dbh =& $globals->db; // call parent constructor $this->DiogenesCorePage(); // register Smarty functions $this->register_function("menu","diogenes_func_menu"); // common Smarty assignments $this->assign('poweredby', $globals->urlise(__("Powered by Diogenes") . " {$globals->version}")); $this->assign('phplayersmenu', $this->url("phplayersmenu")); $this->assign_by_ref('head', $this->head); $this->assign_by_ref('menuitems', $this->menu); // debugging assignments $this->assign('msg_debug_bar', __("debugging")); $this->assign('msg_debug_calltrace', __("call trace")); $this->assign('msg_debug_dbtrace', __("database trace")); $this->assign('msg_debug_plugins', __("plugins")); } /** Display a Smarty template. * * @param $template the template for the current page * @param $master the master template */ function display($template, $master = '') { global $globals; $this->assign('page_template', $template); if ($globals->debugdatabase) $this->assign('db_trace',$globals->db->trace_format($this)); if ($globals->debugplugins) $this->assign('plugins_trace',$globals->plugins->trace_format($this)); if (($globals->debugplugins) || ($globals->debugdatabase)) $this->assign('debug_css', $this->url("common.css")); $this->makeMenu(); if (!$master) $master = $this->getTemplate(); parent::display($master); } /** Perform a logout. This should destroy both the session * and the logger objects. */ function doLogout() { global $globals; $this->log('auth_logout', ''); unset($_SESSION['log']); $_SESSION['session'] = new $globals->session; } /** Returns the master template for the current context. */ function getTemplate() { global $globals; if ($globals->template) { // we have a system-wide default template, get its full path $tpl = $this->templatePath($globals->template); } else { // fall back on the default template $tpl = 'master.tpl'; } return $tpl; } /** Returns the available master templates. */ function getTemplates() { global $globals; // the default template $templates[0] = ""; // lookup templates in the template directory if ($globals->template_dir && is_dir($globals->template_dir)) { $files = System::find($globals->template_dir.' -maxdepth 1 -name *.tpl'); foreach ($files as $file) $templates["global:".basename($file)] = "[global] ".basename($file); } return $templates; } /** Send an HTTP status header. * * @param code the HTTP status code */ function httpStatus($code) { $message = array( 400 => "HTTP/1.0 400 Bad Request", 403 => "HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden; Access Denied; Banned", 404 => "HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found", 500 => "HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error", ); if (!headers_sent()) header(isset($message[$code]) ? $message[$code] : "HTTP/1.0 $code"); } /** Report an information. * * @param msg */ function info($msg) { $this->append('status',$msg); } /** Is the user logged in ? */ function isLogged() { return isset($_SESSION['session']) && $_SESSION['session']->hasPerms('auth'); } /** Is the user a root ("toplevel") admin ? */ function isRoot() { return isset($_SESSION['session']) && $_SESSION['session']->hasPerms('root'); } /** Die and display an error message. * * @param $msg the message to display * @param $code the HTTP status code to send */ function kill($msg, $code = 500) { if ($this->_dying) { // We're in a loop of kills. This is very, very bad. // We need to bale as quick as possible, because we can't rely on // *any* system code to not be the source of the kill() call. echo "

Very fatal error: $msg

\n"; exit; } $this->_dying = true; $this->httpStatus($code); $this->assign('greeting', __("Diogenes error")); $this->assign('page', __("Error")); $this->assign('page_content', "


"); $this->display(''); exit; } /** Display the dreaded "file not found page". * * @param msg optional extra error message */ function kill404($msg = "") { if ($msg) $this->info($msg); $this->kill( __("The requested document was not found."), 404); } /** Log an information. * * @param action * @param data */ function log($action,$data="") { if (isset($_SESSION['log']) && is_object($_SESSION['log'])) $_SESSION['log']->log($action,$data); } /** Make the menu. */ function makeMenu() { } /** Start session handling. */ function startSession() { global $globals; session_start(); if (!isset($_SESSION['session'])) $_SESSION['session'] = new $globals->session; } /** Returns the path to a given template. */ function templatePath($template) { global $globals; $bits = split(":", $template); switch ($bits[0]) { case "global": $path = $globals->template_dir."/". $bits[1]; break; default: $this->kill("Unkown template type : '$template'"); } return $path; } /** Adds a toolbar to the top of the page. * * @param title * @param items */ function toolbar($title, $items) { $this->append('toolbars', array('title'=>$title, 'items'=>$items)); } /** Returns the URL to a Diogenes barrel. * * @param alias * @param vhost * @param rel */ function urlBarrel($alias,$vhost,$rel="") { global $globals; return $vhost ? "http://$vhost/$rel" : "{$globals->rooturl}site/$alias/$rel"; } } /** Displays a full menu. * * Parameters * +items the menu items * +style menu style (0, 1, 2) * +theme menu theme * * @param params the function input */ function diogenes_func_menu($params) { global $globals; extract($params); if (empty($items)) return; switch($style) { case 1: case 2: include("phplayersmenu/PHPLIB.php"); include("phplayersmenu/layersmenu-common.inc.php"); include("phplayersmenu/treemenu.inc.php"); $tmp = ""; $firstlevel = 0; $counter = 0; foreach ($items as $item) { $level = array_shift($item); // remember the level of the first entry if ($counter == 0) $firstlevel = $level; $dots = str_repeat(".",$level+1); $link = array_shift($item); $text = array_shift($item); $expanded = array_shift($item); $tmp .= "$dots|$link|$text||||$expanded\n"; $counter++; } $mid = new TreeMenu(); $mid->setLibjsdir($globals->root."/htdocs/phplayersmenu/"); $mid->setImgwww($globals->rooturl."phplayersmenu/$theme/"); $mid->setMenuStructureString($tmp); $mid->parseStructureForMenu("diogenesmenu"); $out = $mid->newTreeMenu("diogenesmenu"); // this hack takes care of menus starting with 'orphan' child entries if (($firstlevel > 0) && ($pos = strpos($out,"
"))) { $insert = str_repeat("
\n", $firstlevel); $out = substr($out,0,$pos) . $insert . substr($out,$pos); } break; case 0: default: $out = "
"; $oLevel = 0; $oExpanded = 1; foreach($items as $item) { $level = $item[0]; $expanded = isset($item[3]) ? $item[3] : 0; if ($oExpanded || $level <= $oLevel) { $out .= diogenes_func_menu_item(compact("item")); $oLevel = $level; $oExpanded = $expanded; } } $out .= "
"; break; } return $out; } ?>