user = &$user; global $globals; Banana::$msgedit_canattach = false; Banana::$spool_root = $globals->spoolroot . '/spool/banana/'; array_push(Banana::$msgparse_headers, 'x-org-id', 'x-org-mail'); Banana::$nntp_host = self::buildURL($user->login()); if (S::admin()) { Banana::$msgshow_mimeparts[] = 'source'; } Banana::$debug_nntp = ($globals->debug & DEBUG_BT); Banana::$debug_smarty = ($globals->debug & DEBUG_SMARTY); Banana::$feed_active = S::hasAuthToken(); parent::__construct($params, 'NNTP', 'PlatalBananaPage'); if (@$params['action'] == 'profile') { Banana::$action = 'profile'; } } public static function buildURL($login = null) { global $globals; $scheme = ($globals->banana->port == 563) ? "nntps" : "news"; $user = $globals->banana->web_user; if ($login != null) { $user .= '_' . $login; } return $scheme . '://' . $user . ":{$globals->banana->password}@{$globals->banana->server}:{$globals->banana->port}/"; } private function fetchProfile() { // Get user profile from SQL $req = XDB::query("SELECT name, mail, sig, FIND_IN_SET('threads',flags) AS threads, FIND_IN_SET('automaj',flags) AS maj, FIND_IN_SET('xface', flags) AS xface, tree_unread, tree_read FROM forum_profiles WHERE uid = {?}", $this->user->id()); if ($req->numRows()) { $infos = $req->fetchOneAssoc(); } else { $infos = array(); } if (empty($infos['name'])) { $infos = array('name' => $this->user->fullName(), 'mail' => $this->user->forlifeEmail(), 'sig' => $this->user->displayName(), 'threads' => false, 'maj' => true, 'xface' => false, 'tree_unread' => 'o', 'tree_read' => 'dg' ); } return $infos; } public function run() { global $platal, $globals; // Update last unread time $time = null; if (!is_null($this->params) && isset($this->params['updateall'])) { $time = intval($this->params['updateall']); $this->user->banana_last = $time; } $infos = $this->fetchProfile(); if ($infos['maj']) { $time = time(); } // Build user profile $req = XDB::query("SELECT name FROM forum_subs AS fs LEFT JOIN forums AS f ON (f.fid = fs.fid) WHERE uid={?}", $this->user->id()); Banana::$profile['headers']['From'] = $infos['name'] . ' <' . $infos['mail'] . '>'; Banana::$profile['headers']['Organization'] = make_Organization(); Banana::$profile['signature'] = $infos['sig']; Banana::$profile['display'] = $infos['threads']; Banana::$profile['autoup'] = $infos['maj']; Banana::$profile['lastnews'] = $this->user->banana_last; Banana::$profile['subscribe'] = $req->fetchColumn(); Banana::$tree_unread = $infos['tree_unread']; Banana::$tree_read = $infos['tree_read']; // Update the "unread limit" if (!is_null($time)) { XDB::execute('UPDATE forum_profiles SET last_seen = FROM_UNIXTIME({?}) WHERE uid = {?}', $time, $this->user->id()); if (XDB::affectedRows() == 0) { XDB::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO forum_profiles (uid, last_seen) VALUES ({?}, FROM_UNIXTIME({?}))', $this->user->id(), $time); } } if (!empty($GLOBALS['IS_XNET_SITE'])) { Banana::$page->killPage('forums'); Banana::$page->killPage('subscribe'); Banana::$spool_boxlist = false; } else { // Register custom Banana links and tabs if (!Banana::$profile['autoup']) { Banana::$page->registerAction('path . '", "updateall", ' . time() . ')\'>' . 'Marquer tous les messages comme lus' . '', array('forums', 'thread', 'message')); } Banana::$page->registerPage('profile', 'Préférences', null); } // Run Bananai if (Banana::$action == 'profile') { Banana::$page->run(); return $this->action_updateProfile(); } else { return parent::run(); } } public function post($dest, $reply, $subject, $body) { global $globals; Banana::$profile['headers']['From'] = $this->user->fullName() . ' <' . $this->user->bestEmail() . '>'; Banana::$profile['headers']['Organization'] = make_Organization(); return parent::post($dest, $reply, $subject, $body); } protected function action_saveSubs($groups) { global $globals; $uid = $this->user->id(); Banana::$profile['subscribe'] = array(); XDB::execute('DELETE FROM forum_subs WHERE uid = {?}', $this->user->id()); if (!count($groups)) { return true; } $fids = XDB::fetchAllAssoc('name', 'SELECT fid, name FROM forums'); $diff = array_diff($groups, array_keys($fids)); foreach ($diff as $g) { XDB::execute('INSERT INTO forums (name) VALUES ({?})', $g); $fids[$g] = XDB::insertId(); } foreach ($groups as $g) { XDB::execute('INSERT INTO forum_subs (fid, uid) VALUES ({?}, {?})', $fids[$g], $uid); Banana::$profile['subscribe'][] = $g; } } protected function action_updateProfile() { global $globals; $page =& Platal::page(); $colors = glob(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../htdocs/images/banana/m2*.gif'); foreach ($colors as $key=>$path) { $path = basename($path, '.gif'); $colors[$key] = substr($path, 2); } $page->assign('colors', $colors); if (Post::has('action') && Post::v('action') == 'Enregistrer') { S::assert_xsrf_token(); $flags = new PlFlagSet(); if (Post::b('bananadisplay')) { $flags->addFlag('threads'); } if (Post::b('bananaupdate')) { $flags->addFlag('automaj'); } if (Post::b('bananaxface')) { $flags->addFlag('xface'); } $unread = Post::s('unread'); $read = Post::s('read'); if (!in_array($unread, $colors) || !in_array($read, $colors)) { $page->trigError('Le choix de type pour l\'arborescence est invalide'); } else { $last_seen = XDB::query('SELECT last_seen FROM forum_profiles WHERE uid = {?}', $this->user->id()); if ($last_seen->numRows() > 0) { $last_seen = $last_seen->fetchOneCell(); } else { $last_seen = '0000-00-00'; } XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO forum_profiles (uid, sig, mail, name, flags, tree_unread, tree_read, last_seen) VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $this->user->id(), Post::v('bananasig'), Post::v('bananamail'), Post::v('banananame'), $flags, $unread, $read, $last_seen); $page->trigSuccess('Ton profil a été mis à jour'); } } $infos = $this->fetchProfile(); $page->assign('nom' , $infos['name']); $page->assign('mail', $infos['mail']); $page->assign('sig', $infos['sig']); $page->assign('disp', $infos['threads']); $page->assign('maj', $infos['maj']); $page->assign('xface', $infos['xface']); $page->assign('unread', $infos['tree_unread']); $page->assign('read', $infos['tree_read']); return null; } } // vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: ?>