forlife = $forlife; global $globals; Banana::$msgedit_canattach = false; Banana::$spool_root = $globals->banana->spool_root; array_push(Banana::$msgparse_headers, 'x-org-id', 'x-org-mail'); Banana::$nntp_host = 'news://web_'.$forlife . ":{$globals->banana->password}@{$globals->banana->server}:{$globals->banana->port}/"; if (S::has_perms()) { Banana::$msgshow_mimeparts[] = 'source'; } Banana::$debug_nntp = ($globals->debug & 1); if (!S::v('core_rss_hash')) { Banana::$feed_active = false; } parent::__construct($params); } public function run() { global $platal, $globals; // Update last unread time $time = null; if (!is_null($this->params) && isset($this->params['updateall'])) { $time = intval($this->params['updateall']); $_SESSION['banana_last'] = $time; } // Get user profile from SQL $req = XDB::query("SELECT nom, mail, sig, FIND_IN_SET('threads',flags), FIND_IN_SET('automaj',flags) FROM {$globals->banana->table_prefix}profils WHERE uid={?}", S::i('uid')); if (!(list($nom,$mail,$sig,$disp,$maj) = $req->fetchOneRow())) { $nom = S::v('prenom')." ".S::v('nom'); $mail = S::v('forlife').""; $sig = $nom." (".S::v('promo').")"; $disp = 0; $maj = 1; } if ($maj) { $time = time(); } // Build user profile $req = XDB::query(" SELECT nom FROM {$globals->banana->table_prefix}abos LEFT JOIN {$globals->banana->table_prefix}list ON list.fid=abos.fid WHERE uid={?}", S::i('uid')); Banana::$profile['headers']['From'] = "$nom <$mail>"; Banana::$profile['headers']['Organization'] = 'Utilisateur de'; Banana::$profile['signature'] = $sig; Banana::$profile['display'] = $disp; Banana::$profile['autoup'] = $maj; Banana::$profile['lastnews'] = S::v('banana_last'); Banana::$profile['subscribe'] = $req->fetchColumn(); // Update the "unread limit" if (!is_null($time)) { XDB::execute("UPDATE auth_user_quick SET banana_last = FROM_UNIXTIME({?}) WHERE user_id={?}", $time, S::i('uid')); } if (!empty($GLOBALS['IS_XNET_SITE'])) { Banana::$page->killPage('forums'); Banana::$page->killPage('subscribe'); Banana::$spool_boxlist = false; } else { // Register custom Banana links and tabs if (!Banana::$profile['autoup']) { Banana::$page->registerAction('path . '", "updateall", ' . time() . ')\'>' . 'Marquer tous les messages comme lus' . '', array('forums', 'thread', 'message')); } Banana::$page->registerPage('profile', 'Préférences', null); } // Run Banana return parent::run(); } public function post($dest, $reply, $subject, $body) { global $globals; $res = XDB::query('SELECT nom, prenom, promo, b.alias AS bestalias FROM auth_user_md5 AS u INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON ( = u.user_id) INNER JOIN aliases AS b ON ( = AND FIND_IN_SET(\'bestalias\', b.flags)) WHERE a.alias = {?}', $this->forlife); list($nom, $prenom, $promo, $bestalias) = $res->fetchOneRow(); Banana::$profile['headers']['From'] = "$prenom $nom ($promo) <$bestalias@{$globals->mail->domain}>"; Banana::$profile['headers']['Organization'] = 'Utilisateur de'; return parent::post($dest, $reply, $subject, $body); } protected function action_saveSubs($groups) { global $globals; $uid = S::v('uid'); Banana::$profile['subscribe'] = array(); XDB::execute("DELETE FROM {$globals->banana->table_prefix}abos WHERE uid={?}", $uid); if (!count($groups)) { return true; } $req = XDB::iterRow("SELECT fid,nom FROM {$globals->banana->table_prefix}list"); $fids = array(); while (list($fid,$fnom) = $req->next()) { $fids[$fnom] = $fid; } $diff = array_diff($groups, array_keys($fids)); foreach ($diff as $g) { XDB::execute("INSERT INTO {$globals->banana->table_prefix}list (nom) VALUES ({?})", $g); $fids[$g] = XDB::insertId(); } foreach ($groups as $g) { XDB::execute("INSERT INTO {$globals->banana->table_prefix}abos (fid,uid) VALUES ({?},{?})", $fids[$g], $uid); Banana::$profile['subscribe'][] = $g; } } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>