCS "item" (file or directory). * * @param parent parent directory (optional) * @param entry the item */ function rcsPath($parent="",$entry="") { $this->checkPath($parent,$entry); return $this->rcsdir.($parent ? "/$parent": "") . ($entry ? "/$entry" : ""); } /** Return the path of an RCS file (something,v). * * @param dir parent directory * @param file the RCS entry */ function rcsFile($dir,$file) { return $this->rcsPath($dir,$file).",v"; } /** Check whether a file is registered in RCS. * * @param dir parent directory * @param file the RCS entry */ function checkFile($dir, $file) { return is_file($this->rcsFile($dir, $file)); } /** Perform sanity check on an RCS directory * and the corresponding checkout in the spool * * @param dir */ function checkDir($dir) { return is_dir($this->rcsPath($dir)) && is_writable($this->rcsPath($dir)) && is_dir($this->spoolPath($dir)) && is_writable($this->spoolPath($dir)); } /** Do a checkout of an RCS item to a given location. * * @param dir parent directory * @param file the RCS entry * @param rev the revision to check out * @param output the directory to which we want to perform the checkout */ function checkout($dir,$file,$rev,$output) { $this->info("RCS : checkout out $file ($rev).."); $rfile = $this->rcsFile($dir,$file); if ($this->cmdExec("co -q -r".escapeshellarg($rev)." ".escapeshellarg($rfile)." ".escapeshellarg("$output/$file"))) { $this->info("RCS : Error, checkout failed!"); $this->info($this->cmdStatus()); return; } return "$output/$file"; } /** Commit an RCS item. Returns true for succes, false for an error. * * @param dir parent directory * @param file the RCS entry * @param content the contents of the new revision * @param message the log message for this revision */ function commit($dir,$file,$content,$message="") { $this->info("RCS : checking in '$file'.."); // check directories if (!$this->checkDir($dir)) { // error $this->info("RCS : Error, RCS sanity check for '$dir' failed!"); return false; } // log commit attempt $this->log("rcs_commit","{$this->alias}:$dir/$file:$message"); $sfile = $this->spoolPath($dir,$file); $rfile = $this->rcsFile($dir,$file); // if the RCS file does not exist, create it if (!file_exists($rfile)) { if ($this->cmdExec("echo '' | rcs -q -i ".escapeshellarg($rfile))) { // error $this->info("RCS : Error, could not initialise RCS file '$rfile'!"); $this->info($this->cmdStatus()); return false; } } // lock the spool file if ($this->cmdExec("co -q -l ".escapeshellarg($rfile)." ".escapeshellarg($sfile))) { // error $this->info("RCS : Error, could not get RCS lock on file '$file'!"); $this->info($this->cmdStatus()); return false; } if ($fp = fopen($sfile,"w")) { fwrite($fp,$content); fclose($fp); if ($this->cmdExec("ci -q -w".escapeshellarg($this->login). ($message ? " -m".escapeshellarg($message) : ""). " ". escapeshellarg($sfile). " ". escapeshellarg($rfile))) { // error $this->info("RCS : Error, checkin failed!"); $this->info($this->cmdStatus()); return false; } if ($this->cmdExec("co -q ".escapeshellarg($rfile)." ".escapeshellarg($sfile))) { // error $this->info("RCS : Error, checkout after checkin failed!"); $this->info($this->cmdStatus()); return false; } } return true; } /** Make a copy of an RCS item to a given location. * * @param sdir the source directory * @param sfile the source RCS entry * @param ddir the destination directory * @param dfile the destination RCS entry */ function copy($sdir,$sfile,$ddir,$dfile) { $this->info("RCS : copying '$sfile' to '$ddir/$dfile'.."); $spath = $this->spoolPath($sdir, $sfile); if (!is_file($spath)) { $this->info("Error: source file '$spath' does not exist!"); return false; } if (!$this->checkDir($ddir)) { $this->info("Error: directory '$ddir' does not exist!"); return false; } if ($this->checkFile($ddir, $dfile)) { $this->info("Error: file '$dfile' already exists in '$ddir'!"); return false; } return $this->commit($ddir,$dfile, file_get_contents($spath), "copied from '$ddir/$sfile'"); } /** Delete an RCS file and its corresponding spool entry. * * @param dir parent directory * @param file the RCS entry */ function del($dir,$file) { $this->info("RCS : deleting '$file'.."); $this->log("rcs_delete","{$this->alias}:$dir/$file"); @unlink($this->spoolPath($dir,$file)); @unlink($this->rcsFile($dir,$file)); } /** Retrieve differences between two version of a file. * * @param dir parent directory * @param file the RCS entry * @param r1 the first revision * @param r2 the second revision */ function diff($dir,$file,$r1,$r2) { $rfile = $this->rcsFile($dir,$file); $this->info("RCS : diffing '$file' ($r1 to $r2).."); $this->cmdExec("rcsdiff -r".escapeshellarg($r1). " -r".escapeshellarg($r2)." ".escapeshellarg($rfile)); return $this->cmd_output; } /** Converts a Word document to HTML and commits the resulting * HTML and images. * * @param dir * @param htmlfile * @param wordfile */ function importWordFile($dir,$htmlfile,$wordfile) { global $globals; if (!$globals->word_import) { $this->info("Error : support for word import is disabled!"); return false; } $func = "importWordFile_{$globals->word_import}"; if (!method_exists($this, $func)) { $this->info("Error : the utility '$globals->word_import' is not supported!"); return false; } return $this->$func($dir, $htmlfile, $wordfile); } /** Converts a Word document to HTML using wvHtml and commits the resulting * HTML and images. * * @param dir * @param htmlfile * @param wordfile */ function importWordFile_wvHtml($dir,$htmlfile,$wordfile) { $tmphtmlfile = "importWord.html"; if (($tmpdir = System::mktemp('-d')) == false) { $this->info("Error : could not create temporary directory!"); return false; } if ($this->cmdExec("wvHtml --targetdir=".escapeshellarg($tmpdir). " --charset=iso-8859-15 ". escapeshellarg($wordfile)." ".escapeshellarg($tmphtmlfile))) { $this->info("Error : wvHtml returned an error!"); $this->info($this->cmdStatus()); return false; } if (!$dh = opendir($tmpdir)) { $this->info("Error : could not find temporary directory '$tmpdir'!"); return false; } // process the files generated by wvHtml $ok = true; while (($myentry = readdir($dh)) != false) { if (is_file($myfile = "$tmpdir/$myentry")) { if ($myentry == $tmphtmlfile) { $ok = $ok && $this->commit($dir,$htmlfile, $this->importHtmlString(file_get_contents($myfile)), "Word file import"); } else { $ok = $ok && $this->commit($dir,$myentry,file_get_contents($myfile), "Word file import"); } } } closedir($dh); return $ok; } /** Returns raw log entries for an RCS item. * * @param dir parent directory * @param file the RCS entry */ function logEntries($dir,$file) { $rfile = $this->rcsFile($dir,$file); $this->cmdExec("rlog ".escapeshellarg($rfile)); return $this->cmd_output; } /** Parse the log entries for an RCS item into an array. * * @param dir parent directory * @param file the RCS entry */ function logParse($dir,$file) { // get the log, drop last 2 lines $lines = $this->logEntries($dir,$file); array_pop($lines); array_pop($lines); // split into revision, drop first block $revs = split("----------------------------\n", implode("\n",$lines)); array_shift($revs); // parse info about the revisions $revinfo = array(); foreach ($revs as $rev) { $myrev = array(); $lines = explode("\n",$rev); preg_match("/^revision (.+)$/",array_shift($lines),$res); $myrev['rev'] = $res[1]; preg_match("/^date: ([^;]+); author: ([^;]+); .*$/",array_shift($lines),$res); $myrev['date'] = $res[1]; $myrev['author'] = $res[2]; $myrev['log'] = implode("\n",$lines); array_push($revinfo,$myrev); } return $revinfo; } /** Move an RCS item to a given location. * * @param sdir the source directory * @param sfile the source RCS entry * @param ddir the destination directory * @param dfile the destination RCS entry */ function move($sdir,$sfile,$ddir,$dfile) { $this->info("RCS : moving '$sfile' to '$ddir/$dfile'.."); // check source files $spath = $this->spoolPath($sdir, $sfile); $srpath = $this->rcsFile($sdir, $sfile); if (!is_file($spath)) { $this->info("Error: source file '$spath' does not exist!"); return false; } if (!is_file($srpath)) { $this->info("Error: source RCS file '$srpath' does not exist!"); return false; } // check destination $dpath = $this->spoolPath($ddir, $dfile); $drpath = $this->rcsFile($ddir, $dfile); if (!$this->checkDir($ddir)) { $this->info("Error: directory '$ddir' does not exist!"); return false; } if (file_exists($dpath)) { $this->info("Error: file '$dfile' already exists in '$ddir'!"); return false; } if (file_exists($drpath)) { $this->info("Error: file '".basename($drpath)."' already exists in '$ddir'!"); return false; } if (!rename($spath, $dpath)) { $this->info("Error: failed to move '".basename($spath)."' to '".basename($dpath)."' in '$ddir'!"); return false; } if (!rename($srpath, $drpath)) { $this->info("Error: failed to move '".basename($srpath)."' to '".basename($drpath)."' in '$ddir'!"); return false; } //$this->log("rcs_move","{$this->alias}:$dir/$file"); return true; } /** Add a new RCS-managed directory. * * @param parent the parent directory * @param dir the directory to add */ function newdir($parent,$dir) { @mkdir($this->rcsPath($parent,$dir),0700); @mkdir($this->spoolPath($parent,$dir),0700); } /** Retrieve differences between two version of a file and prepare for output. * * @param dir parent directory * @param file the RCS entry * @param r1 the first revision * @param r2 the second revision */ function dispDiff($dir,$file,$r1,$r2) { $lns = "[0-9]+|[0-9]+,[0-9]+"; // get diff, strip any leading comments $lines = $this->diff($dir,$file,$r1,$r2); $line = ""; while (!preg_match("/^($lns)([acd])($lns)/",$line)) $line = array_shift($lines); array_unshift($lines,$line); $raw = implode("\n",$lines); $blocks = preg_split("/($lns)([acd])($lns)\n/",$raw,-1,PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $out = array(); $lold = array_shift($blocks); while ($lold!='') { $type = array_shift($blocks); $lnew = array_shift($blocks); $diff = array_shift($blocks); switch ($type) { case 'c': list($a,$b) = split("---\n",$diff,2); break; case 'a': $a = ""; $b = $diff; break; case 'd': $a = $diff; $b = ""; break; } array_push($out,array($lold,$type,$lnew,$a,$b)); $lold = array_shift($blocks); } //array_push($out,array($type,$a,$b)); return $out; } /** Return an RCS-managed directory. * * @param dir the directory * @param loc the visible location for the directory * @param canedit can we edit files in this directory? */ function dispDir($dir,$loc,$canedit) { $entries = array(); if ($pdir = @opendir($this->rcsPath($dir))) { while ( ($file = readdir($pdir)) !== false) { if ( ($file != ".") && ($file != "..") ) { $entry = $this->dispEntry($dir,$loc,$file,$canedit); if (!empty($entry)) array_push($entries, $entry); } } closedir($pdir); } return $entries; } /** Returns an RCS "item" (file or directory). * * @param dir parent directory * @param loc visible location for parent directory * @param file the RCS "item" * @param canedit can we edit files this entry? */ function dispEntry($dir,$loc,$file,$canedit) { global $globals; $view = $edit = $del = $size = $rev = ""; $myitem = $this->rcsPath($dir,$file); // check the RCS entry exists if (!file_exists($myitem)) { $this->info("RCS entry '$myitem' does not exist!"); return; } if (is_dir($myitem)) { // this is a directory, this should not happen! $this->info("Unexpected directory in RCS, skipping : '$myitem'"); return; } else if (substr($file,-2) == ",v") { // this is an RCS file $file = substr($file,0,-2); // check we have a working copy of this item $spoolitem = $this->spoolPath($dir,$file); if (!is_file($spoolitem)) { $this->info("Could not find working copy '$spoolitem'!"); $size = ""; $icon = ""; } else { $size = $this->dispSize(filesize($spoolitem)); $icon = $globals->icons->get_mime_icon($spoolitem); } // revision info $myrev = array_shift($tmparr = $this->logParse($dir,$file)); return array( "icon" => $icon, "file" => $file, "rev" => array($myrev['rev'],$rev), "date" => $myrev['date'], "author" => $myrev['author'], "size" => $size ); } else { $this->info("Unknown RCS entry type : '$myitem'"); return; } } /** Format a file size for display. * * @param size the size, in bytes */ function dispSize($size) { if ($size < 1000) return "$size B"; else if ($size < 1000000) return floor($size/1000)." kB"; else return floor($size/1000000)." MB"; } } ?>